UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <ScottK> pimlibs built, so that's something.
[00:03] <Quintasan> Hmmm
[00:06] <Quintasan> agateau: plasma-widget-homerun should depend on libhomerun0 for sure
[00:06] <Quintasan> (={binary:Version}) I guess
[00:06] <Quintasan> ScottK: Opinions ^
[00:06] <Quintasan> ?
[00:09] <ScottK> Quintasan: They are built from the same source?
[00:09] <Quintasan> ScottK: Yes
[00:09] <ScottK> Then yes.
[00:09] <Quintasan> What the...
[00:10] <Quintasan> ScottK: Can you check if homerun package exists in raring?
[00:13] <Quintasan> What is this sorcery
[00:16] <shadeslayer> nope
[00:16] <ScottK> rmadison says no
[00:16] <shadeslayer> it's in the queue
[00:17] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue
[00:17] * ScottK looks
[00:20] <ScottK> Quintasan: debian/copyright fail.
[00:21] <ScottK> Look in components/qml/TabBar.qml and then look in your debian/copyright.
[00:23] <ScottK> Quintasan: I've accepted, but please fix.
[00:24] <ScottK> Quintasan: Also it's really annoying to have packaging under a different license than the package.
[00:26] <Quintasan> ScottK: I have absolutely no idea under what license am I supposed to provide the damn packaging
[00:26] <Quintasan> ScottK: Since the package itself uses lgpl, gplv2 and gplv3 and whatnot
[00:26] <apachelogger> BSD :P
[00:26] <Quintasan> and BSD 2-clause
[00:26] <ScottK> Quintasan: I usually say "The same terms as the package itself: and let people sort it out who care.
[00:27] <ScottK> Where it gets confusing is if you add a patch and then the license of the patch gets unclear.
[00:27] <ScottK> That or just don't mention it.
[00:27] <ScottK> That's actually what I do more commonly.
[00:27] <apachelogger> BSD can be restricted, you cannot open up GPL though, so IMHO packaging should be BSD or another permissive thing
[00:28] <Quintasan> ScottK: Can I make the packaging WTFPL?
[00:28] <Quintasan> That should be the most permissive thing ever
[00:29] <apachelogger> actually in terms of pieces of software it is not clear :P
[00:29] <apachelogger> e.g. if you write a patch
[00:30] <apachelogger> IMHO
[00:30] <apachelogger> not caring too much though
[00:30] <apachelogger> Quintasan: use bsd
[00:30] <Quintasan> apachelogger: Sorry, how "Do what the fuck you want" is not clear? :P
[00:30] <apachelogger> doing somethign and being allowed to do something are not exactly the same thing :P
[00:31] <Quintasan> Well, by using WTFPL I allow you to do "what the fuck you want to"
[00:31] <ScottK> Quintasan: BSD is best is this case.
[00:31] <Quintasan> Whether you do anything with it is another case
[00:31] <Quintasan> ScottK: Okay
[00:32] <shadeslayer> BSD/MIT would probably fit "Do whatever the heck you want to do" :P
[00:33] <Quintasan> But it has more restictions
[00:33] <shadeslayer> it does?
[00:33] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL
[00:33] * shadeslayer does not speak legalese
[00:33] <shadeslayer> oh
[00:34] <Quintasan> Please tell me there can be something less restrictive that this
[00:34] <shadeslayer> I didn't know there's a WTFPL @_@
[00:34] <shadeslayer> I assumed that you were merely making that up :P
[00:34] <Quintasan> I wouldn't ask ScottK if I can put an invalid license there duh
[00:34] <ScottK> No, there's stuff in the archive with that license.
[00:35] <shadeslayer> lawl
[00:35] <apachelogger> it's not an invalid licesense
[00:35] <apachelogger> I just don't see it within the realms of meaning anything :P
[00:35] <apachelogger> would be like a law that there is no law, hence there'd be a law
[00:35] <apachelogger> anywho
[00:36] <apachelogger> packaging mostly does not require licensing
[00:36] <apachelogger> because packaging mostly does not contain licenseworthy content
[00:36] * ScottK doesn't consider it to generally involve creative work of the type that should have copyright protection.
[00:36] * ScottK high fives apachelogger.
[00:36] <apachelogger> if you'd have a super complicated makig rules file, that'd need a license
[00:36] <apachelogger> or a patch implementing something sweet
[00:37] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: your packaging won't work for nightly because we also build for precise which requires a bit of special handling
[00:37] * apachelogger hands ScottK a cookie ^^
[00:37] <Quintasan> Then modify it duh
[00:37] * ScottK is in favor of cookies.
[00:38] * ScottK is making symbols files again. Cookies sound way better.
[00:38] <ScottK> Fortunately not by hand this time.
[00:38] * apachelogger just watched charlie and the chocolate factory but has no chocolate :(
[00:39] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: branch it, fix it, push it, build it
[00:39] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ofcourse :P
[00:39] <shadeslayer> but not something for tonight :P
[00:39] <apachelogger> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjR4_CbPpQ
[00:39] <apachelogger> harder, better, faster, strong
[00:40] <apachelogger> so much truth in that song ^^
[00:40] * apachelogger wonders where his interstella 5555 dvd is
[00:41] <Quintasan> apachelogger: You got a dvd of that?
[00:41] <Quintasan> Damn you
[00:42] <apachelogger> course I do
[00:42] <apachelogger> daft punk ftw
[00:43] <shadeslayer> heh
[00:43] <ScottK> shadeslayer: Isn't it morning there?
[00:43] <shadeslayer> ScottK: I'm in the UK, almost 1 AM
[00:44] <ScottK> Oh.
[00:44] <ScottK> It's earlier for you than apachelogger. You should get to work.
[00:44] <shadeslayer> heh xD
[00:45] <apachelogger> and I am only not working because my install is b0rked and I am all pissed from looking at bug reports
[00:45] <shadeslayer> drat, there goes my excuse ...
[00:45] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: can't be more broken than mine
[00:45] <apachelogger> you have no idea
[00:45] <Quintasan> ScottK: http://paste.kde.org/611012
[00:45] <shadeslayer> multiple mesa 8/9 upgrades, have all sorts of weird things installed
[00:46] <Quintasan> Does this look sane enought?
