UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /17 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:40] <pleia2> czajkowski: thanks :)
[05:47] <dpm> good morning all
[06:57] <dholbach> good morning
[07:00] <elfy> hi dholbach
[07:00] <dholbach> hi elfy
[07:00] <elfy> did you have a good weekend ?
[07:03] <dholbach> yes, I did :)
[07:03] <dholbach> how about you?
[07:04] <nigelb> Hey dholbach, dpm
[07:05] <dholbach> hi nigelb
[07:05] <elfy> yep - was quite relaxed all in all
[07:05] <elfy> hi nigelb
[07:06] <nigelb> Hey elfy :)
[07:07] <dholbach> mine was less relaxed but still lots of fun :)
[07:07] <nigelb> Mine involved lots of sleep and cooking.
[07:07] <nigelb> Best combination.
[07:25] <elfy> mine was les relaxed than it could have been - had soft dad head on which led to 4 teenage girls giggling all night Saturday
[07:40] <czajkowski> aloha
[07:40] <elfy> hi czajkowski
[07:43] <jono> hey folks
[07:43] <elfy> o/
[07:48] <dholbach> hey jono
[07:48] <dholbach> _ _ _ ____ ______ __ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ ___
[07:48] <dholbach> | | | | / \ | _ \| _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _| _ \_ _| | | | _ \ / \\ \ / / |
[07:48] <dholbach> | |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V / | _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /| |
[07:48] <dholbach> | _ |/ ___ \| __/| __/ | | | |_) | || _ < | | | _ | |_| / ___ \| | |_|
[07:48] <dholbach> |_| |_/_/ \_\_| |_| |_| |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/ \_\_| (_)
[07:48] <dholbach>
[07:48] * dholbach hugs jono
[07:48] * dholbach hugs jono
[07:48] * dholbach hugs jono
[07:48] <jono> thanks dholbach! :-)
[07:48] <dholbach> how's life over there?
[07:50] <didrocks> happy birthday jono!
[07:50] <jono> thanks didrocks!
[07:50] <jono> dholbach, doing great, thanks :)
[07:51] <jono> nice to be on this side of the pond for a bit
[07:57] <AlanBell> jono: in London?
[07:58] <jono> AlanBell, I am in the Midlands
[08:00] <dpm> hey, happy birthday jono, hope you're enjoying being back to the UK for a bit ;)
[08:01] <jono> dpm, thanks!
[08:01] <jono> dpm, lets hop on the phone in a bit
[08:01] <jono> will sync you up
[08:01] <dpm> jono, sure
[08:15] <jono> for my birthday this year I want donations, so please go to http://www.crowdrise.com/jonobaconbirthday :-)
[08:16] <czajkowski> jono: you coming down to London at all ?
[08:17] <jono> czajkowski, nope
[08:17] <czajkowski> awww
[08:17] <czajkowski> :(
[08:18] <jono> czajkowski, yeah, I wish I could make it there
[09:20] * AlanBell is in London most of this week
[09:39] <daker> good morning
[09:39] <daker> anyone knows where i can find marianna ?
[09:43] <czajkowski> daker: email
[10:22] <jono> dpm, dholbach free for a call?
[10:22] <dpm> jono, yep
[10:22] <jono> dpm, cool, will fire it up
[10:23] <dpm> ok
[10:24] <jono> dpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/03398631e9cf711893c4721659b61c62d580de88?authuser=0&hl=en-US
[11:25] <dholbach> jono, sorry, I was out to get something for my cold - shall we start a new hangout?
[12:00] * didrocks hugs dholbach
[12:00] <didrocks> dholbach: you too, have a cold?
[12:00] <dholbach> didrocks, yeah, it's supposed to be still summer - having a cold now makes no sense :)
[12:01] <dholbach> but I guess it's in preparation for autumn and winter - I'm sure we won't get a cold then! :)
[12:01] * dholbach hugs didrocks
[12:01] <didrocks> dholbach: well, I'm in the same case, and I can't blame the Air Condition here :)
[12:01] <didrocks> heh, yeah! rock solid then!
[12:01] <dholbach> :-D
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[12:37] * dholbach takes the dog for a walk - brb
[13:07] <czajkowski> daker: did you get a hold of marianna via email
[13:08] <daker> czajkowski: yes just the invitation, she will send the rest as soon as she receive them
[13:08] <czajkowski> cool
[13:10] <daker> czajkowski: thanks :)
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[13:12] <czajkowski> jono: ping got time for a quick pm
[13:41] <dholbach> czajkowski, do you still have the link to the pad where we did the CoC changes?
[13:43] <czajkowski> hmmm
[13:44] <czajkowski> dholbach: lemmie go dig out via mail
[13:44] <dholbach> I think I just found it again
[13:45] <czajkowski> ah ok
[13:51] <jono> dpm, what was the link for the new security profile creation process we discussed again?
[13:51] <jono> I lost the link
[13:52] <dpm> jono, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess/Meta#Security_Profile_Generation
[13:52] <jono> thanks dpm
[13:53] <dpm> np, I've also lost more than one link from a G+ chat window
[13:54] <jono> :-)
[14:21] <daker> mhall119: http://www.blog-emploi.com/public/000clocking-couch2.jpg
[15:05] * AlanBell waves to czajkowski over the river o/
[15:14] <czajkowski> AlanBell: over in canada water today
[15:23] <AlanBell> yeah
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[15:31] <jono> dpm, lets roll
[15:32] <jono> dpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ac712ffd3cb3e7ad7b4af66170668611f9bd664b?authuser=0&hl=en-US
[15:33] <dpm> jono, coming
[16:16] <jcastro> pleia2_, your landscape thing should be all set!
[16:17] <pleia2_> jcastro: looks good, thank you :)
[16:18] <dholbach> alright my friends, I call it a day
[16:18] <dholbach> see you tomorrow
[16:19] <jcastro> <-- lunch
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[22:03] <JoseeAntonioR> jcastro: got the people for the onair session?
[23:44] <bkerensa> mhall119: So uh is Canonical going to release the Ubuntu on Android source?
[23:46] <bkerensa> at least the free parts of it that are licensed under the GPL?