UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /11 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[03:01] <JPeterson> how do i disable the scheduled tbzrcache?
[07:03] <hikiko> hello, how can i see the number of current revision in bzr to compare it with the previous revision?
[07:04] <vila> hikiko: bzr revno
[07:04] <hikiko> thank you vila
[07:33] <mgz> morning!
[08:02] <jelmer> moin mgz, jam
[08:05] <mgz> hey jelmer
[08:06] <jam> hi jelmer, would you want to do a quick mumble before the standup in 20 min?
[08:06] <jam> mgz: hi
[08:06] <mgz> not standup now?
[08:06] <mgz> in 20 mins is fine for me.
[08:06] <jam> mgz: well, our standup before the Maas standup
[08:06] <jelmer> jam: sure
[08:07] <bigjools> jam: shall we do team standups separately to a maas standup?
[08:07] <bigjools> not sure if it's useful
[08:07] <bigjools> and, echan, sorry
[12:04] <ferpeter> hi, i have a little problem. i try to init a repo to a remote machine (over sftp). the directory tree semms to created, but i got error 13
[12:05] <ferpeter> i mean i controlled the dir, they are there
[12:17] <ferpeter> no one has any idea?
[12:20] <ferpeter> so i know it.. i used a pendrive (in sheevaplug) formatted on fat32.
[12:20] <ferpeter> i tried with a hdd with etx3 filesystem.. now it works
[12:25] <ferpeter> i found a reported bug about this..
[15:28] <jave> hello
[15:28] <jave> I have a local branch of an upstream repo. when I merge I quite often get conflicts in automatically generated files that are checked in upstreams. Is there some way to describe to the merge algorithm that I always prefer the upstream versions af a couple of files?
[15:35] <mgz> jave: you can just use `bzr resolve --take-other auto_generated_file_a ...` after the merge
[15:35] <mgz> and maybe set up an alias with those filenames
[15:37] <jave> mgz: thanks
[15:37] <jave> Im not really sure why i get a conflict to begin with.
[15:38] <mgz> presumably, you build your branch locally
[15:38] <jave> but I dont generate the files afaics
[15:38] <mgz> which then includes something specific to your local changes/machine/timezone...
[15:38] <jave> upstream generate them
[15:39] <mgz> and upstream also commits with the file having it's local stuff, which then means merge doesn't know which to pick
[15:39] <jave> hmm well.
[15:39] <mgz> use `bzr remerge --show-base` after it happens to see what the specifics are
[15:40] <jave> ah, ok
[15:40] <mgz> persuading them to unversion those files would probably be best long-term :)
[15:41] <jave> its the emacs repo and there was a longish flamewar about the files that I dont have the energy to reopen
[15:41] <mgz> fair enough :)
[15:41] <jave> unversioning the files is the obviously correct solution
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[18:19] <bjp> if i have a checkout thats a couple revisions behind its parent, how do i tag the working tree's revision and not the parents latest?
[18:20] <LeoNerd> bzr tag -r123 "FOO"
[18:21] <bjp> i have to look up the revision first? there's no -rlocal ?
[18:21] <bjp> or equiv
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