UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /18 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[06:36] <Ascavasaion> I should be receiving my 320Gb HDD for my laptop today :)
[06:41] <kanliot> i will order a 3TB and laugh at you
[06:42] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: I never even knw they made 3Tb HDDs for laptops... that must be costing a fortune if there is such a thing.
[07:09] <Ascavasaion> Can someone here explain the difference between file size, and actual size of file on disk?
[07:10] <kanliot> i think 12.04 has a bug there
[07:10] <kanliot> but file size is the size in bytes
[07:10] <Ascavasaion> I am running 11.10... and it estimates the actual file size as twice the size of the actual hard disk hehe
[07:11] <kanliot> and size on disk should include file system overhead
[07:11] <kanliot> yeah thats a bug
[07:11] <kanliot> just pcmanfm
[07:11] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: Oh, okay, I was astounded to say he least hehe
[07:11] <Ascavasaion> Another dodgy thing is that when I cleared out 19Gbs of trash, when I ran df -h it gave me exactly the same disk usage.
[07:12] <kanliot> i really doubt that
[07:12] <Ascavasaion> I was so excited about clearing the 19Gbs (or the 91Gbs actual disk size) hehehe
[07:12] <Ascavasaion> but no, no change.
[07:13] <kanliot> df should e correct
[07:13] <kanliot> be
[07:13] <kanliot> you should double check
[07:13] <Ascavasaion> exactly... so the trash can feature in PCManFM is dodgy then.
[07:14] <kanliot> well
[07:14] <Ascavasaion> HAHA, I just closed PCManFM, checked the trash which is now empty, then did a df -h again and voila this time it registeres the cleared space.
[07:14] <kanliot> ls ~/Trash-1000 -R
[07:14] <kanliot> ok
[07:15] <kanliot> thanks for doublecheckin
[07:15] <Ascavasaion> Seems to be some kind of a lag between PCManFM and the file system.
[07:15] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: Pleasure :)
[07:15] <Ascavasaion> Nice to actually be able to talk to people about these things, someone that understands.
[07:16] <kanliot> you're welcome to ask
[07:17] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: Are you involved in Lubuntu development/testing etc. Or do you just enjoy helping people?
[07:17] <kanliot> my reasons wouldn't change even if i was doing more
[07:18] <kanliot> its nice
[07:18] <Ascavasaion> I wish I knew enough to help some of the chaps.
[07:19] <kanliot> well i'm looking for reviews for the wiki
[07:19] <kanliot> if you could register at help.ubuntu.com
[07:19] <kanliot> you might find something in the wiki to fix
[07:20] <Ascavasaion> Me? Doubt I would find anything.
[07:21] <kanliot> well you eitther want to help or ya dont
[07:21] <Ascavasaion> Sjoe, you make it sound bad hehe
[07:22] <kanliot> it just means you won't have an excuse when you find an error in the wiki
[07:22] <kanliot> but really editing the wiki isn't easy
[07:22] <kanliot> it's a pain in the butt
[07:22] <kanliot> stuff gets complicated really fast
[07:23] <Ascavasaion> Yes, and I am sure little changes need to be made all the time too.
[07:23] <kanliot> not worried about that
[07:24] <kanliot> major problem is just the scope of the system
[07:24] <kanliot> lubuntu is one of the smallest linuxes
[07:24] <kanliot> and it's still way too big to document
[07:24] <Ascavasaion> Would they ever make something like the FreeBSD 'Book'?
[07:25] <kanliot> not familiar with that
[07:25] <Ascavasaion> I tried it once... FreeBSD that is... was enough to chew my wrists off.
[07:43] <Ascavasaion> Okay, I could not get adobe-flash to work in Chromium. I then Googled a bit and read that it was automatically built into Chrome. So I installed Chrome. It still does not work.
[07:43] <kanliot> did you post on the forum this week aabout this
[07:44] <Ascavasaion> Nope, I tried another route.
[07:44] <kanliot> do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?
[07:44] <kanliot> otherwise i have nothing for you
[07:45] <kanliot> you might try the 12.04 livecd see if it is working
[07:45] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: Not the end of the world I suppose... it works on my Ubuntu machine.
[07:45] <Ascavasaion> I am sure that if I installed Firefox it would work, but I am trying to keep this system light.
[07:45] <Ascavasaion> Well, as light as I can heheeh
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[12:25] <gugul> hi
[12:25] <bioterror> howdy
[12:26] <gugul> i'm installin lubuntu, and at " installing" it takes too much time , is that normal??
