UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /15 /#juju-gui.txt
Initial commit
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
[11:38] <bac> frankban, teknico: could one of you look at https://codereview.appspot.com/6846053 if you have time?
[11:40] <teknico> bac, looking
[11:40] <bac> thx
[12:09] <teknico> bac, approved with one mostly useless comment :-)
[12:09] <bac> teknico: :)
[12:09] <bac> thanks
[13:12] <bac> hi mattuk1972, the changes you requested via store_front_review.pdf are now up on uistage.jujucharms.com:8080. i've got a card for it in 'UX Review' on the kanban board. please have a look when you can.
[13:12] <mattuk1972> cool will do
[13:20] <mattuk1972> bac, hi - I can see that the cells are now a fixed width but i they are not 70px and look too big - also the precise heading font size is incorrect and the leading between charm name and description is incorrect. the text should also be centered vertically in the cell?
[13:30] <bac> mattuk1972: i told them to be 70px so i'm surprised if they aren't. is there a way you use to actually measure?
[13:33] <bac> mattuk1972: huh, the precise h3 is set to 16px. not sure why.
[13:42] <bac> mattuk1972: nm, regarding the 70px. i see the problem
[13:52] <bac> mattuk1972: regarding "he leading between charm name and description is incorrect", what needs to be different. You specified 19px between baselines but that isn't easy to realize. The summary font is 12px and I have padding-top for it at 6px. Do you want more of a gap or less?
[13:53] <mattuk1972> bad, ill measure it - brb
[13:53] <mattuk1972> bac!
[13:53] <bac> np
[13:53] <bac> thx
=== rog is now known as Guest94437
[14:00] <mattuk1972> bac - yours is 2 px further away than i have it - sorry for being so picky…..
[14:05] <bac> mattuk1972: that's your job!
[14:06] <bac> mattuk1972: let me get a screenshot for you
[14:06] <mattuk1972> bac then why do i feel so guilty? :-)
[14:09] <bac> mattuk1972: have a look at https://dl.dropbox.com/u/420990/Screen%20Shot%202012-11-15%20at%2010.07.30.png
[14:14] <mattuk1972> bac, your cells are now 68 :-(
=== Guest94437 is now known as rogpeppe
[14:15] <bac> mattuk1972: chromium 'inspect element' shows me 287px x 70px
[14:16] <mattuk1972> bac, does it take that from just the cell or is it including the div lines?
[14:17] <mattuk1972> because they are 2px
[14:18] <bac> mattuk1972: i think it includes the borders. i set the height of the cell to 68px so that chromium would show it at 70px. let me bump it back up to 70
[14:20] <bac> mattuk1972: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/420990/Screen%20Shot%202012-11-15%20at%2010.19.29.png
[14:20] <bac> fwiw, chromium now shows the cell at 72px
[14:20] <mattuk1972> bac, i promise my cd's are not categorised and i don't have an ordered sock drawer ….
[14:20] <bac> you have cds?
[14:20] <mattuk1972> lol - in the loft
[14:21] <mattuk1972> yay that now measures 70 px
[14:22] <bac> ok. it may be worth passing along to the other devs that we need to take into account the top and bottom borders when matching the specs
[14:22] <bac> mattuk1972: what about the spacing between charm name and summary?
[14:24] <mattuk1972> bac, looks good now ty
[14:25] <bac> mattuk1972: ok, i'll land it now and it'll be on staging at :45
[14:29] * tveronezi I will back in one hour.
[15:29] * tveronezi back
[15:59] <hazmat> tveronezi, Makyo, benji, frankban, teknico, bcsaller, jovan2 .. 1m till standup
[15:59] <bac> benji: are we having a call today? i nominate you to lead it since i did monday. :)
[15:59] <bac> oh, hazmat is here
[16:00] * hazmat seconds the nomination ;-)
[16:00] * hazmat reads the checklist
[16:01] <teknico> has anyone been getting call's email notices in the last couple of weeks?
[16:01] <hazmat> teknico, i've been getting appt reminders.. you can set what kind you want on the event
[16:02] <hazmat> teknico, you joining?
[16:02] <teknico> hazmat, I used to get them, then they stopped, without me changing anything (that I noticed, at least)
[16:15] <bac> hazmat: fwiw, ours is the 'official' python version referenced by leankitkanban: http://support.leankitkanban.com/entries/20807108-leankit-api-wrappers-and-examples -- happy to coordinate with others, of course
[16:18] <teknico> benji, btw
[16:18] <hazmat> teknico, if you check in your g. calendar you should be able to setup an email alert on the event
[16:18] <teknico> hazmat, thanks, I'll check
[16:18] <bac> benji: you can't see it, but the giant orange ladder has been joined by a 100ft orange extension cord to power my compute farm, since all of the in-wall wiring has gone kaput
[16:18] <benji> bac: impressive :)
[16:18] <teknico> benji, I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk/+activereviews
[16:19] <teknico> benji, I think I left an extraneous tilde in when making up the branch paths
[16:19] <teknico> and it propagated everywhere, sorry :-)
[16:19] <bac> yeah, the electricians were supposed to come back today to finish up but couldn't due to a substation in the interior of the island blowing up
[16:19] <bac> i guess that is a national electricians day off when substations go boom
[16:21] <hazmat> bac, re leankit ..interesting thanks.. i've heard tale of of orange at least having additional kanban tooling based on lp2kanban.. and tales of francis having some other experiments with bidi sync.
