UbuntuIRC / 2012 /08 /17 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:22] <JontheEchidna> wow, there's a 5-day wait for PPA builds
[00:23] <JontheEchidna> oh right, that datacenter move
=== skaet_ is now known as skaet
[08:45] * Riddell ponders what to put in the release team report
[09:46] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: congrats on muon 1.4!
[11:31] <JontheEchidna> Riddell: thank you!
[11:33] <JontheEchidna> apol_: grats on 1.4!
[11:35] <apol_> JontheEchidna: congratulations to you :)
[11:35] * apol_ congratulates himself everyday about the master ;)
[11:37] <apol_> JontheEchidna: btw, maybe we need a discover product in muon at bugs.kde.,org no?
[11:39] <mparillo> Hello! I raised: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/1037148
[11:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1037148 in Kubuntu Website "Obsolete Documentation on Kubuntu Feature Tour" [Undecided,New]
[11:40] <Riddell> hi mparillo
[11:40] <mparillo> And JR himself invited me to join here, when I volunteered to help. Unfortunately, I do not know where to start.
[11:41] <mparillo> I did contact the maintainer of the page, and I think he gave me permission to change it.
[11:41] <Riddell> mparillo: oh? which maintainer is that?
[11:42] <mparillo> I can get the real name, or even post his e-mail reply to the bug since it is not 100% clear I have his permission, but his handle was: klinger-ofir
[11:42] <Riddell> yeah ofir made the website a couple of years ago
[11:43] <Riddell> but got fed up with it having to go through canonical sysadmin who are slow to review changes
[11:43] <mparillo> Ofir Klinger is his real name.
[11:43] <Riddell> for some reason the features page is part of the website theme rather than direct content
[11:43] <Riddell> which makes it very slow to change
[11:43] <mparillo> Yes, he hinted at that in his e-mail.
[11:45] <mparillo> He thought I might need to setup a bzr repo and going through a lengthy review process, but I do not know where to start.
[11:48] <Riddell> mparillo: two possibilities
[11:49] <Riddell> either updating the html in bzr and merging and asking sysadmin to update it
[11:49] <Riddell> which is faffy
[11:49] <Riddell> or working out how to make it a normal part of the site and not part of the theme
[11:49] <Riddell> which is faffy
[11:50] <mparillo> faffy?
[11:52] <Riddell> with hassle
[11:52] <Riddell> mparillo: ever used Drupal?
[11:54] <mparillo> No. I Have hand-coded fairly simple HTML pages, and I know I could replace the obsolete text and FTP the changes back up. I would be willing to learn something about Drupal and the Kubuntu website, but I suppose I need a starting point, and an sandbox environment?
[11:56] <Riddell> mparillo: able to use a command line?
[11:56] <mparillo> A bit. I sudo apt-get update from time to time.
[11:57] <Riddell> mparillo: well this
[11:58] <Riddell> mparillo: well this will get you the theme
[11:58] <Riddell> bzr branch lp:~klinger-ofir/kubuntu-website-staging/release-1.0
[11:58] <Riddell> and page-node-27.tpl.php is the file to be edite
[11:58] <Riddell> and page-node-27.tpl.php is the file to be edited
[11:59] <mparillo> Wow, that was a lot of dependencies.
[12:01] <mparillo> Looks as if it branched 8 revisions
[12:03] <mparillo> I gave bzr my launchpad-login
[12:03] <mparillo> now I see release-1.0
[12:04] <Riddell> actually it's the file page-node-10.tpl.php that needs editing
[12:06] <mparillo> Thank you, I see the entire directory, and I can 'nano' the -27 file. I will work on at least updating the text, and I will come back to ask how I submit my changes back. OK?
[12:07] <Riddell> mparillo: yeah make an edit then we'll work out how to get the changes in :)
[12:07] <Riddell> mparillo: edit page-node-10.tpl.php
[12:09] <mparillo> Thank you, I saw your correction earlier, I just wanted to test that I could open the file from the command line.
[12:09] <jtechidna> apol_: I knew I forgot something xD
[12:10] <mparillo> May I ask two launchpad questions?
