UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /04 /#ubuntu-au.txt
Initial commit
[06:53] <ikt> morning all
[06:54] <ikt> http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDS60901/IDS60901.94675.shtml
[06:54] <ikt> 04/05:00pm34.3
[06:54] <ikt> I should probably be outside
[06:54] <ikt> getting sunburnt
[07:00] <head_victim> I just washed the car so no doubt we'll get a storm
[07:05] <Noskcaj> Hey, at least you guys arn't in Armidale we're getting surrounded by fire
[07:09] <ikt> :/
[07:09] <ikt> not good
[07:34] <ikt> Noskcaj, do you have any news articles? I can't find anything on it
[07:51] <Noskcaj> itk: not to much new but around 65000 hectares 100km east of us
[07:51] <Noskcaj> *news
[08:29] <ikt> damn