UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[00:33] <Geothst> I just got a really weird error about x11 missing some directories. I couldn't copy/paste or screenshot the error because my computer turned itself off after I got the error. I've uninstalled Nouveau and NVidia drivers, and uninstalled and reinstalled X11. Is there any way I can see if the problem is still there or not without knowing what those error messages were?
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
[11:28] <GandalfB> Hello Everyone - I'm a newly installed 12.10 user and new to linux. I wondered if there was anyone who could help me diagnose a network problem I'm having today?
[11:30] <cairne> whats going on?
[11:30] <GandalfB> Hello Cairne
[11:31] <GandalfB> I've just clean installed ubuntu 12.10, and the network keeps flashing up disconnected.
[11:31] <GandalfB> Its a wired connection, and onboard network card
[11:32] <GandalfB> if I use the lspci command, I seem to be able to locate the device and it seems (not to sure how to tell) that ubuntu has correctly identified it.
[11:32] <GandalfB> if I run, ifconfig - I can see the two devices, the actual adapter and loopback
[11:32] <philipballew> GandalfB, hello
[11:32] <philipballew> lets look at this
[11:33] <GandalfB> the adapter dosn't seem to have an IP4 address
[11:33] <philipballew> wanna output some stuff for me into pastbin?
[11:33] <philipballew> http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[11:33] <philipballew> lspci -vvv
[11:33] <philipballew> its gonna be long, but I want to see all there is
[11:33] <GandalfB> that could be very tricky as that comp is not on network at all
[11:34] <philipballew> ah. I see
[11:34] <philipballew> well lets do this
[11:34] <GandalfB> is there a way to pipe it to text fire
[11:34] <GandalfB> the console output
[11:34] <GandalfB> *file
[11:34] <philipballew> yeah. piping a text file is cat
[11:34] <philipballew> let me see how to do that again
[11:35] <philipballew> that way if I have to go, someone can help you
[11:35] <GandalfB> ok cheers
[11:36] <GandalfB> ((help is much appericated as I've not had much luck with multiple hours of googling))
[11:36] <philipballew> http://flossstuff.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/using-cat-command-in-linux-to-createdisplayconcatenate-and-append-files/
[11:36] <philipballew> its alright. its 3:30 here so Im kinda out of it
[11:37] <philipballew> but I can help for a sec
[11:38] <GandalfB> ((help is much appericated as I've not had much luck with multiple hours of googling))
[11:38] <GandalfB> oh sorry for the spam
[11:38] <GandalfB> :S
[11:39] <GandalfB> ok I have the output
[11:39] <GandalfB> just sticking it in that website
[11:39] <philipballew> no hurry
[11:39] <philipballew> so where in the world do you live?
[11:40] <philipballew> dont say middle earth
[11:40] <philipballew> okay, you can say it
[11:40] <GandalfB> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1372254/
[11:40] <GandalfB> UK
[11:40] <GandalfB> Brighton
[11:40] <GandalfB> pasted away
[11:41] <cairne> when you go into the network manager does it list the device?
[11:41] <GandalfB> from a novice look at that text file, it looks like the driver has been loaded correctly
[11:42] <GandalfB> is that the screen titled network connections
[11:42] <GandalfB> ?
[11:42] <GandalfB> it shows wired connectoin 1
[11:42] <philipballew> GandalfB, personally Id hook it up to a cat5 and update the laptop then check for additional drivers
[11:42] <GandalfB> well to be fair. "Wired Connection 1"
[11:42] <GandalfB> its on cat5
[11:43] <GandalfB> its not a wireless problem, its wired problem
[11:43] <philipballew> so check for additional drivers to see if theres a wifi driver
[11:43] <cairne> does your router automatically assign ip?
[11:43] <GandalfB> yes
[11:43] <GandalfB> I'm using the same router for this windows machine
[11:44] <GandalfB> and I've swapped the cables
[11:44] <philipballew> the closed source sinners like to live in the driver underworld
[11:44] <GandalfB> to see if its socket / router problem
[11:44] <GandalfB> and there is no wifi on teh machine either, its desktop, with onboard network card, 10/100/1000
[11:45] <GandalfB> it feels it trying to get an ip6 address, and failing, becuase I don't think the router supports ip6
[11:45] <GandalfB> thats my feeling
[11:45] <GandalfB> is there any way to test that theory??