[12:10] <mparillo> First, should I update my bug to say I am working on it?
[12:12] <apol_> jtechidna: I'll add it later then
[12:12] <jtechidna> apol_: thanks :)
[12:12] <jtechidna> interesting blog stats du jour: http://i.imgur.com/7mJgd.png
[12:13] <jtechidna> mparillo: you can set the assignee to you, and mark the status as "in progress" once you start working on it
[12:14] <Riddell> mparillo: yes that would be a good idea
[12:16] <Riddell> page-node-10.tpl.php will automatically just overwrite what is in the drupal CMS for /node/10
[12:16] <mparillo> Done, thank you. BTW, on a quick look, -10 and -27 look nearly identical.
[12:16] <Riddell> so I think we can make a new page, copy the stuff into it, then ask sysadmin to remove that file and update the feature-tour alias
[12:16] <Riddell> mparillo: yea I think -27 is unused
[12:18] <mparillo> Thank you. Separately, can you look to see if I have assigned the correct package for: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/1019319
[12:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1019319 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Speller Widget stays in background on Kubuntu 12.10 Daily Builds" [Undecided,New]
[12:23] <Riddell> mparillo: it should be kdeplasma-addons but that's an upstream bug so bugs.kde.org is a better place to report it
[12:23] <Riddell> in launchpad it's unlikely to get any attention
[12:24] <Riddell> and that /might/ be a window management issue
[12:24] <mparillo> I will update in launchpad and add to bugs.kde.org, thank you.
[12:25] <mparillo> Thank you. Signing out.
[12:32] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1004593] LFE disappears on 5.1, 4.0 has LFE channel, high pitched squeals (bit shifting?), several ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1004593 (by Abraham Mara)
[12:32] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1004593 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "LFE disappears on 5.1, 4.0 has LFE channel, high pitched squeals (bit shifting?), several versions" [Undecided,Opinion]
[12:39] <gotwig> I heard muon discover came with muon 1.4, is that right?
[12:39] <gotwig> so how can I use that?
[12:39] <gotwig> (12.10)
[12:39] <jtechidna> gotwig: sudo apt-get install muon-discover
[12:40] <gotwig> jtechidna: :>
[12:40] <jtechidna> :)
[12:42] <gotwig> its so usc like, isnt it :X?
[12:43] <jtechidna> there are similarities, yes
[14:05] <ScottK> This is kind of awesome: http://tos-dr.info/
[14:06] <apol> +1
[14:06] <apol> :)
[14:53] <mparillo> I have edited the Kubuntu Feature Tour Source.
[14:54] <Riddell> mparillo: groovy, what's new?
[14:54] <mparillo> Changing the visible text from Konqueror to rekonq and Open Office to LibreOffice.
[14:55] <mparillo> Is there another konsole command to upload the file back in?
[14:55] <ScottK> http://www.pcworld.com/article/261001/twitters_api_changes_whats_in_it_for_users.html looks like fun for whatever our Twitter thing is.
[14:55] <Riddell> mparillo: bzr diff; bzr commit to start
[14:58] <mparillo> bzr diff gives me about what I would expect, but bzr commit gives me:
[14:59] <mparillo> bzr: ERROR: Unable to determine your name. Please, set your name with the 'whoami' command. E.g. bzr whoami "Your Name <name@example.com>"
[14:59] <mparillo> I already think I associated my LaunchPad ID
[14:59] <mparillo> Or do I need to do it each session?
[14:59] <ScottK> Do what it says.
[14:59] <ScottK> Shouldn't.
[15:02] <mparillo> Re-associating myself with Launchpad ID did not help, but the whoami did. Now I have a nano editing session.
[15:05] <Riddell> mparillo: after running bzr commit
[15:05] <Riddell> that means you should describe what the change it
[15:05] <Riddell> is
[15:05] <mparillo> Do I simply describe the change I am trying to check in, and then save and exit?
[15:06] <Riddell> mparillo: yep
[15:06] <mparillo> bzr commit Committing to: /home/mparillo/Documents/release-1.0/ modified page-node-10.tpl.php Committed revision 9.
[15:07] <Riddell> mparillo: what's your launchpad id again?