[00:46] * apachelogger has not bothered fixign anythign at all since he is waiting for new hardware
[00:46] <shadeslayer> ^ same :P
[00:46] <shadeslayer> I downloaded a Quantal ISO @ UDS, didn't get around to installing it
[00:46] <apachelogger> Quintasan: good sir, if I may... I'd not put the lib before the debhelper placeholders
[00:47] <apachelogger> it is not common to do that
[00:47] <Quintasan> curses
[00:47] <Quintasan> I forgot to run wrap-and-sort
[00:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: lol, u also on precise?
[00:47] <shadeslayer> yus
[00:47] <apachelogger> <3
[00:47] <ScottK> Quintasan: Sure, but let me get the current packages out of binary New first.
[00:47] <shadeslayer> :P
[00:47] <shadeslayer> I've done unimlaginable things to this isntal
[00:47] <apachelogger> mine is actually an upgraded oneiric :D
[00:48] <shadeslayer> I've done unimaginable things to this isntall
[00:48] <shadeslayer> /var/log/installer/media-info says mine was a clean precise install
[00:48] <Quintasan> ScottK: Lemme know when you are done so I can upload
[00:48] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: lucky you :P
[00:49] <shadeslayer> not really :P
[00:49] <apachelogger> Kubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" - Release amd64 (20111012
[00:49] <apachelogger> a good release that was
[00:49] <apachelogger> :D
[00:49] <Quintasan> arg
[00:49] <shadeslayer> re-installing is a PITA
[00:49] <Quintasan> Maintainer: Kubuntu Developers <quintasan@kubuntu.org>
[00:49] <Quintasan> I'm so dumb
[00:50] <shadeslayer> lol
[00:50] <apachelogger> Quintasan: dunno, you could have intentionally wanted all the "SUBJECT: bug" mails ;)
[00:50] <ScottK> Quintasan: In the current build I'm looking at, p-w-homerun depends on libhomerun (>= 0.1.0).
[00:50] <ScottK> That's from shlibs:Depends.
[00:50] <Quintasan> ScottK: And I can't install it from my PPA for some reason
[00:50] <ScottK> Slight problem though that it's libhomerun instead of libhomerun0.
[00:51] <ScottK> Your fix won't fix that.
[00:51] <Quintasan> uhh
[00:51] <ScottK> shlibs depends will still create that dependency.
[00:51] <ScottK> You need to figure out why it's doing that.
[00:51] <Quintasan> AH
[00:51] <apachelogger> note: order matters in debian/control
[00:51] <Quintasan> I see that libhomerun
[00:51] <Quintasan> Damn
[00:52] <Quintasan> I thought it was because I did not explictly state it does depend on that
[00:52] <Quintasan> and shlibs took care of that but did it wrong
[00:52] <apachelogger> how did it manage to get it wrong?
[00:52] <Quintasan> That's another question
[00:53] <ScottK> Quintasan: Look at the header for your symbols file.
[00:53] * Quintasan looks at command history
[00:53] * apachelogger spies packaging
[00:54] <Quintasan> ScottK: Just changing that to libhomerun0 will suffice or I'd better recreate the symbols file?
[00:55] <ScottK> Changing would be enough, I think.
[00:55] <apachelogger> yes
[00:55] * Quintasan picks the latter
[00:55] <Quintasan> Never hurts to be safe
[00:55] <Quintasan> I already uploaded broken stuff
[00:56] <apachelogger> who reviewed that package?
[00:56] <ScottK> I missed the symbols file mistake in source New.
[00:56] <apachelogger> don't we do pre-upload reviews anymore? :(
[00:57] <ScottK> We should.
[00:57] <apachelogger> yes
[00:59] <ScottK> As a great and powerful DD, I'm accustomed to uploading on my own though. Heck it only took three tries to get libopenbdx building on all 13 Debian release archs: https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=libopendbx
[00:59] <apachelogger> oh, I found my SRU notes again
[00:59] <apachelogger> and hooray I still need to do the news plasmoids screwed up in quantal SRU
[00:59] <apachelogger> yay
[00:59] <apachelogger> -.-
[00:59] <apachelogger> ScottK: ^^
[01:00] <apachelogger> which reminds me that something ftbfs on armhf with a spooky error
[01:00] <ScottK> Symbols files for a library package that have C and C++ in it can be fun.
[01:00] <apachelogger> ah, it built meanwhile
[01:00] <ScottK> Magic.
[01:01] <apachelogger> nah, prolly a broken gcc
[01:01] <apachelogger> hence why the error was so spooky
[01:01] * Quintasan triple checks every damn occurence of libhomerun
[01:01] <apachelogger> ScottK: how would that work?
[01:02] <apachelogger> they'd all get c++ mangling at linktime, no?
[01:02] <ScottK> Different files in the same library package.
[01:02] <ScottK> The C stuff seemed ~normal.
[01:03] <ScottK> pkgkde-symbolshelper failed me on this.
[01:03] <apachelogger> ah well, one package should only hold one libarary anyway :P
[01:03] <ScottK> That's why I was hand stitching the 13 build logs into a symbols file earlier today.
[01:03] <apachelogger> madness
[01:04] <ScottK> Well, it's enough binaries there already due to plugins that I don't care to double it.
[01:04] <ScottK> Fortunately it's in maintenance mode upstream, so hopefully it'll be awhile before I have to do that again.
[01:31] <Quintasan> ScottK: http://paste.kde.org/611060
[01:33] <Quintasan> installable
[01:33] <Quintasan> works
[01:35] <Quintasan> ScottK: uploading, will appreciate if you can accept it
[01:35] <Quintasan> timeouts
[01:35] <Quintasan> timeouts everywhere
[01:35] * Quintasan will upload tomorrow
[01:36] <Quintasan> good night
[02:15] * apachelogger dances with JontheEchidna
[02:15] <JontheEchidna> :D
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[02:55] <ScottK> Quintasan: I rejected the bad binaries. I'll look at it tomorrow.
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[04:40] <silv3r_m00n> any particular class in pykde/pyqt that can ping a server and interval and provide an event if ping failed , basically to check if the server is online or not
[04:54] <ScottK> Now idea, but lack of ping response doesn't actually mean the server isn't there and responding to other requests.
[04:54] <ScottK> s/Now/No
[07:30] <Tm_T> anyone seen Darkwing lately?
