UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /23 /#lubuntu.txt
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[09:38] <bennypr0fane> hello, I'm trying to rip the sound track of an .mp4 video file to mp3 using ffmpeg. I get this ouput: "Encoder (codec id 86017) not found for output stream #0.0" Does that mean I don't have mp3 codec on my system? cause sorta sounds silly to me
[09:38] <bennypr0fane> ...with GnomePLayer coming ootb in Lubuntuit's gotta be present, right?
[09:39] <bennypr0fane> I used basically this command: ffmpeg -i input.flv -ab 128 -ar 44100 output.mp3
[09:40] <bennypr0fane> except it's not .flv but .mp4
[13:28] <Na_Klar> when using lubuntu as live usb hdd, the usb drive is mounted as /cdrom and therefore only readable. How can I write data to the usb drive in spite of?
[14:09] <drag0nius> how much ram lubuntu requires to boot live usb?
[15:36] <drag0nius> i'm trying to install lubuntu on some old comp
[15:37] <drag0nius> i'm getting "error informing the kernel about modifications to partition ..."
[15:45] <genii-around> drag0nius: Probably you have the disk mounted
[15:46] <drag0nius> im running installer from usb
[15:47] <drag0nius> unless it creates some partition
[15:47] <drag0nius> for installer
[15:47] <genii-around> drag0nius: If you go to a terminal and put: sudo partprobe does it say anything informative?
[15:48] <drag0nius> device/resources busy
[15:48] <drag0nius> gparted shows 768 mb partition
[15:48] <drag0nius> on sda2 extended to sda5
[15:49] <drag0nius> and this disc is sda
[15:49] <drag0nius> 768 being amount of ram
[15:49] <drag0nius> so it is creating partition
[15:49] <drag0nius> for installer?
[15:50] <drag0nius> how would i modify it then?
[15:50] <drag0nius> run gparted standalone to create partition table then run installer?
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
[15:53] <genii-around> drag0nius: What is result of: mount
[15:54] <drag0nius> turned it off already
[15:57] <genii-around> Sometimes if you choose a more exotic filesystem and the mkfs.<fstype> is not available because the <fstype>-tools package for it is not installed, it behaves like this. ( btrfs for instance)
[16:40] <drag0nius> should lubuntu install without problems on ~8 years old comp?
[16:41] <holstein> drag0nius: i would try it live... really depends. im might do 12.04
[16:41] <genii-around> In most cases
[16:42] <drag0nius> hmm
[16:42] <drag0nius> memtest has probs with ram
[16:42] <drag0nius> errors only
[16:42] <drag0nius> but win xp works flawlessly
[16:42] <drag0nius> maybe its just too old? xD
[16:43] <holstein> maybe its not using anything you notice the bad memory in
[16:43] <drag0nius> it has just errors
[16:43] <drag0nius> nothing else i think
[16:43] <holstein> sure.. thats about the extent.. 1 or 0.. error or no
[16:44] <drag0nius> hmm
[16:45] <drag0nius> might indeed be ram
[16:45] <drag0nius> stopped throwing errors
[16:45] <drag0nius> after a while
[16:45] <drag0nius> might be sth like dust in a slot?
[16:45] <genii-around> Maybe vacuum it out
[16:45] <holstein> could be the slot... motherboard.. never know
[16:46] <holstein> i usually test one slot with one stick at a time
[16:47] <genii-around> There's a lot of things it might be. Could be the ram is overclocked in bios. Could just be crud in there. Could be overheating. Could just be old and failing.
[16:49] <holstein> theres a reason why techs charge a nice hourly rate for tracking these issues down.. and why folks usually dont pay that, and just get new hardware
[16:50] <drag0nius> moved to other slot
[16:50] <drag0nius> just 8 errors
[16:50] <drag0nius> i might want to clean it xD
[16:51] <holstein> i usually dont worry with counting the errors.. i just put it in.. see an error and try another test
[16:52] <drag0nius> isnt it that ram usually dont break at all?
[16:52] <drag0nius> once i broke it myself
[16:52] <drag0nius> once i purchased faulty one
[16:53] <drag0nius> but never saw one breaking down in usage
[16:53] <holstein> parts break... failure is always an option
[16:54] <holstein> i test, and rule out issues..
[16:54] <drag0nius> yea but ram has kinda nothing to break there
[16:54] <holstein> ?