[12:27] <bioterror> what's "too much" depends on person
[12:27] <gugul> 3 hours
[12:27] <bioterror> :D
[12:28] <bioterror> I would try again by rebooting
[12:28] <bioterror> and if that stucks in a same place, then I would look for a alternate cd
[12:29] <gugul> thx
[12:42] <gugul> what's the minimum cofiguration for Lubuntu plz??
[12:44] <silverarrow> minimum config?
[12:44] <silverarrow> you mean specs?
[12:44] <silverarrow> it should run on almost any hardware
[12:45] <silverarrow> well, made in the last 10 years
[12:45] <gugul> i have P4 2.8ghz 256mb RAM ,,,,??
[12:45] <silverarrow> minimal install
[12:46] <silverarrow> but really low ram in with a fast cpu?
[12:46] <silverarrow> weird
[12:46] <gugul> yep
[12:46] <silverarrow> you will definitely benefit from more ram if you have some or can buy some
[12:46] <gugul> i have this one since 2004
[12:47] <silverarrow> it should run on lubuntu
[12:47] <silverarrow> even Ubuntu
[12:47] <silverarrow> you have to choose alternate install cd
[12:47] <silverarrow> or get more ram
[12:47] <silverarrow> cpu is all right for just about anything still, but ram should be 1GB
[12:47] <silverarrow> at least 512
[12:48] <gugul> ok
[12:51] <silverarrow> jeg må ut nå tror jeg
[12:51] <silverarrow> det er blå himmel og hvite skyer
[12:52] <silverarrow> benytte sjansen før det regner igjen
[15:52] <morri> what is the 'cursor' process called?
[16:34] <silverarrow> does anyone know what html5 is more in detail?
[16:34] <silverarrow> all I can say it is sort of a media player
[16:42] <holstein> silverarrow: html5 is a newer html version
[16:42] <holstein> AFAIK, the way it works is... you can call on media files in an easier and argualby better way
[16:43] <holstein> http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp is what i would refer to
[16:44] <holstein> its odd to refer to html5 as a media player
[16:44] <holstein> it allows media to be played in a web browser, and likely other places where html5 can be used
[16:45] <silverarrow> but how is it really working differently?
[16:45] <silverarrow> streaming without media player software?
[17:08] <holstein> silverarrow: codecs are "built in" from what i understand
[17:10] <pmatulis_> any nastiness awaiting me if i upgrade to 12.10?
[17:11] <holstein> pmatulis_: its not final yet.. i would check #ubuntu+1
[17:11] <holstein> personally im planning on staying at the LTS
[17:11] <TheLordOfTime> pmatulis_, i'd not upgrade atm if i were you, you wouldn't BELIEVE how many bugs exist against quantal new each day :P
[17:11] <Ascavasaion> I hate this new Unity desktop in Ubuntu... cannot wait to install classic again.
[17:12] <TheLordOfTime> !gnome-shell | Ascavasaion
[17:12] <TheLordOfTime> oh screw you ubottu
[17:12] <holstein> Ascavasaion: i would check in #ubntu where the unity desktop is used
[17:12] <pmatulis_> holstein: yes, i know it's not final. and i am in #ubuntu+1
[17:12] <TheLordOfTime> Ascavasaion, #ubuntu
[17:12] <Ascavasaion> Thank you.
[17:13] <holstein> pmatulis_: then im sure you understand thats not a question that can be answered.. any upgrade can break functionality
[17:14] <pmatulis_> holstein: at times people are advised to stay clear of upgrading due to specific issues. that's what i'm talking about
[17:14] <holstein> pmatulis_: sure.. and id say, there will be one of those times between now and the official relase and if you are looking for stability, dont upgrade
[17:15] <pmatulis_> holstein: thanks for your informative answer dude
[17:16] <TheLordOfTime> we,, for what its worth...
[17:16] <TheLordOfTime> !notunity > Ascavasaion
[17:16] <ubottu> Ascavasaion, please see my private message
[17:16] <holstein> lubuntu will be using LXDE, not whatever the classic fallback is
[17:16] <Ascavasaion> thank you TheLordOfTime
[17:17] <TheLordOfTime> holstein, indeed but they haven't joined #ubuntu yet, so...
[17:17] <TheLordOfTime> holstein, i had to send that in a channel the person was in otherwise ubottu would whine
[17:17] <TheLordOfTime> :P
[17:18] <holstein> yeah.. i was just clarifying too, in case lubuntu was mistaken for the "classic" mode
[17:18] <Ascavasaion> Jjust replaced my 80Gb HDD in my laptop with a 320Gb... whoop whoop.
