UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /20 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
[11:45] <bac> gary_poster: ^^ you got *what* when running autoreconf?
[13:05] <bac> hi frankban, teknico - have either of you had trouble getting lxc to start after upgrading to quantal?
[13:05] <bac> i suspect some of our work-arounds in precise need to be undone.
[13:19] <hazmat> bac, canonistack
[13:20] <hazmat> there where some issues with quantal lxc, but they should be resolved afaik
[13:22] <gary_poster> bac, remind me where to look about my autoreconf msg? I just remember that when I first ran it, it failed and I had to install more packages to make it happy
[13:22] <bac> hazmat: i don't understand your mention of canonistack
[13:22] <gary_poster> I think he is suggesting that you test using canonistack
[13:22] <hazmat> bac, just as an alternative to lxc
[13:22] <bac> gary_poster: you wrote this "bac, I got this when trying to run autoreconf in the jitsu branch
[13:22] <bac> 17:52"
[13:23] <bac> gary_poster: with nothing else
[13:23] <bac> hazmat: oh ok. i'd like to get a local option on my machine, though.
[13:23] <bac> gary_poster: perhaps it is no longer relevant if you solved your problem
[13:23] <gary_poster> bac, oh sorry. I think I meant to delete that. Figured it out
[13:23] <gary_poster> yeah, sorry
[13:23] <gary_poster> bac, thanks for making card
[13:24] <gary_poster> I thought it was going to be a self-review amusement in the evening
[13:24] <gary_poster> but then delved into Makefile surgery
[13:30] <benji> Do I understand correctly that the standup has been moved to 17:00 UTC?
[13:31] <gary_poster> hey benji. hope you are all better. it is 1600 UTC. (11 AM Eastern, UTC-5)
[13:31] <gary_poster> benji, oh
[13:31] <gary_poster> it was moved to 1700 only yesterday
[13:31] <gary_poster> or at least that was the intent
[13:31] <gary_poster> lemme see
[13:32] <benji> gotcha
[13:32] <gary_poster> yeah only yesterday
[13:32] <gary_poster> I had a dentist appt
[13:32] <gary_poster> and more coming :-/
[13:32] <gary_poster> hey hazmat, just sent you an email; lemme know how you want to handle it
[13:33] <gary_poster> bac, are you most qualified to reply to gmb about his lp2kanban question?
[13:36] <gary_poster> tveronezi, sorry, I was rushing off to bed and didn't authenticate so lbox has been patiently waiting for me to make my rietveld: https://codereview.appspot.com/6842072
[13:36] <tveronezi> gary_poster: :O) np... tkx
[13:39] <gary_poster> tveronezi, make server is broken on FF :-( (works in Chrome
[13:39] <gary_poster> )
[13:39] <gary_poster> Just noticed, sorry
[13:40] <tveronezi> gary_poster: ok, I will check it. tkx.
[13:40] <gary_poster> bac thanks for gmb reply. favicon is working for me in chrome, not in FF (make debug is working in FF)
[13:40] <bac> gary_poster: you did see my review on LP i hope
[13:40] <gary_poster> bac yes thank you
[13:40] <bac> gary_poster: i just get the 'sheet of paper' style favicon. it is downloaded but not used
[13:40] <bac> "it" being the juju one
[13:40] <gary_poster> weird :-/
[13:41] <hazmat> gary_poster, digesting..
[13:41] <gary_poster> I've cleared out the cache multiple times
[13:41] <hazmat> gary_poster, is there anything in the dropbox folder btw?
[13:41] <gary_poster> nada hazmat
[13:46] <teknico> bac, nope, no trouble starting lxc on quantal, and I'm not aware of any workarounds for precise
[13:48] <bac> teknico: well there were several libvirt related work-arounds that were required and some other things lpsetup did to get nested containers working.
[13:49] <teknico> bac, fwiw, I did not mean to imply that they did not exist, only that I did not know nor use them :-)
[13:56] <tveronezi> gary_poster: it seems to be working fine for me in precise and quantal.
[13:57] <gary_poster> tveronezi, which? favicon.ico or FF?
[13:57] <tveronezi> FF
[13:59] <gary_poster> tveronezi, once I have loaded a debug version, the server version works in FF. Try http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/ ?