[16:54] <drag0nius> unless i fry it or sth
[16:54] <holstein> it has chips that fail.. i have lots of bad memory sticks marked "bad" and ready for the trash
[16:54] <drag0nius> 25% passed and still just those 8 on start
[16:55] <drag0nius> gonna clean everything
[16:57] <drag0nius> hope i still have that compressor in garage xd
[16:57] <holstein> you can let that memtest go as long as you like
[16:57] <drag0nius> i know
[16:57] <holstein> i usually find errors in the first few minutes if the ram is bad
[16:58] <drag0nius> but i didnt clean anything there
[16:58] <drag0nius> before inserting ram from other comp
[16:58] <drag0nius> that might be main reason
[16:58] <holstein> i dont usually find dust making bad ram... i have found bad connections, or slots... or motherboard components
[16:58] <holstein> wont hurt to clean it out though
[16:59] <drag0nius> it was all covered in dust
[16:59] <drag0nius> i just blowed at it once myself ;d
[17:00] <drag0nius> changed slot and still just 8 errors
[17:00] <drag0nius> 43% passed
[17:00] <holstein> 43% of that test
[17:00] <holstein> when i see an error, i move on
[17:01] <drag0nius> 6th test
[17:01] <drag0nius> 46% pass
[17:01] <drag0nius> at first line from top
[17:01] <drag0nius> so it prolly went over that 8 error places couple times already
[17:01] <holstein> i would assume nothing
[17:02] <holstein> you cant assume "that place".. its more about how the ram works and where it 'wants' to put things
[17:02] <holstein> when i see an error, i take it as an error and move on... either testing another slot, or stick
[17:02] <drag0nius> ouch
[17:02] <drag0nius> random number sequence
[17:02] <drag0nius> throwing ... loads of errors
[17:03] <drag0nius> guess i might try double 256
[17:03] <drag0nius> instead of 512 + 256
[17:03] <holstein> i would try only one at a time.. only one slot at a time.. mark the bad ones.. choose the good ones... then choose a final setup
[17:03] <drag0nius> its one slot at a time
[17:04] <drag0nius> but still clean first
[17:04] <drag0nius> before another tries
[17:04] <genii-around> Also try same stick in different slots
[17:04] <drag0nius> there are just 2
[17:04] <drag0nius> second is dust all over it
[17:05] <holstein> yup.. thats what im suggesting.. a 'known good' stick in all slots.. to rule out the slots or the motherboard as an issue
[17:05] <genii-around> If one of the slots has crud inside of it, it can also mess up the other one
[17:06] <holstein> yeah... its challenging... sometimes on a machine of that vintage, its not worth the hassle.. when you can find highed p4's in the trash now...
[17:06] <holstein> high-end*
[17:07] <drag0nius> i have the machine its was working pretty fast before format
[17:07] <drag0nius> and neighbors have none currently so i just try to run it
[17:07] <holstein> drag0nius: sometimes just moving the machine can make connections break
[17:07] <drag0nius> will see
[17:08] <holstein> drag0nius: if you are thingking "lubuntu broke my hardware".. just take the hard drive out and you'll soon find that its likely not the fault of any software
[17:08] <drag0nius> i'd never assume that :P
[17:09] <drag0nius> i tried installing win xp
[17:09] <drag0nius> couple failed tries one succeded
[17:09] <drag0nius> but then i screwed with plop boot manager
[17:09] <drag0nius> broke sth
[17:09] <pmatulis> does anyone use recordmydesktop on 12.10?
[17:10] <holstein> sure.. im just addressing "everything was fine before the format" ...thats likely just a symptom of bad ram.. i remember getting xp to install with bad ram.. took me a while back then to diagnose the issue
[17:10] <drag0nius> reinstalling xp takes longer than cleaning everything
[17:10] <drag0nius> and installing ubuntu
[17:10] <drag0nius> i also found out hdd was faulty
[17:10] <drag0nius> ~250th to 350th mb
[17:10] <drag0nius> had errors
[17:10] <drag0nius> guess that was page file of previous install
[17:11] <holstein> bad ram could be creating those.. i would test it with a test that takes a few hours
[17:11] <drag0nius> always at same place
[17:11] <drag0nius> took 3 scans
[17:11] <drag0nius> same count same sectors
[17:11] <holstein> i have *never* had luck using a hard drive in the "good" sectors ;)
[17:46] <Sysaxed> I know that there's a "separate layout for each window" functionality in lxde
[17:46] <Sysaxed> how can I get the same on crunchbang?
[17:46] <Sysaxed> which uses openbox too
[17:48] <holstein> i might fire up a live CD and poke around in the lxsession stuff... you have a screenshot of what you are wanting?
[17:49] <Sysaxed> a screenshot? how is it possible to take a screenshot of separate keyboard layouts in windows O_o
[17:50] <Sysaxed> well, if I have 2 or more keyboard layouts
[17:50] <Sysaxed> and change my keyboard layout while being focused on some window
[17:50] <Sysaxed> it should change it only per that window
[17:50] <Sysaxed> not globally
[17:50] <Sysaxed> so if I start new application - default keyboard layout must be set automatically
[17:50] <holstein> Sysaxed: im just asking, because i didnt get "keyboard layout" from what you said above
[17:50] <Sysaxed> but if I focus back on that window..
[17:52] <holstein> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=131341 maybe Sysaxed
[17:55] <Sysaxed> holstein, wow
[17:56] <Sysaxed> holstein, somehow I failed to find it
[17:56] <Sysaxed> but I was googling a lot
[17:56] <Sysaxed> I'll try it now and tell the results
[17:59] <Sysaxed> holstein, wow. it works
[17:59] <Sysaxed> holstein, that was simple
[17:59] <Sysaxed> holstein, maybe it's going to fail under some conditions...