[15:08] <mparillo> Alas, I have two, but let's ignore that for the moment. The one that accepted the bug was marco-parillo
[15:09] <Riddell> mparillo: ok try pushing it to launchpad bzr push lp:~marco-parillo/kubuntu-website-staging/tour-update
[15:10] <mparillo> bzr push lp:~marco-parillo/kubuntu-website-staging/tour-update The authenticity of host 'bazaar.launchpad.net (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes Warning: Permanently added 'bazaar.launchpad.net,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publick
[15:11] <mparillo> ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying Permission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.
[15:11] <Riddell> drat
[15:12] <Riddell> mparillo: is your default ssh key the one in https://launchpad.net/~marco-parillo ?
[15:12] <mparillo> Does bzr use some port that my company's firewall might be blocking? I can re-try from home tonight (US-Eastcoast)
[15:12] <Riddell> it'll use port 22
[15:12] <mparillo> I have never tried to use ssh.
[15:12] <mparillo> I think I did that so I could sign the code of conduct.
[15:13] <mparillo> But, yes, I did store the public and private keys in ASCII.
[15:15] <Riddell> mparillo: ok you can just e-mail it to me
[15:15] <Riddell> jriddell@ ubuntu.com
[15:16] <Riddell> I still need to decide if I want to try and fix the page properly so you don't have to do this nonsense or just tell sysadmins to commit it
[15:16] <mparillo> Thank you. I realize you could have done this quicker yourself, but I hope over time to contribute more. BTW, can I search this IRC channel later on, say from home for all these commands you have given me?
[15:17] <Riddell> mparillo: well it's been unchanged for a couple of years so it's fair to say we didn't do it quicker :)
[15:17] <Riddell> mparillo: there's logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com
[15:21] <mparillo> Thank you. I have attached the output of the diff and the new .php file to https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/1037148
[15:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1037148 in Kubuntu Website "Obsolete Documentation on Kubuntu Feature Tour" [Undecided,In progress]
[15:22] <Riddell> mparillo: thanks that'll do
[15:23] <mparillo> YW, and I marked two bugs as duplicates of this one.
[15:23] <Riddell> groovy
[15:25] <mparillo> Once again, thank you for making me a contributer. And if this goes smoothly, maybe we can do bigger things for the 12.10 launch.
[15:28] <Riddell> mparillo: I hope so
[15:28] <Riddell> 16:27 < xnox> Riddell: yes. The automatic partitioning is done, and you can start implementing the Qt front-end changes.
[15:28] <Riddell> ubiquity maintainer needed ^^
[15:40] <shadeslayer> whut?
[15:40] <shadeslayer> what needs maintaining?
[15:40] <Riddell> shadeslayer: whut whut?
[15:40] <Riddell> shadeslayer: oh ubiquity is getting new features in the gtk side, would be good to have them in the kde side
[15:40] <Riddell> so we can get rid of alternate CD
[15:40] <shadeslayer> well ... it's all python ...
[15:41] <Riddell> shadeslayer: so what?
[15:41] <shadeslayer> who maintains the kde frontend atm?
[15:41] <ScottK> No one
[15:41] <ScottK> That's the problem.
[15:41] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I'm ... not comfy with python :P
[15:41] <Riddell> apachelogger was the last one to touch it :)
[15:41] <shadeslayer> okay ...
[15:41] <shadeslayer> I'll try to read the code ....
[15:42] <ScottK> shadeslayer: It's PyQt, so it's almost as much Qt as it is Python, not that hard.
[15:42] <Riddell> roman shtylman is coming to visit me tomorrow, maybe I can persuade him to take it up again :)
[15:42] <shadeslayer> :D
[15:42] <ScottK> Nice.
[15:42] <shadeslayer> Riddell: notify him that we miss him :P
[15:42] <ScottK> Absolutely.
[15:42] <Riddell> will do
[15:57] <cmagina> i thought someone was tinkering with a QML version?
[15:59] <Riddell> not that I know of
[16:04] <cmagina> oh, just swore i remember seeing some screenshots, but maybe they were just mock-ups
[17:23] <ScottK> Looking at print-manager in New.
