UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /13 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== k is now known as Joan
=== Joan is now known as Logan_
=== ashams is now known as Guest78421
=== Guest78421 is now known as ashams
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
=== balloons is now known as Guest8350
=== Guest8350 is now known as balloons
=== io-non-esisto is now known as mapreri
[17:25] <mfisch> hggdh: ping
[17:27] <hggdh> mfisch: pong
[17:28] <mfisch> hggdh: I'd like to get the community more involved in helping with Nexus7 bug triage, especially filing upstream, looking for upstream duplicates, etc
[17:29] <mfisch> hggdh: I've considered an email to bug squad, asking you personally for help, etc. Ideas?
[17:29] <hggdh> mfisch: let's get balloons involved
[17:30] <hggdh> mfisch: I think email to bugsquad, bugcontrol, and ubuntu-quality would be good
[17:30] <hggdh> balloons: ^
[17:32] <hggdh> mfisch: of course, you can ask me directly (well, pretty much just did it ;-)
[17:32] <hggdh> mfisch: and I will certainly help
[17:32] <mfisch> hggdh: cwayne and I spend more time than we'd like triaging rather than working on fixes
[18:50] <ali1234> how can i see a list of nexus7 bugs?
[18:51] <cwayne> ali1234: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7
[18:51] <ali1234> thanks
[18:51] <cwayne> np
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
[20:10] <ArcticLight> hi there~
[20:11] <ArcticLight> I think I need help filing a bug
[20:13] <ArcticLight> ubuntu-bug seems to be misbehaving on my system, and I have a crash report I want to file.
[20:15] <ArcticLight> um... is anyone here?
[20:17] <mfisch> what is ubuntu-bug doing?
[20:31] <Pici> ArcticLight: actually, there was a question asked, but you had parted right at that moment.
[20:32] <Pici> 15:17:25 <mfisch> what is ubuntu-bug doing?
[20:32] <ArcticLight> Hi, sorry~
[20:33] <ArcticLight> Um... It's not doing anything, that's the problem. I have a .crash file I'm trying to send, and choosing "S" for send report causes it to quit and it never opens my browser to file the report.
[20:35] <mfisch> hmm
[20:35] <mfisch> does ubuntu-bug log anywhere? I've never seen that before
[20:35] <ArcticLight> I have no idea, but here's what it looks like in my terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1356408/
[20:36] <ArcticLight> It hangs before "Please choose" and pressing S at the hang makes it print "please choose" and quit.
[20:36] <mfisch> Dumb question but do you need to hit cap S?
[20:37] <ArcticLight> Tried that, same thing.
[20:39] <ArcticLight> Okay, so here's something weird. Two files just popped up in /var/crash: they have the same name, but end in ".upload" and ".uploaded", I still have nothing open in any browser, which is the usual behavior of ubuntu-bug
[20:39] <mfisch> do you need to be root to read that crash file?
[20:39] <mfisch> some of my crash files have odd permissions too, like 0000
[20:39] <ArcticLight> Running it with sudo does exactly the same thing.
[20:39] <ArcticLight> how would I find out the file permissions?
[20:41] <ArcticLight> Never mind, and the permissions are such that I should have read access to the file without root.
[20:43] <mfisch> ArcticLight: can you do a ls -al
[20:43] <mfisch> ArcticLight: ls -al ./_usr_lib_libreoffice_program_soffice.bin.1000.crash
[20:44] <ArcticLight> here it is:
[20:44] <ArcticLight> xyzzy@Quirlbox:/var/crash$ ls -al ./_usr_lib_libreoffice_program_soffice.bin.1000.crash
[20:44] <ArcticLight> -rw-r----- 1 xyzzy whoopsie 11809149 Nov 13 14:51 ./_usr_lib_libreoffice_program_soffice.bin.1000.crash
[20:47] <ArcticLight> any ideas what's going on?
[20:49] <ali1234> upload and uploaded means the crash files were already uploaded
[20:49] <ArcticLight> So...... where do I finish filing the bug? because my web browser didn't open.
[20:49] <ali1234> you don't
[20:49] <ali1234> it's not possible any more
[20:49] <ali1234> ubuntu-bug sends the crash files to daisy without user interaction
[20:50] <ali1234> you can file a bug on the crashing package by "ubuntu-bug <package>" but there is no way to attach the crash dump to it
[20:51] <ArcticLight> Okay. NM then, sorry for the misunderstanding.
[20:52] * mfisch didn't know that
[20:52] <ali1234> well if anyone knows better i'd like to know about it
[20:52] <ali1234> i've been trying to figure out how to do it for 6 months
[20:52] <ali1234> see http://askubuntu.com/questions/150476/how-do-i-submit-a-full-bug-report-with-crash-dump-and-steps-to-reproduce
[20:54] <ali1234> you can manually attach the crash dump as a normal file and then set the bug private, but this won't result in a retrace getting done or any of the nice stuff it used to do.
[20:54] <ali1234> see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/errors/+bug/1061049
[20:54] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1061049 in Errors "We should allow users to manually input a linked bug and better present both the create and link options" [Medium,Confirmed]
[20:55] <ArcticLight> Well that's just dandy. Um... thanks for all the help guys.
[20:56] <ArcticLight> Also, wouldn't it be useful if the ubuntu help page for reporting bugs mentioned this behavior?
[20:56] <ali1234> yeah, it's out of date i guess
[20:56] <ArcticLight> Well thanks for the help, sorry for the misunderstanding.
[20:57] <ArcticLight> Maybe it would be a good idea for ubuntu-bug to say it's done uploading? Because when it just quit I thought I had broken it.
[20:57] <ali1234> well it doesn't wait for the upload to finish - it backgrouds it
[20:58] <ali1234> the upload will restart if it doesn't complete
[20:58] <ali1234> which is fun when it tries to upload a 2GB core dump
[20:58] <ali1234> over and over and over again
[20:58] <ArcticLight> Okay, then say it is uploading, or at least something, rather than just quitting. in my experience having any terminal program just "quit" after a selection makes me think it crashed.
[20:59] <ali1234> sure. not many people will see the terminal stuff though
[20:59] <ali1234> normally you just get the apport popup
[20:59] <ali1234> you are right of course
[20:59] <ArcticLight> I installed and enabled apport, and I still don't get the popup when things go wrong. I have to use ubuntu-bug from the terminal
[21:00] <ali1234> you should get the "problem report" thing
[21:01] <ali1234> it looks like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/iwyYZ.png
[21:01] <ArcticLight> Nope. Just silent crashes. At the most useful I get a popup from the application itself saying it crashed. Apport doesn't seem to intervene.
[21:02] <ArcticLight> It did on 12.04 but not on 12.10 when I upgraded. I thought this behavior had been changed~
[21:02] <ali1234> it shouldn't have
[21:02] <ArcticLight> That's weird then.
[21:03] <ArcticLight> My whole system has been a bit off since the upgrade to 12.10 ... I figured it was because of normal development changes, but I guess this isn't supposed to be the case?
[21:05] <ArcticLight> well, more problems to track down then.
[21:06] <ArcticLight> At this point, with all the little issues I've been having, I'm considering doing a fresh install back to 12.04 instead of running 12.10
[21:07] <ArcticLight> Which is sad, because I actually like a lot of the new features of 12.10
[21:07] <ArcticLight> anyway, thanks for the help with the bug reporter.