[17:18] <TheLordOfTime> holstein, :P
[17:18] <TheLordOfTime> holstein, "classic mode" is bleh :P
[17:19] <TheLordOfTime> lxde is nice :P
[17:19] <holstein> it seems to change as well.. the classic mode
[17:19] <Ascavasaion> LXDE is very nice... I am thinking of going to lxde-desktop.
[17:20] <holstein> Ascavasaion: you can just have LXDE and whatever else you want.. you can choose it at boot
[17:26] <Ascavasaion> holstein: Yep, I know. Thank you.
[17:26] <Ascavasaion> This channel is a nice place to hang out.
[17:27] <Ascavasaion> I did my first install from USB... very easy and extremely quick.
[17:28] <bioterror> welcome to the 21st century
[17:29] <bioterror> I dont remember when I last time burned a CD for installing something
[17:29] <bioterror> must have been crunchbang something before the debian spin
[17:30] * Ascavasaion thinks back to his installing windows 95 off something like 34 x 1.44" diskettes.
[17:30] <bioterror> wat :D
[17:32] <Ascavasaion> bioterror: Yes, hectic hey? I think Windows 3.11 For Workgroups was 4 diskettes. And the one I started off on... MS-DOS 2.1
[17:32] <bioterror> it was more than 4
[17:33] <Ascavasaion> Oh, and the most hideous on OS2... *puke*
[17:33] <bioterror> as it took almost our whole 40MB disk drive
[17:33] <Ascavasaion> bioterror: Aaaah, the memories become vague.
[17:35] <Ascavasaion> My first computer was an ICM compatible... 8086, 2 x 1.2Mb Floppy diskette drives, CGA graphics card, amber monitor. Added a 20Mb HDD later.
[17:35] <Ascavasaion> ICM=IBM
[17:36] <Ascavasaion> I was 13 years old then... A lifetime ago. I feel old... even have grey hairs in my beard.
[17:38] <Ascavasaion> Does adding lubuntu-desktop onto my Ubuntu setup make it run slower? Not sure how it would, but curious.
[17:41] <kanliot> yes adding 1000 files slows your system a few .00 seconds
[17:41] <kanliot> Ascavasaion, please ask in #ubuntu-beginners
[17:42] <bioterror> Ascavasaion, you're a step closer to convert it into a lubuntu desktop system
[17:42] <Ascavasaion> kanliot: Why ask it in there? It is a Lubuntu question.
[17:42] <Ascavasaion> bioterror: Aaaah, cool.
[17:42] <bioterror> it will not run any slower
[17:42] <Ascavasaion> bioterror: Thank you.
[18:49] <snele_> kanliot: I fixed my "reboot doesn't work" issues on acer netbook. It seem that ACPI is somehow broken on these machines and adding reboot=bios to grub solves the problem
[19:13] <holstein> snele_: did it hang on shutdown?
[19:13] <snele_> holstein: no
[19:13] <snele_> only reboot didn't work
[19:14] <snele_> it ends up to blank/black screen
[19:14] <snele_> and stays there
[19:14] <snele_> no it works with reboot:bios boot parameter
[19:14] <snele_> *reboot=bios
[19:15] <holstein> snele_: OK.. i was getting a hang on shutdown
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[20:25] <Guest69494> I have an advanced technical problem.
[20:25] <wxl> oooh my favorite
[20:27] <bioterror> hope it's nothing related to printers and excels
[20:27] <wxl> aw come on
[20:27] <wxl> that's not even close to the worst of it
[20:28] <Guest69494> I have a Trident Cyberblade Ai1 in a Portege 3500. Managed to get Lubuntu 12.04 installed, which has trident drivers (but no xorg.conf file) but when I do a lshw, it shows it's unclaimed, so it's not loading a kernel module for my video card, making X11 extremely unresponsive, to the point of being annoyingly slower than Windows™ 7. Yes, that's right. The GUI is slower than Windows™ 7.
[20:29] <Guest69494> I am not a noob (I think, anyway), so I am fine with doing a much more complicated and advanced fix, but I have found zero solutions to this online (and I've been working on it with proper Ubuntu for years on this laptop).
[20:30] <wxl> so this is an ongoing problem
[20:31] <Guest69494> I know OpenSUSE 11.1 had proper drivers for it, but the repositories for it were taken down. I know Xubuntu 8.10 did a decent job, too, which I think was made about the same time.
[20:31] <wxl> so the problem may be universal across all linicies?
