UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /31 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:26] <ldz420> Hey I have recently reported a bug about a week ago and it hasn't gotten any attention. is this a normal wait period or have I done something incorrect or should I go to ubuntu-bugs-announce and state the bug request there.
[00:33] <ldz420> well take care
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[08:56] <Drozd> Hello. Can I report a bug here?
[08:57] <Drozd> I don't want to register or anything in Launchpad (seems to be a too much administrative) , just simply report a bug.
[08:58] <maxb> Drozd: IRC is not a good place to report bugs, please use Launchpad
[08:58] <Drozd> I don't want to create Launchpad account
[09:00] <maxb> why? its not hard
[09:01] <Drozd> maxb: I know, but I forget passwords immediatly. I had multiple accounts there but always forgot the password bcs. I'm not using Launchpad offten.
[09:01] <iceroot> Drozd: please use launchpad because the crash-report and other usefull infos are automaticly attached
[09:02] <iceroot> Drozd: and then use the tool "ubuntu-bug packagename"
[09:02] <Drozd> iceroot: no crush report, it's visual bug in display manager
[09:02] <iceroot> Drozd: please use ubuntu-bug
[09:03] <iceroot> Drozd: then the correct information are attached (versions, system infos and so on)
[09:04] <maxb> Launchpad is the tool chosen by Ubuntu to manage its bug reports. It's not really a viable option to special-case the bug reporting procedure for people who won't use it.
[09:06] <Drozd> iceroot: using ubuntu-bug seems to be a stupid thing bcs. app don't even crash or anything.
[09:06] <iceroot> Drozd: instead of discussion this here for 5 minutes you should already have a LP account
[09:06] <iceroot> Drozd: we dont accept bugs report over irc, please respect that
[09:07] <iceroot> Drozd: and i already told you that ubuntu-bug is doing more then just adding a crash-report
[09:07] <Drozd> iceroot: i respect that. and please, could you respect that i don't want to create Launchpad account? Rather please offer me other choice how to report bug.
[09:07] <iceroot> Drozd: no
[09:08] <iceroot> !bug | Drozd
[09:08] <ubot2> Drozd: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[09:09] <Drozd> iceroot: at least, could you please tell me, why there is no other way how to report bug for simple people who just don't want to mess up with system/administrative?
[09:10] <iceroot> Drozd: because WE have to manage the bugs
[09:10] <iceroot> Drozd: and our tool for managing bugs is Launchpad
[09:11] <iceroot> Drozd: maybe some of the devs have a question on the bug so we can use LP to discuss that on the bug, maybe the bug needs to be put upstream, so LP is the way to manage that upstream
[09:12] <iceroot> Drozd: we dont want 20 tools for managing ubuntu bugs, we want exactly 1 tool for bugs and that is LP. so there is no need to discuss that here, if you dont want to create a LP account then we are sorry that we can not manage your bug
[09:12] <Drozd> iceroot: it lost one single thing - simplicity. Let's say, one simple web form with e-mail check will be much faster and you can add that data to LP later...
[09:13] <iceroot> Drozd: what about "ubuntu-bug packagename" is not simple?
[09:14] <Drozd> iceroot: yes, it is, but i highly disagree that it can check visual glitches...
[09:14] <iceroot> Drozd: its the easiest way for us to manage bugs because the IMPORTANT informations are added automaticly
[09:14] <iceroot> Drozd: ...
[09:14] <iceroot> Drozd: as is said!!!! other usefull infos are added too not just crash reports
[09:15] <iceroot> what is so hard to understand about that?
[09:15] <maxb> Drozd: in the time you've argued about it, you could have reported the bug already
[09:15] <iceroot> and now please lets stop this discussion
[09:16] <Drozd> ok, here is the deal. I will link you to youtube video I made and if you say that ubuntu-bug will catch that error, I will even create another LP account which i will forget password to again.
[09:17] <maxb> Drozd: you persist in missing the point
[09:18] <maxb> Launchpad's value here is in collecting and organizing information
[09:19] <iceroot> Drozd: hopefully you will never forget your YT password
[09:19] <iceroot> Drozd: are you going to google then and say, hey is there another way to upload youtube vidoes because i dont want to remeber a password?
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[09:20] <Drozd> iceroot: point is, I use my google account every day. I will create LP account to report one bug and probably never use LP again.
[09:20] <maxb> you are effectively asking for special treatment to report a bug in a way that is less convenient for the people who will work on it
[09:20] <maxb> that seems selfish to me
[09:20] <iceroot> Drozd: maybe you will use ubuntu one
[09:20] <iceroot> Drozd: same login as LP
[09:21] <Drozd> Drozd: I don't even use Ubuntu One
[09:21] <iceroot> Drozd: and please let stop this discussion now, we have told you what to do
[09:21] <maxb> and rather pointless, considering the triviality of the step you object to
[09:21] <iceroot> so i guess we answered your question
[09:30] <Drozd> ok, here is the other one: why can't you just look on my bug and tell me, that ubuntu-bug will identify that bug (and not just send my system infos)?
