UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <ScottK> apachelogger: How about some non-identical package descriptions.
[00:02] <apachelogger> I dunno what the libs do :P
[00:03] <ScottK> You can at least through the words main and driver in there
[00:03] <ScottK> Also, symbols should not have a revision (upstream version only) unless a patch introduced the symbol.
[00:04] <ScottK> You can tell both dpkg-gensymbols and pkgkde-symbolshelper what version they should use.
[00:05] <apachelogger> fixed and fixed
[00:07] <ScottK> Don't forget to update debian/copyright.
[00:08] <ScottK> Other than that, I think it's good.
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[00:19] <ScottK> OK, kde4libs is building now.
[00:45] <ScottK> Hey. Lookit that.
[00:45] <ScottK> Build score of 5000 for libindi on powerpc.
[00:52] <shadeslayer> 0.o
[01:46] * ScottK takes a whack a marble
[01:58] <ScottK> Hrrm.
[01:58] <ScottK> No *logger of any kind.
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[02:42] <ScottK> meta-kde uploaded
[02:51] <Tygart> What your doing now, will it show up in the next update&&upgrade ?
[03:23] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1080823] unable to remove new activity @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1080823 (by enb)
[03:25] <ScottK> Tygart: We're finishing getting 4.9.80 (4.10 beta 1) packaged and starting to upload it to raring, but it may be a bit before it shows up.
[03:40] <ScottK> Folks: If you're updating a lib to a new version because of a soname change, you have to update the header of the symbols file.
[04:10] <ScottK> Riddell: nepomuk-widgets will be in New momentarily for your review.
[07:49] * ScottK waves to bulldog98
[07:49] * bulldog98 waves to ScottK
[07:49] <bulldog98> what’s up?
[07:50] <ScottK> Uploading 4.8.90. That's what.
[07:50] <ScottK> I've uploaded almost everything that's marked good on the pad, so moar checking needed.
[07:51] <bulldog98> hm I’m in university atm, so no testing possible
[07:51] <bulldog98> but this evening I’ll do more testing
[07:51] <ScottK> OK.
[07:52] <ScottK> Mostly for stuff that's built, build logs need to be checked to see that all build-deps are found, no symbols changes, list-missing, etc.
[07:52] <ScottK> You can do that in class ....
[07:53] <bulldog98> hm if that’s the case could someone please update the overview?
[07:54] <ScottK> What do you mean?
[07:55] <bulldog98> ScottK: ah ok nevermind, thought you meant the ppa buildlogs not the archive ones
[07:56] <ScottK> I did.
[07:56] <ScottK> I mean for the stuff that's not uploaded or marked GOOD on the pad
[07:57] <bulldog98> ah ok
[08:06] <bulldog98> kdeadmin seems GOOD, cause I couldn’t find missing features, or symbol changes
[08:11] <Tm_T> how nice, Nexus7 is not booting
[08:19] <ScottK> Tm_T: No distraction from what you should be doing. It's a feature.
[08:28] <Tm_T> ScottK: clearly
[08:28] <Tm_T> ScottK: best thing is, it's not mine
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[08:40] <ScottK> OK. I'm out of steam.
[08:40] <ScottK> Someone else's turn.
[08:40] <ScottK> Riddell: Please look at New.
[09:11] <zequence> Hi, Ubuntu Studio dev here (my nick used to be ailo). Wanted to discuss something with people from other flavors
[09:11] <zequence> I recently came to realize that anyone is able to make changes to flavor specific packages
[09:12] <zequence> We had an incident where someone requested an upload, from their own branch, circumventing the official Ubuntu Studio branch
[09:12] <zequence> The package in question was ubuntustudio-default-settings
[09:13] <zequence> The only commit from the other branch was a change in debian/changelog
[09:13] <zequence> A misunderstanding in procedure, in fact.
[09:14] <zequence> But, this led to having the package in Ubuntu Raring be ahead of our master bzr branch by one commit
[09:14] <ScottK> Ubuntu doesn't have individual package maintainers. So such restrictions ought to be enforced socially.
