UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
[00:53] <denis> bonjour
[00:58] <bazhang> !fr | denis
[00:58] <ubottu> denis: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
=== david is now known as Guest53637
[01:20] <denis> i have some problem to install skype 2.0
[01:20] <denis> :(
[01:29] <ptomblin> Isn't Skype 4 out for Linux now?
[01:30] <ptomblin> http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/
=== denis is now known as HeatBanger
[01:33] <HeatBanger> certainly but my kubuntu require the 2
[01:33] <HeatBanger> i don't understand
[01:33] <HeatBanger> i'm running under the 12.04
[02:35] <RamchandraApte> hello
[02:36] <RamchandraApte> I have graphics tearing on my computer in desktop effects. It has Intel HD integrated graphics.
[02:37] <RamchandraApte> Any ideas?
[02:37] <RamchandraApte> It seems that my graphics card is in the Chromium blacklist for WebGL.
[02:38] <RamchandraApte> I'll try updating.
[02:40] <xixor> as far as I know the intel HD integrated graphics works well in linux?
[02:41] <RamchandraApte> xixor: they work but sometimes glitches too happens
[02:42] <xixor> is this the 3000, or 4000?
[02:45] <RamchandraApte> I think 3000
[02:46] <RamchandraApte> how to figure that out?
[02:46] <RamchandraApte> kinfocenter doesn't say anything about the model
[02:46] <RamchandraApte> it just says "2nd generation core processer..."
[02:47] <RamchandraApte> it uses the i915 module
[02:50] <xixor> RamchandraApte: lshw
[02:50] <xixor> RamchandraApte: or maybe dmidecode | grep 3000
[02:51] <xixor> RamchandraApte: or maybe dmesg | grep 3000
[02:52] <RamchandraApte> nothing useful came out
[02:52] <xixor> you changed it to 4000 as well?
[02:53] <xixor> maybe lspci -v | less
[02:54] <xixor> RamchandraApte: or from the KDE menu, or from krunner, run Information Sources
[02:54] <RamchandraApte> nothing useful there
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[03:31] <ptomblin> Wow! Look at my screwed up display https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5oksvhp6efv36z/Photo%20Nov%2019%2C%2010%2004%2033%20PM.jpg
[03:32] <ptomblin> It's only happening on one virtual desktop. The others are fine.
=== andrea is now known as Guest6674
[04:54] <melvincv> Hi. Just installed Kubuntu. What is the Activity Manager bar for?
[04:58] <melvincv> hi, anyone?
[04:58] * melvincv wonders if installing KDE was a mistake
[05:14] <RamchandraApte> melvincv:hello
[05:21] <phiscribe> melvincv, you can define what amounts to "desktops" as an activity. for example one activity with icons for graphics, images and design and another for music, radio and video
[05:23] <phiscribe> couple that with the desktop options for desktop, search and launch, and folder view you have a wide range of options
[07:04] <manyu> hi
=== pjoe_afk is now known as pjoe
[07:53] <floown> Hi
[07:54] <floown> I try to remove a program manually installed. This does not work http://paste.ubuntu.com/1371956/
[07:54] <floown> How to retrieve the name of the program to remove?
[08:00] <d_ed> floown: so what is ecofax?
[08:00] <d_ed> the name of the application? the package name?
[08:01] <floown> d_ed: http://www.ovh.fr/sms_et_fax/logiciel_ecofax.xml
[08:01] <floown> I have try to install the 64 bits version
[08:02] <floown> EcoFax-1.1.2.x86_64.deb is the name of the deb
[08:02] <d_ed> but you're trying to remove something in the first past
[08:02] <d_ed> ah
[08:02] <d_ed> *the first paste
[08:02] <floown> d_ed: yes, I can't upgrade
[08:04] <floown> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1371970/ d_ed
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[08:57] <skreech_> floown: got it solved?
[08:57] <floown> skreech_: yes, thx
[08:57] <skreech_> What did you do?
[08:58] <floown> I had edit manually the /var/lib/dpkg/info/ecofax.prerm and add exit 0 before the set -a
[08:59] <floown> then I can apply a dpkg -P --force-all ecofax
[08:59] <skreech_> ah ok
[08:59] <skreech_> great
[09:05] <Mmike> Hello! Is there a widget that will show my my current outgoing IP?