[17:38] <ScottK> Riddell and dantti: Bad news. Since configure-printer/PrinterOptions.cpp includes LGPL-2+openssl exception code from CUPS that license needs to be documented and that file and any files that link against it are GPL-3 incompatible (need to be GPL-2 vice 2+). So it needs a copy of the LGPL-2 in the tarball and a fixed debian/copyright.
[17:38] <ScottK> Should be easy enough to fix, but rejecting for new.
[17:40] <ScottK> Everything else seems fine.
[18:00] <dantti> ScottK: so all that configure-printer thing needs to be lgpl?
[18:03] <ScottK> dantti: I didn't look at the code so I don't know if it's all. It can be GPL, but GPL-2 only, not GPL-2+.
[18:03] <ScottK> dantti: BTW, thank you for honestly documenting where you got the code from. Not everyone does that.
[18:04] <dantti> ok
[18:05] <dantti> hehe, well I always try to point to the original authors if I copy important parts of code...aptcc has copyright from the aptitude author even tho most of his code inspiration is gone now :P
[18:31] <shadeslayer> !find digikam.xpm
[18:31] <ubottu> File digikam.xpm found in digikam
[18:31] <shadeslayer> hm
[18:32] <debfx> convert digikam.xpm digikam.png
[18:33] <debfx> images are not c code ;)
[18:33] <shadeslayer> :P
[18:33] <shadeslayer> I'm just looking at bug 658047
[18:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/658047
[18:34] <shadeslayer> probably should be fixed upstream
[18:35] <debfx> should be an easy sell, as upstream likes to embed external stuff
[18:35] <shadeslayer> :P
[18:36] <shadeslayer> this is fun, no digikam.xpm in the sources
[18:36] <shadeslayer> most likely something that they do on the fly then
[18:37] <debfx> there is a debian/xpm.d/
[18:38] <shadeslayer> oh, I was looking at pristine upstream sources
[18:38] <debfx> .xpm come from the debian packages 90% of the time
[18:40] * shadeslayer will keep that in mind from the next time
[18:52] <Quintasan_> argh
[18:52] <Quintasan_> so much for skateboarding
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[19:11] <Daskreech> ScottK: I can't find an official ones . Do you have any unoffical one?
[19:11] <Daskreech> +s
[19:11] <ScottK> No, but I know they don't go away, I just don't know where Debian stuffs them.
[19:12] <Daskreech> hmm
[19:12] <Daskreech> ok
[19:24] <Daskreech> I"m no good at finding them then trolling the ftps
[19:27] <shadeslayer> Daskreech: http://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/archive/ < that maybe?
[19:28] <Daskreech> hmm
[19:28] <Daskreech> wonder why debian iso archive doesn't turn that up
[19:28] <shadeslayer> *shrug*
[19:34] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: Did you package any library?
[19:34] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: huh? 0.o
[19:35] <Quintasan> shadeslayer: pls look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/maliit-framework_0.90.0-0ubuntu1.dsc
[19:35] <Quintasan> If it look okay
[19:35] * shadeslayer adds to todo
[19:35] <Quintasan> oh
[19:35] <Quintasan> don't then
[19:35] <shadeslayer> I'll look at it tomorrow
[19:35] <shadeslayer> can't do it before then
[19:35] <shadeslayer> doing other stuff
[19:35] <Quintasan> I will just read the whole maintainer guide then
[19:37] <yofel> Quintasan: depends of maalit-framework-dev is wrong (the 0 shouldn't be there?)
[19:37] <Quintasan> hmm
[19:37] <Quintasan> yeah
[19:38] <Quintasan> the dependencies are still wip actually
[19:38] <Quintasan> the rewrote guide is sitll not clear to me
[19:38] <Quintasan> need to ask mikhas
[19:38] <yofel> libmaalit-plugins-dev doesn't depend on libmaalit-plugins0
[19:38] <yofel> same for -quick
[19:38] <yofel> do you really need 3 -dev packages?