[20:32] <Guest69494> It's a problem with the DRI driver/kernel module for trident cards, from what I can gather.
[20:32] <wxl> so if opensuse had the drivers, people were using it. what do people use now?
[20:33] <bioterror> how old is that card?
[20:33] <Guest69494> THey don't. OpenSUSE 11.2-12.1 require modification of one's xorg.conf file or equivalent in order to even get proper screen resolution.
[20:33] <wxl> and no one has filed a bug on whatever opensuse uses to track?
[20:34] <Guest69494> THere are bugs filed in a LOT of linux bugtrackers and a LOT of complaining on forums, but once someone gets the native resolution, every one of those sites ends the troubleshooting.
[20:35] <bioterror> :D
[20:35] <wxl> bandaid != treatment
[20:35] <wxl> si there a bug in launchpad?
[20:35] <Guest69494> Haven't looked.
[20:36] <wxl> well that's what's relevant for our distro :)
[20:36] <Guest69494> I do know I've found bugs online for *buntu in bug-trackers.
[20:37] <wxl> there's only really one bug tracker for ubuntu
[20:37] <wxl> some components (e.g. lxde) may be hosted elsewhere but as far as canonical tracking the resolution is concerned, it's done on launchpad
[20:37] <Guest69494> Yes, yes. But people reference that they're using *buntu when they post in other boards, hoping to get fixes.
[20:38] <Guest69494> I'm not even sure how to find this specific bug, since the only thing most people even notice is screen resolution.
[20:38] <wxl> that's called something different
[20:38] <wxl> "desperation"
[20:38] <Guest69494> I'm getting to that point.
[20:38] <wxl> pointless desperation, too, as it won't solve their problem
[20:38] <wxl> what i would suggest is to search through bugs here and see if anything is relevant https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-trident
[20:38] <bioterror> revert to VESA driver?
[20:40] <wxl> i would file a new bug report, calling it a regression of any supposedly "fixed" bugs and making it clear that the unresponsiveness suggests that simply getting the resolution right doesn't fix the problem
[20:40] <wxl> i can see that the package is under active development
[20:40] <Guest69494> Okay, I've been effing with this for a while, slow down, all of you.
[20:40] <Guest69494> Addressing one thing at a time.
[20:41] <Guest69494> 1: Where does 12.04 store its xorg configuration data? *buntu seems to be changing that location with every new release. It's very annoying.
[20:41] <wxl> well fine, but i'll say this: no bug report, no fix. 'nuff sed. you can find band-aids out there, but you won't find a fix.
[20:41] <Guest69494> Noted, but filing a bug report isn't a fix either.
[20:41] <wxl> first step
[20:42] <wxl> in lubuntu if i "locate xorg.conf" i find /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
[20:42] <Guest69494> Doesn't exist.
[20:42] <bioterror> it's done by evdev nowdays
[20:42] <Guest69494> I looked.
[20:42] <wxl> well, it's here in 12.10, i should say
[20:42] <bioterror> no need for xorg.conf, unless you make one
[20:43] <wxl> subsequently, there is a 10-evdev.conf, 11-evdev-quirks.conf, and 11-evdev-trackpoint.conf in there
[20:43] <bioterror> otherwise it should be in /etc/X11/xorg/
[20:43] <wxl> it's a directory, not a file
[20:43] <Guest69494> I know that.
[20:43] <Guest69494> I've used xorg.conf.d before.
[20:43] <Guest69494> In Ubuntu.
[20:43] <bioterror> damn
[20:43] <Guest69494> But it doesn't exist in my Lubuntu install.
[20:43] <bioterror> otherwise it should be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:43] <Guest69494> Doesn't exist either.
[20:43] <bioterror> ofcourse
[20:43] <bioterror> becouse you have not created one
[20:44] <wxl> hold on lemme get the netbook out
[20:44] <Guest69494> Of course.
[20:44] <bioterror> stop the lightdm service
[20:44] <bioterror> and make yourself one
[20:44] <bioterror> Xorg -configure
[20:44] <bioterror> sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:44] <bioterror> and you have one
[20:45] <Guest69494> "No command 'xorg' found, did you mean:"
[20:45] <bioterror> I used capital X
[20:45] <Guest69494> My bad.
[20:46] <wxl> i have same configuration on my 12.04 netbook
[20:46] <wxl> locate xorg.conf → /usr/share/X11/x.org.conf.d/
[20:46] <Guest69494> Also doesn't exist.
[20:46] <wxl> just to be super, duper clear, these are both lubuntu and not ubuntu or any other derivative.
