UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:26] <micahg> TheLordOfTime: it was dropped in 12.10+, 12.04 and 11.10 still ship with it
[03:18] <subin> Hi Guys, any idea, when the libmesg pidgin patch will be released? I can see the f ix has already been released.
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[05:46] <Logan_> Can somebody please make Bug 859913 public?
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[14:13] <hggdh> Logan_: done
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[19:42] <melodie> hi
[19:42] <melodie> anyone in charge of bugsquad here ?
[19:43] <TheLordOfTime> nobody's in charge of it, but bugcontrolllers are around
[19:43] <TheLordOfTime> there's admins for bugsquad though depending on what you need.
[19:43] <TheLordOfTime> sup?
[19:43] * TheLordOfTime won't be here in 10 minutes though
[19:44] <TheLordOfTime> melodie, ^
[19:44] <melodie> TheLordOfTime,
[19:44] <melodie> hi !
[19:44] <melodie> I like the DrWho series !
[19:44] * TheLordOfTime yawns
[19:45] <melodie> bugs and packages to improve (post-config probably)
[19:45] <melodie> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1080454
[19:45] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1080454 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "New network-manager is not started at boot" [Undecided,New]
[19:45] <melodie> several bugs reported in fact, linked one to the other quite tightly
[19:45] <melodie> and a solution provided by buddies of mine !
[19:46] <TheLordOfTime> so, why do you need a bugsquad/bugcontroller?
[19:46] * TheLordOfTime glances at the clock because he has to run to a client's home to fix their computer in the next few minutes
[19:47] * melodie rushing into TheLordOfTime's Tardis to go help him with that person's computer !
[19:47] <TheLordOfTime> okay, now i have to go
[19:47] <melodie> TheLordOfTime, because I don't know what to do after
[19:47] <melodie> ok, good evening
[19:47] * TheLordOfTime pings hggdh because he can
[19:47] * TheLordOfTime runs
[19:47] <melodie> :)
[19:51] <melodie> bon
[19:52] <melodie> who can tell me if I can do something more, and what, and how ?
[19:53] <melodie> this is the solution : http://pastebin.com/nR7P8dc9 to this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1080454
[19:53] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1080454 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "New network-manager is not started at boot" [Undecided,New]
[19:53] <melodie> the same solution can be applied to the wicd gui
[20:57] <melodie> it bugs me to see a bug when a bug fly spray is around
[20:57] <melodie> not you ?
[21:45] <TheLordOfTime> melodie, what "more" were you looking for?
[21:45] <TheLordOfTime> you've reported the bug.
[21:45] <TheLordOfTime> i don't see any "related" bugs to that, at least not directly.
[21:45] <TheLordOfTime> after yo ureport the bug if a "solution" i.e. workaround was posted, then good for you, if not, and its a code-level fix submit a patch
[21:51] <hggdh> TheLordOfTime: easy, man ;-)
[21:51] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, *yawn*
[21:52] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, anyways, i've had three cups of coffee in prep. for a code-hacking run at php5 to fix it up some, and make it work with this custom module i want it to load, if you can give melodie any advice that'd be awesome
[21:52] * TheLordOfTime begins the coding
[21:53] <hggdh> TheLordOfTime: well, if you are dealing with php, then yeah, coffee will be needed. As for melodie, I have only the two last comments from the poster -- which does not give me much to work on. So, I will wait
[21:54] <TheLordOfTime> well, at least i dont have any more nginx SRUs to handle today :P
[21:54] <TheLordOfTime> how fortunate there's not many bugs in the versions in ubuntu right now
[21:54] <TheLordOfTime> although i dont keep tabs on the CVEs as much L:p
[21:57] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, in comparison to php5, the nginx package's code is SANE :P
[21:59] <TheLordOfTime> might be why i'm its SRU contact *shrugs*
[22:00] <TheLordOfTime> (in terms of their upstream people :P)
[22:46] <melodie> TheLordOfTime, I just saw your answer
[22:47] <melodie> the work around is so simple it is a matter for the packager in charge to add a post-install script or something such
[22:47] <melodie> the file /etc/network/interfaces should not have "eth0 auto" on
[22:48] <TheLordOfTime> hggdh, looks like either they should upload a patch, or you/someone could create the patch as part of a debdiff or something, but...
[22:48] <melodie> http://pastebin.com/13KGXTPe
[22:48] * TheLordOfTime throws php5 out the window out of annoyance
[22:49] <melodie> here is the file modified and the commented last 2 lines (the fact they were commented) has fixed the problem
[22:49] <hggdh> melodie: what bug is this? I lost the beginning of the chat
[22:49] <melodie> TheLordOfTime, I don't know how to tweak that or code patches, I just know to test, ask for help and bring back the answers when found
[22:49] <melodie> hi hggdh this is:
[22:50] <melodie> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1080454
[22:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1080454 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "New network-manager is not started at boot" [Undecided,New]
[22:50] <TheLordOfTime> melodie, you on the QA team or something?
[22:50] <melodie> not at all
[22:50] * TheLordOfTime could've remembered your name from somewhere...
[22:50] <melodie> just a user with an account on launchpad
[22:50] <melodie> and i would like the bad bugs fixed. :)
[22:51] <hggdh> cyphermox: ^
[22:51] <melodie> back to other things... I'll be back later if needed.
[23:08] <cyphermox> hggdh: looking
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