UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#ubuntu-au.txt
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=== fenris is now known as Guest34244
=== fenris is now known as Guest9079
[05:54] <xannen> hey guys
[05:54] <xannen> anyone around?
[11:10] <head_victim> xannen: am now, what can we do for you
[11:11] <jea> as am I
[11:17] <xannen> hey
[11:17] <xannen> hey head_victim
[11:18] <jea> hello xannen
[11:18] <xannen> hey jea
[11:18] <xannen> i'm wondering, is there a single window mode for skype?
[11:19] <jea> ooh, something i am not entirely sure about
[11:19] <jea> are you using skype 4.1?
[11:19] <xannen> yeah
[11:21] <jea> on windows, there was an extra button near the close/minimise/maximise buttons
[11:22] <jea> but i am not really sure on the latest linux version - i don't have it installed at the moment either
[11:22] <xannen> i don't like the "windows everywhere skype" lol
[11:24] <head_victim> I'm on skype right now to be honest but have no idea what the single window mode is you're talking about :/
[12:15] <xannen> hey head_victim how are you? long time no chat. :D
[12:15] <xannen> oh damn... our chat is so out of sync lol
[12:16] <xannen> have you used skype on windows? it allows you to put it in all in one window mode or separate window for each chat etc...
[12:17] <xannen> you can think of single window mode like other windows docking into one window.
[12:26] <head_victim> xannen: nah it's ok, I'm sorta here then sorta not
[12:26] <head_victim> Ah I think the text chat part is capable of doing that
[12:26] <head_victim> I'm not sure what the setting is to make it happen but that's how I use Skype on Linux
[12:27] <head_victim> (I just had a group meeting for my strategy assignment using Skype)
[12:27] <head_victim> The only thing Skype for Linux is missing is the ability to share the desktop. Everything else appears to work from what I can see
[12:57] <xannen> head_victim, are you using unity or gnome shell? just curious and not related to skype.
[12:57] <head_victim> Unity, I also use skype wrapper
[12:58] <jea> i was also running those. skype wrapper was quite useful
[12:59] <head_victim> I got sick of having different clients for all the different protocols so I just use the default one now
[13:00] <xannen> is skype wrapper the one skypetab-ng?
[13:01] <head_victim> Nah it's from a ppa
[13:02] <head_victim> I think it's the one and only ppa I use
[13:03] <xannen> can you give me the ppa? :D i'd like to try :D or link to how-to page
[13:03] <head_victim> I hate to say it but omg has probably the best link - http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/skype-wrapper
[13:05] <xannen> thanks head_victim , how come you don't like omgubuntu?
[13:06] <head_victim> The name makes me cringe
[13:06] <head_victim> jea: you use linked in? I think I found you.
[13:07] <head_victim> The uni folk keep spruiking it as a great way to keep in contact so I signed up.
[13:08] <xannen> lol... head_victim stalking people on linkedin :P
[13:08] <jea> head_victim: I do have linkedin. I might have logged in 3 times now
[13:08] <jea> It apparently does have benefits - i know a few people who have got jobs from it
[13:09] <head_victim> It's been described as "serious social media".
[13:10] <jea> i guess that is one way to look at it
[13:10] <xannen> lol
[13:10] <xannen> i'm brain dead, i can't work. :(
[13:11] <xannen> btw we have ubuntu-au on g+ eh? i think i found it the other day. :D
[13:12] <head_victim> Yeah, it's also meant to be on twitter/identica but we haven't posted much lately
[13:12] <head_victim> FB gets requests for tech support
[13:12] <jea> i will update them all soon
[13:13] <jea> uni just made me leave it alone
[13:13] <head_victim> Yeah, I forgot how much work study was until I started doing it again. I thoguht i'd still have a few nights a week and a day on the weekend off.
[13:13] <head_victim> Hah.
[13:14] <xannen> can i have admin power on google+ page? 'cause i use google+ and not other social media.
[13:21] <head_victim> xannen: I'm not a social media guru, looking into options now.
[13:22] <head_victim> I wonder if posting @ the G+ account notifies the team?
[13:23] <xannen> cool :D if i do get power, i'll my best to add relevant update and content.
[13:24] <head_victim> xannen: no promises, I"m not sure what G+ will allow access wise
[13:25] <xannen> np. we'll do with what we can. i am just putting my hand up and trying to help out where i can. :D
[13:25] <head_victim> xannen: noted and appreciated :)
[13:25] <head_victim> We don't like giving away admin access immediately but if we can get a contributor type access we'll probably arrange it.
[13:25] <xannen> it's with windows 8 release that prompted me: hmm... haven't logged onto ubuntu for sometime. lol
[13:25] <xannen> and i updated to 12.10 version too. :D
[13:25] <head_victim> I use windows xp at work, Ubuntu 12.10 at home
[13:27] <xannen> i love lateline on abc. lol. their international interview and delay in talk is funny.
[13:33] <head_victim> xannen: do you have a link to your g+ account?
[13:40] <jea> i'm heading off for tonight. see you all later :)
[13:42] <xannen> see you jea
[13:43] <head_victim> Night jea