UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /22 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest61500
=== Guest61500 is now known as IdleOne
=== fpx_ is now known as fpx
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
=== RaringOne is now known as IdleOne
[23:32] <SlitazMint> Hello.
[23:32] <SlitazMint> I have an issue with fglrx in Ubuntu, I'm not sure if it a known bug or not...
[23:33] <k1l> did you search launchpad.net for a related bug?
[23:33] <SlitazMint> Will do.
[23:34] <SlitazMint> Wow, fglrx has 171 bug reports on 12.10.
[23:36] <k1l> most times when i step on a problem i try to google the lspci/lsusb line from that device and ubuntu. that will bring up some solutions. or at least users with the same problem :)
[23:36] <k1l> but searching launchpad.net for the card and ubuntu version will bring up smth too. if its not there you may open a new bug. so devs willl notice that
[23:38] <SlitazMint> Ubuntu Mini is very cool. I hope I find something.
[23:38] <SlitazMint> If not I will open a new bug for sure.
[23:38] <k1l> ubuntu mini?
[23:39] <k1l> you mean the minimal install?
[23:39] <SlitazMint> Ubuntu devs should really focus on working together with AMD so new users don't have this type of problems. Especially now that Steam is almost ready.
[23:39] <SlitazMint> I have talked to a few people that had driver issues, so it's not just me.
[23:40] <SlitazMint> Yes minimal install.
[23:40] <k1l> if ubuntu mini is a spinoff pay attention to that this is not supported from ubuntu. you will need to talk to the makers from that spinoffs
[23:41] <SlitazMint> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[23:41] <k1l> SlitazMint: driver issues are most times issue with the manufactures not giving drivers. and that will effect all linux distributions
[23:41] <SlitazMint> Not sure if it is a spinoff is it?
[23:41] <k1l> no the minimal install is official
[23:41] <k1l> (but there used to be a spinoff called ubuntu-mini)
[23:42] <SlitazMint> k1l: In my case I had Mint 13 with AMD drivers working just fine. I even tried two driver version on it with no problems.
[23:42] <SlitazMint> Mint is based on Ubuntu that is what perplexes me.
[23:43] <k1l> mint doesnt care about restrictions and licenses, so they have some "advantage"
[23:44] <k1l> but if you know what mint uses and works you can add that to your bugreport :)
[23:49] <SlitazMint> k1l: I'm having a hard time searching for this problem in lauchpad.
[23:50] <SlitazMint> I'll manage...
[23:52] <k1l> well, since is after midnight here i ll leave you with that task now. bb
[23:53] <SlitazMint> Bye!