UbuntuIRC / 2012 /08 /21 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <jcastro> JoseeAntonioR: why another calendar?
[00:11] <JoseeAntonioR> jcastro: huh?
[00:12] <JoseeAntonioR> jcastro: ah, that has been over there for a long time, to keep track on which events where on-air and which weren't
[00:13] <JoseeAntonioR> and a few days ago you said "we'll need our calendar!", so there you go!
[04:27] <snap-l> http://www.metalinjection.net/fm
[06:53] <dholbach> good morning
[08:06] <czajkowski> aloha
[11:56] <daker> czajkowski: hi
[11:56] <daker> czajkowski: https://answers.launchpad.net/loco-team-portal/+question/206393
[11:58] <czajkowski> daker: hey so usually the LC will mail them also and see if any replies happen
[11:58] <czajkowski> they do need to check
[11:58] <czajkowski> then the LP admins will then change the owner
[12:00] <daker> ok
[12:22] <cjohnston> mhall119: UDS sponsorship should be turned off correct? the email I saw had yesterday as the deadline
[13:04] <mhall119> cjohnston: done
[13:35] * daker crosses his fingers
[13:37] <czajkowski> daker: that has been taken care of now for you
[13:37] <czajkowski> and the issue answered
[13:37] <daker> czajkowski: thank you :)
[13:39] <jcastro> bkerensa: what gear do you use to measure your house?
[13:45] <czajkowski> daker: np
=== popey_ is now known as popey
[15:51] <jcastro> greg-g: ping me when you're around pls
[16:00] <greg-g> jcastro: hello there sir
[16:00] <jcastro> hey just a quick question
[16:00] <jcastro> http://www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/features/MP_Photo_Guidelines.html
[16:01] <jcastro> I was wondering how this uhh, "license" would work wrt. CC BY SA
[16:01] <jcastro> I was hoping someone would like, submit a wallpaper with Curiosity photos
[16:01] <jcastro> but I don't know how we fit into that.
[16:09] <greg-g> sorry, had a morning computer fart... loading the link now
[16:10] <greg-g> so, anything created by a federal employee during the course of their work is not protected by copyright*
[16:10] <greg-g> *(In the US, the US gov has the potential option of enforcing copyrights in other jurisdictions, but they rarely do (I don't think ever, actually))
[16:10] <jcastro> greg-g: yeah so a bunch of the curiosity pics are totally awesome.
[16:11] <jcastro> I think it'd be awesome to see it as a wallpaper, triumph of humanity, etc.
[16:11] <greg-g> so, they can't be licensed BY-SA or any other copyright license since they are not subject to copyright, they are PD
[16:11] <jcastro> will that be a problem for ubuntu?
[16:11] <greg-g> shouldn't be
[16:11] <greg-g> IANAL, TINLA, OMGWTFBBQ
[16:14] <jcastro> heh
[16:21] <dholbach> alright my friends - I call it a day
[16:21] <dholbach> see you all tomorrow
[16:21] <dholbach> HUGS
[16:35] <jcastro> hey mhall119
[16:35] <jcastro> do you think the 2d->3d thing for ubuntu tv will be done this cycle?
[16:36] <jcastro> I have a WI for testing the ubuntutv PPA
[16:36] <mhall119> jcastro: I can't say for sure, but from my discussion with them I would say no
[16:36] <jcastro> k
[16:36] <mhall119> I think it's safe to mark that WI as postponed
[16:36] <mhall119> or blocked
[16:36] <jcastro> bummer, I am really aching for it
[16:37] * mhall119 <-- choir
[16:37] <jcastro> from a non work perspective too, heh
[18:12] <bkerensa> jcastro: Belkin Conserve Energy Monitor, ThinkEco Modlets and I also monitor my kWH on my bill
[18:16] <balloons> pleia2, ping
[18:16] <pleia2> balloons: pong
[18:51] <bkerensa> I'm wondering if 12.10 will have a startup sound
[18:51] <AlanBell> does it not at the moment bkerensa?
[18:51] <AlanBell> I should test an iso really
[18:52] <bkerensa> 12.04 doesnt and no 12.10 not yet
[19:04] <AlanBell> yikes quantal is very broken in virtualbox
[19:07] <jono> mhall119, btw, I extended UDS sponsorship a little
[19:07] <jono> see the date of the ubuntu-devel announce
[19:08] <mhall119> jono: did you just send it? last one I see from you was on the 14th
[19:08] <jono> mhall119, the email I sent last week
[19:09] <jono> mhall119, ahhh it did close
[19:09] <jono> ok cool :-)
[19:10] <mhall119> so we're good then?
[19:53] <twobottux`> aucommunity: Is there any project in existence to have common( all apps) settings? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/178695/is-there-any-project-in-existence-to-have-common-all-apps-settings>
[20:05] <twobottux`> aucommunity: Are there transcripts of UDS sessions? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/74440/are-there-transcripts-of-uds-sessions>
[20:06] <jcastro> bot
[20:19] <snap-l> Is that a new feature?
[20:20] <snap-l> and is it staying?
[20:20] <snap-l> :)
[20:20] <AlanBell> snap-l: I believe it has been here some time and brings in stuff tagged community
[20:20] <jcastro> I don't get why it did the 2nd one
[20:22] <AlanBell> don't get why it did the first one, maybe it was tagged community and has been untagged since or something
[20:22] <jcastro> yeah
[20:22] <jcastro> I untagged it community
[20:22] <AlanBell> oh, right
[20:22] <jcastro> it was originally tagged that way but that didn't make sense so I undid it
[20:23] <jcastro> why it mentioned the 2nd one I have no idea
[20:23] <AlanBell> second one is tagged community
[20:23] <jcastro> yeah but it's answered
[20:23] <jcastro> I was under the impression the bot did new questions
[20:23] <jcastro> not old ones
[20:24] <AlanBell> ah, I see what you mean
[20:45] <marcoceppi> jcastro: no idea, but it's done similar things in the Juju room
[20:53] <jcastro> k
[20:53] <jcastro> I'll mention it to jokerdino next time I see him
[21:39] <bkerensa> jcastro: :P I may not be able to hack on Juju in the future ;o
[21:41] <mhall119> bkerensa: the first juju charm for django was built around a puppet script, so he's not going to let you off the hook that easily :P
[21:42] <bkerensa> mhall119: heh :P I imagine I will be too busy ;) the role requires extensive travel
[21:43] <mhall119> so does jcastro's
[21:49] <bkerensa> mhall119: you dont have to travel too much do you? Just lots of calls
[22:14] <mhall119> bkerensa: not me, no