UbuntuIRC / 2012 /11 /04 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[01:39] <Quintasan> SteveRiley: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/04/29498083.jpg
[01:39] <Quintasan> Sorry
[01:40] <Quintasan> Couldn't stop myself after seeing your public email
[01:40] * Quintasan hides
[01:44] <ScottK> yofel: How goes it?
[01:44] <yofel> had to modify the script a bit. Quantal is up, raring coming
[01:51] <ScottK> Cool.
[02:10] <yofel> thanks doko for now documenting patches and naming them xxx.diff -.-
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
[02:10] <yofel> s/now/not/
[02:10] <kubotu> yofel meant: "thanks doko for not documenting patches and naming them xxx.diff -.-"
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[02:30] <yofel> raring uploaded
[02:35] <ScottK> yofel: I can tell you about that one.
[02:35] <yofel> nvm, that was upstream
[02:35] <ScottK> That's needed to build with the sip4/pyqt we have in raring. You don't need it for quantal.
[02:35] <ScottK> Oh, right.
[02:36] <ScottK> The other pykde4 patch is raring only.
[02:40] <yofel> I left that one in
[02:51] <yofel> oh come on
[02:51] <yofel> kde 4.9.3 requires akonadi >= 1.8.1
[02:58] <ScottK> Check and see if it's bug fix only and we'll get it in.
[02:58] <yofel> too tired now, I'll leave that to someone else
[02:59] <ScottK> ok.
[03:04] * yofel is off to bed - good night
[03:04] <ScottK> yofel: Good night. Looks like akonadi might be OK.
[03:17] <ScottK> yofel: akonadi done for raring and uploaded.
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[05:05] <Quintasan> ScottK: For the GPG transition email, should I sign it with the old key, the new one or both?
[05:06] <ScottK> Both, IIRC, but I'd read the docs.
[05:06] <Quintasan> ScottK: Thanks, I'll do that
[05:06] * Quintasan thinks 6 in the morning is not the best time to do that
[05:07] <Quintasan> will go to bed for a few hours
[05:10] * apachelogger_ wonders why Quintasan is up at 6 in the morning
[05:11] * apachelogger_ also wonders why he has a suffix
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
[05:42] <apachelogger> bug 502078
[05:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 502078 in kdepim-runtime (Ubuntu) "Akonadi Tray can't make backup in the default install" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/502078
[05:43] <apachelogger> perhaps we should patch the dialog to offer an install button
[05:43] <apachelogger> i.e. when the deps are missing a dialog will open when trying to make a backup that goes like "u no haz mysqldump or bzip2, please be installing"
[05:44] <apachelogger> simply offering and install button there would not introduce a new string and solve the dep problem in a very convenient way for the user
[05:44] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: what'd be the way to go about this from a qapt perspective?
[05:44] <apachelogger> qapt-batch?
[05:45] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna: on a related note ... I still think qapt-batch should force cache updates before doing anything
[05:46] <apachelogger> or at least allow --update --install foo, making it do the cache update and then immediately try to install foo
[08:17] <apachelogger> bug 1027341
[08:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1027341 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Debian kdm.d directory being ignored by upstart job" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1027341
[08:17] <apachelogger> because the biggest problem kdm has is bogus documentation
[08:28] <kubotu> feed workspace-bugs had 9 updates, showing the latest 3
[08:28] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1072263] plasma-desktop crashes at start-up with scripted image widget @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1072263 (by Vertago1)
[08:28] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1074033] Menu from menu button in titlebar opens in wrong position/direction on multiscreen setup @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074033 (by mlx)
[08:28] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1074371] In Kubuntu 12.10, systemsettings does not show "system languages" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074371 (by Ganton)
[09:12] <apachelogger> afiestas: what's your take on bug 853416
[09:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 853416 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth keyboard not respecting locale setting at login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/853416
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[09:32] <kubotu> feed workspace-bugs had 4 updates, showing the latest 3
[09:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1059197] plasma-desktop crashed with TypeError in initSettings(): int() argument must be a string o... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1059197 (by Mr.Riley)
[09:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1061674] plasma-desktop crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in setup_tooltip(): 'ascii' codec can't enc... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1061674 (by Vangelis Tasoulas)
[09:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1064160] plasma-desktop crashed with AttributeError in setEnabled(): 'CurrencyConverter' object has... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1064160 (by Dima Zag)
[10:08] <apachelogger> anyone manages to compute bug 1043852?