[18:00] <Sysaxed> BUT it works!!
[18:00] <Sysaxed> holstein, thank you!
[18:03] <holstein> Sysaxed: enjoy!... #! is a great project
[18:05] <Sysaxed> holstein, weird to hear that on lubuntu channel :)
[18:05] <Sysaxed> it
[18:06] <Sysaxed> it's a bit not ready for the end user... remembers me first releases of lubuntu
=== len is now known as Guest77804
[21:49] <BenMcLean> I hope this isn't like, a really stupid question but I have a question
[21:49] <BenMcLean> OK so I've got this netbook that needs to run some flavor of Ubuntu in order to run ROS (robot operating system)
[21:50] <BenMcLean> I installed Lubuntu 12.10 using the mini ISO and wifi and it was great
[21:51] <BenMcLean> except that ros.org says it's not compatible with Quantal (which is 12.10 I believe)
[21:51] <BenMcLean> So I'm figuring it needs 12.04
[21:51] <BenMcLean> But when I install that with the mini ISO, it doesn't seem to come with a way to enable the wfi
[21:52] <BenMcLean> it seems to just have the terminal and an option for changing the wallpaper and that's about all
[21:52] <BenMcLean> meant *wifi
[21:53] <BenMcLean> so I'm wondering, what packages would I need to include to get that in 12.04 or is it just not there in 12.04 or whta?
[21:56] <bioterror> I dont understand
[21:56] <bioterror> what are you missing with the 12.04 compared to 12.10
[21:58] <BenMcLean> almost everything
[21:59] <BenMcLean> there's no network menu, there are none of the programs 12.10 comes with
[21:59] <bioterror> and you installed lubuntu-desktop?
[21:59] <bioterror> or did you install lubuntu-core?
[21:59] <BenMcLean> I installed the only Lubuntu option availible on the 12.04 mini ISO, which I think was core
[21:59] <bioterror> can you plug that computer to wired network
[21:59] <bioterror> and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
[22:00] <bioterror> and you get it fixed
[22:00] <BenMcLean> Can't now, but maybe it's a better idea to just say "screw it" until I get a wired connection availible on monday
[22:01] <BenMcLean> anyway thanks bioterror
[22:02] <bioterror> but
[22:02] <bioterror> ifconfig -a
[22:02] <bioterror> does it list you the wlan0?
[22:02] <BenMcLean> ya know its kinda sucky. i am visualy impaired which means when one of my cat5 network cables busts, i need somebody else to fix it for me
[22:03] <BenMcLean> i can barely see the little wires or be sure they're in there correctly to make a network cable
[22:03] <BenMcLean> looks like my dad is gonna do it for me :)
[22:03] <bioterror> yeah, it sucks to do twisted pair cables
[22:06] <BenMcLean> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ok
[22:06] <BenMcLean> wait, will that overwrite the 12.04 with the 12.10 ??
[22:07] <bioterror> no
[22:08] <cdoublejj> Lubuntu 12.10 is not installing grub correctly where 12.04 does just fine.
[22:08] <BenMcLean> kk nice to know. sorry about the ignorant questions :)
[22:08] <cdoublejj> what i do i do am i going to have to mod/hack ?
[22:08] <bulletrulz> i have a qestion?
[22:08] <BenMcLean> cdoublejj, have you checked that hard drive for errors?
[22:08] <bulletrulz> nvm
[22:09] <cdoublejj> no but, every other instillation has worked fine and i have done quite a few. i think i might try a 12.04 install and just too a ton of updates
[22:11] <bioterror> ton of updates \o/
[22:12] <bioterror> bulletrulz, you solved your problem?
[22:13] <bioterror> cdoublejj, we could help if you tell us how the grub installation fails
[22:14] <cdoublejj> i get blinking "_" after this last install (2nd install of 12.10), frist install of 12.10 game me a grub rescue. 12.04 never fails but, jockey crashes do to something about outdated something or other. This sia multi boot machine and has no troubles other wise
[22:19] <bioterror> !grubrescue
[22:19] <bioterror> I hate that bot
[22:19] <bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair
[22:19] <bioterror> give that a shot
[22:23] <cdoublejj> well i got GR the firt time the second time dind't even get thatm uch, this time we shall see. thnaks for the link
[22:24] <cdoublejj> do most/all ubuntu distros have boot-repair?
[22:33] <bioterror> cdoublejj, thats in the repos, just install it from the live environment
[22:34] <cdoublejj> assuming the live has your network driver, which it does
[23:11] <cdoublejj> weeeelllll i have some problems fucking grub installed it's self to my sdd instead of my hdd. my sssd houses widnwos and my hdd is to house lubuntu and osx
[23:11] <cdoublejj> how do i get grub off there
[23:11] <cdoublejj> maybe i can try a boot repair via 7 install disc
[23:14] <bulletrulz> when trying to install remobo got a error for chkconfig