[20:47] <Guest69494> Yes.
[20:47] <Guest69494> When running Xorg -configure "Fatal server error: Cannot move old log file "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" to "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old" "
[20:47] <Guest69494> Should I run as sudo?
[20:48] <bioterror> no
[20:48] <bioterror> but give some old good rm -rf :D
[20:48] <Guest69494> Thanks. Now it can't open said file.
[20:49] <wxl> rm: cannot remove `:D': No such file or directory
[20:49] <bioterror> Guest69494, sudo service lightdm stop
[20:49] <bioterror> Guest69494, Xorg -configure
[20:49] * wxl prepares for the requisite slap from bioterror
[20:49] <bioterror> Guest69494, sudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:49] <bioterror> Guest69494, sudo service lightdm start
[20:49] <bioterror> wxl, where was my trout...
[20:50] <Guest69494> Okay, I'm doing this from the command line after Ctrl+Alt+F1, since LXTerminal is suffering the same very slow speed as the rest of X.
[20:51] <bioterror> yes, from tty1
[20:51] <bioterror> or what ever tty you prefer
[20:51] <Guest69494> GIve me a moment.
[20:51] * wxl prefers tty∞
[20:52] <Guest69494> Okay, sudo service lightdm stop "lightdm stop/waiting"
[20:52] <Guest69494> Xorg -configure still can't move that file.
[20:52] <bioterror> btw. NVidia Quadro NVS 300 had lots of crashings with 304.43 driver, but I upgraded it to .48 and works like a charm!
[20:52] <bioterror> Guest69494, sudo rm -rf /var/log/Xorg.*
[20:52] <Guest69494> And from previous experience, if I rm -rf, it will say it can't open said log.
[20:54] <Guest69494> if I 'sudo Xorg -configure' will that mess things up?
[20:55] <bioterror> no, but you dont need sudo for that
[20:55] <Guest69494> Apparently I do, as it can't touch this log file normally.
[20:57] <wxl> i would expect that you do need sudo considering it's touching files outside of home
[20:57] <Guest69494> Sudo'd it. It completed successfully.
[20:57] <Guest69494> THe resulting xorg.conf is using the vesa driver for no discernable reason.
[20:57] <Guest69494> Going to change it to trident.
[20:58] <Guest69494> Rebooting.
[20:58] <bioterror> why?
[20:58] <bioterror> restart lightdm
[20:58] <wxl> cuz he uses windows
[20:58] <bioterror> and you're good to go
[20:58] <wxl> :)
[20:59] <bioterror> lulz
[20:59] <wxl> they've brainwashed him
[20:59] <bioterror> like in Windows 98, if you changed screen resolution, you had to reboot
[20:59] <Guest69494> Actually, I'm speaking from my Ubuntu experience. Used to be I had severe issues when trying to restart my WM.
[20:59] <bioterror> haha
[20:59] <Guest69494> Okay, stop with the OS bashing.
[20:59] <Guest69494> I'm not a Windows™ user, I'm a Mac user.
[21:00] * wxl tries real hard to stay quiet
[21:00] <bioterror> say hello to narnia ;)
[21:00] <wxl> ANYWHO
[21:00] <bioterror> seems like evdev chose to use VESA
[21:00] <Guest69494> For no good reason.
[21:01] <wxl> for no apparent reason
[21:01] <wxl> if we don't know the reason, ew can't pass judgement justifiable
[21:01] <Guest69494> Okay...x11 just as slow.
[21:01] <bioterror> I mostly think vesa is a fallback driver
[21:01] <Guest69494> If not slower.
[21:02] <Guest69494> On a completely unrelated note, why does chromium-browser start when my computer does? That's supremely annoying.
[21:02] <wxl> did you edit it with the values you got from the opensuse forums or whatever?
[21:02] <wxl> it shouldn't
[21:02] <wxl> none of mine do
[21:03] <Guest69494> It is running about eight times in task manager.
[21:03] <bioterror> that's normal
[21:03] <wxl> running 8 times is not surprising
[21:03] <wxl> each window or tab is a separate process
[21:03] <wxl> not to mention the plugins
[21:03] <Guest69494> Yeah, but I haven't touched Chromium.
[21:03] <wxl> this is how chrome/chromium works
[21:03] <Guest69494> D'uh.
[21:03] <Guest69494> But I haven't opened the browser.
[21:03] <bioterror> that's what makes it so great
[21:03] <wxl> so you don't see the browser open?
[21:03] <Guest69494> No, it isn't.