[08:22] <apachelogger> good morning kubuntu
[08:24] <Tm_T> hello hello
[08:39] <Riddell> good morning apachelogger
[08:39] <Riddell> Tm_T: no Darkwing has been silent for a while, a bit worrying
[08:51] <Tm_T> Riddell: indeed
[08:53] <agateau> Quintasan_: sorry for the licensing mess in Homerun, that's what happen when one reuse code from various parts of KDE :/
[09:03] <apachelogger> agateau: he's just squeamish
[09:03] <apachelogger> http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Licensing_Policy
[09:03] <apachelogger> that is rather limited licensing really
[09:04] <agateau> you still end up with code with BSD, GPLx and LGPLx licenses
[09:04] <apachelogger> I once tried to get a package into the archive that had like every license possible, code copies of library possible and copyright attributed to just about every free software developer
[09:04] <apachelogger> (suffice to say it did not end up in the archive, quite the loss though)
[09:04] <agateau> you have weird games
[09:05] <apachelogger> was no game really :P
[09:05] <apachelogger> http://ksquirrel.sourceforge.net/
[09:05] <apachelogger> I think it's that
[09:08] <apachelogger> not sure though
[09:08] <apachelogger> it definitely has fun stuff
[09:08] <apachelogger> * Part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
[09:08] <apachelogger> * See the file Copyright for more details.
[09:08] <apachelogger> 3-clause bsd
[09:08] <apachelogger> so it is at least on par with homerun ;)
[09:16] * apachelogger cleans up his $HOME
[09:20] <apachelogger> /home/me/src/bzr/decascader
[09:20] <apachelogger> why that should be picked up
[09:20] <agateau> I see :)
[09:21] <apachelogger> merges settings
[09:22] <apachelogger> so instead of /usr/share/kubuntu-netbook lying ontop of /usr/share/kubuntu-desktop you get /usr/share/kubuntu/merged-netbook and that is it
[09:22] <apachelogger> faster system ftw
[09:25] <apachelogger> ScottK: why did I write a kcm to edit /etc/hosts?
[09:27] <Noskcaj> can someonemake the change for me, i have too sleep then not allowed on the computer tomorrow morning(im 13 not a pathetic adult)
[09:29] <Noskcaj> scottk kniws what i'm on about, i lost the bug number again
[09:30] <Noskcaj> *knows
[09:31] <apachelogger> Noskcaj: bug 1066225 ?
[09:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1066225 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "encrypt home folder needs to be checkbox not radio button" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066225
[09:31] <Noskcaj> yes, thankyou
[09:32] <apachelogger> I am sure ScottK will find someone to fix it ;)
[09:33] <Noskcaj> yay, no learning required, or using kubuntu(i just cant how to use ut, please dont laugh at or try to tell me otherwise)
[09:34] <Noskcaj> i missed the word "see"
[09:35] <apachelogger> actually I meant to write a blog post about entrance barriers WRT implicit knowledge assumed on the users part
[09:35] <apachelogger> I was using openSUSE the other day and did not manage to install a specific package update because of that
[10:14] <apachelogger> valorie: you still doing documentation stuff in kde, right?
[10:33] <valorie> apachelogger: I haven't been very active of late
[10:34] <valorie> visiting my dad takes time and energy with not a lot to spare
[10:36] <valorie> niters
[10:45] <Riddell> http://ec2-50-17-101-98.compute-1.amazonaws.com/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html
[10:49] <Mamarok> Riddell or afiestas: you might want to look at this thread on the users list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2012-November/057263.html
[10:49] <Riddell> we're as much in the dark as you :(
[10:50] <tsdgeos> i get the same
[10:54] <Tm_T> hah
[10:54] <Tm_T> someone forgot to update dns records
[10:55] <Tm_T> the domain is renewed by bluesystems just 3 days ago
[10:55] <Tm_T> Expires on: 24-Jul-14 Last Updated on: 17-Nov-12
[10:56] <Riddell> keep yourself amused with http://www.netrunner-mag.com/ in the mean time I guess
[10:56] <Riddell> look, there's vHanda!
[10:57] <Tm_T> Riddell: you have connections to bluesystems sysadmins?
[10:57] <Tm_T> might be worth nudging about the situation
[10:58] <Riddell> I don't think there's such a thing
[10:58] <Tm_T> yeah looks like its bought service
[10:59] <Tm_T> I'll send an email to technical and administrative contact listed on domain registry
[11:03] <Tm_T> sent
[11:04] <Riddell> hmm kubuntu-ppa-build-status doesn't check for not-installed files, I thought it did
[11:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: where did you add a recommends to media-player-info again?
[11:18] <Riddell> it's still a suggests from libsolid in bzr
[11:19] <Mamarok> dear devs, could we please have kmix patched regarding bug 309045? Backports PPA is OK
[11:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 309045 in Launchpad itself "pingos tipptrainer missing" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/309045
[11:20] <Mamarok> erm, kde bug, not launchpad
[11:20] <Mamarok> this one: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309045
[11:20] <ubottu> KDE bug 309045 in KMix Panel Docking "kmix causes plasma system tray to flicker when a new pulse stream is opened or closed" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[11:23] <Riddell> Mamarok: I can add it to my todo list but I suspect KDE SC 4.9.80 will take precedence
[11:23] <Mamarok> Riddell: yep, hopefully esken did apply the correction everywhere
[11:24] <Mamarok> any ETA for 4.10 beta?
[11:24] <Riddell> when http://ec2-50-17-101-98.compute-1.amazonaws.com/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html turns green :)
[11:24] * Mamarok sits in the starting blocks, as usual
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[11:42] <apachelogger> Mamarok: it's too invasive for backports
[11:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: hmm?
[11:42] <Riddell> you mean updates?
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[11:42] <apachelogger> the fix for the flickering
[11:43] <apachelogger> touches half of kmix
[11:43] <Riddell> so too invasive for updates
[11:43] <Riddell> fine for backports
[11:43] <apachelogger> yep, been talking with yofel_ about it
[11:44] <jussi> apachelogger: Riddell: have we done anything about the ML yet?
[11:44] <jussi> (as the cc have been asking about)
[11:44] <apachelogger> not me as I have not discussed anything
[11:44] <apachelogger> so I dunno nothing about nothing
[11:45] <Riddell> jussi: no, also on the todo list for today but feel free to jump in and do it
[11:46] <Riddell> apachelogger: this tripple negative means you know everything about nothing, so you admit to being full of knowledge
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[11:47] <apachelogger> sounds like me, no? :P
[11:48] * apachelogger installs new system
[11:48] <jussi> Riddell: Im looking into it
[11:51] <Riddell> apachelogger: new computer arrived?