[11:47] <philipballew> cairne, ^
[11:48] <cairne> i'm trying to think how you would test that
[11:49] <cairne> usually its the wired connection that works without a hitch lol, what does gui network manager say about the card is it disabled?
[11:50] <GandalfB> it just says it was last used 3 days ago
[11:50] <GandalfB> and teh desktop keeps flashing up wired connection disconected
[11:51] <GandalfB> maybe its a faulty nic?
[11:52] <GandalfB> is there way to test that?
[11:52] <philipballew> not sure for your hardware
[11:53] <cairne> sudo lshw see where the logical address is for your nic
[11:54] <cairne> should be under *-network then it will list the information
[11:55] <GandalfB> found it
[11:55] <GandalfB> what would I be looking for there
[11:56] <cairne> should say logical device for instance mine is eth0
[11:56] <GandalfB> logical name: eth0
[11:56] <GandalfB> is what I have
[11:58] <cairne> gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
[11:58] <philipballew> you can cat that
[11:58] <philipballew> "put a cat on it!"
[11:59] <GandalfB> ok I run that command, I now have a text window saying
[11:59] <GandalfB> # interfaces(5) fire used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8(
[11:59] <cairne> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html
[11:59] <GandalfB> auto lo
[12:00] <cairne> thisis what i was going off of
[12:00] <GandalfB> iface lo inet loopback
[12:00] <cairne> might work changing lo to eth0
[12:01] <philipballew> NO!
[12:01] <philipballew> nm needs ot to be lo
[12:01] <philipballew> *It
[12:01] * philipballew goes back to his paper now
[12:02] <GandalfB> so don't change anything?
[12:03] <philipballew> well I recall that network manager needs that file to be like that
[12:03] <philipballew> changing will mess up where you dont have any internet
[12:03] <philipballew> so yeah, dont change
[12:03] <GandalfB> ok
[12:04] <philipballew> philip@PrincessLeia:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
[12:04] <philipballew> auto lo
[12:04] <philipballew> iface lo inet loopback
[12:04] <GandalfB> im wondering if there is some odd bios setting?
[12:05] <philipballew> GandalfB, id say its just a odd bug . how old is the laptop
[12:06] <philipballew> probably made them mad when I said no.
[12:06] <GandalfB> its a dekstop - probally 6 years
[12:06] <GandalfB> if I buy a new network card
[12:06] <philipballew> okay. so should work, but Id look at the model of nic to see if there is a bug
[12:06] <GandalfB> how do I install it?
[12:07] <GandalfB> beyond the physical installation
[12:07] <philipballew> nothing
[12:07] <philipballew> ubuntu finds and boots all the drivers for you
[12:07] <GandalfB> ok
[12:07] <GandalfB> so is there safe network card to 'buy'
[12:07] <GandalfB> and test
[12:07] <philipballew> unless it doesnt have them ,then you cant use that.
[12:08] <philipballew> I am not sure off hand. the internet might know somewhere or your loco?
[12:10] <GandalfB> I see what I can pickup
[12:10] <GandalfB> and report back in hor or so
[12:11] <GandalfB> brb
[12:13] <philipballew> i will probably not be here
[13:51] <GandalfB> Hey all - just a quick update on my networking problem, a new network nic fixed it.
[16:10] <Phryq> hey, is there a way to run fluxbox other that using "startx"?
[16:13] <holstein> Phryq: you should be able to choose it at login from the manager you are using.. i choose openbox in lightdm
[16:19] <Phryq> I don't use a login manager, but maybe I'll install one
[16:20] <Phryq> if I install one (SLiM) then the manager will automatically run?
[16:20] <Phryq> or do I have to configure it to do so?
[16:21] <holstein> Phryq: i had issues with slim, and assumed it was on my end.. typically, you choose in the GUI and that choice is remembered
[17:00] <Phryq> ok; well I've just installed slim; so I'll restart and see what happens
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[19:15] <HeavyWater> Hi all...just installed ubuntu and got xchat up...still trying to learn linux and hope I can hang out and learn/contribute :-D
[19:23] <holstein> HeavyWater: welcome.. check out the OT channel as well.. #ubuntu-beginners-team
[19:23] <HeavyWater> thanks holstein...will do
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
[19:40] <angls> hi
[23:12] <GandalfB> Hello All - thank you for the help this morning, is there any chance I can tap someone's brains tonight?