[16:21] <bac> hazmat: interesting. i'll check with them. who is orange, again?
[16:21] <teknico> benji, otoh, looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/ , I'm not sure if we should retain the tilde or not
[16:22] <benji> teknico: it looks good to me
[16:22] <hazmat> bac, deryck
[16:22] <bac> right
[16:22] <teknico> benji, ok, then, I guess it would work either way
[16:22] <hazmat> jovan what's your launchpad id?
[16:23] <hazmat> er.. jovan2 ^
[16:23] <jovan2> hazmat: hi let me just check….
[16:24] <hazmat> jovan2, got it..
[16:24] <hazmat> jovan2, looks like its.. jovan-ljubojevic
[16:25] <jovan2> hazmat: jovan-ljubojevic
[16:25] <hazmat> jovan2, cool.. added you to the group
[16:26] <jovan2> hazmat thanks
[16:28] * bac <- food
[17:07] * tveronezi lunch
[17:22] * tveronezi back
[18:07] <benji> I can't remember, were we doing camelCase for variable names or names_with_underscores?
[18:08] <benji> I think it was underscores, but mixing different conventions for method names and variable names always confuses me.
[18:16] <bac> hi Makyo, i've noticed some of the cards you've worked on lately have bugs but your branch and MP and launchpad aren't linked together with the bug.
[18:16] <bac> Makyo: if you use 'lbox propose -bug=' it'll hook it all up right
[18:17] <bac> benji: i_thought_so_too
[18:17] <benji> cool
[18:17] <benji> I will add that to the style guide
[18:20] <tveronezi> benji, bac: js is camelCase, python is_underscore.
[18:20] <Makyo> bac, I noticed that, and linked the last one manually. Will use the -bug feature, though, thanks.
[18:20] <benji> tveronezi: that might be a slight over generalization
[18:30] <tveronezi> benji: These are the conventions for js and python that people usually follow. At least they are here... http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javascriptguide.xml#Naming and http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pyguide.html#Naming
[18:31] <benji> bac and tveronezi: hmm, we have a conflict of recolections then
[18:31] <benji> I'm fine either way, but we need to settle on something (I wish I had written this down when we decided)
[18:33] <tveronezi> benji bac: I remember we talking about that... specially because I was happy to continue to work with camel case in js code. :)
[18:33] <bac> benji: where is the crockford guide? i recollect choosing to follow it closely, though not for indent
[18:33] <tveronezi> bac: http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html
[18:33] <benji> bac: http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html
[18:34] <benji> crockford is all cammelCase (upper/lower depending on the kind of thing)
[18:34] <benji> I guess that settles it: away with the underscores
[20:19] <bac> hi Makyo, i'm looking at your 'block removal of subordinate relations' branch. can you tell me how to exercise it?
[20:20] <bac> Makyo: how to create a subordinate relation in the first place?
[20:21] <Makyo> bac, Deploy a subordinate (puppet's an easy one), and create a relation between that and one of the other services. Click on the subordinate relation indicator beside the subordinate to keep the relations visible, then try to delete one by clicking on the label, as with normal relations. You should get a relevant warning.
[20:21] <bac> Makyo: ok, i deployed rsyslog but couldn't make a relation with it
[20:21] <bac> let me try with puppet
[20:23] <bac> Makyo: got it, thanks
[20:23] <bac> Makyo: do you see the hideous shading when hovering over the 'Cancel' button?
[20:24] <Makyo> bac, hmm, yeah, just checked it against a regular relation, too. Will look into it.
[20:24] <bac> Makyo: ok
[20:25] <Makyo> bac, got it. Typo, or something. Was removing a yui5 class. I don't think yui5 is out yet.
[20:25] <bac> :)
[20:25] <bac> Makyo: also, my service block for puppet looks very funny. the shading seems to be inverted.
[20:26] <Makyo> bac, yeah. There's a different asset for subordinate services.
[20:27] <bac> Makyo: review done. thanks.
[20:30] <bac> Makyo: when your MP gets approved keep an eye on the board to see that the card moves correctly. i can't do real testing since staging.lp.net is not working.
[20:30] <Makyo> bac, thanks, and will do
[21:54] * Makyo dogwalks.