UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /04 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <unheeding> can anyone help me get my keyboard volume buttons working in lubuntu?
[00:45] <rafaelcavadas> hello... i've downloaded lubuntu-12.10-alternate-i386.iso, but it gives me integrity errors but the md5 hash is the same on the website https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes
[00:46] <rafaelcavadas> anyone had that problem?
[00:48] <unheeding> i haven't
[00:50] <rafaelcavadas> it's a strange thing...
[00:50] <rafaelcavadas> :)
[00:51] <rafaelcavadas> the desktop iso doesn't have that problem...
[10:49] <ari1> helo
[12:23] <leszek> hi
[14:08] <neure> how do i remove the wallpaper?
[14:08] <neure> oh done
[14:41] <ahy> I have a problem with catalyst drivers (current-updates) on lubuntu 12.10. I read that there is overdrive options in linux catalyst drivers, but in my "catalyst control center" overdrive tab doesnt appear. I have amd 6870 gpu. Is it caused by ubuntu version of catalyst driver or there is a way to unlock it?
[14:43] <leszek> ahy: only r6xx and up were supported, mobile and integrate chips excluded
[14:43] <leszek> so if the control center is not allowing you to use it, then your hardware is not supporting it, I guess
[14:44] <ahy> Uh thats strange, because hd 6870 is quite new and powerful card... what's more, on windows amd overdrive works out of the box
[14:44] <ahy> i have desktop version, not mobile
[14:45] <ahy> any ideas?
[14:45] <leszek> ahy: hmm... you could try a newer driver, because the ubuntu one is a little bit older
[14:45] <leszek> but this involves removing the ubuntu one and manually install the amd driver
[14:45] <ahy> okay, do you happen to have any good link to guide about installing new amd driver?
[14:46] <leszek> I guess there should be an installing guide on amds site
[14:46] <leszek> otherwise I only know: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI
[14:46] <leszek> there is a section for installing the upstream driver
[14:47] <ahy> okay. Is it enough if i disable amd driver in lubuntu "software resources" or i have to manually remove ubuntu driver files?
[14:47] <leszek> normally this should do it
[14:48] <leszek> you need to reboot though I guess
[14:48] <ahy> okay thanks
=== nothingspecial is now known as TheGrimSqueaker
[16:16] <souliaq> someone know about of similar application like "Everything of E17" to LXDE?
[16:17] <bioterror> what do you think about everything's ram usage
[16:18] <bioterror> is it lightweight?
[16:21] <leszek> bioterror: everything is a module to e17, so it needs e17 to be loaded otherwise it does not work
[16:21] <krassi76> hello to all... have a friend using windows xp and needs help from me. But i only use lubuntu .. how can i connect to his pc per internet ?
[16:21] <leszek> souliaq: there is kupfer. I did a screencast on it couple of years ago I think
[16:22] <leszek> souliaq: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPVpfMSMYXQ
[16:23] <bioterror> well, my gmrun can do something
[16:24] <leszek> krassi76: your friend needs to install an vncserver and then give his ip adress to you. Then you can connect via a vnc viewer onto it
[16:25] <bioterror> or your friend needs to install telnet server ;D
[16:25] <souliaq> ok, I'll check it, thanks
[16:25] <krassi76> okay thanks a lot i will check it :-)
[16:26] <leszek> lol telnet :P
[16:27] <bioterror> lol tivoli remote desktop + windows 7 = fail
[16:27] <bioterror> if you resize stuff 150% from the display menu, tivoli wont show it correctly
[16:27] <bioterror> :(
[16:28] <krassi76> which telnet server program is easy to install for windows xp newbie ?
[16:29] <leszek> krassi76: this was a joke
[16:29] <leszek> I would not NEVER advice to install telnet anywhere
[16:29] <krassi76> what should i do ?
