UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /19 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== fenris is now known as Guest70212
=== Guest70212 is now known as ejat
=== fenris is now known as Guest50405
[04:30] <BigWhale> Good morning all.
[04:57] <pitti> Bonjour
[06:44] <didrocks> good morning
[07:09] <pitti> bonjour didrocks, ça va? as-tu eu un bon week-end?
[07:10] <didrocks> guten morgen pitti. Bon week-end, you! jdll à Lyon, donc beaucoup de discussions libristes. Seb, vincent, fredp étaient là.
[07:10] <didrocks> et toi?
[07:11] <pitti> oh, un week-end de conférence
[07:11] <pitti> didrocks: mon femme et moi sommes allés à un hotel wellness
[07:12] <pitti> nous avons eu un temps ensoleillé
[07:12] <didrocks> pitti: relaxant et reposant donc?
[07:12] <pitti> so we enjoyed some hiking, sauna, a massage, and a suite with a whirlpool :)
[07:13] <pitti> didrocks: en effet!
[07:13] <didrocks> nice ;)
[07:13] <pitti> didrocks: c'était une surprise
[07:14] <pitti> I picked her up at work on Friday, she didn't know anything beforea
[07:15] <didrocks> pitti: bien joué ;)
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
[09:00] <Laney> ahoy hoy
[09:01] <didrocks> hey Laney, how are you?
[09:02] <Laney> hey didrocks - not bad thanks!
[09:02] * Laney just google translated the previous conversation ;-)
[09:02] <Laney> -1 to this default language switch :P
[09:05] <didrocks> :)
[09:15] <seb128> hey desktopers
[09:16] <didrocks> salut seb128
[09:17] <seb128> didrocks, lut ;-)
[09:24] <mlankhorst> oui!
[09:24] <mlankhorst> Laney: oui pour langue français officiêl!
[09:25] <mlankhorst> Hope I didn't butcher that too much. :-)
[09:36] <didrocks> seb128: do you have the push to reveal launcher broken?
[09:37] <seb128> mlankhorst, hey ;-)
[09:37] <seb128> didrocks, no, but I didn't upgrade today yet
[09:40] <didrocks> jibel told me he's seeing this on ati, intel, and I can reproduce
[09:40] <didrocks> I wonder if the xorg update is the culpurit
[09:40] <Laney> ppa unity or archive?
[09:40] <didrocks> archive
[09:40] <Laney> let me try then, just dist-upgraded
[09:41] <Laney> yeah, got it
[09:41] <didrocks> thanks for confirming Laney
[09:41] <Laney> on the left monitor only, the barrier between screens works and reveals it
[09:42] <didrocks> still the main use case :)
[09:42] <Laney> nvidia
[09:42] <didrocks> ok, we got all covered
[09:42] <didrocks> intel, ati, nvidia
[09:43] <didrocks> bryce: FYI ^ Can you please have a look at it and we should really have the unity tests running before pushing the xorg packages? (if xorg is really the culpurit here, which seems really likely)
[09:46] <Laney> wow
[09:46] <Laney> bug #1073724
[09:46] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1073724 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Pointer barriers have gaps along the edge of the screen" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1073724
[09:46] <Laney> known to break stuff ... ?
[09:49] <Laney> mlankhorst: ^- should we revert this patch?
[09:51] <seb128> seems like we should yes
[09:52] <didrocks> I agree
[09:52] <seb128> pitti, hey, so this udisk bug ... seems like it's users of old fs formats
[09:52] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[09:52] <pitti> seb128: not quite -- we have ACLs enabled for ext2 and ext3
[09:52] <seb128> oh ok
[09:54] <tjaalton> I'll revert it
[09:54] <pitti> seb128: I'll ask for getting ssh access
[09:54] <seb128> pitti, ok
[09:54] <seb128> tjaalton, thanks
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr_
[10:03] <mlankhorst> Laney: ok I'll revert it
[10:03] <Laney> mlankhorst: tjaalton just said he would
[10:04] <mlankhorst> at least saves sru paperwork for that patch :)
[10:07] <tjaalton> mlankhorst: yeah I'm on it
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetsharl
=== Sweetsharl is now known as Sweetshark
[13:22] <desrt> good morning, folks
[13:23] <attente_zzz> g'morning
=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
[13:28] <larsu> desrt, attente, good morning!