[19:39] <yofel> oh, qmake, my condolences
[19:41] <yofel> Quintasan: as for the install file: .pc stuff is pkg-config, put in -dev, and the dev .so should be in -dev as well
[19:41] <Quintasan> yofel: qmake is fun
[19:41] <Quintasan> :P
[19:41] <yofel> no
[19:41] * Quintasan hides
[19:42] <Quintasan> yofel: according to upstream every component should have -dev package
[19:42] <Quintasan> well, it's optional but hell, if I can ship it then there are no problems
[19:42] <yofel> and the regex in libmaalit-plugins0 will install the lib from libmaalit-plugins-quick0 as well
[19:42] <yofel> well, fine with me then
[19:43] <Quintasan> yofel: as for the install files
[19:43] <Quintasan> copied them from upstream packaging T_T
[19:43] <yofel> ohmy
[19:43] <Quintasan> Looks like I will have to kill all of it and sort things with list-missing
[19:43] <yofel> hm
[19:44] * yofel notices he said maalit all the time instead of maliit
[19:56] * yofel goes filing bugs about muon-discover
[20:15] <yofel> jtechidna: you're missing a '1.4' version for muon on b.k.o
[20:19] <shadeslayer> fyi there's a free vim book from amazon today
[20:19] <shadeslayer> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004JF4NOQ
[20:22] <yofel> urgh
[20:22] <yofel> the CPU requirements for the QML scrollbar are insane
[21:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: free if you have already bought an amazon kindle you mean?
[21:13] <Riddell> yet another reason to prefer emacs :)
[21:13] <shadeslayer> Riddell: there's a option to read it online as well
[21:13] <shadeslayer> hah :D
[21:14] <ScottK> I have yet to have a vim question that wasn't almost instantly answered via Google, so I don't see why I care.
[21:15] <shadeslayer> ScottK: what if you don't have internets
[21:15] <shadeslayer> oh wait
[21:15] <shadeslayer> you're in the US
[21:15] <shadeslayer> invalid question :P
[21:15] <ScottK> Then reading it online helps me how?
[21:15] <Riddell> sometimes you don't know to ask something
[21:16] <Riddell> so a book to tell you what's available is good
[21:16] <shadeslayer> I have a kindle, so I purchased it :P
[21:17] * shadeslayer checks if you can download the pdf or sth
[21:18] <shadeslayer> you can download the azw format, but I doubt any reader supports it
[21:19] <shadeslayer> I guess makes sense only if you have a Kindle then
[21:20] <shadeslayer> Riddell: http://www.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/comments/ydg6w/now_that_the_schools_are_back_the_take_away_place/c5ulauk?context=1
[21:24] <Riddell> many of us have higher opinions of the youth of the country than that poster
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
[21:25] <Riddell> quite a political issue that, should senior schools let pupils out the grounds for lunch, since they usually buy chips and other unhealthy meals if they do
[21:36] <shadeslayer> Riddell: wow, really? No one here cares about students that much :(
[21:40] <Riddell> "obesity epidemic" a bit of a first world problem
[21:40] <JontheEchidna> yofel: I've just pinged the lovely folks in #kde-bugs to request a 1.4.0 version
[21:41] <JontheEchidna> oh, and they just added it :D
[21:42] <JontheEchidna> yofel: thanks for the testing, too
[21:46] <JontheEchidna> Since I've tendered my two weeks notice of resignation at my current employers today, I suppose I can tell you all that I'm now going to be employed by Blue Systems to work on Muon/Kubuntu things. :)
[21:46] <shadeslayer> whoa
[21:46] <shadeslayer> JontheEchidna++
[21:46] <shadeslayer> JontheEchidna: welcome to the group!! :D
[21:46] <JontheEchidna> :)
[21:47] <jocarter> JontheEchidna: ah congrats
[21:48] <yofel> JontheEchidna: congrats :)
[21:48] <JontheEchidna> I'll do a proper blog post about that some time this weekend
[21:50] <Riddell> JontheEchidna: ooh
[21:51] <shadeslayer> oh wow
[21:51] <shadeslayer> using kate to open xpm files and it's a bunch of ascii art
[21:52] <shadeslayer> http://paste.kde.org/536234/
[21:53] <JontheEchidna> the asciis correspond to colors
[21:53] <shadeslayer> yeah
[21:54] <shadeslayer> jpeg is mostly binary I believe
[21:54] <shadeslayer> and I've never handled xpm's before
[21:54] <shadeslayer> so this is new for me :P
[21:55] <Riddell> why are you caring about xpms?
