UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /19 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== toto is now known as Guest45680
[01:54] <ColdRush> Does anyone ever talk here?
=== len is now known as Guest31747
[10:30] <leszek> hi
[14:37] <Riccardone> hi all
[14:38] <dyd> i want to run a script when any usb device is plugged in. I added a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ named 90-local.rules that contains SUBSYSTEM=="usb", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usbhook". I restarted udev, but if i plug any usb pen nothing happens. Why?
[14:46] <Riccardone> prova
[14:47] <ColdRush> I feel so leet using linux :D
[15:58] <ColdRush> Can someone upload their openbox lubuntu-rc.xml? I'm trying to figure out the proper way to write the commands for my back, forward, and refresh keys
[16:00] <Jef91> Does Lubuntu 12.10 support non-PAE systems?
[16:01] <econdudeawesome> howdy all. I'm having trouble getting my laptop (12.04 I think) to use multiple monitors. The monitors are detected, but I am unable to have each screen be independent
[16:02] <holstein> Jef91: http://askubuntu.com/questions/182048/will-it-be-possible-to-use-a-non-pae-kernel-in-12-10
[16:02] <holstein> econdudeawesome: i would try arandr ..i found with my ndivia card on my main audio production machine i needed the proprietary driver
[16:03] <econdudeawesome> holstein: arandr? I'm familiar with xrandr but arandr i've not heard of before?
[16:03] <Jef91> So that is a no then holstein?
[16:04] <holstein> Jef91: AFAIK, that is a guide on how to get a non pae kernel in 12.10
[16:04] <econdudeawesome> holstein: reading up on it now--thanks for the tip
[16:04] <holstein> Jef91: i havnet needed to do that first-hand yet, though i was told it worked, and i know its possible
[16:04] <Jef91> Alrighty, I was miss informed. Someone told me 12.10 provides non-PAE kernels
[16:04] <Jef91> (Lubuntu 12.10 that is)
[16:04] <holstein> Jef91: lubuntu is ubuntu
[16:05] <holstein> Jef91: there might be a non-pae kernel in the repos, but i dont think so.
[16:05] <Jef91> I'm aware, as I said I was miss informed. Someone told me they built their own kernel to support non-PAE systems
[16:05] <tsimpson> there's probably a PPA with non-PAE kernels, but not part of the default install
[16:06] <holstein> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html is for 12.04
[16:06] <holstein> for a system like that, i would want to stick on 12.04 anyways...
[19:23] <tweakster> hi. I just installed firefox as the default browser in Lubuntu, including "gecko-mediaplayer" plugin. This plugin states that it is a Video Player plugin for Quicktime, Realplayer and Windows Media Player streams using MPlayer. To me this statement suggests that I can remove the other default plugins (namely, Quicktime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player), which also installed with Firefox. I mean, there would seem little
[19:32] <holstein> tweakster: they might depend on each other
[19:32] <holstein> tweakster: is there a space concern?... with proprietary stuff like that, you might want to just leave it be if its working as you need it to
[19:40] <tsimpson> tweakster: I doubt you have any of those other plugins, if you look they should all be provided by that one plugin
[19:51] <elsie> hi there
=== elsie is now known as lyyyy
[19:51] <lyyyy> hi there, quick question. I want to work in the terminal (tty) but the blink rate is annoyingly fast
[19:52] <lyyyy> how do I reduce the terminal blink rate?
[19:56] <holstein> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/3759/how-to-stop-cursor-from-blinking
[19:56] <holstein> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=55798
[19:58] <lyyyy> holstein the debian form one is unheklpful - mostly just someone complaining that it's hard to do!
[19:59] <holstein> lyyyy: ignore it then
[19:59] <lyyyy> holstein I'm just pointing out that I did look into it before I posted
[19:59] <lyyyy> looking at the stackexchange forum now
[20:00] <holstein> lyyyy: i thought it was relevant since it references the echo -e '\033[?17;0;127c' from the stackexchange link
[20:00] <holstein> its its not relevant to you.. its not
[20:01] <lyyyy> holstein unfortunately that just stops it blinking entirely
[20:01] <lyyyy> what I want is to reduce the rate
[20:01] <holstein> lyyyy: it says that
[20:01] <holstein> stopping is slower, plus i thought that might be "better", or "preffered"
[20:01] <lyyyy> I'm honestly amazed that there isn't some simply setting in .bashrc or something
[20:02] <lyyyy> haha
[20:02] <lyyyy> stopping is slower, true
[20:40] <jarnos> 12.04 is terrible, everything crashes now and then, even Abiword.
=== len is now known as Guest79608
[20:45] <holstein> jarnos: maybe its hardware support related.. 12.04 is quite stable for me
[20:49] <phiscribe> 12.04 work pretty good for me, im on 12.10 now
[20:58] <jarnos> Well, crashes of Abiword should not be hardware related.
[20:59] <holstein> jarnos: its not crashing here
[20:59] <holstein> jarnos: open a terminal, and launch it.. see if there is some helpful output
[21:00] <holstein> jarnos: system crashes and instability could be due to some hardware driver support issue with the kernel and your specific harware
[21:00] <holstein> OR, you have bad hardware.... or some corrupt files. or a bad install
[21:38] <dreambox> hey folks! I'm running Ubuntu (unity) and would like to get rid of it and install Lubuntu through apt-gets (no reinstalls etc..)
[21:38] <dreambox> any idea how?
[21:39] <dreambox> wouldn't like to keep unused packages.. hdd economy..
[21:39] <holstein> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
[21:39] <bioterror> !purelxde | dreambox
[21:39] <ubottu> dreambox: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »
[21:39] <dreambox> thanks :)
[21:40] <dreambox> damn the complicated desktops...
[21:40] <dreambox> Unity is a bugfest
[21:42] <holstein> works fine for me.. you can use and prefer what you like though
[21:46] <TheLordOfTime> mind if i give you some advice dreambox?
[21:46] <TheLordOfTime> stop whining about unity in #ubuntu if you're going to be using lubuntu as a solution?
[21:48] <dreambox> TheLordOfTime, democracy.. I'll express my concerns... either you like it or not.
[21:48] <dreambox> good night
[21:48] <holstein> yeah... a lot of volunteers work hard to develop unity..
[21:48] <TheLordOfTime> this isnt a democracy dude.
[21:48] <TheLordOfTime> !whining
[21:48] <TheLordOfTime> what? there's no factoids for this?
[21:48] * TheLordOfTime walks over to the IRCC
[21:49] <TheLordOfTime> there are limits to how much we allow you to whine and complain
[21:50] <dreambox> TheLordOfTime, man, I stopped chatting with you like 10' ago ..
[21:50] <dreambox> give it a rest please.
[22:45] <jarnos> holstein, Well, I have upgraded to 12.04 from older release in two different hardware and they both have various crashes. Fortunately 12.04 has feature that is supposed to report crashes easily to developers.
[23:10] <holstein> jarnos: i have fresh installs that dont crash.. maybe try making a new user and testing there, taking your configuration out of the equation