[13:59] <gary_poster> That is using make server now
[13:59] <gary_poster> Changed it last night
[14:00] <gary_poster> (well, the equivalent: it uses make build and then starts up the simple python server)
[14:05] <tveronezi> gary_poster: http://ubuntuone.com/2j2GNGiEz3KNt0ZOghByW5
[14:08] <gary_poster> tveronezi, http://ubuntuone.com/0VKcU7JWBtvkwITgPuwxzh
[14:09] <gary_poster> ...and in fact it is not there...
[14:09] <tveronezi> gary_poster: hmmmmm... clean you cache with the "Everything" option.
[14:10] <gary_poster> tveronezi, in FF? There is no such thing I see in quantal
[14:11] <gary_poster> tveronezi, ah! combo loads are killing me, but worked now
[14:11] <tveronezi> gary_poster: ah... good. :O)
[14:12] <gary_poster> bac ^^^ in FF clear cache and FF no longer hosed for me (irrespective of favicon.ico)
[14:12] <gary_poster> tveronezi, for favicon I'm adding explicit favicon link, because that seems to make FF happy for some reason, and also making debug server include favicon
[14:12] <gary_poster> will have update in a few
[14:13] <tveronezi> ok.
[14:15] <bac> hi mattuk1972, can you check uistage.jujucharms.com:8080 and look at the truncation and deploy button placement? it all should be as we discussed yesterday.
[14:16] <bac> mattuk1972: on a side note, are you ok with skipping this UX check step if we pre-clear screenshots with you before landing?
[14:17] <mattuk1972> bad, sounds like a plan
[14:17] <mattuk1972> bac damit auto correct
[14:19] <gary_poster> heh
[14:23] <gary_poster> tveronezi, I just pushed changes to my branch (server.js and index.html). What's easiest for you--do you want a new rietveld proposal patch or do you just want to see it in the MP (https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/juju-gui/favicon/+merge/135045 and click on "Changes added by revision 253" just before the "Add comment"? Whatever is easier
[14:34] <tveronezi> gary_poster: done... I have just two minor comments.
[14:34] <gary_poster> cool looking tveronezi thx
[14:34] <tveronezi> gary_poster: tkx.
[15:19] <hazmat> is anyone else seeing a regression with removing or adding relations on the staging site
[15:21] <hazmat> removing relations seems usable.. adding relations definitely not
[15:25] <mattuk1972> bad, sorry i was dragged off to a meeting - looks good to me
[15:25] <mattuk1972> bac, looks good to me
[15:25] <bac> mattuk1972: thanks
[15:25] <Makyo> hazmat, yes, I'm seeing it. Let me poke around locally.
[15:27] <Makyo> hazmat, not happening in the branch I'm working on. Will update trunk and try.
[15:29] <hazmat> Makyo, ack, thanks
[15:33] <Makyo> hazmat, works with debug, does not work with server. Something funky going on with minification.
[15:45] <gary_poster> bac, you're bad, you're bad, you know it
[15:45] <bac> er, huh?
[15:46] * gary_poster generally can only make historical cultural allusions. That was to Michael Jackson, and was in reference to the autocorrect fun that matt is having
[15:46] <bac> oh, yes, that
[15:46] <bac> i thought your oxycodone was just kicking in
[15:46] <gary_poster> lol
[15:48] <Makyo> tveronezi, ping
[15:51] <Makyo> tveronezi, nvm, will bring it up on the call.
[15:51] * Makyo squeezes breakfast in between now and then.
[15:52] <tveronezi> Makyo... Sorry I didnt notice the ping.
[15:53] <Makyo> tveronezi, it's okay. Was just going to ask your opinion on minification. Will catch you during/after call
[15:53] <tveronezi> ok.
[15:58] <gary_poster> bac bcsaller benji frankban hazmat jovan2 Makyo mattuk1972 teknico tveronezi call in 2. mattuk1972 and jovan2, since you are colocated and we are over the ten person limit for Google hangouts, if you both want to join it would be great if you could share a connection.
[16:02] <gary_poster> bcsaller, hazmat starting without you
=== jovan2_ is now known as jovan2
[16:05] <bac> gary_poster: favicon still doesn't work for me from staging, even with safari
[16:27] <Makyo> bcsaller1, can I get a quick yea/nay on https://codereview.appspot.com/6856067/diff/5001/test/test_environment_view.js ?