[09:17] <zequence> How does that work, exactly? I mean, probably no one will be able to get an upload through with a fundamental change such as which desktop ubuntustudio-desktop depends on, and even if it did (by some misunderstanding), it could be reversed and fixed
[09:18] <zequence> I'm sure the social structure works, but circumventing the flavor organization on maintenance for flavor specific packages just seems like a source of irritation to me
[09:18] <ScottK> Right, so since ~any problem that results if fixable, it doesn't make sense to put a lot of heavy weight processes in place to prevent it.
[09:18] <ScottK> Sure.
[09:18] <ScottK> I'd consider such a thing impolite at best.
[09:19] <ScottK> Also, if I was looking at the sponsor's queue, I'd consider checking with someone from Studio before I uploaded it.
[09:20] <ScottK> So I think that both the person who provided the branch and the sponsor should get some feedback on the topic.
[09:20] <ScottK> CoC doesn't mean you can't be critical when it's deserved, just that you have to go about it in a certain way.
[09:21] <zequence> If there was a routine for not accepting uploads from any other branches for official flavor specific packages, but letting whoever makes a new branch, request a merge against the flavor owned branch, there would never be any problems IMO
[09:23] <ScottK> You can get an exclusive packageset if you want to make it impossible for non-flavor devs to upload them.
[09:23] <ScottK> I don't recall it ever coming up for Kubuntu.
[09:26] <zequence> In practice, there might be next no problems, but in principle, it seems weird to me that an official flavor, and the community around it, where the decision making is based on consensus and in cases where some work independently - trust, that you can circumvent that, and have your commits uploaded without any at all interaction with the flavor community
[09:29] <ScottK> In the end, Ubuntu is all one big development project, even if there are different places that different people focus.
[09:31] <zequence> I could see the point in having it possible for people to fork flavor specific packages, which is fine.
[09:32] <zequence> And non flavor packages is another issue alltogether, because they already have a upstream source, which is controlled by its own community
[09:34] <ScottK> As I said, if studio want controls in place, they can set up a restricted packageset for these packages that no one else can upload them.
[09:34] <ScottK> (except core-dev - the can upload ~anything)
[09:35] <Riddell> morning
[09:35] <ScottK> It's 4:30 AM here. I need to get to sleep.
[09:35] <ScottK> Really this time.
[09:35] <ScottK> Riddell: Over to you. Good timing.
[09:35] <zequence> ScottK: That would need for someone in Ubuntu Studio have upload rights, correct?
[09:35] <ScottK> zequence: Yes.
[09:35] <ScottK> Riddell: 40 uploads done, more to go. Stuff in New for you to review.
[09:36] <ScottK> Riddell: Particularly getting nepomuk-widgets out of source New.
[09:36] * ScottK must crash.
[09:36] <Riddell> good stuff ScottK
[09:47] <Riddell> vHanda: nepomuk-widgets is LGPL apart from one file utils/daterange.h which is GPL, is that deliberate?
[10:36] <vHanda> Riddell: I generall prefer libraries to be LGPL, that GPL file might just be an accident
[10:37] <vHanda> though that file is not being shipped
[10:44] <Riddell> vHanda: it is in nepomuk-widgets
[10:45] <vHanda> yeah, but I'm not installing the header. Does that count?
[10:46] <Riddell> vHanda: we still need to list it in our copyright file, it does mean it doesn't affect the final binary
[10:47] <Riddell> vHanda: so not something you have to worry about indeed
[10:47] <vHanda> Uhm. Okay, let me know if you want me to change anything.
[10:47] <vHanda> I can even not compile those files. I'm just not ready to throw them, but I don't want to ship them
[10:58] <Riddell> ScottK: hmm why use X-Debian-ABI with nepomukwidgets? it's a new library so won't have any abi changes
[11:12] <soee> hi
[11:12] <soee> are there plans to add 4.10beta to Quantal repos ?
[11:16] <Riddell> soee: it's not a priority for beta 1
[11:16] <Riddell> it's not all packaged for raring yet
[11:16] <soee> Riddell, so next beta maybe or RC ?
[11:17] <Riddell> yes
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[11:44] <Riddell> mgraesslin: I've a bunch of missing symbols in libkwinglutils
[11:45] <Riddell> does this make it binary incompatible or do they not count somehow?