[11:51] <apachelogger> yus
[11:51] <Riddell> apachelogger: anything sexy?
[11:51] <apachelogger> finally
[11:52] <apachelogger> Riddell: some alienware machine so I can use steam on linux
[11:52] <apachelogger> also proper PC
[11:52] <Riddell> the sort you can't just pick up and carry with you?
[11:53] <apachelogger> yep
[11:53] <apachelogger> I am now using an ultrabook + PC
[11:53] <Riddell> ultrabook?
[11:53] * Riddell googles
[11:53] <apachelogger> macbook air clone thing
[11:53] <apachelogger> extra light laptop basically
[11:54] * apachelogger did not want to end like shadeslayer
[11:55] <apachelogger> it's my first computer with nvidia, we'll see how that works out :S
[12:00] <Riddell> apachelogger: non free driver GPL infringers!
[12:01] <apachelogger> Riddell: it leaves me unsurprised that nvidia would not care about the GPL
[12:17] <jussi> apachelogger: Riddell, ScottK, JontheEchidna, Darkwing: please go and add yourself to the ML: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-council
[12:34] <Quintasan_> agateau: No problem, happens, it just makes my job a little more harder
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[12:36] <Quintasan> agateau: Now that ScottK pointed a few errors out and fixed them it should land in repositories soon
[12:36] <Quintasan> agateau: My roommate agreed to be a tester, so far he likes it
[12:37] <Quintasan> agateau: One thing, he wanted to remove a hard drive from the Favourite Places section but it wouldn't disappear after he clicked the minus sign
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
[13:03] * Quintasan sent his CV
[13:03] <Quintasan> I pray for the best outcome
[13:04] <mikhas> good luck
[13:04] <mikhas> where did you apply, if I may ask?
[13:05] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[13:14] <Quintasan> mikhas: Tieto
[13:28] <ScottK> jussi: I think I did that now.
[13:28] <jussi> ScottK: good :)
[13:29] <ScottK> Quintasan: Did you upload the fixed homerun?
[13:29] <Quintasan> ScottK: I believe it did, I also sent you the debdiff
[13:29] <Quintasan> ScottK: I installed it and ran it successfully on my raring vm
[13:29] <ScottK> I don't see it in the queue.
[13:29] <ScottK> Needs uploaded so I can New it.
[13:30] <ScottK> If I upload, I can't do the New.
[13:30] <Quintasan> oh crap
[13:30] <Quintasan> I forgot the server timed out
[13:30] <Quintasan> Uploading
[13:31] <Quintasan> ScottK: Uploaded, should show up there soon
[13:31] <ScottK> K
[13:36] <Quintasan> ScottK: Thanks, I marked homerun as done
[13:37] * Quintasan goes shopping
[13:38] <Riddell> Quintasan: where can I get homerun?
[13:39] <Quintasan> Riddell: raring proposed or my ppa
[13:39] <Quintasan> ppa:quintasan/ppa
[13:39] <Quintasan> note it's for raring
[13:39] <Quintasan> Riddell: If you want a backport then you do it yourself or wait for me to get back home
[13:40] <Riddell> groovy
[13:40] <Riddell> thanks
[13:40] <Riddell> jussi: should the archives be private? anything public is generally fine on kubuntu-devel
[13:42] <jussi> Riddell: there is no private archive option on Launchpad ml, and cz... bleh, Laura said that they could be public. the idea is just a single email address to email us on...
[13:42] <jussi> If we want private archives, then we need to get on on lists.ubuntu.com and that takes a gpg signed mail which I havent access to at the moment
[13:43] <Riddell> hmm, we've always just pointed people at kubuntu-devel for that
[13:43] <Quintasan> Riddell: Want me to backport it to Kubuntu Backports PPA?
[13:43] <Riddell> Quintasan: that would be lovely
[13:46] <agateau> Quintasan: right, that is a limitation of the current places source. Should maybe add a way to toggle listing hard drives
[13:47] <Quintasan> Riddell: Will do it either today or tomorrow
[13:47] <Quintasan> agateau: Okay, will let him know, I assume you want some input from your typical user.
[13:48] <agateau> Quintasan: I sure want
[13:49] <Quintasan> agateau: Consider having it as soon as it occurs as I asked him if he likes it. He made it his default activity :D
[13:49] <agateau> nice :)
[13:50] <Quintasan> I should be the one saying that since homerun is at 0.1.0
[13:50] <Quintasan> :D
[13:52] <Quintasan> agateau: Good work there, looks way better than default netbook activity IMO
[13:52] <agateau> Quintasan: thanks!
[13:52] * Quintasan goes shopping
[13:53] <Quintasan> mikhas: maliit needs more work unfortunately, somehow I can't get tests to build but my main concern is copyright file and some magic in control file
[13:54] <Quintasan> But it's pretty much done
[13:54] <ScottK> Quintasan: Homerun accepted.
[13:54] <Quintasan> ScottK: Splendid.
[13:57] <mikhas> Quintasan, what's wrong with the copyright file? that it is not up to date?
[13:57] <mikhas> Or that you find it hard to extract all contributors that have copyright claims?
[13:58] <mikhas> heh, doesn't even exist, debian copyright file :-)
[13:59] <Quintasan> thats the problem :P
[14:00] <Quintasan> If it did exist and was not up to date then that would be easy mode
[14:01] <Quintasan> same for the latter
[14:01] <mikhas> hm
[14:01] <Quintasan> but creating it from scratch == sad Quintasan
[14:02] <Quintasan> Well, no pain no gain as they say
[14:02] <Quintasan> mikhas: Will get it done sooner or later
[14:07] <mikhas> ok, if you are unsure about some copyright details just ask me. Quick summary as follows: framework licensed as LPGL-2, plugins use BSD-ish license, copyright is mostly like this: Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 is Nokia Corporation and Copyright 2012 Maliit project. There are tools in Debian to extract the extract license & copyright from source files.
[14:07] <mikhas> Quintasan, ^
[14:08] <mikhas> Best (for me, of course) would be if one could simply state "license and copyright: see source files"
[14:17] <ScottK> mikhas: No. You can't because debian/copyright is what gets shipped with the compiled binaries.