[21:03] <bioterror> as all the pages are it's own sandbox
[21:04] <Guest69494> I haven't opened the browser.
[21:04] <Guest69494> It running eight or so processes without a browser up is not what makes it so great.
[21:04] <wxl> i didn't ask if you interacted with it, but if you see it open
[21:04] <Guest69494> I see nothing.
[21:04] <wxl> that is strange indeed
[21:04] <bioterror> killall chromium-browser
[21:04] <Guest69494> I've done that. They respawn.
[21:06] <wxl> i don't know what to say about that
[21:06] <wxl> makes no sense
[21:06] <Guest69494> Chromium itself is completely unusable because of X11's slowness (thirty seconds to bring up a contextual menu or more, several minutes to open Chromium).
[21:06] <bioterror> how old is this your laptop?
[21:06] <wxl> i'd like to console you and tell you this is how it is for everyone, but it's not
[21:06] <Guest69494> Irrelevant, it can run Windows™ 7.
[21:07] <wxl> i don't even have that much problems with an old powerbook
[21:07] <Guest69494> It's a 1.33 GHz Pentium III with 512 MB RAM.
[21:07] <wxl> (though of chromium isn't available for ppc, but that's another point)
[21:07] <Guest69494> This is a lightweight distro aimed at speed.
[21:07] <Guest69494> I can run Ubuntu on it faster than this.
[21:07] <wxl> and it sounds like it would work great were it not for your video driver
[21:07] <bioterror> well
[21:08] <wxl> wait
[21:08] <wxl> you have no problems with the video driver in ubuntu?
[21:08] <bioterror> no difference between Lubuntu and Ubuntu what comes to drivers
[21:08] <Guest69494> I have severe problems with Ubuntu.
[21:08] <Guest69494> Just not this slownes.
[21:08] <wxl> ↑ exactly what he said!
[21:08] <Guest69494> Unity2D runs much faster than Lubuntu's LXDE.
[21:08] <Guest69494> It's still slow, but not THIS slow!
[21:09] <wxl> i'm sure in part that's due to your issues with chromium
[21:09] <wxl> which i have never heard before at all
[21:09] <wxl> try purging chromium and installing firefox and compare
[21:09] <bioterror> or midori
[21:09] <wxl> or xxxterm :)
[21:09] <wxl> or w3m-img!
[21:09] <Guest69494> Or elinks. I get it.
[21:09] <bioterror> telnet to website!
[21:09] <wxl> wget the mofo
[21:10] <bioterror> but yeah, purge chromium
[21:10] <bioterror> get rid of it
[21:10] <Guest69494> You'll have to give me time for Synaptic to come up.
[21:10] <wxl> apt-get is faster
[21:11] <bioterror> sudo apt-get purge chromium-browser
[21:11] <bioterror> life is too short to use synaptic
[21:11] <Guest69494> :|
[21:11] <wxl> and even despite your issues with lxterminal, synaptic is still a front end to apt-get so it's STILL going to be slower
[21:11] <Guest69494> I'll do this part my way.
[21:11] <wxl> yes dear
[21:14] <Guest69494> All right, geniuses, Chromium is removed, including configuration files. Chromium-browser still running several times.
[21:14] <bioterror> pkill chromium-browser
[21:14] <wxl> killall and it's still there?
[21:15] <Guest69494> I have yet to get to a place I can killall. Just happened to have task manager open.
[21:15] <Guest69494> LXTermimal is trying to open.
[21:15] <wxl> ps aux | grep chrom is probably equally as effective as task manager for this specific purpose
[21:16] <Guest69494> ~facepalm~ Okay, okay. Lovely. Happened to have it open, though.
[21:16] <wxl> i'm sorry you wish to interpret every statement as an insult to your intelligence.
[21:17] <Guest69494> I'm sorry. Just get frustrated at this problem.
[21:17] <wxl> no problem, just not my fault
[21:18] <Guest69494> It doesn't help that you guys HAVE been insulting my intelligence.
[21:19] <wxl> just trying to offer advice to help you with your problem but i'm content to stop if you'd prefer it
[21:19] <Guest69494> Not so much you as bioterror, actually.
[21:19] <wxl> right, the guy with all the xorg config advice. cuz that was inflammatory.
[21:19] <wxl> i think i'm going to go back to work
[21:20] <Guest69494> You guys were harping on me because I rebooted my computer.