[13:28] <attente> larsu hi!
[13:30] <desrt> productive weekend?
[13:31] <larsu> unfortunately not, I was a bit sick. (You're asking about GActionMuxer again, aren't you?)
[13:32] <desrt> larsu: hey. i just remembered GActionMuxer. how's that coming?
[13:32] <larsu> lol. Jut as well as GSettings list I imagine
[13:32] <larsu> s/Jut/Just
[13:33] * desrt slayed a whole load of paperwork this weekend
[13:34] <larsu> sounds like fun!
[13:42] <cyphermox> good mornign!
[13:42] <desrt> cyphermox: word up
[13:43] <cyphermox> desrt: yo
[13:43] <larsu> hi cyphermox
[13:43] <cyphermox> is it some kind of holiday in europe? :)
[13:43] <larsu> not that I know of, but it does seem really quiet in here
[13:43] <cyphermox> yeah
[13:43] * desrt laments the lack of general-purpose 'european jokes'
[13:44] <cyphermox> desrt: make them up
[13:44] <desrt> (or maybe negative stereotypes is what i'm going for)
[13:44] <cyphermox> register them in the big joke registry
[13:44] <larsu> not enough stereotypes about europeans? You must be joking...
[13:44] <desrt> cyphermox: hahaha i bet those europeans are celebrating SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE DAY
[13:44] <desrt> losers
[13:44] <desrt> hey wait.... that doesn't work :/
[13:44] <cyphermox> :)
[13:44] <cyphermox> yeah, we'd be celebrating too
[13:46] <desrt> (lol) http://www.businessinsider.com/stereotypes-in-europe-chart-goes-viral-2012-5
[13:46] <larsu> haha
[13:47] * larsu wonders about the least corrupt thing, given that the last German president needed to step down because of corruption charges...
[13:49] <sbte> pitti, are you there?
[13:49] <pitti> hello sbte
[13:49] <sbte> pitti, hi
[13:50] <sbte> is there anything I can do to help fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/+bug/1050358
[13:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1050358 in emesene (Ubuntu) "emesene crashed with SIGSEGV in tupledealloc.24592()" [Critical,Confirmed]
[13:51] <pitti> sbte: nobody maintains the old static bindings any more, I'm afraid; I guess you need to track it down yourself
[13:52] <sbte> pitti, it's also in pygobject
[13:52] <sbte> the exact same bug
[13:53] <pitti> so, for the pygobject developers it would certainly be helpful to reduce the crash to a small reproducer
[13:53] <pitti> which doesn't involve creating an MSN account, installing emesene, debuggin the old static bindings, etc.
[14:09] <rvr_> chrisccoulson: When is Firefox 17 going to be released in Quantal?
[14:18] <pitti> meh, google online accounts is unnerving; it seems to time out twice a day
[14:18] <pitti> kenvandine: ^ is that known?
[14:18] <pitti> I almost always have to re-sign in now
[14:18] <kenvandine> ugh
[14:18] <kenvandine> that hasn't happened to me in a while
[14:19] <kenvandine> pitti, did you add that accounts before like beta2?
[14:19] <pitti> kenvandine: very plausible
[14:19] <kenvandine> try removing them and adding again
[14:19] <kenvandine> that bug was fixed
[14:19] <pitti> but it was rather quiet for some months, it just started nagging again today
[14:19] <pitti> kenvandine: ok, will try
[14:19] <kenvandine> and... i think part of it was to store something different
[14:19] <kenvandine> humm... could be a sign of something changing on google's side too
[14:20] <pitti> I'll try to remove/re-add jabber as well; empathy keeps showing an error on opening
[14:21] <pitti> kenvandine: thanks; I'll try that for a bit
[14:21] <kenvandine> thx
[14:21] <kenvandine> let me know how it goes
[14:33] <kenvandine> great to see some gstreamer 1.0 packages in my morning dist-upgrade :)
[14:35] <seb128> kenvandine, using the ppa?