[09:35] <iceroot> Drozd: are you a troll?
[09:36] <iceroot> Drozd: how often did i told you what ubuntu-bug is doing?
[09:37] <Drozd> iceroot: I've done ubuntu-bug and checked its report and there is nothing which will identify my bug.
[09:38] <iceroot> Drozd: last time (read it!!) ubuntu-bug packagename will create a bug on Launchpad, we you can put a title and a description, ubuntu-bug is setting up the package-settings correctly, it will also put informations about your ubuntu-system like the version, language and so on also it will try to look for a crash report and append it too
[09:38] <iceroot> Drozd: also read
[09:38] <iceroot> !bug | Drozd
[09:38] <ubot2> Drozd: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.
[09:42] <Drozd> iceroot: ok, with ubuntu-bug no need to create LP account?
[09:43] <iceroot> i am out
[09:43] <iceroot> last time (read it!!) ubuntu-bug packagename will create a bug on Launchpad
[09:43] <iceroot> so it will create a bug on Launchpad of course with your account....
[09:44] <iceroot> Drozd: just read what we are writing please
[09:44] <Drozd> I'm reading.
[09:44] <iceroot> we are always available for help but its a good idea to read what we are saying
[09:44] <Drozd> I also read all that bug report page
[09:44] <iceroot> create a LP account, use "ubuntu-bug packagename" put in a title and a description, thats all
[09:45] <iceroot> takes maybe 5 minutes
[09:46] <Drozd> lets sum it: So if I don't want to create LP account there is NO other way how to report bug?
[09:47] <Drozd> yes/no answere is ok for me, i will thank you for your help and leave
[09:54] <iceroot> Drozd: without LP account you can not create a bug
[09:54] <Drozd> iceroot: thank you for your time and help. bye
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
[13:38] <ldz420> I have created a bug report I have used ubuntu-bug package which attached useful information I also created a screenshot. it has a low heat level so I assume that is why no one is interested in looking at it but is there any idea on how to further pursue a resolution?
[13:42] <ldz420> I did make a work around which was to downgrade. If anyone comes with any ideas please leave comment in comment field bug#1029665
[15:53] <njin> today's upgrade remove xorg without reinstalling it
[15:54] <njin> hggdh: sorry: who i've to advice for this ? ^^
[15:55] <hggdh> njin: on quantal?
[15:55] <njin> yes
[15:55] <njin> just updated list
[15:55] <hggdh> njin: you probably have quantal-proposed in your APT source.list
[15:56] <hggdh> not all of X has been upgraded yet, and updates must be done manually (and carefully)
[15:56] <njin> yes, proposed are enabled
[15:56] <njin> ok, thanks
[15:57] <micahg> njin: -proposed in quantal is not recommended to be run unless you want your system broke :)
[15:57] <hggdh> disable it -- packages go to -proposed because all pre-reqs are not yet built
[15:57] <njin> LOL
[15:57] <njin> done
[15:58] <njin> thanks everybody
[15:58] <hggdh> welcome
[15:59] <pedro_> hey folks
[15:59] <hggdh> yo pedro_ how's life?
[16:00] <njin> hello pedro_
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[16:03] <roadmr> pedro_: \o/
[16:03] <pedro_> hggdh: njin roadmr hey :-)
[16:04] <pedro_> hggdh: good good. how's everything in the South of the US?
[16:04] <hggdh> hot as hell... But right now I am in Boston, which is quite nice :-)
[16:20] <brendand> pedro_, where have you been :)
[16:23] <pedro_> brendand: been around, just not in the channel :-P
[16:26] <pedro_> I guess no one revealed the BugSquad secret , right?
[16:26] <pedro_> specially to hggdh
[16:27] <pedro_> that'd be terrible, a thousand Pandas could die if you guys do that
[16:34] <hggdh> pedro_: you are in my list
[16:34] <hggdh> (the bad one)
[16:36] <pedro_> :-) :-)
[16:50] * LordOfTime yawns
[16:50] <LordOfTime> hggdh: you got my memoserv?
[16:50] <LordOfTime> a while ago, about the bot going away
[16:54] <jibel> pedro_, hey, don't talk about pandas to hggdh ATM, he'd like to see them all eradicated from the surface of the earth ;)
[16:58] <hggdh> kill them all, is what I say. All pandas on a board
[17:04] <pedro_> jibel: and there you go why there's no Pandas in the Amazon Rainforest
[17:04] * pedro_ sending an email to PETA re hggdh
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