[11:45] <Riddell> http://paste.kde.org/612800/
[11:46] <mgraesslin> Riddell: that library is not ABI compatible anyway
[11:46] <mgraesslin> we have mechanisms in place
[11:46] <mgraesslin> that is an ABI check
[11:47] <mgraesslin> at least all the openGL related functions are ABI compatible
[11:47] <mgraesslin> that were resolved function pointers of functions guaranteed to be in OpenGL and GLX
[11:49] <Riddell> hmm, complex this ABI stuff
[11:49] <mgraesslin> the lib is used by KWin core (no problems) and by effects. For the effects we have an ABI check
[11:50] <mgraesslin> incompatible effects are not loaded
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[13:36] <Peace-> :D my friend today has called me to say me : hey window 7 sucks on my hp , i have installed kubuntu ... it's another world thank you i have a new pc wtf
[13:37] <Riddell> yay
[13:50] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[13:55] <stefan`> Riddell: why is beta1 not prio on quantal? wouldn't it be nice to get feedback early?
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[13:56] <Riddell> stefan`: yeah so I'll do it if I get the time but it's the first packages of the cycle so worth spending the time to get the various changes done first
[14:06] <stefan`> Riddell: very nice! thanks a lot for your work - i know it's probably much harder to do than most people think ;)
[14:06] <Riddell> the first lot are, loads of changes to make
[14:46] <Peace-> i have seen Tm_T xD
[14:46] * Peace- PICTURE
[15:14] <Riddell> libkasten2okteta1controllers1abi1 oh what a lovely name
[15:27] <mikhas> :-)
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[15:43] <ScottK> Sigh. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/123673091/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.cantor_4%3A4.9.80-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz needs someone who knows cpp to investigate.
[15:43] <ScottK> shadeslayer: ^^^ can you look at that?
[15:46] <agateau> ScottK: looks like a missing include in src/backends/kalgebra/kalgebrasession.cpp
[15:47] * agateau clones cantor code
[15:49] <agateau> ScottK: untested, but I would try to add a #include <analitzagui/variablesmodel.h>
[15:50] <agateau> mmm actually there is already such an #include in the git version
[15:50] <ScottK> Thanks.
[15:51] <Riddell> ScottK: don't let kubuntu ruin your family thanks giving
[15:51] <ScottK> Right. I should actually get going.
[15:51] <ScottK> Riddell: Can you look at fixing up Cantor then?
[15:51] <Riddell> I'll get to it once I'm finally done with kdesdk
[15:52] <ScottK> OK.
[15:52] <ScottK> Thanks. Have a good day everyone.
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[17:40] <Riddell> ha, I spend ages working on kdesdk for its ABI break then upstream says he'll fix it
[17:40] <Riddell> I should have had more faith in upstream
[17:53] <afiestas> Riddell: kdesdk abi_
[17:53] <afiestas> ?
[20:29] <bulldog98> hm kde-window-manager-common tries to overwrite a file in kinfocenter (at last the one of the ppa)
[20:53] <soee> hi
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[21:42] <valorie> happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate
[21:42] <Riddell> valorie: a good harvest?
[21:42] * valorie is thankful for the wonderful kubuntu team!
[21:42] <Riddell> yay :)
[21:42] <valorie> we did, actually!
[21:42] <valorie> yummy beets
[21:42] <valorie> :-)
[21:43] <valorie> now off to feast with the fam
[21:43] <Riddell> bon apetit
[21:43] <valorie> thanks!
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[23:08] * ScottK returns from giving thanks.
[23:12] <ScottK> bulldog98: Can you add breaks/replaces in bzr.
[23:20] <ScottK> Riddell: Still about?
[23:21] <ScottK> I started a test build of workspace on the arm boxes so I can work on that FTBFS.
[23:51] <shadeslayer> *blink*
[23:51] * shadeslayer time travelled into the future
[23:54] <kubotu> ::runtime-bugs:: [1074371] In Kubuntu 12.10, systemsettings does not show "system languages" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074371 (by Ganton)