[14:36] <kenvandine> oh... maybe i am :)
[14:38] <desrt> lovely
[14:38] <desrt> in 20 minutes they're going to turn off power to the building
[14:38] <seb128> desrt, time to go work in a coffee shop? ;-)
[14:38] <pitti> hey desrt, how are you?
[14:38] <desrt> pitti: peachy
[14:38] <seb128> desrt, hey btw
[14:38] <desrt> seb128: hi :)
[14:39] <desrt> seb128: meh. i have my solar power system and 3G connection :)
[14:39] <ogra_> oh, when was evolution-indicator dropped ?
[14:39] * ogra_ just tried to install it in raring, seems its gone
[14:40] <jbicha> ogra_: quantal, it needs someone to port it
[14:40] <ogra_> ah, k
[14:40] <seb128> ogra_, cyphermox will reupload it soon, we got a contributor who did the porting work
[14:41] <seb128> ogra_, seems to be working fine
[14:41] <seb128> jbicha, hey
[14:41] <jbicha> seb128: howdy
[14:41] <cyphermox> yes yes, I was just finishing up today, the patch is upstream now
[14:41] <cyphermox> ogra_: ^
[14:41] <ogra_> seb128, awesome !
[14:41] <seb128> jbicha, how are you? do you know what's the status of the new ibus/g-s-d/g-c-c stack?
[14:42] <didrocks> seb128: I'm sure it's an excuse from desrt to work from the airport :p
[14:42] <jbicha> seb128: mterry was working on the appearance panel last week, and I don't know if anyone's started on the ibus indicator or keyboard indicator work
[14:43] <desrt> didrocks: how did you know?!
[14:43] <didrocks> \o/
[14:44] <jbicha> personally I'
[14:44] <seb128> jbicha, I checked out the vcs to play with that in the train the other day and the g-c-c packaging in the vcs is all broken, like patches don't apply, etc
[14:44] <seb128> jbicha, how did you get it to build at all in the ppa? do you have work you didn't commit?
[14:47] <jbicha> seb128: g-c-c builds fine here against raring w/ the desktop ppa
[14:48] <jbicha> (I have to log out for 15 min)
[14:48] <seb128> jbicha, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu patches don't apply though, weird
[14:48] <seb128> jbicha, or do you use another Vcs?
[14:48] <seb128> jbicha, ok, ttyl
[14:50] <seb128> jbicha, hum, ignore that, you did updates since I checked out the Vcs before travelling last week
[14:51] <seb128> ok, I'm out for some exercice, be back in ~1h
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
[15:10] <Sweetshark> bdrung: that for that magic sync of libcdr! ;)
[15:11] <bdrung> "that for that"?
[15:12] <Sweetshark> bdrung: ups s/that for that/thanks for that/
[15:12] <bdrung> you're welcome
[15:12] * Sweetshark slaps his fumble fingers.
[15:14] <Sweetshark> bdrung: I expected having to take care of those myself and filed the bugs most as notes to self. so it was a pleasant surprise to find one of them in 'fix released' ;)
[15:15] <bdrung> Sweetshark: the sync request appeared on the sponsoring queue. :)
[15:21] <Sweetshark> seb128: any good idea on how to handle bug 1079653 and bug 1079665 (both not yet in experiemental in that version, only in an older one)
[15:21] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1079653 in libcmis (Ubuntu) "please sync a libcmis version > 0.3.0 to raring as it is needed for libreoffice 4.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1079653
[15:21] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1079665 in mdds (Ubuntu) "please sync a mdds version > 0.6.0 to raring as it is needed for libreoffice 4.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1079665
[15:22] <Sweetshark> seb128: and bug 1079656 and bug 1079659 (both already created as packages by rene but not yet in experimental)
[15:22] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1079656 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] please sync a liblangtag version > 0.4.0 to raring as it is needed for libreoffice 4.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1079656
[15:22] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1079659 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] please sync a libmspub version > 0.0.3 to raring as it is needed for libreoffice 4.0" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1079659
[15:23] <Sweetshark> it would be nice to have those in raring even if they are not in experimental by FF, I guess.