[14:18] <mikhas> Yeah, and yet some projects have done it.
[14:20] <ScottK> It's fine in the source to include the license in the source files, it just doesn't get us out of documenting the license stuff in debian/copyright.
[14:20] <mikhas> No, I mean I have seen some projects where the debian/copyright simply refers to the source files
[14:21] <mikhas> The understanding being that the sourcecode is always available if someone asks or uses apt-get source
[14:22] <ScottK> For most licenses that's not sufficient and if it's in Ubuntu, it's a bug.
[14:23] <ScottK> For example, BSD license has:
[14:23] <ScottK> * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
[14:23] <ScottK> notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
[14:23] <ScottK> documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
[14:23] <mikhas> mind you, we talk about *copyright*, not license
[14:23] <ScottK> Right, but the license requires the copyright notice.
[14:24] <mikhas> are you sure with that?
[14:25] <ScottK> "must reproduce the above copyright notice"
[14:26] <ScottK> You also get into issues where not all mirrors are full mirros and what happens if some mirror chooses not to mirror the source.
[14:26] <mikhas> what about the other direction?
[14:26] <mikhas> that copyright notice requires a license
[14:27] <ScottK> Copyright is inherent.
[14:27] <mikhas> if some mirrors choose not to mirror the source, there's still the original site
[14:27] <ScottK> Right, but that mirror isn't compliant with the licenses if it's not in debian/copyright.
[14:27] <mikhas> as long as tehre's a way to get the sourcecode then that's going be what will be used in any copyright claim, not some debian/copyright file
[14:28] <ScottK> Also a DVD/USB stick isn't distributable without the source either.
[14:28] <mikhas> and if there was no way to get the sourcecode, it coudlnt be in debian, right?
[14:28] <ScottK> True, but this isn't about a lawsuit over who owns what, but about following the terms of the license under which it's free software.
[14:29] <ScottK> Excluding non-free (which technically isn't Debian), right.
[14:29] <mikhas> well, my concern is to keep all of that information in sync, which is really really annoying
[14:29] <mikhas> there's SPDX, but that'S not used in Debian either, AFAIK
[14:29] <ScottK> Yes. Yes it is.
[14:30] <ScottK> There is work ongoing about converging the Debian machine readable copyright format and SPDX, but I've no idea its state.
[14:30] <mikhas> ok
[14:32] <ScottK> We don't to debian/copyright because we enjoy it, but because as a project, both Debian and Ubuntu have concluded it's legally required.
[14:33] <mikhas> I understand that, are you required to list every single copyright holder though?
[14:34] <ScottK> If the license requires it.
[14:34] <mikhas> And if so, what if there are new copyright holders? From my experience, debian/copyright will rarely be up to date. Isn't that a bigger concern?
[14:34] <ScottK> Those are bugs and should be fixed.
[14:35] <ScottK> As a practical matter, Ubuntu is less strict about listing all copyright holders than Debian is, but it's a bug in either distro.
[14:39] * ScottK fixors libkdcraw
[14:42] <Riddell> ScottK: thanks, let's keep package status on http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas so if we're working on one then put it down with your name next to it then put 'ninjas' when uploaded there
[14:43] <ScottK> OK.
[14:57] <afiestas> what is the package that contains the iodbc that soprano eneds to build virtuoso backend?
[14:58] <afiestas> tried with libiodbc2 but when I apt-get it
[14:58] <afiestas> apt ios asking me to remove half my installed packages
[15:00] <Riddell> afiestas: unixodbc-dev
[15:01] <afiestas> mmm I have it installed but still not working
[15:01] <afiestas> not working as in soprano not detecting it
[15:01] <ScottK> Does it matter if some of our package use libjeg-dev and some use libjeg62-dev?
[15:01] <ScottK> libkdcraw wants the newer one.
[15:02] <Riddell> afiestas: also libvirtodbc0
[15:02] <ScottK> So I'm going ahead on the assumption that's OK.
[15:02] <afiestas> Riddell: nope, all that build-dep installs is installed
[15:02] <afiestas> for apt-get build-dep soprano
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[15:04] <Riddell> afiestas: what soprano are you building on what kubuntu and what's it moaning of?
[15:04] <ovidiu-florin> hello, I received some updates today, and int the Muon Update manager, no matter on which update I click I see the same description: http://paste.kde.org/611396/ is this normal? It hasn't happened before.
[15:05] <afiestas> Riddell: 12.10 compiling master of verything
[15:05] <agateau> afiestas: may be not what you are looking for but: git clone git://github.com/openlink/iODBC.git; then ./bootstrap.sh ; mkdir build ; cd build ; ../configure --prefix=$INSTALL_PREFIX --disable-gui ; make all install
[15:05] <afiestas> switched to kubuntu my workstation, so I-m setting up the environment now
[15:06] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: it's probably all kde-workspace, it makes quite a few binary packages
[15:08] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: all updates to belong to kde-workspace? I see the update for that, but this description appears even at the application updates, not just at System updates, I'll check in aptitude.
[15:08] <ScottK> ovidiu-florin: workspace has packages in both sections.
[15:08] <ScottK> If you're on precise, there was an updated workspace released yesterday, so that's almost certainly what you are seeing.
[15:10] <ovidiu-florin> Kubuntu 12.04 LTS
[15:11] <tsimpson> there is a kde-workspace source package which generates several binary packages (of which "kde-workspace" is one)
[15:11] <Riddell> afiestas: I just did git clone kde:soprano on my 12.10 install and it's compiling away
[15:11] <tsimpson> ovidiu-florin: apt-cache showsrc kde-workspace, look at the Binary: list
[15:11] <afiestas> Riddell: check if the virutoso backedn was compiled
[15:11] <afiestas> it compiles here, but without virutoso backend (meaning it is uselesS)
[15:11] <Riddell> afiestas: ooh no
[15:12] <afiestas> https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/i686/libiodbc/ is what arch uses
[15:12] <afiestas> maybe apt-file will help
[15:13] <ovidiu-florin> thank you all for clearing that up for me :D
[15:13] <afiestas> Riddell: libiodbc2 says apt-file
[15:13] <afiestas> but libiodbc2 wants to uninstall all my system xd
[15:14] <shadeslayer> its unixodbc iirc
[15:15] <afiestas> well, soprano is not liking unixodbc then
[15:16] <Riddell> it must be a new thing
[15:16] <shadeslayer> check our packaging for magic voodoo .
