UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /12 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
=== histo1 is now known as histo
[01:18] * CompyTheInsane drops a box of 128 cookies
=== Blazemore is now known as Blazemore|Work
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
[11:07] <kristian-laptop> cheers
[11:07] <kristian-laptop> so, I think my laptop battery is dead, but I would like some proper diagnostics
=== cortman is now known as john_barleycorn
=== Blazemore|Work is now known as BlazemreWrk
=== BlazemreWrk is now known as Blazemore|Work
=== jacky is now known as jalcine
=== cortman is now known as john_barleycorn
=== john_barleycorn is now known as captain-jack
[19:45] <wds_> hi, I installed ubuntuvia the windows installer
[19:45] <wds_> so, it is dual booted and is loaded via the windows boot loader
[19:45] <wds_> I unintentionally took myself off the the wheel group
[19:45] <wds_> does anyone know how to boot into single user mode
[19:45] <wds_> in ubuntu
[19:45] <wds_> from the window's boot loader?
[19:46] <wds_> (or have any alternative suggestions for pw recovery?)
=== captain-jack is now known as cortman
=== Guest56625 is now known as ntwrk_keith
[21:44] <rds_> Hai guys is there any CSS LESS editor is available for linux ?