[15:41] <cyphermox> ogra_: waiting for a few more small fixes from the contributor. If you want I can upload this in its current state to a PPA
[15:47] <seb128> Sweetshark, hey, just take the vcs code and get it sponsored?
[16:08] <bcurtiswx> j/w since a majority of work in previous cycles has gone into staying with GNOME, and this cycle we're sticking with what we have. Is there a area on the Desktop team that will get more focus now?
[16:10] <seb128> bcurtiswx, it's mostly "stop using GNOME fallback code for unity since GNOME will drop that in 3.8" and "improve performances of Ubuntu so it runs better on devices"
[16:10] <bcurtiswx> seb128, great thx. and hi :)
[16:10] <seb128> bcurtiswx, with continued efforts on improving our testing and quality
[16:10] <seb128> bcurtiswx, hey
[16:12] <bcurtiswx> seb128, how well do you know the plans for the nexus 7 ?
[16:12] <seb128> well enough, there is nothing too specific or no real "plan"
[16:12] <seb128> we have a bunch of blueprints with workitems
[16:13] <seb128> but it's basically "chase stuff that are eating cpu and/or using memory and improve them"
[16:13] <bcurtiswx> is it going to be its own package set, or everything is going into Ubuntu this cycle ?
[16:13] <seb128> we identified some targets already
[16:13] <seb128> like "don't make run services all the time if not needed"
[16:14] <seb128> there is no plan to do anything specific out of Ubuntu
[16:14] <seb128> it's all optimization work that will benefit laptops, etc as well
[16:14] <seb128> we will just have some tweaks on kernel, drivers, and maybe some gsettings key values
[16:15] <bcurtiswx> seb128, OK. I ask because I was given a nexus 7 to use towards this work, so beyond the wiki page of info I was trying to find out more.
[16:15] <seb128> oh, great
[16:15] <seb128> ogra_, ^ do you have pointers or extra documentation?
[16:37] <Sweetshark> seb128: k. well, will make it a 0ubuntu1 then as rene might tweak them still. (I see rene next weekend anyway at the Munich Hackfest, maybe I get him to upload to experimental anyway.)
[16:39] <seb128> Sweetshark, yeah, take something under -1
[16:40] <seb128> Sweetshark, you can do -1~ubuntu or something
[16:40] <seb128> or -0ubuntu1 works as well
=== francisco is now known as Guest78941
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[17:43] <seb128> does anyone know how to use ibus there?
[17:44] <seb128> not how to set up an input method, but how to e.g enter chinese glyphs
[17:44] <seb128> like there is some sort of completion list popup that is used ... how is that one working, how does one trigger it?
[17:49] <attente> seb128: a bit
[17:50] <attente> let's see if i can remember...
[17:50] <attente> oh right
[17:51] <attente> i just hit Ctrl+Space and it seems to switch
[17:51] <attente> 你好
[17:51] <seb128> attente, right, I can enter some chinese glyphs but I don't see the popdown ui which has options
[17:51] <attente> popdown ui?
[17:51] <robru> attente, cool, I can see those glyphs correctly in IRC. I wouldn't have expected that ;-)
[17:52] <seb128> attente, http://cdn.alternativeto.net/s/86d591b8-bc93-e011-9798-0025902c7e73_1_full.png
[17:53] <seb128> attente, that popup ui
[17:53] <seb128> attente, or http://desktopi18n.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/gnome-shell-ibus-lookup-window-20120216.png (shell version)
[17:54] <attente> seb128: it doesn't appear for you when you switch to Chinese?
[17:55] <attente> i see it as soon as i start typing
[17:55] <seb128> attente, no, I can
[17:55] <seb128> ㄊ
[17:55] <seb128> ㄐ吃姿
[17:56] <attente> you can type, but it the popup doesn't appear?
[17:56] <seb128> right
[17:56] <attente> weird...
[17:56] <seb128> what desktop do you use?