[21:20] <wxl> you != windows
[21:20] <wxl> we were harping on windows
[21:20] <bioterror> life is too short to restart computer becouse of Xorg
[21:20] <wxl> and with that, i'm gone
[21:20] <wxl> love you bye
[21:20] <bioterror> I only reboot when kernel updates
[21:20] <bioterror> and that happens when comes electricity cutdown ;)
[21:21] <Guest69494> That's great, but I reboot occasionally just to make sure every process that is supposed to die does without me having to remember every one I killed.
[21:21] <Guest69494> SO to speak.
[21:21] <bioterror> you got rid of chromium?
[21:22] <Guest69494> No, still starting.
[21:22] <Guest69494> I purged it via synaptic and it's somehow still there.
[21:22] <bioterror> ps aux |grep chromium
[21:22] <bioterror> and pastebin that
[21:22] <Guest69494> pastebin?
[21:23] <Guest69494> I am on two different computers. If you want to read it, I have to retype it.
[21:26] <Guest69494> Okay, I rebooted, and guess what! Now it's gone! Say what you will about rebooting, personal experience does outweigh the experience of those who say I shouldn't need to do it, ever.
[21:26] <Guest69494> Well, hardly ever.
[21:30] <Guest69494> X is significantly more responsive now. It's not as fast as it should be, I'm sure, but it's on par with the Ubuntu installs I've done, so Chromium was at least part of my problem.
[21:35] <Guest69494> lshw still says the display is unclaimed
[21:39] <bioterror> check the Xorg.0.log
[21:39] <bioterror> and see for errors
[21:46] <Guest69494> Can you be more specific on the errors I might be looking for?
[21:46] <bioterror> no
[21:46] <bioterror> I do not know your errors
[21:46] <Guest69494> Okay.
[21:46] <bioterror> I got: [ 23062.054] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "DFP-0:nvidia-auto-select,DFP-1:nvidia-auto-select"
[21:46] <bioterror> [ 23062.358] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
[21:46] <bioterror> I installed acpid and I got
[21:46] <bioterror> [ 23782.452] (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
[21:47] <bioterror> :--)
[21:47] <Guest69494> o_O Okay.
[21:47] <bioterror> I'm having Xorg issues myself, which I think solved
[21:48] <bioterror> that's why I'm tailing my Xorg.0.log
[21:48] <Guest69494> Illegal extended x86 opcode?
[21:49] <Guest69494> Bunch of "out of range" on resolutions.
[21:50] <Guest69494> Here's a couple I've looked at before. AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable. AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable.
[21:50] <Guest69494> That's the driver problem I tried to fix before.
[21:50] <Guest69494> Like, eons ago.
[22:01] <bioterror> anything else?
[22:02] <Guest69494> Something about ACPI came up, so I did what you did and installed ACPID
[22:02] <Guest69494> (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
[22:07] <Guest69494> "glxinfo | grep rendering" yields "direct rendering: yes"
[22:07] <Guest69494> That's surprising to me.
[22:08] <Guest69494> Since the log told me the screen was neither DRI nor DRI2 capable.
[22:18] <bizhanMona> Hi I am installing 12.04 Precise Desktop, it is asking me the choice of the linux kernel, I do not understand what is the difference between linux-.. and linux-image-- choices?
[22:20] <wxl> bizhanMona: this is a fresh install? meaning you have wiped the drive and are now starting fresh?
[22:20] <wxl> bizhanMona: also what method you using to install?
[22:21] <bizhanMona> wxl: yes it is fresh install, I am trying to install the minimum install, but it seems I selected lubuntu-destop,
[22:24] <wxl> been a long time since i did a minimal
[22:24] <wxl> what step in the process are you seeing this on?
[22:25] <bizhanMona> installing kernel, there are many choices like virtual which I am not familiar
[22:25] <wxl> what are all the options?
[22:26] <bizhanMona> there are many let me give you some of the samples:
[22:27] <bizhanMona> linux-generiic
[22:27] <bizhanMona> linux-server
[22:27] <bizhanMona> linux-virtual
[22:27] <bioterror> generic
[22:27] <bizhanMona> linux-image-extra-..
[22:27] <bizhanMona> linux-image-extra-3.2.0-23
[22:27] <bizhanMona> what version is generic?
[22:28] <wxl>
[22:28] <wxl> meaning one or the other not 31 through 23
[22:28] <wxl> 32
[22:29] <bizhanMona> I was hoping to get 3.x
[22:29] <wxl> there ya go
[22:34] <bizhanMona> Another question, I was under impression the lubuntu-core is a complete stand alone minimalistic OS, if yes, I do not see an iso with it? if no, then how could I use it.