[16:30] <bioterror> play with teamviewer
[16:30] <leszek> [17:24] <leszek> krassi76: your friend needs to install an vncserver and then give his ip adress to you. Then you can connect via a vnc viewer onto it
[16:35] <krassi76> okay thanks i will test teamviewer first.. thinks its the easiest way
[16:44] <liam> hi
[16:45] <liam> I'm setting sylpheed under lubuntu, is it normal that a gmail imap (though google apps) doesn't work? I've selected imap (gmail), set username, password, etc, but the messages aren't showed... I've also selected to show the [Gmail] folder, but nothing
[16:46] <bioterror> http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=77695
[16:46] <bioterror> you have done that?
[16:47] <liam> yes
[16:52] <bioterror> well, it should be quite easy to do then
[16:52] <bioterror> just enable ssl and so on
[16:52] <bioterror> so that it will use port 993 or what was it ;)
[16:53] <leszek> liam: as it works here, I assume you have the wrong ports setuped for imap and google
[16:55] <liam> bioterror: that's what I did :) the ports are correct: 993 and 465
[16:56] <liam> leszek: sylpheed 3.2.0?
[16:58] <leszek> hmmpf an older version
[16:58] <leszek> 2.x something
[16:59] <liam> mm...ok..
[16:59] <leszek> if it does not work for you then you should get an error message. If there is no errormessage then perhaps you need to check which imap folder sylpheed should check
[17:02] <liam> I've just tried with pop and it works (downloading the messages)... I think I'll use it ;)
[17:03] <saleem> hi, is lubuntu 12.04 also supported till 2017?
[17:03] <bioterror> the bare bones of ubuntu is, but not the lxde components
[17:03] <bioterror> so you will get all the kernel updates and so on until 2017
[17:04] <saleem> for lxde components is there update option there like a PPA ?
[17:07] <liam> saleem: have you been striked too with the "no pae support" on the cpu?
[17:08] <saleem> liam, no i just read somewhere that 12.04 version will not be supported till 2017 , im using older version till now so wanted to confirm before an upgrade
[17:09] <liam> ok ;)
[17:10] <saleem> someone was recommending xfce for this reason but i never liked xfce
[17:10] <liam> just curiosity, why do you care if it won't be supported until 2017? I understand server version that need long support, but 5 years for a desktop version is a lot :)
[17:10] <saleem> so i think i can still upgrade to 12.04 since the core is going to be supported
[18:13] <klausl> Hello!
[18:13] <klausl> Please!
[18:13] <klausl> Who is here?
[18:13] <klausl> I am a new lubuntu user.
[18:21] <pAt__> klausl, why do you want to know who is here?
[18:21] <rand0m8> hello. i have problem with geary email client. i see in terminal that geary want to use gnome-keyring what ofc i dont have. is there any easy solution?
[18:21] <klausl> pAt: Because I am a new User.
[18:22] <pAt__> do you have a problem, or do you just want to chat klausl ?
[18:22] <klausl> pAt_: Questions.
[18:22] <pAt__> just ask them, if somebody knows the answer, he will reply. And be patient, people are not always in front of their pcs :)
[20:14] <semitones> hey you guys
[20:14] <qwebirc236> Hello. Is it possible to create a bootable Lubuntu 12.10 LiveUSB using the 'dd' command (assuming /dev/sdb is the USB device)?: dd if=/path/to/lubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb
[20:17] <Combat_Wombat> that may work, if you have access to a windows machine I know this works http://rufus.akeo.ie/
[21:00] <semitones> hey
[21:01] <semitones> are there any extant problems in the installer?
[21:04] <ladkiwi> hello
[21:05] <ladkiwi> How can I add applications to the "desktop session settings" panel ?
[21:06] <ladkiwi> for example pigdin or xamp
[21:14] <zleap> is there the equivelent of ubuntu-tweak for lubuntu ?
[21:19] <ladkiwi> zleap, I am not sure you need it hte "openbox configuration manageur" should do the same
[21:19] <zleap> ok thanks
[22:28] <neure> can i customize LXTerm keys?