[17:56] <attente> unity
[17:56] <seb128> ok
[17:56] <seb128> well in fact I'm testing the ibus 1.5 update and g-s-d 3.6 from the desktop ppa
[17:56] <seb128> so maybe it's buggy
[17:56] <attente> can you try ibus-setup?
[17:56] <seb128> I need to go back to 1.4 to see how it was working
[17:57] <jbicha> seb128: you logged out of Unity and logged back in first, right?
[17:57] <seb128> jbicha, yes, I've that installed for 5 days, I rebooted a bunch of times
[17:57] <attente> seb128: what do you see under the Input Method tab of ibus-setup?
[17:58] <seb128> attente, chewing
[17:58] <seb128> chinese - chewing
[17:59] <attente> oh. weird
[17:59] <seb128> well, I added that one
[17:59] <seb128> there was nothing listed by default
[17:59] <attente> ok
[17:59] <attente> but even then i don't see that method available to add
[17:59] <attente> but it could be traditional v. simplified
[18:00] <jbicha> seb128: try Chinese -pinyin
[18:00] <attente> robru: hi!
[18:00] <robru> attente, hey dude
[18:01] <robru> attente, thanks again for everything. how's it going?
[18:01] <seb128> robru, hey, how do you feel this week? better
[18:01] <robru> seb128, yeah, nose is still stuffy but I'm generally more clear-headed, yeah. thanks
[18:01] <attente> robru: moved yet? ;)
[18:02] <robru> attente, two weeks!
[18:02] <robru> attente, this is my last week of work, then I took the next week off for packing/moving, then Nov 30th I arrive at the hostel in Victoria to begin looking for an apartment ;-)
[18:03] <attente> robru: ah, guess you'll be missing Winnipeg :)
[18:03] <robru> attente, not even slightly ;-)
[18:03] <jbicha> seb128: chewing doesn't seem to do the pop-down; I don't know if it used to or not but pinyin works fine here in Unity or GNOME Shell
[18:03] <seb128> jbicha, attente: thanks, indeed pinyin works
[18:04] <seb128> damn chewing :p
[18:04] <attente> speaking of chewing :)
[18:04] <jbicha> attente: lunch time?
[18:04] <seb128> attente, lunch time! ;-)
[18:04] <attente> jbicha, seb128 correct!
[18:04] <attente> :)
[18:04] <seb128> enjoy!
[18:07] <seb128> jbicha, so, what bugs/feature is missing in the g-c-c 3.6 stack for you out of ibus indicator, keyboard indicator and the new appareance capplet that mterry just landed?
[18:07] <seb128> jbicha, just trying to figure what is remaining to do, I would like to land it this week, we can live without the keyboard indicator for a bit
[18:09] <jbicha> 50_ubuntu_systemwide_proxy.patch needs to be rewritten
[18:10] <jbicha> we need to decide whether to rewrite or drop 60_ubuntu_nav_bar.patch
[18:11] <seb128> jbicha, I will have a look to 60_ubuntu_nav but dropping should be fine
[18:11] <seb128> is upstream doing anythink for the proxy? they don't have a way to set a default one?
[18:12] <jbicha> for g-s-d 3.6.3, 90_set_gmenus_xsettings.patch needs refreshing/rewriting
[18:16] <jbicha> seb128: I don't use a proxy but I believe our patch simply allows setting a proxy for all users
[18:17] <seb128> jbicha, ok
[18:17] <seb128> will look at the xsetting one
[18:17] <seb128> jbicha, hum, it seems like we could probably get something upstream for the proxy stuff, I guess that would be useful on other distros as well
[18:20] <jbicha> seb128: yes, their proxy panel is a bit incomplete; GNOME's region & language panel allows setting a system language so there is some precedent for that type of feature
[23:03] <robru> can anybody point me at some documentation explaining the differences between compat 8 and compat 9 in debhelper?
[23:03] <Laney> robru: see the debhelper manpage
[23:03] <Laney> that's the best place for such info
[23:03] <robru> Laney, ah, thanks
[23:04] <robru> was looking for a wiki or something, hadn't thought of man
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away