[22:35] <wxl> bizhanMona: it is but it needs ubuntu-core and ubuntu-minimal which the references on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall refer to
[22:36] <wxl> those are (despite the name) just the linux core if you will. none of the graphic bits
[22:36] <wxl> i.e. ubuntu-core+ubuntu-minimal+gnome+unity+a bunch of useless garbage=ubuntu
[22:37] <wxl> and subsequently ubuntu-core+ubuntu-minimal+lubuntu-core+lubuntu-desktop=lubuntu
[22:37] <wxl> minimal lubuntu is ubuntu-core+ubuntu-minimal+lubuntu-core
[22:37] <wxl> technically you could run entirely off of ubuntu-core+ubuntu-minimal. you would just have no gui.
[22:38] <wxl> oh sorry s/ubuntu-core/ubuntu-standard/g
[22:39] <wxl> this may shed more light on it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages
[22:39] <wxl> since minimal is supposed to be, well, minimal, there's no reason to fill the iso with a bunch of stuff we aren't sure people need
[22:39] <wxl> at least that's one way of looking at it
[23:02] <bizhanMona> wxl: thanks so much for detail explanation.
[23:02] <wxl> bizhanMona: np
[23:03] <bizhanMona> all I need xwindow for that I think Xorg package should be fine.
[23:07] <bkm> hello, on my laptop, i can usually enter Fn+7 to turn off the backlight. Today, my lxde session repeatably displays only the left one-third of the desktop and repeats that portion twice more. the backlight does turn off, but not until the desktop has been mangled. has anyone else experienced this lately? (oneric)
[23:08] <wxl> bkm: for me, no. i also haven't run oneric in many moons.
[23:09] <bkm> how is the transition from o to p to q? i think this started out as jaunty or so...
[23:09] <wxl> precise is stable; go for it
[23:09] <wxl> quantal is still in transition
[23:10] <bkm> you think my luck with dist-upgrade will hold, or should i install fresh?
[23:11] <wxl> that's how i upgraded a few of mine
[23:11] <wxl> no probs
[23:11] <bkm> thanks, wxl. i may give it a try. let me know if people start reporting tripled up screens!
[23:11] <wxl> ok :)
=== IboS_ is now known as IboS
[23:36] <bizhanMona> wxl: So I installed the mini.iso which comes under lubuntu-desktop (Precise Desktop) this is not ubunt-core + ubuntu-minimal ?
[23:39] <wxl> bizhanMona: that's the basic ubuntu.
[23:39] <wxl> so yes, ubuntu-core/-standard
[23:41] <bizhanMona> wxl: I have read the webpage I am not clear on what needs to be installed for what I need. If I want to only install the ubuntu-core + ubuntu-minimal, what I need to do? Will you please clarify that please?
[23:47] <wxl> bizhanMona: you want 12.04/precise right?
[23:47] <bizhanMona> wxl: I want 12.04 which is minimalistic with no gui stuff.
[23:48] <wxl> no gui of ANY kind?
[23:48] <wxl> cuz if so, that's basically ubuntu-core/-standard
[23:48] <bizhanMona> I will install X11 and will use ATI card
[23:48] <wxl> there you go
[23:48] <wxl> you're done :)
[23:49] <wxl> so technically you don't have lubuntu
[23:49] <wxl> lubuntu at it's core implies lxde
[23:49] <wxl> which is gui of course
[23:49] <bizhanMona> wxl: what do I have then?
[23:49] <bizhanMona> ubuntu?
[23:49] <wxl> you have what a lot of people like to think of as ubuntu server
[23:49] <wxl> which is ubuntu withuot the gui
[23:50] <bizhanMona> oh okay, I thought ubuntu server is not minimalistic?
[23:51] <wxl> well it does include some non-standard items like patch and screen
[23:51] <wxl> but it's a lot more minimal than just about anything else
[23:51] <Unit193> wxl: Server actually has a ton of "servery" things like apache and such. ;)
[23:51] <wxl> not if the seed is to be believed Unit193 http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.precise/server
[23:52] <bizhanMona> wxl: Thanks again, you have saved so much of my time. If you are ever in San Jose/Ca I buy a beer :)
[23:52] <wxl> i'm not too far XD
[23:53] <bizhanMona> XD ?
[23:53] <wxl> squinty grin
[23:53] <bizhanMona> :)
[23:53] <wxl> strange that there is no ubuntu-server metapackage
[23:54] * wxl moves to -offtopic
[23:54] <Unit193> wxl: Hrm, I don't get how it'd be 640MB then http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server Ah, nevermind, things are just weird.