UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /17 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[01:41] <DroidDuck> I can't seem to get the ubuntu live cd to run. It starts to, I get the keyboard and lil'guy icon, then the I get a white pixelated bar at the bottom of the screen.
[01:42] <DroidDuck> Anyone know how to correct this?
[01:47] <wilee-nilee> DroidDuck, Try at the choice of install try or check the memory gui when booted hitting f6 then choosing nomodeset then boot in.
[01:48] <wilee-nilee> you may have a graphic driver problem in this stage it seems
[01:48] <DroidDuck> I don't get any choice to install
[01:48] <DroidDuck> this happen on boot before I even see the desktop or gdm
[01:48] <wilee-nilee> DroidDuck, Is this a live cd?
[01:50] <wilee-nilee> check the md5sum of the disc and make sure it wa burned at the slowest speed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM You should be seeing with a booted liove cd a choice menu as I describe right away, although a unstbootin loaded usb may not show this gui I believe.
[01:52] <DroidDuck> wilee-nilee, yes it's a live cd
[01:52] <DroidDuck> The cd works fine in other PCs
[01:53] <DroidDuck> just on this one with a different video card, it fails
[01:53] <DroidDuck> a nVidia Geforce GT 610
[01:53] <wilee-nilee> your on the ubuntu channel now I suspect they will say the same. If you are not seeing the gui at boot of the cd then do you see it on the other machine.
[01:54] <DroidDuck> Yeah, it works fine on other machines
[01:54] <wilee-nilee> Do you know what I am referencing is what I'm getting at. Continuing to say it works on other machines is not communicating
[05:21] <pickledeggs> Hi, I was hoping someone could help me add options for different resolutions on my computer. I am stuck with the one option of 640x480
[16:14] <sral77> permission problem - I have created a group with "addgroup --system mygroup" and added two users by using "addgroup user1 mygroup" and "addgroup user2 mygroup". Then i give a directory and a file in that directory permission by doing "chmod -R 770 somedir" and set group with "chgrp -R mygroup somedir". But i get access error when logged in as either user, when i ls the directory, or read/write the file? What am i doing wrong?
[16:39] <swami> hi. I am new ubuntu user. recently i have given the command-> sudo apt-get upgrade. and from then onwards my wifi is not working. any help.
[16:40] <holstein> swami: i would assume a kernel upgrade has happened and try booting into the older one as a troubleshooting step
[16:40] <swami> how to do that ?
[16:41] <holstein> tap shift at boot if you dont see the grub menu... you'll see an "older kernels" entry.. older, earlier... something like that
[16:41] <swami> ok i will try and come back. thank you.
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