[21:56] <shadeslayer> bug 658047
[21:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 658047 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Update digiKam icon to default Oxygen provided icon" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/658047
[21:57] <shadeslayer> apparently this was fixed in digikam's packaging revision 26.
[22:02] <Riddell> mm, and is the xpm used anywhere?
[22:02] <JontheEchidna> !info menu
[22:02] <ubottu> menu (source: menu): generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.46ubuntu1 (precise), package size 434 kB, installed size 1753 kB
[22:02] <JontheEchidna> ^debian seems to love that
[22:02] <JontheEchidna> and it uses xpms
[22:03] <Riddell> but surely gnome uses xdg menu now
[22:03] <JontheEchidna> I think they're still trying to pretend that Debian is desktop-neutral :P
[22:03] <Riddell> any sane desktop has used xdg menus for years
[22:04] <Riddell> I thought it was only fvwm or the like that needed the debian menu still
[22:06] <Riddell> oh it's because the application icon is in the oxygen-icon-theme package
[22:06] <Riddell> well that's just wrong
[22:10] <CIA-41> [digikam] Rohan Garg * 49 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream release * Replace icons from KDE 3 time in debian/xpm.d/*.xpm with the new versions (LP: #658047)
[22:10] <shadeslayer> allee: ^ Fixed. Apparently you fixed this in maverick, but something must have gone wrong with a merge or sth
[22:11] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Congratulations.
[22:12] <ScottK> Riddell: xpm is great in source format 1 packages since you can't use a 'binary' file in the Debian directory on those.
[22:23] <Riddell> shadeslayer: even better would be to fix it upstream
[22:23] <shadeslayer> hm?
[22:23] <Riddell> but that needs some coordination of release schedules and informing packagers about overlapping files
[22:24] <Riddell> move the icon into the digikam package where it belongs
[22:24] <shadeslayer> Riddell: the current xpm files come from debian/xpm.d
[22:24] <shadeslayer> upstream has no xpm files
[22:24] <shadeslayer> so, should we move the xpm files upstream?
[22:25] <Riddell> shadeslayer: there's no need for any xpm files
[22:26] <shadeslayer> oh?
[22:26] <Riddell> it's only used because the digikam icon from upstream isn't shipped with digikam
[22:26] <Riddell> it's shipped with oxygen-theme
[22:26] <shadeslayer> ah ok
[22:26] <Riddell> which means non-kde users who install digikam don't get it
[22:27] <Riddell> and so it falls back to the .xpm icon
[22:27] <Riddell> but if the upstream one was part of digikam like any other application has it, it would be all good
[22:27] <shadeslayer> hmm
[22:28] <Riddell> although I wonder what other icons digikam misses if oxygen-theme isn't installed
[22:28] <shadeslayer> the question is, will upstream agree to that?
[22:28] <ScottK> One way to find out.
[22:28] <Riddell> I don't see why he wouldn't but it may well be more effort than it's worth
[22:30] <shadeslayer> there must be a reason why their icons are in the oxygen sources instead of digikam itself ;)
[22:30] <Riddell> I think it's just artists putting it in the wrong place
[22:31] <Riddell> I remember moving a load out of oxygen and into applications back in the day
[22:37] <ScottK> If you assume everyone is running KDE then it doesn't matter.
[22:44] <Mamarok> I just got an error when updating in Quantal: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevplatform6-libs_1.3.80-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/kdev_format_source.sh', which is also in package kdevplatform5-libs 1.3.1-2ubuntu1
[22:45] * shadeslayer wonders why qemu is being idiotic
[22:46] * Mamarok is off to bed, has been walking a lot today
[23:49] <shadeslayer> lol
[23:49] <shadeslayer> apachelogger_: https://github.com/Nava2/libqcalparser/commits/master
[23:58] <apachelogger_> lol