[10:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1043852 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "[kde-netbook] different background images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1043852
[10:32] <kubotu> feed workspace-bugs had 6 updates, showing the latest 3
[10:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1062225] white borders appear around windows after upgrade to kubuntu 12.10 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1062225 (by Yi Xie)
[10:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1062711] Dual screen: Windows in second screen got their size not saved @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1062711 (by Mathieu MD)
[10:33] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1069498] KWin shows tearing despite of VSync @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1069498 (by enteon ente)
[10:46] <apachelogger> kubuntu_shutup_shutup_shutup.diff
[10:46] <apachelogger> lol
[10:46] <apachelogger> JontheEchidna++
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio__
[11:16] <apachelogger> is it just me or does libreoffice suddenly like to open .txt files?
[11:23] <kubotu> ::runtime-bugs:: [1074371] In Kubuntu 12.10, systemsettings does not show "system languages" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074371 (by Ganton)
[11:25] * apachelogger notes not to forget to remove shadeslayer's ppas again
[11:25] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: y u break my system?
[11:31] <apachelogger> oh
[11:31] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: was not u
[11:31] * apachelogger has no idea who it was though :S
[11:34] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [900788] No easy way to check ubuntu version in KDE @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/900788 (by Kver)
[11:34] <apachelogger> nvm
[11:34] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: it was u after all
[11:34] <apachelogger> https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+build/3905291
[11:34] <apachelogger> proof I have
[11:34] <apachelogger> muhahahah
[11:48] <apachelogger> bug 989447
[11:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 989447 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "There is no way to select kwin_gles as window manager" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/989447
[11:48] <apachelogger> something in our gles stuff seems broken
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
[11:53] <Mamarok> yofel_: apparently we will need liblastfm 1.0.3 for the upcoming Amarok 2.7, I assume you can provide that in the backports PPA, right?
[11:58] <yofel_> shouldn't be a problem
[12:02] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: 0.o
[12:03] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: what did I break
[12:03] <yofel_> shadeslayer: wasn't that the package you told people not to use?
[12:03] <yofel_> (what was the problem anyway?)
[12:03] <shadeslayer> and yes, gles is broken because of shit that got removed when it was not suppossed to
[12:03] <yofel_> you mean active
[12:04] <yofel_> gles *should* work IIRC
[12:04] <shadeslayer> iirc wan
[12:04] <shadeslayer> rem
[12:04] <shadeslayer> ...
[12:04] <yofel_> ???
[12:04] <shadeslayer> stupid phone
[12:04] <yofel_> :D
[12:04] <yofel_> ScottK: do I need a seperate SRU bug for akonadi?
[12:05] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: u used packages that were not suppossed to be used
[12:05] <shadeslayer> you broke your own system
[12:05] <shadeslayer> also, I am still investigating mesa issues
[12:06] <yofel_> ScottK: 4.9.3 is in ninjas, so please base your work off that
[12:06] <yofel_> er
[12:06] <yofel_> shadeslayer: ^
[12:10] <shadeslayer> ok
[12:11] <shadeslayer> I need to compile mesa packages with a specific commit, will do that later this evening
[12:18] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: I did test something some time ago and forgot to remove your ppa
[12:18] <apachelogger> not knowing that you actually upload kaput things and then force remove then
[12:18] <apachelogger> *them
[12:20] <shadeslayer> heh ...
[12:20] <shadeslayer> so that users don't add the ppa and get kaput stuff
[12:23] * shadeslayer goes back to watching the F1 race
[12:28] <BluesKaj> howdy all
[12:32] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: pff, you know how muh work it is to force a downgrade of workspace?
[12:32] <apachelogger> 30000 packages
[12:32] <apachelogger> workspace builds fing 30000 packages -.-
[12:41] <Quintasan> \o
[12:43] <Quintasan> apachelogger: well, I got home at 3 so I figured I might as well as get something done
[12:43] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ppa purge ?
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[12:43] <Quintasan> but then I realised GPG transition is not one of the things
[12:43] <Quintasan> I want to do at 6 in the morning
[12:54] <Quintasan> ScottK: urgh, I'm not entirely sure if there is any way I can one email with two keys using KMail
[12:54] <Quintasan> or anything else
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[13:09] <yofel> isn't it enough if you just put the new fingerprint into the mail and then sign that with the old key?
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
[13:47] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: yeah, python scripts not written by me are always a solution :P
[13:47] <apachelogger> Quintasan: less drinking, more working
[13:47] <Quintasan> apachelogger: Is that what you should be saying? :P
[13:56] <apachelogger> Quintasan: you should make fun of other peoples drinking problem
[14:01] <yofel> hm
[14:01] <yofel> kubotu: newversion liblastfm 1.0.3
[14:01] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074873
[14:12] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: ofcourse
[14:16] <ScottK> Quintasan: I've never done it, so I'm guessing. That's why I said read the docs.