[15:16] <Riddell> vHanda: new odbc requirements?
[15:16] <shadeslayer> :P
[15:16] <Riddell> shadeslayer: no magic voodoo there, it just uses unixodbc
[15:17] <shadeslayer> hm
[15:17] <shadeslayer> afiestas: I see you did apt-get build-dep for virtuoso
[15:17] <shadeslayer> not soprano
[15:17] <afiestas> shadeslayer: no, ap-get build-dep for soprano
[15:18] <shadeslayer> oh Derp, read that wrong
[15:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: really he's not being daft, it has changed in master
[15:18] <shadeslayer> ahh ok
[15:18] <afiestas> we should keep tarck of master compiling
[15:18] <afiestas> so we can compile betas/stuff faster
[15:18] <shadeslayer> in which case, I wonder if neon has the same issue
[15:18] <afiestas> and offer a good environmnet for upstream developers
[15:23] <afiestas> well this thing
[15:23] <afiestas> is looking for iodbc-config
[15:23] <afiestas> which according to bash magic in ubuntu
[15:24] <afiestas> it is in libiodbc2-dev which at the same times tries to unisntall all mysystem
[15:24] <afiestas> if I try to install it
[15:24] <afiestas> http://paste.kde.org/611420/
[15:24] * afiestas goes to compile libiodbc2 himself
[15:25] <Riddell> yeah, they must conflict somewhere but I can't find where they actually conflict
[15:25] <afiestas> mmm
[15:25] <afiestas> site says they are in version 3
[15:27] <ScottK> apachelogger: Checked. Not shipping the akonadi test stuff is expected.
[15:28] <Riddell> odbcinst1debian2 breaks libiodbc2
[15:28] <afiestas> where can I see how a package is build?
[15:29] <afiestas> kinda in archlinux there is a search textbox in the main page, I put soprano on it
[15:29] <afiestas> then I click on "source file" and I get it
[15:29] <afiestas> how would be the same thing in kubuntu?
[15:29] <Riddell> hmm, unixodbc says
[15:29] <Riddell> * Re-add the Breaks: libiodbc2 to odbcinst1debian2, now that soprano is
[15:29] <Riddell> no longer using iodbc. LP: #901638.
[15:29] <Riddell> -- Steve Langasek <steve.langasek@ubuntu.com> Mon, 12 Mar 2012 14:13:49 -0700
[15:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 901638 in soprano (Debian) "Remove iodbc2 (causes upgrade failure from Oneiric to Precise)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/901638
[15:31] <afiestas> compiling latest iodbc makes soprano builkd correctly
[15:32] <ScottK> libkdcraw done.
[15:32] <Riddell> afiestas: the only web frontend to the packaging will be in launchpad hosted package branches, you're generally best to apt-get source
[15:33] <afiestas> Riddell: okz
[15:33] * ScottK notes that if the two archive admins on the team do all the packaging, getting 4.9.80 through binary New will be a bitch.
[15:39] <Riddell> afiestas: some more info in debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=639300
[15:39] <ubottu> Debian bug 639300 in soprano "please build against unixodbc-dev instead of libiodbc2-dev" [Important,Open]
[15:39] <Riddell> it says iodbc has been abandoned
[15:39] <Riddell> so presumably that's why unixodbc is used
[15:40] * afiestas moves slowly away from these issues
[15:40] <afiestas> an email should we drop to nepomuk developers though
[15:40] * vHanda hears people talking about him :P
[15:40] <afiestas> maybe it is just a matter of changing the FindIODBC.cmake file to do it without the config-iodbc
[15:40] <afiestas> vHanda: I said developerSSSSS
[15:41] <afiestas> you are a trillion in that team :p
[15:43] <Riddell> hmm no relevant changes in soprano CMakeLists.txt
[15:43] <Riddell> vHanda: know of any reason why soprano stopped being buildable with unixodbc?
[15:44] <vHanda> nothing has changed in the last 2 years or so
[15:44] <vHanda> so, nope
[15:44] <Riddell> oh wait, we patch it
[15:44] <Riddell> with no-odbc-dm
[15:45] <Riddell> afiestas: try adding this patch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/soprano/raring/view/head:/debian/patches/no-odbc-dm
[15:46] <afiestas> Riddell: kinda busy settingh up the working environment
[15:46] <afiestas> can you do it? yo compiled soprano a few minutes back
[15:46] <Riddell> let me see
[15:47] <Riddell> -- Soprano Components that will be built:
[15:47] <Riddell> * Virtuoso storage backend (Run-time dependency: Virtuoso)
[15:47] <Riddell> afiestas: so needs that
[15:47] <Riddell> vHanda: is that patch a candidate for upstreaming?
[15:47] <Riddell> shadeslayer: neon should be fine then
[15:47] <afiestas> why is that patch not upstreamed already I wonder
[15:47] <vHanda> no idea
[15:47] <vHanda> maybe I should ask trueg
[15:48] * afiestas hates distro patching with all his heart
[15:48] <vHanda> I haven't ever touched this cmake magic
[15:48] <Riddell> afiestas: not done by Kubuntu team alas
[15:49] <afiestas> Riddell: not blamign kubuntu, blaming distrobution world
[15:49] <afiestas> xD
[15:49] <afiestas> I just hate that way of doing things
[15:49] <afiestas> I see it as a "workaround until we can upstream things" which is just the contrary of how I like to work
[15:49] <afiestas> I rather work on fixing upstream and then contionue with my work (I do this all the time with kdelibs for instance)
[15:50] <ScottK> afiestas: There are some things that are due to different assumptions. For example, many upstreams depend on internet access to download things like dtds, but we have to build on our buildd's with no internet access, so we patch to use a local copy of the dtd. Neither is right or wrong, just different.
[15:51] <Riddell> vHanda: can you take this on or shall I e-mail trueg?
[15:51] <vHanda> Riddell: I'm sorry. I don't know much about it. Please email him.
[15:51] <Riddell> will do
[15:52] <Riddell> vHanda: or does soprano use bugs.kde.org ?
[15:53] <vHanda> it doesn't. It uses its own wacky tracker on sourceforge
[15:53] <vHanda> it apparently even has its own mailing list over there.