[09:45] <vbgunz> anyone know why smplayer and/or vlc have massive problems when it comes to stopping the screensaver and sleep mode? I swear, the screen saver comes up in 15 minutes, if I watch a movie pass 15 the screen saver kicks in. If I disable the screen saver the pc will go to sleep in 45 while a movie is in full screen. what could possibly cause this?
[09:48] <thelionroars> your screensaver is set to start after 15 minutes, and you pc to sleep after 45 minutes of no activity
[09:52] <vbgunz> yes, correct, watching a move in full screen should stop these but smplayer nor vlc have this ability anymore. this is a primitive ability and should have been nailed a long time ago. for it to exists today is a blasphemy against the bare minimum of what a video player should do today. I really hate troubleshooting every single thing, I just want to use the bleeping thing
[09:52] <vbgunz> I swear, I feel like every single thing needs to be tweaked, how the hell are we not passed that?
[10:05] <kyubotsu> perhaps such notion is only a matter of preference. i, for instance, have only changed two things : the application background color and removed the active window glow effect
[10:05] <kyubotsu> everything else is in its default state and i don't have issues with that
[10:07] <kyubotsu> then again, changing the timing of a screensaver is also a user's preference thing
[10:15] <kyubotsu> but sure... from a users perspective it would be nice if one could watch a movie without attending to a mouse . then i remind myself that i also have a dvd player and other devices that specialize in doing this so.. touche
[10:23] <kyubotsu> also, my system doesnt go into sleep mode automatically. only the screen goes blank . locking the screen, sleep mode, suspend , i have to select myself from the Leave menu
[10:30] <vbgunz> kyubotsu: ?
[10:31] <kyubotsu> ?
[10:32] <liquidat> Hi there - my telepathy does not connect to ICQ anymore, is this a known problem?
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[10:43] <robotdevil> if I want to install gnome shell in kubuntu 12.04 ...apt-get install gnome-shell?
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[12:30] <cjae> If I use zion theme.... how do I change the color of the font in firefox and google search etc... the font is white and does not show up with white background
[12:31] <cjae> but love the white here on quassel etc
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[12:41] <Mmike> is there a widget (plasmoid?) that will list me all open windows on all the workspaces (so I can easily click on it and move there?)
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
[12:46] <ozzzy_> Mmike: move your mouse up to the top left corner
[12:47] <Mmike> WO-HA!
[12:47] <Mmike> ozzzy_, neat ;)
[12:47] <Mmike> not what I had in mind, but I might get used to this :)
[12:47] <ozzzy_> if you don't like top left... you can set to any position along the edge
[13:04] <pilbar> help ??
[13:05] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[13:05] <Peace-> hola BluesKaj
[13:05] <BluesKaj> Hi Peace-
[13:05] <Peace-> pilbar: what's your problem ?
[13:06] <pilbar> i'll have read up this - im 72 and never done it
[13:06] <pilbar> bye 4 now
[13:06] <Peace-> pilbar: 100 years of live and 101 of learning
[13:07] <Peace-> bye
[13:08] <BluesKaj> hmm, wonder what his prob was
[13:12] <mweijts> i have problems to set Firefox and Thunderbird in a other language, I installed the firefox-local-nl and Thunderbird-local-nl (quantal), in FF and TB is see the language pack in the add-ons, but everthing keeps English
[13:16] <Peace-> mweijts: open konsole => this is for german but i am sure you can do with modifications for nl LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 ; firefox
[13:16] <Peace-> i guess it should be
[13:17] <Peace-> LANG=nl_nl.UTF-8 ; firefox
[13:17] <Peace-> if it works and you can not find a solution the trick is to modify the launcher
[13:17] <Peace-> mweijts: ^
[13:18] <mweijts> gonna try
[13:21] <Peace-> LANG=nl_NL.UTF-8 ; firefox mweijts
[13:22] <Peace-> :) capital NL missing
[13:26] <mweijts> Peace-: TB is dutch language now, gonna try FF
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[13:37] <mweijts> Peace-: thats working from a terminal FF an TB, but when i start from the menu its still English
[13:38] <Peace-> mweijts: kdesudo kate /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
[13:38] <Peace-> CRTL F exec
[13:39] <Peace-> try to modify that file with the new string
[13:45] <mweijts> Peace-: thx for the help both are now working
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=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
[14:20] <cubbybear> Can someone recommend a email client that will import all the structure from kmail/kaddressbook and import and export to Google mail and calendar. I am using KDE 4.9.3 and kontact is just not usable. Constantly not able to filter, download, and constantly unable to open mail folders.