[16:27] <Makyo> Just want to know if I'm headed in the right direction
[16:33] <tveronezi> Makyo: I've found the problem... I will push a review for it in a minute.
[16:33] <Makyo> tveronezi, thanks, will gladly take a look.
[16:35] <Makyo> bcsaller, can I get a quick yea/nay on https://codereview.appspot.com/6856067/diff/5001/test/test_environment_view.js ? Just want to know if I'm headed in the right direction. (repost, just in case)
[16:57] <jovan2> hi bcsaller: another question re config files: is there any need to be able to load more than one config file when selecting a charm to deploy?
[17:00] <hazmat> jovan2, no
[17:01] <tveronezi> Makyo: the review doc is ready... https://codereview.appspot.com/6856070/
[17:01] <jovan2> hazmat, thanks, makes sense
[17:03] * hazmat lunches
[17:11] <tveronezi> Makyo... I've found a problem with my tests. :/ ... hold on a bit.
[17:14] <jovan2> bcsaller: can the config file be used to populate machine constraints or is it just for service settings?
[17:14] <teknico> benji, frankban and I have addressed most comments to your charm test branch in our next branch, that will be proposed soon
[17:14] <teknico> benji, so you may either land your branch as is, or even discard it entirely (it's included in our one), as you wish
[17:16] <teknico> (jsyk, frankban is responsible for the latter idea ;-) )
[17:20] <benji> teknico: that approach would seem to muddy the waters somewhat; I'd rather address the issues in the branch under review and land it
[17:21] <frankban> benji: sounds good, I will propose our branch with yours as a pre-requisite
[17:23] <benji> frankban: ok
[17:24] <benji> teknico: how do you want to handle addressing the review comments for our branch? Given that we are both in the middle of something and you are near EOD (I think) should I take up the review process as a solo effort or do you want to pair on it?
[17:26] <teknico> benji, yes, I won't have time to pair on it today, feel free to work on it by yourself
[17:27] <teknico> benji, or else we can work on it tomorrow
[17:28] <Makyo> tveronezi, thanks for the branch, looks good and works well.
[17:28] <tveronezi> Makyo... not the tests... :/
[17:28] <tveronezi> I am trying to figure out whats going on...
[17:29] <Makyo> tveronezi, Oh, d'oh, only ran debug clean server, my bad x.x
[17:29] <teknico> anyway, gotta run now
[17:49] <Makyo> Lunchtime. Will be bring laptop in case. Back after otherwise.
[17:59] <benji> I think we need to revisit our object literal style; doing anything remotely complex (like nested literals that contain functions) gets insane quickly.
[18:03] <gary_poster> bac, favicon is working on FF, Chrome and Safari for me, on Ubuntu and OS X, when I go to http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/
[18:04] <gary_poster> (Though FF OS X doesn't seem to work otherwise :-/
[18:04] <gary_poster> )
[18:05] <bac> gary_poster: that is truly odd. still doesn't work for me. #itsallright
[18:05] <gary_poster> :-) ok
[18:50] <frankban> ah... finally, the charm is ready for review, have a nice evening all
[18:50] <gary_poster> yay, frankban! :-)
[18:50] <gary_poster> you have a good evening too
[18:51] <frankban> thanks :-)
[19:06] <tveronezi> Makyo: Done... tests fixed. It turns out we need to change how we load Y in our tests. The way we load it now, we don't give time to YUI to load the modules. I've changed a bit how we do it in order to load only the juju-ui first. YUI should be able to load the rest of the application. The code review is available here: https://codereview.appspot.com/6856070/
[19:07] <tveronezi> gary_poster: It would be nice to have you as reviewer here https://codereview.appspot.com/6856070/ . Do you think you have time for it?
[19:08] <gary_poster> tveronezi, can do. Let me finish something up and then I'll dig in. I should be able to start in about 20 minutes
[19:08] <tveronezi> gary_poster: ok... tkx.
[19:15] * tveronezi brb
[19:53] * tveronezi back.
[20:38] <gary_poster> tveronezi, I have a call in 23 minutes. I have some concerns about your branch, but maybe we can resolve them quickly. I'll ping you in 7 minutes and see if you are available
[20:38] <tveronezi> gary_poster: ok.
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