[14:20] <yofel> kubotu: newversion kdevelop 4.4.1 http://download.kde.org/stable/kdevelop/4.4.1/src/
[14:21] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074875
[14:26] <shadeslayer> no need for that :P
[14:27] <shadeslayer> I am going to upload 4.4.1 to my ppa this evening, test it a bit, and upload to raring and quantal proposed
[14:44] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1050776] kde4-window-decorator crashes when starting up with oxygen theme @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1050776 (by Iven Hsu)
[16:33] <jussi> btw, reveal.js is awesome/
[16:37] <ScottK> yofel: I uploaded akonadi to raring, but I don't want to be the uploader for quantal so that I can still be the SRU person to review/accept it.
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[19:15] <yofel> shadeslayer: thanks for telling me now that you're working on it, please next time file a bug yourself so everyone knows that ;)
[19:27] <shadeslayer> heh :P
[19:28] <yofel> yay, 4.9.3 all built
[19:29] <yofel> still need to fill out the paperwork for akonadi though
[19:30] <JontheEchidna> rbelem: happy b-day
[19:38] <yofel> http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/ppa/4.9.3_raring.html http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/ppa/4.9.3_quantal.html
[23:17] <Quintasan> ScottK: Well, I signed with my old key and people were okay with that
[23:18] <Quintasan> rbelem: happy bday but I might be late with that depending on the time zone :P
[23:18] <ScottK> OK. Sounds reasonable.
[23:18] <Quintasan> Urgh, I hate it when I want to make $DEVEL pbuilder and allways forget to pull new debootstrap
[23:24] <shadeslayer> Uhm
[23:25] <shadeslayer> any ideas if I can go ahead and drop this : http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-std/kdevelop.git;a=blob;f=debian/patches/okteta_optional_structures_tool.diff;h=4ccb1aa1e4b7f37a20a637477e602361bf392d1d;hb=HEAD
[23:25] <shadeslayer> from our packaging now that we have this upstream : https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/kdevelop/kdevelop/repository/revisions/0e2bb7c215b856b5add1fc42a5656260afbb41f0/diff
[23:35] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: looks sane enough
[23:35] <Quintasan> I'd drop it and see if it breaks anything :P
[23:35] <shadeslayer> :P
[23:37] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: have you signed my key yet?
[23:37] <Quintasan> No, I did not
[23:37] <Quintasan> Waiting to get signatures from people who signed my old key
[23:37] <Quintasan> Then I will
[23:40] <Quintasan> ScottK: I'd apprectiate if you got my key signed anytime soon so I can cross you out from the list :P
[23:44] <yofel> oh
[23:45] <yofel> rbelem: happy birthday!
[23:45] <claydoh> Quintasan: you pinged me the other day, lately ponging you :)
[23:46] <yofel> shadeslayer: as you probably noticed I assigned the kdevelop bug to you
[23:46] <shadeslayer> yep
[23:46] <shadeslayer> kubotu: order birthday package for rbelem
[23:46] * kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.
[23:46] * kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to rbelem and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.
[23:46] <kubotu> Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday rbelem, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!
[23:46] <kubotu> Happy Birthday rbelem :D
[23:46] <kubotu> To your health!
[23:46] <Quintasan> claydoh: Oh well, I've been wondering if you could have my status on kf.net fixed before SteveRiley gets home :P
[23:47] <claydoh> Quintasan: I think
[23:47] <claydoh> i already have
[23:47] <Quintasan> :D
[23:47] <Quintasan> Thanks
[23:47] <shadeslayer> yofel: Quintasan sawn my mail about ff-kde?
[23:47] * yofel wonders why his LP page shows the he's assigned to a bunch of quantal blueprints that Riddell is assigned to o.O
[23:47] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: You mean this whole thread on mailing list?
[23:47] <yofel> not if you sent something today
[23:47] <yofel> looking
[23:48] <shadeslayer> no, sent it yesterday
[23:48] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: iirc I mentioned this to you at UDS
[23:48] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Directly to me?
[23:48] <shadeslayer> I think so
[23:48] <yofel> ah, the naming one
[23:48] <shadeslayer> correct
[23:48] <shadeslayer> I also fear that the lang packs depend specifically on one version
[23:48] <shadeslayer> have to figure that one out
[23:48] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Nothing in my inbox
[23:49] <yofel> Quintasan: he sent it to the ML
[23:49] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Care to copypasta the whole thing if it's long?
[23:49] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2012-November/006462.html
[23:50] <yofel> shadeslayer: I'm fine with anything that allows me to get security updates ASAP
[23:50] <shadeslayer> yofel: according to SteveRiley most users don't care about that
[23:50] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Sounds reasonable
[23:50] <shadeslayer> which is why the whole thread
[23:51] <yofel> sure, but I do, so you may calculate my vote based on that
[23:51] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: But we have to make sure everyone who uses that KNOWS that they will be behind normal ff releases
[23:51] <Quintasan> So they do not get security updates asap
[23:51] <shadeslayer> well ofcourse
[23:52] * yofel watches qt5 being cloned...