[15:53] <Riddell> tsk, maintainers who use sourceforge are so annoying
[15:53] <Riddell> (this is ironic since Umbrello still uses it)
[15:54] <vHanda> Are you the maintainer? :P
[15:55] <Riddell> well, mostly for lack of anyone else wanting to take the job title
[15:56] <ScottK> vHanda: We don't have individual maintainers, but Riddell ends up stuck with it most of the time.
[15:57] <afiestas> ScottK: there is no difference from what I see, upstream downstream same thing
[15:58] <afiestas> if you ahve to patch something again and again like dtds
[15:58] <afiestas> then upstream should fix that for you, and add a flag or something, that's how it shoudl be
[15:58] <ScottK> I suppose that's a good point.
[15:58] <afiestas> stop not communicating your problems to upstream, thougn I guess many upstreams are rudes
[15:58] <afiestas> as happensw ith some downstreams, but just fuck those :p
[15:59] <ScottK> I know we don't always manage to communicate well, but we do try.
[15:59] <afiestas> this is something I hve learned working with you, you are the ones distribution my software
[15:59] <afiestas> if you do a bad work, I look bad
[15:59] <afiestas> if I do a bad work, you are to blame since you talk with the user
[15:59] <afiestas> anyway, xD
[15:59] <Riddell> we aim to make everyone good looking here
[16:00] <afiestas> Riddell: show it in uds talk xD
[16:00] <agateau> afiestas: we show this in Kubuntu group photos!
[16:26] * ScottK notices Riddell doing libkexiv, so looks at libkipi.
[16:28] <Riddell> done that, onto libkcddb now
[16:29] <ScottK> Riddell: I checked the other libs that built that the soname didn't change.
[16:30] <Riddell> yeah it's just marked in kubuntu-ppa-build-status.html but there's no actual packaging problem
[16:30] <Riddell> that's what I'm writing GOOD for
[16:30] <Riddell> (feel free to tell me to use more useful notations on the etherpad if you can think of them)
[16:30] <ScottK> No, I think that's fine.
[16:31] <ScottK> What the etherpad mostly lacks is more people contributing to it.
[16:31] <Riddell> !ninjas
[16:31] <ubottu> Ninja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel
[16:31] <Riddell> ninja time!
[16:33] * ScottK thinks we need some recruiting.
[16:34] <ScottK> Riddell: shadeslayer isn't in that one.
[16:35] <Riddell> ubottu: no ninjas is Ninja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel, shadeslayer
[16:38] <IdleOne> Riddell: factoid added.
[16:41] <Riddell> recruitment blog post http://blogs.kde.org/2012/11/20/kubuntu-ninjas
[16:57] <ScottK> Interesting.
[16:57] <ScottK> Chakra has published their 4.9.80 packages already. http://www.chakra-project.org/packages/index.php?act=show&subdir=kde-unstable/x86_64&sortby=name&file=kdegraphics-libkipi-4.9.80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[16:58] <Riddell> ever since coolo stopped doing the release management there's nobody scary enough to stop people from doing that
[16:58] <Quintasan> Riddell: It's Michał, not Michel :P
[16:58] <Quintasan> Riddell: I got your mail, thanks.
[16:59] <Riddell> Quintasan: updated, my keyboard lack the fancy ł and a characters
[17:00] <afiestas> can anybody check iof Native is the deafult Kubuntu graphic system instead of Raster?
[17:00] * ScottK would have thought tsdgeos would be scary enough.
[17:00] <afiestas> I saw it after I pasted my home directory so dunno if it is me or kubuntu's
[17:00] <Quintasan> afiestas: I did not change anything and it's raster
[17:00] <afiestas> ScottK: tsdgeeos is as sweet as a teddy bear
[17:00] <afiestas> Quintasan: okiz, my fault then
[17:00] <Quintasan> afiestas: It should be native?
[17:00] <afiestas> no no
[17:00] <afiestas> it should be Raster
[17:01] <Riddell> native is old, raster is all the rage these days
[17:01] <ScottK> afiestas: OK. Someone upstream please go complain at chakra though. It's not good if they pre-release.
[17:02] <yofel_> re
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[17:03] <afiestas> ScottK: I don't feel like the police tbh
[17:04] <ScottK> afiestas: OK. Then I guess we should all just release early.
[17:04] <afiestas> I don't see where is the benefit of releasing early
[17:04] <Riddell> hang on, poor afiestas isn't even on the release team
[17:04] <afiestas> I see where is the problem releasing early and releasing too late
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[17:07] <afiestas> apt-get build-dep plasma-widget-networkmanagement
[17:07] <ScottK> afiestas: The problem is that tarballs get re-rolled all the time due to issues.
[17:07] <ScottK> Riddell: OK.
[17:07] <afiestas> installed a bunch of stuff I believe is not useful or needed to compile
[17:07] <afiestas> like
[17:08] <afiestas> libkwinactiveglutils1abi1
[17:08] <afiestas> libkwinactivenvidiahack4
[17:08] <afiestas> libkwinglesutils1
[17:08] <afiestas> is that normal?
[17:08] <yofel> that's from kde-workspace
[17:08] <afiestas> and why is it depending on kde-workspace?
[17:08] <yofel> kde-workspace-dev will pull in all workspace libs
[17:08] <yofel> hm....
[17:08] <afiestas> also, why is it called plasma-widget?
[17:09] <afiestas> it is called networkmanagement the project
[17:09] <afiestas> old thing I guess?
[17:09] <yofel> iirc it needs something from workspace, and I think all our plasma widgets are called plasma-widget-* in the archive
[17:09] <Riddell> afiestas: networkmanagement is the source package name
[17:09] <yofel> the source is called networkmanagement
[17:09] <Riddell> afiestas: plasma-widget-networkmanagement is the binary for the plasma widget
[17:09] <afiestas> yofel: but it is not a plasma widget
[17:10] <afiestas> it is a project that provides a plasma widget
[17:10] <yofel> what's the difference from a user POV?
