UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /23 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== chilicuil_away is now known as chilicuil
[03:00] <pleia2> mhall119: policy-wise, to start out we figure CC members who want to moderate will be the ones, then we go from there
=== chilicuil is now known as chilicuil_away
[08:00] <dholbach> good morning
[09:21] <czajkowski> aloha
[15:39] <jcastro_> dear mhall119
[15:39] <mhall119> ?
[15:39] <jcastro_> Encourage the hell out of this guy: https://launchpad.net/steam-lens/
[15:39] <jcastro_> thanks, the internet.
[15:39] <mhall119> oh? how does that work
[15:40] <smartboyhw> Ooh
[15:40] <mhall119> hmmm, no code, no bugs, no blueprints....
[15:41] <smartboyhw> Seeming that guy only has nine karma
[15:41] <smartboyhw> And he only joined the Ubuntu TV Interest Group..
[15:42] <mhall119> karma don't matter
[15:42] <smartboyhw> mhall119, it doesn't matter indeed
[15:43] <smartboyhw> But looks quite weird coming out from this guy though
[15:43] <jcastro_> mhall119: I didn't investigate, I just saw a link
[15:44] <mhall119> jcastro_: I've emailed him
[15:45] <jcastro_> http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/882966056629847498/
[15:45] <jcastro_> more info
[15:46] <smartboyhw> jcastro_, now it seems more legit:P
[15:46] <mhall119> hopefully I can talk him into re-using existing lenses, or making a generic gaming lens
[16:06] <jcastro_> is jono back from kid leave yet?
[16:06] * jcastro_ has no idea how long that is
[16:07] <dholbach> jcastro_, another half a week I think
[16:07] <dholbach> but maybe I misunderstood
[16:07] <jcastro_> yeah! paaaaarty!
[16:58] <dholbach> all right my friends
[16:58] <dholbach> have a great weekend everyone
[16:58] <dholbach> big hugs
[16:58] <dholbach> and see you on monday
[20:10] <JoseeAntonioR> Hey guys, regarding the last loco-contacts@l.u.c email, what about having a canonical form, and getting a LP team just for loco contacts?
[20:10] <JoseeAntonioR> maybe that can work with a forms.canonical.com form
[20:13] <mhall119> JoseeAntonioR: are we sure that this was a problem with our process, and not just a simple human error?
[20:31] <JoseeAntonioR> I know, but that may work if we want to ensure it :)
[20:31] <JoseeAntonioR> anyways
[20:32] <czajkowski> human error
[20:32] <czajkowski> plus some teams refuse to have a team contact
[20:32] <czajkowski> and have a council
[20:32] <czajkowski> so not possible
[20:33] <bkerensa> SergioMeneses: pong
[20:33] <bkerensa> ah
[20:33] <bkerensa> :)
[21:31] <czajkowski> bkerensa: any particular wiki page you're referecing in your mail
[21:35] <czajkowski> bkerensa:I should also say *snip* your mails also when replying so you do that too :)
[21:35] <czajkowski> It's never been an issue before tbh, sometimes other members of a team order conference packs but not CD packs and it's always been delivered.
[21:57] <JanC> I know for a fact that some people have ordered CDs for conferences without even being a member of the locoteam
[21:59] <JanC> e.g. for LGM 2010 in Brussels, they already got CDs ordered & delivered before I got in contact with them...
[22:00] <czajkowski> JanC: indeed
[22:00] <toddy> JanC: there are a process for that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences/
[22:00] <czajkowski> toddy: yes but I think the question is in theory who should be allowed to order this
[22:01] <czajkowski> and if it should be restricted to one person
[22:01] <czajkowski> at which point it's going to become a blocker for some people
[22:01] <JanC> toddy: that page says the loco contact must order them
[22:02] <JanC> but apparently Canonical is not that strict ☺
[22:02] <toddy> oh, okay, JanC - that I haven't seen
[22:03] <JanC> maybe it also depends on who asks (in case of LGM 2010, it was one of the conference organizers who requested & got the CDs)
[22:03] <czajkowski> conference orgnaisers tend in some cases not to be locos, some are of course but many are not
=== chilicuil_away is now known as chilicuil
[22:11] <JanC> LGM is a well-known yearly international conference (which also had people from Canonical visiting & talking there), which I suppose means a requests for CDs by the organizers might have a better chance than when the request came from a Joe Random who says he's organizing an unknown local event (in the latter case, delegating to the locoteam to decide on whether the request is legitimate makes sense)
[22:12] <czajkowski> JanC: maybe a canonical speaker also requested them
[22:12] <czajkowski> you just don't know tbh