[14:23] <BehindComputer> hi
[14:23] <BluesKaj> cubbybear, thunderbird
[14:25] <cubbybear> BluesKaj: Thanks the more they improve Kontact the less functional it seems to get. This set up is a new set up of 12.10 and it is mostly broken out of the box. Thanks for listening to my unproductive rant.
[14:29] <BluesKaj> cubbybear, I tried kmail kontact and the PIM , giving them a chance several times , but kmail would just segfault after a week or so . I finally decided to give it up fro good.Besisdes thunderbird does the job for me
[14:32] <BluesKaj> it's unfortunate that the same kmail bug is reported several times per week , but nothing is being done , or so it seems
=== sem_ is now known as Peace-
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[14:55] <cubbybear> BluesKaj: I know, I am a very loyal KDE fan, but Kontact just seems to get more and more disfunctional. For me a pim just needs to function with out problem.
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[14:59] <BluesKaj> cubbybear, the pim suite on kubuntu isn't as successful as it is on other OSs from what I've read
[15:00] <FlashDeluxe> hi! i got a problem, i upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 and now with lighdm i can only choose between two users: test and guest, but i do not see my username and i cannot type in my username. With xdm everything works fine. I tried to modify ligtdm.conf with "greeter-show-manual-login=true" but it has no effect, does anybody now this problem or can help me?
[15:01] <FlashDeluxe> PS I am using ldap for user authentification
[15:06] <ovidiu-florin> hello, I received some updates today, and int the Muon Update manager, no matter on which update I click I see the same description: http://paste.kde.org/611396/ is this normal? It hasn't happened before.
[15:09] <tsimpson> ovidiu-florin: more than one binary package can be generated from the same source package, so a change in one source package can produce several binary package updates
[15:17] <ovidiu-florin> tsimpson: can you also help me with annother thing? since I received the update to kernel 3.2.0-33-generic-pae a few days ago I can't theter my phone on USB anymore. is this related?
[15:18] <tsimpson> it's possible, you should have the previous kernel still so try booting into that and see if the error persists
[15:19] <ovidiu-florin> I haven't made any other changes since then, except... I uninstalled bcmwl-kernel-source
[15:20] <ovidiu-florin> and I did that because my broadcom wireless card was not working anymore
[15:21] <ovidiu-florin> I'll give it a try
[15:21] <ovidiu-florin> tsimpson: thank you
[15:21] <tsimpson> you're welcome
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=== RamchandraApte_ is now known as RamchandraApte
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[16:54] <BluesKaj> phunyguy_work, where's the proxy located ?
[16:54] <phunyguy_work> lol wrong channel, but it is at home while I am at work connected via openvpn.
[16:55] <phunyguy_work> i use ssh to forward oprt 1080 there
[16:55] <phunyguy_work> port**
[16:55] <phunyguy_work> and then map localhost:1080 as socks host in proxy settings
[16:56] <phunyguy_work> works great fro most things like aptitude, firefox, irc, facebook chat, google chat, just no gwibber and twitter it seems.
[16:56] <BluesKaj> phunyguy_work, well if do a whois , I get a florida location , but traceroute shows at final IP in Newark NJ
[16:57] <phunyguy_work> a whois on me?
[16:57] <BluesKaj> yes
[16:57] <phunyguy_work> interesting, my house is in Georgia just over the border
[16:57] <BluesKaj> interesting how these snodes work
[16:57] <phunyguy_work> but I also get banner ads for Madison Wisconsin
[16:57] <phunyguy_work> (find girls in Madison now!)
[16:58] <phunyguy_work> anyways. It works on my laptop when at home. but my work PC wont play nice
[16:58] <BluesKaj> oops , phunyguy_work , you're right . it is Ga
[16:59] <phunyguy_work> I work out of Jacksonville, Florida, and live in Kingsland, GA. I VPN to home to get around silly work restrictions.
[16:59] <BluesKaj> I see
[16:59] <phunyguy_work> had to find an open outgoing port (TCP 1935 was the ONLY one) so that I could get a tunnel going on that port.