[17:10] <afiestas> yofel: plenty, like the KCM
[17:10] <afiestas> or the wizards to configure 3g modems etc
[17:10] <afiestas> it is not only a plasmoid
[17:11] <afiestas> and I don't think we want to make the plasmoid isntallable without the rest
[17:12] <yofel> still, I don't believe we want to rename it - at least not until the debian-qt-kde folks do it first
[17:12] <yofel> s/until/unless/
[17:12] <kubotu> yofel meant: "still, I don't believe we want to rename it - at least not unless the debian-qt-kde folks do it first"
[17:14] <afiestas> ok ok just asking
[17:15] <afiestas> one more question :33 where are the session files located_
[17:15] <afiestas> ?
[17:15] <afiestas> to add a new one for plasma-master
[17:16] <Riddell> afiestas: /usr/share/xsessions/
[17:16] <afiestas> Riddell: thx ! bloody thing changes in every distro xD
[17:17] <ScottK> libkipi done (and marked on the pad)
[17:30] <ScottK> kde-baseapps was missing from the PPA. Uploaded.
[17:42] <afiestas> you are compiling the beta right now right? which xcb package do you needed?
[17:42] <afiestas> installed all of thenm I think, yet kde-workspace is still complaining
[17:43] <ScottK> Didn't get that far yet.
[17:43] <yofel> you need quite a few, sec
[17:45] <yofel> afiestas: install line 17-27 http://paste.kde.org/611504/
[17:45] <yofel> *16-27
[17:46] <afiestas> thanks god build-dep exits xd
[17:46] <yofel> ^^
[17:48] <afiestas> hehe didn't saw kde-workspace not compiling
[17:48] <afiestas> so now I ahve all master but kde-workspace XDD
[17:48] <afiestas> my workspace doesn't look pretty right now :$
[17:51] <ScottK> New pimlibs coming up to make the -dev installable.
[18:43] <afiestas> ScottK: asked manutortosa, one of the main developers in chakra and close friend
[18:43] <afiestas> they haven't release anything, it is a repository where they work on in preparation for the beta
[18:43] <afiestas> they are always building unstable stuff in there, they had packages there before the beta
[18:43] <afiestas> aaah I mean, it is always pointing to master
[18:44] <ScottK> afiestas: OK. Thanks for checking.
[18:44] <ScottK> They have something there called 4.9.80.
[18:44] <afiestas> ScottK: np, I will have lunch with him this saturday so I will ask further
[18:45] <afiestas> yep, but it is not published anywhere, no news, no comments no anything just prepartions
[18:45] <ScottK> My understanding is that tarballs are to be kept in private locations. Those are public and google knows about them.
[18:46] <yofel> didn't we already have that discussion on the release ML with the result that most people don't keep them private?
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[19:19] * ScottK recalls the discussion and thought the conclusion was no change, but maybe had a different impression of 'no change' than others.
[19:23] <Riddell> yes it was no change which presumably is don't publish them but if you do there's no paticular repercussions
[19:24] <rbelem> heya Riddell :-)
[19:25] <Riddell> ola rbelem
[19:25] <rbelem> :-D
[19:25] <rbelem> Riddell: i made some changes to the icecc package
[19:25] <rbelem> Riddell: they are here https://github.com/rbelem/icecream/commit/ef289875f2ce20801b44acc35d0e9a6c117e1804
[19:26] <Riddell> rbelem: you want this in raring?
[19:26] <rbelem> Riddell: when you have some time, could you help me with this?
[19:26] <rbelem> Riddell: yup
[19:27] <Riddell> rbelem: I'm about to go out so a job for later I'm afraid
[19:27] <rbelem> Riddell: one of the good things is that it does not run iceccd as root anymore :-)
[19:27] <rbelem> Riddell: no worries
[19:28] <Riddell> rbelem: but it'll need the various changes to the packaging documented in the changelog
[19:28] <rbelem> Riddell: I will do that right now
[19:29] <rbelem> Riddell: how's kubuntu active?
[19:29] <Riddell> rbelem: not very active :)
[19:29] <rbelem> :-D
[19:29] <Riddell> needs plasma active 3 packaged
[19:29] <rbelem> Riddell: oki
[19:30] <rbelem> Riddell: i will get back to my kubuntu active work
[19:31] <rbelem> i will try to buy a nexus 7 next month as a gift to myself
[19:32] <rbelem> thanks Riddell
[19:57] <ScottK> LP code hosting is down.
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[20:06] <ScottK> Fixed.
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
=== mkv is now known as m4v
[22:27] <snele> hi guys. I upgraded my precise laptop few days ago to kde 4.9.3 and it is working great. But now I have noticied this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309045#c13
[22:27] <ubottu> KDE bug 309045 in KMix Panel Docking "kmix causes plasma system tray to flicker when a new pulse stream is opened or closed" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[22:28] <snele> is kmix going to be patched for precise?
[22:29] <snele> btw I cannot beleive that bug like this ended up all the way to 4.9.3
[22:31] <apachelogger_> no
[22:32] <apachelogger_> next person to ask gets a free yes followed by a drunken no
[22:35] <snele> apachelogger_: sorry I was busy with life so I didn't follow this channel lately
[22:35] <snele> thanks for answer
[22:35] <snele> :)
[22:36] <apachelogger_> oh, I don't blame you
[22:36] <apachelogger_> you just happen to be the 5th person asking that
[22:37] <snele> well bug is so obvious...
[22:39] <apachelogger_> snele: not really because it has been there since day 1 ;)
[22:41] <snele> apachelogger_: do you happen to know will the bug be fixed in next point release? On bug report says fixed in 4.10
[22:42] <apachelogger_> it is fixed in .10
[22:42] <snele> and not in 4.9.4?
[22:42] <apachelogger_> and until someone else from the devel team deems it necessary to do a backportable patch for precise I am not going near kmix code again :P
[22:43] <apachelogger_> and since that backportable patch would still be invasive and untested it would not really be suited for SRUs
[22:43] <snele> apachelogger_: kde 4.9 is in backports ppa :)
[22:44] <apachelogger_> yeah
[22:44] <apachelogger_> the change is not
[22:44] <apachelogger_> because the change rips apart half of kmix to reassemble it properly
[22:45] <snele> apachelogger_: last question :) Is it fixed in quantal? or if it is not, will it be fixed? :)
[22:46] <yofel> no and no
[22:46] <yofel> at least not in 4.9
[22:47] <snele> pffff thank you guys
[22:49] <snele> removed kmix widget, added veromix, problem solved :)))
[22:50] <apachelogger_> also good by free memory
=== apol__ is now known as apol
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw