UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /16 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[02:01] <Deformative> Hi.
[02:01] <Deformative> How do I install the gator daemon?
[06:56] <Maqs> does anybody know of a possibility to use a precompiled armel binary on an armhf system? there a no im- or exported symbols with any floating point parameters, so if i'm not totally wrong, it might be possible changing the elf file header somewhere and make it work?
[07:18] <infinity> Maqs: If it links with anything, you're wrong. :P
[07:18] <infinity> Maqs: But, if it does, you can always just install the armel versions of those libraries.
[07:18] <infinity> Maqs: (add armel as a secondary arch, apt-get update, apt-get install libc6:armel, etc)
[07:20] <Maqs> nice, thanks
[07:21] <infinity> Maqs: What are you running? precise, quantal, wheezy, sid?
[07:21] <infinity> Maqs: In all of those cases except precise (sadly, we made some massive dpkg changes), it's as simple as "dpkg --add-architecture armel"
[07:22] <infinity> Maqs: For precise, it's "echo foreign-architecture armel > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch"
[07:23] <Maqs> wheezy
[07:23] <infinity> Maqs: Installing libc6:armel will then get you an ld.so and libc6 that behave for armel binaries, and then ldd should behave well enough to point out what other libraries you might be missing.
[07:24] <Maqs> ldd tells me "not a dynamic executable" atm
[07:24] <infinity> Of course, if it's statically compiled, none of this is meaningful.
[07:24] <infinity> Maqs: ldd tells you tha before or after installing libc6:armel?
[07:24] <Maqs> before
[07:24] <infinity> Right, see above.
[07:24] <Maqs> k, thanks
[07:24] <infinity> The armhf ld.so will intentionally skip over armel binaries (and the inverse), so ldd will "lie" about foreign binaries.
[07:25] <infinity> That said, if it really IS static, none of this is required.
[07:25] <infinity> ABI means nothing if there's no linking. :P
[07:25] <Maqs> readelf tells me it's dynamic :-)
[07:26] <infinity> Check.
[07:26] <infinity> Then ldd should say something sane once you have libc6:armel in place.
[09:56] <satellit> infinity: Can the TrimSlice H250 be upgraded ?
[09:58] <infinity> satellit: In what sense?
[09:59] <satellit> newer version of Ubuntu
[10:00] <satellit> compuLab only has one image for HD or SD
[10:00] <infinity> Well, we don't officially support it (as in, we don't build kernels or installers for it), but there's no reason why upgrading the userspace wouldn't work.
[10:01] <infinity> Unless the kernel is so ancient that a newer udev will explode with it.
[10:01] * satellit this is Trimslice on Ubuntu
[10:02] <satellit> thanks
[10:55] <lilstevie> satellit, I am running 12.04 armhf on my trimslice
[10:56] <lilstevie> do-release-upgrade isn't the best though, take either the omap preinstall image, or the ac100 tarball for your base
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[19:09] <orated> Hello! I'm using BeagleBoard XM C1 running Canonical Ubuntu 12.04 image. I'm facing sound issues and even after following https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1019321 comment 24 - sudo modprobe snd-soc-omap, sudo modprobe snd-soc-omap-mcbsp, sudo modprobe snd-soc-omap3beagle - by ppisati, the problem remains the same. How can I fix the sound issue please?
[19:09] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1019321 in linux "USB sound card not detected on beagleboard xM" [Medium,Fix released]
=== AlanBell is now known as zAlanBell
=== zAlanBell is now known as AlanBell
[22:14] <Deformati> Does anyone know someone I can talk to about the status of this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-ubuntu/+bug/1018092
[22:14] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1018092 in linaro-ubuntu "Perf test fails on Pandaboard (3.4 TILT)" [Medium,Confirmed]