[17:00] <phunyguy_work> I just send all my internet traffic through it.
[17:00] <phunyguy_work> all works except gwibber it seems
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=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
[17:12] <melvincv> well, I still cannot figure out the difference between new Activities and desktop workspaces...
[17:13] <melvincv> I mean the activity manager
[17:13] <datruth> Is there something betterthan virtualbox it seems to be the main cause of freezing and locking up my kubuntu system
[17:13] <melvincv> Is there a way to disable that?
[17:13] <datruth> I'm on 12.04
[17:14] <melvincv> datruth: kvm or qemu
[17:15] <datruth> kvm is a software?
[17:15] <melvincv> datruth: yes, not much better feature wise though
[17:15] <melvincv> actually worse
[17:15] <datruth> :(
[17:15] <melvincv> I tried it on fedora
[17:16] <datruth> is virtualbox supposed to be the best out of the bunch?
[17:16] <melvincv> I'm amazed by the effects here, compared to Unity...
[17:16] <melvincv> the desktop is very... pretty.
[17:16] <BluesKaj> datruth, what about a real install
[17:17] <datruth> BluesKaj: a real install?
[17:17] <BluesKaj> instead of VB'
[17:17] <phunyguy_work> I love Virtualbox, never had any freezing issues.
[17:17] <melvincv> couple of bugs though, got to report them
[17:18] <datruth> BluesKaj: In that case I don't need a real install I need it to be virtualized.
[17:18] <datruth> phunyguy_work: are you on 12.04 or 12.10?
[17:18] <phunyguy_work> datruth: yes.
[17:18] <phunyguy_work> (both)
[17:19] <datruth> phunyguy_work: no problems on either?
[17:19] <phunyguy_work> but not kubuntu, just ubuntu, but I have used it on kde and it works great there too
[17:19] <datruth> this is like the 4th 5th time my system has locked up due to virtualbox
[17:19] <phunyguy_work> (on both versions)
[17:19] * datruth wonders if his kubuntu is trashed
[17:19] <datruth> perhaps ubuntu might be a better fit
[17:19] <BluesKaj> datruth, you mean in your case , well those are the problems you have to deal with if you must use VB
[17:20] <phunyguy_work> You would think VB would run better under KDE... the gui is qt4, no?
[17:21] <datruth> BluesKaj: right ok
[17:21] <melvincv> one is with the activity manager. the shell crashes many times when I create a new activity and click 'add widgets' and 'activities'
[17:22] <phunyguy_work> BluesKaj, I entertained KMS, but has issues with network bridging, I wanted the VMs to have an IP on my LAN, not NAT. network-manager wouldn't allow it.
[17:22] <phunyguy_work> had*
[17:22] <phunyguy_work> in fact for my usage I had to have the VMs visible on the network, due to
[17:22] <BluesKaj> phunyguy_work, yes qt is the default style engine
[17:22] <phunyguy_work> errr oops
[17:23] <phunyguy_work> due to the clients needing to check in with a server, and be recognized by mac.
[17:23] <melvincv> Anyway, I'll stick with KDE for a while... report a few crashes and bugs.
[17:23] <phunyguy_work> but VirtualBox just works for me/
[17:24] <melvincv> How does Wine work? They say Wine does not like desktop compositing...
[17:25] <datruth> is 12.10 stable or still in betta?
[17:25] <melvincv> datruth: stable
[17:25] <datruth> hrmm okay
[17:25] <melvincv> but has bugs... every software has them anyway :)
[17:26] <datruth> time for an dist-upgrade maybe that'll stop the lockups
[17:26] <xixor> datruth: 12.10 has been very stable for me
[17:26] <datruth> nice
[17:26] <melvincv> no show stoppers so far. Tiny bugs only :)
[17:26] <datruth> from 12.04 apt-get dist-upgrade will take me to 12.10 or the latest beta?
[17:28] <phunyguy_work> 12.10.
[17:28] <phunyguy_work> I would imagine anyway
[17:28] <BluesKaj> datruth, 12.10 is in official release , not beta , and has been for 6 weeks
[17:28] <phunyguy_work> do-release-upgrade still a valid command?
[17:29] <BluesKaj> yers
[17:29] <BluesKaj> err yes :)
[17:29] <phunyguy_work> :)
[17:31] <phunyguy_work> ewps.
[17:31] <phunyguy_work> that's what i get for messing around.
[17:33] <xixor> I'd like to know how much of (k/x/u)buntus install base on desktops (not servers), runs LTS releases for > 2 years
[17:34] <BluesKaj> !LTS
[17:34] <ubottu> LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)
[17:36] <xixor> I haven't encountered a single person running 10.04 LTS
[17:40] <xixor> I always find it funny when linux installs ask if they want you to participate in keeping statistics of which packages are installed to help them understand which packages are popular. I'm downloading the packages from your repositories, I'm giving you that information whether I click this box or not
[17:47] <datruth> Hrmm I guess no 12.10 for me the moon software app isn't detecting it
[17:48] <bazhang> datruth, make sure that it allows non-LTS upgrades
[17:50] <datruth> gotcha
[17:52] <bazhang> datruth, I'm not on Kubuntu right now, so I cannot say where muon keeps that setting
[17:54] <datruth> bazhang: found it thanks :)
[17:54] <bazhang> :)
[18:00] <datruth> wow lots of updates
[18:00] <datruth> almost 2000
[19:05] <ricardo_> prueba
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[19:49] <centran> I just upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 and get a black/blank screen after the splash screen
[19:49] <centran> I can ctrl+alt+f1 which is what I am doing now
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[20:32] <BluesKaj> centran, run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade , then reboot
[20:34] <centran> allready tried that
[20:37] <BluesKaj> ok , centran any errors?
[20:38] <centran> no errors just a blank screen after the splash screen
[20:38] <centran> I can ctrl+alt+f1 which is what I am doing now
[20:40] <BluesKaj> centran, which graphics card ?
[20:43] <centran> nvidia quadro
[20:44] <BluesKaj> centran, ok, sudo service lightdm stop , assuming you're running 12.04 or higher
[20:45] <BluesKaj> centran, then , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , then sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx
[20:48] <BluesKaj> centran, reinstalling kdm won't help youy btw
=== Vito is now known as Vito_AWAY
=== Vito_AWAY is now known as Vito_away
[20:53] <centran> yeah I thought kubuntu ditched kdm in favor of lightdm
[20:54] <BluesKaj> they did on 12.04 and 12.10 afaik
[20:55] <BluesKaj> I tried reinstalling kdem too ,but it didn't solve my blackscreen login problem either
[20:55] <BluesKaj> err kdm
[20:56] <BluesKaj> installing the nvidia-current driver fixed it
[21:00] <centran> well time to restart and hope it works
[21:01] <BluesKaj> if you ran the commands I posted. no need to restart
[21:13] <dahlia> how can I tell kde to not use my gpu for anything? it makes my 3d apps slow down
[21:16] <BluesKaj> your gpu should relieve your cpu thereby speeding things up , otherwise your 3D apps would be even slower
[21:18] <dahlia> I dont want my gpu to do desktop effects, I want it to be dedicated to my 3d apps only
[21:19] <xixor> setting the renderer from OpenGl to XRender might do that
[21:19] <xixor> or disable desktop effects
[21:19] <dahlia> I tried xrender but didnt seem to help. I only see "disable at startup"
[21:20] <dahlia> or "enable at startup"
[21:20] <xixor> alt+shift+F12 can be used to toggle desktop effects off/on
[21:20] <BluesKaj> dahlia, well , if you find a control app that can do that for , please let us know
[21:21] <BluesKaj> for you
[21:21] <dahlia> tried alt/shift/f12 but no effect
[21:21] <dahlia> Ill try unclicking enable at startup and rebooting
[21:21] <dahlia> or can I just relog?
[21:22] <BluesKaj> dahlia, which graphics card ?
[21:22] <dahlia> nvidia 8600gtx
[21:23] <dahlia> there seems to be some strange interaction between kwin and opengl and when my 3d apps use a lot of resources kwin dies
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[21:25] <BluesKaj> then you should be happy to have the gpu do your heavy lifting , it runs graphical apps much more efficiently than the cpu , that's what a graphics card is supposed to do ... there must be some other app slowing down your 3d apps
[21:25] <dahlia> no I dont want kwin to use the GPU at all
[21:25] <dahlia> I need my 3d apps to perform, I dont need fancy window effects
[21:26] <BluesKaj> dahlia, well , good luck ...then turn off the desktop effects
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[21:28] <dahlia> ok I guess reboot did it, alt-shift-f12 didnt
[21:29] <xixor> that's strange
[21:29] <xixor> there are only a couple of desktop effects that eat GPU afaik... blur, transparency, wobbly windows
[21:29] <xixor> a few of the task switching effects, desktop cube
[21:30] <dahlia> the effects are nice and if I had a better computer I'd probably use them :)
[21:30] <dahlia> but I dont :(
[21:31] <Mic4cH> hi
[21:32] <BluesKaj> I'm not a gamer and my pc is getting old , but desktop effects are nice to have
[21:33] <dahlia> I turn off Aero on windows too, nothing against you guys :)
[21:33] <u19809> hi all I have tree problems with precise pangolin :
[21:33] <u19809> 1. my duals screen forgets its layout after reboot
[21:33] <u19809> 2. I cannot enable 3d effects on my desktop
[21:33] <u19809> 3. I have changed the look of KDE but my mozilla's menubar does not follow the look.
[21:33] <u19809> Any suggestions ?
[21:33] <FloodBotK1> u19809: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[21:34] <u19809> not flooding . just entering three lines
[21:34] <u19809> Can type fast ;)
[21:34] <u19809> albeit with a lot of type-o's though
[21:34] <dahlia> cant argue with a bot :P
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[21:35] <u19809> well its detection algo is a bot too sharp then :)
[21:35] <Mic4cH> alt+ctrl+F12 isnt work for 3d effects?
[21:36] <dahlia> didnt work for me
[21:36] <yofel> try enabling kwin debug output in kdebugdialog, log out, then monitor ~/.xsession-errors for errors while you try to enable the effects
[21:36] <Mic4cH> what graphic card?
[21:38] <dahlia> nvidia 8600gtx
[21:40] <Mic4cH> are u using drivers from nvidia?
[21:41] <dahlia> ya, nvidia-current i think
[21:41] <dahlia> its working ok now that I rebooted with effects of
[21:42] <dahlia> *off
[21:43] <lordievader> u19809: Under System Settings -> Display and Monitor you can click Save as Default, this should fix your first problem.
[21:44] <Mic4cH> do u have turned it on like this? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Yh85C7RqZJs/Tb1wOCLGNHI/AAAAAAAAAL0/KYyyX-yoi5o/s1600/Additional+Drivers+unity.png
[21:45] <u19809> well that was a good excerise : alt-ctrl-f12 = black screen, no more X, reboot needed, after reboot no X because plasmadesktop goes bezerk and also virtuso-t. had to disable everything again
[21:45] <u19809> lordievader : i tried this but It does not remember it ...
[21:45] <u19809> other remarks i had not seen...
[21:45] <lordievader> u19809: Have you installed the driver for your card?
[21:45] <u19809> yes ... nvidia
[21:46] <Mic4cH> hey try alt+shift+F12 with only one monitor
[21:46] <u19809> and it is loaded ... no errors
[21:47] <lordievader> u19809: Is Xinerama enabled?
[21:47] <u19809> where ?
[21:47] <lordievader> u19809: Probably somewhere in the Nvidia control panel, however in order to enable Desktop Effects this should not be enabled.
[21:48] <u19809> should not or must not ?
[21:49] <lordievader> u19809: Composite and Xinerama are not compatible, so no it should not be enabled.
[21:49] <u19809> where is the nvidia control panel ?
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[21:50] <lordievader> u19809: Not sure, don't run Nvidia here. But probably somewhere under Settings/System/Utilities (this all in the Application menu).
[21:51] <u19809> Another problem I have btw is that when I boot and log on, I cannot click on items like the entries in the 'K' menu. when I zap the X server and log back on then it works ?
[21:51] <dahlia> just type nvidia in the search thingie
[21:51] <lordievader> u19809: Let's start with one problem and go from there, ok?
[21:51] <u19809> ok
[21:51] <u19809> I have font the config
[21:52] <u19809> Cant see any refs to xinerama ... and the config shows both displays perfectly well
[21:54] <lordievader> u19809: While back since I last saw an nVidia control panel, this page seems to have a Xinerama option, don't know how old the image/driver is...: http://askubuntu.com/questions/156676/unable-to-apply-settings-to-nvidia-x-server-settings
[21:56] <u19809> nope, that screen has changed, presumably auto detect
[21:58] <lordievader> u19809: Xinerama is not something to autodetect... What kind of error do you get when you try to enable the desktop effects?
[21:59] <u19809> a kwin message pops up stating that the following 3d items could not be enabled and then a whole list
[22:00] <lordievader> u19809: Under the Advanced tab, what compositing type is used and what graphics system?
[22:00] <u19809> opengl
[22:01] <u19809> Graphics system I do not see
[22:01] <u19809> 2 optoins for opengl : 2 shaders and vsync
[22:03] <lordievader> u19809: It's Qt graphics system it is right under Compositing type.
[22:04] <u19809> no I only see 'general options'
[22:05] <lordievader> u19809: Hmm... oke, what happens when you put it on Xrender? (Compositing type)
[22:06] <u19809> open gl disables
[22:06] <u19809> ok ... now things are better ... I see translucency and no kwin message
[22:08] <lordievader> u19809: Ok so now we know that the problem is the graphics driver :). Xrender is using the cpu to render everything, however you do want to use the GPU (OpenGL).
[22:08] <lordievader> u19809: How did you install the nVidia driver?
[22:08] <u19809> using the nvidia download and run the bin ... did say messages about mesagl etc
[22:09] <Mic4cH> from nvidia site normal *.deb or additional driver
[22:09] <u19809> additional
[22:09] <lordievader> u19809: Hmm.. Could you uninstall that one and install the driver through the Jockey?
[22:10] <u19809> the what ?
[22:10] <lordievader> Mic4cH: Last driver I got from there also was a .bin, AMD also gives you .bin's.
[22:10] <Mic4cH> amd
[22:10] <Mic4cH> and this isnt gf?
[22:10] <lordievader> u19809: Jockey = Additional Drivers. A easy to use tool to install drivers.
[22:10] <Mic4cH> from nvidia?
[22:11] <lordievader> Mic4cH: gf?
[22:11] <Mic4cH> ok so there are bins .run
[22:11] <Mic4cH> yea
[22:11] <lordievader> Mic4cH: Ah yes, I stand corrected.
[22:12] <Mic4cH> i missed that asker changed sry:P
[22:12] <BluesKaj> u19809, alt +F2 , type in jockey
[22:12] <lordievader> BluesKaj: It is a good idea to first uninstall the current driver.
[22:12] <lordievader> u19809: You should look in the nVidia manual on how to do that.
[22:13] <BluesKaj> lordievader, the nviodai installer will uninstall the drivber
[22:13] <BluesKaj> nvidia
[22:13] * BluesKaj reaches for his glasses
[22:13] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Even if it is a manual install?
[22:13] <BluesKaj> yes it detects the existing driver
[22:14] <BluesKaj> that's what jockey is all about
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[22:15] <u19809> ok ... will try that tomorrow ... need to go to bed ... more on this tomorrow Thx
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[22:15] <BluesKaj> yeah , time for the news etc ... been on here long enough today
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[22:45] <wissam> Hi ,"Manual partitioning in installer crashes when handling many partitions " How can i fix this ?
[22:45] <wissam> I'm trying to install kubuntu 12.10
[22:49] <march84> hello
[22:49] <march84> just found out by coincidence tonight
[22:49] <march84> is it normal that rekonq has GTK dialogs for upload?
[22:50] <avihay> wissam_: try to use gparted from the live cd?
[22:51] <avihay> march84: it's probably better to ask in #rekonq
[22:52] <wissam> avihay: My problem is not with making the partions but the installer stops befor begining the disk setup
[22:52] <march84> thanks, but it's something that all browsers actually do
[22:52] <march84> and i am using kubuntu
[22:53] <avihay> is disconnecting devices a viable option? there's also the alternative installer on the alt-cd
[22:53] <avihay> it should be more robust
[23:00] <wissam_> avihay: so i should download the dvd image again?
[23:01] <avihay> the alternative-cd, or however it's called nowadays
[23:05] <wissam_> can i install kubuntu from the command line ?
[23:06] <avihay> it's an ncurses based installer
[23:08] <17WAAPWV0> ok thnx
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