UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /31 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[02:37] <arielsanflo> how update ubuntu 12.10 alpha 3
[02:37] <Fyodorovna> arielsanflo, from 12.04?
[02:37] <bazhang> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade
[02:38] <arielsanflo> from 12.04
[02:38] <bazhang> arielsanflo, what does lsb_release -a in terminal say
[02:41] <arielsanflo> ubuntu 12.04
[02:41] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: if you are on 12.04 you run: sudo do-release-upgrade -d
[02:42] <arielsanflo> yes
[02:43] <arielsanflo> update
[02:43] <arielsanflo> update distribucion
[02:47] <arielsanflo> fine thanks
[02:47] <arielsanflo> im from colombia
[02:48] <arielsanflo> mi english is so so
[02:49] <bazhang> !es | arielsanflo
[02:49] <ubottu> arielsanflo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.
[02:52] <arielsanflo> yes but room is 12.04 version
[02:52] <arielsanflo> no soporte 12.10
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[08:16] <smartboyhw> Please join the Ubuntu QA Meeting tomorrow at 1400 UTC.
[08:17] <smartboyhw> at #ubuntu-meeting
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[09:47] <smartboyhw> at ubuntu-testing, actually
[09:47] <smartboyhw> Not ubuntu-meeting
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[10:47] <astraljava> smartboyhw: Really? Haven't they usually been held on -meeting?
[10:47] <smartboyhw> No, they're on testing, isn't it
[10:48] <smartboyhw> S**T I got it wrong
[10:48] <smartboyhw> It's metting, you're right
[10:49] <smartboyhw> For the "n"th time, please join the Ubuntu QA Meeting on #ubuntu-meeting at 1400UTC tmr.
[10:50] <smartboyhw> Chair will be me
[11:17] <smartboyhw> Bye
[11:22] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[11:24] <MarKsaitis> is there such a tool to do a system audit? Like to see the difference between all installed packages and files and the rest?
[12:24] <Steevca> When i finish downloading and installing packages for ubuntu 12.10 nothing happens.
[12:24] <Steevca> Via Terminal.
[12:24] <patdk-wk> you wanted it to crash?
[12:25] <Steevca> Reading package lists... Done ivke@ivke:~$
[12:25] <Steevca> This is the last two lines.
[12:25] <Steevca> And when i rebote it's still 12.04
[12:25] <patdk-wk> how *exactly* did you download and install the packages?
[12:26] <Steevca> sudo sed -i 's/precise/quantal/g' /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[12:27] <patdk-wk> that is a strange way to upgrade
[12:27] <Steevca> Do you recomend any other way?
[12:30] <BluesKaj> Steevca: sudo do-release-upgrade ...changing the sources.list and upgrading is not a recommended method
[12:30] <patdk-wk> pretty sure do-release-upgrade does it
[12:30] <patdk-wk> but it's been a long time, as I normally test the iso images, so reinstalls are my main method
[12:32] <BluesKaj> actaully sudo do-release-upgrade -d , for a devel OS , but he left ...he''ll probly be back
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[14:08] <bretzel|Linux> ( I was asking on #kubuntu -- wrong) -> No new for KDE 4.9 RC2 ? ( current (k)ubuntu 12.10 alpha3 still has 4.8.90 ( RC1)
[14:09] <psypher246> hello all. I am unable to update/install/remove any packages on my quantal install. I continuously get the following error: Errors were encountered while processing:
[14:09] <psypher246> nvidia-current
[14:09] <psypher246> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[14:09] <psypher246> can't find any info on it online and no way to remove the nvidia pkg
[14:10] <genii-around> psypher246: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) && sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current
[14:11] <psypher246> genii-around: can't install the linux headres, get the same error about nvidia
[14:12] <psypher246> all it ever wants to do is try install that nvidia pks
[14:12] <bretzel|Linux> genii-around, do you know if it is safe to go with nvidia drivers on this pre-release (*ubuntu alpha1/2/3) ?
[14:13] <genii-around> psypher246: Try first then: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current then: sudo apt-get -f install ... then the two commands from earlier
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[14:13] <psypher246> can't remove nvidia either
[14:13] <genii-around> bretzel|Linux: They work fine for me here
[14:13] <psypher246> can't use apt for anything
[14:14] <psypher246> any apt command i run wants to install nvidia and failsd
[14:14] <bretzel|Linux> genii-around, thanks :-) So if I need it I will know it's okay thanks to your test then :-)
[14:14] <genii-around> psypher246: Did you do something outside of the package manager like try to manually install the nvidia driver, etc? That would screw it up
[14:14] <psypher246> nope
[14:15] <psypher246> fresh install of quantal alpha, then weeks lateer tried to upgrade
[14:15] <genii-around> bretzel|Linux: I have an older card, 9300 GM
[14:15] <genii-around> GS, rather
[14:15] <bretzel|Linux> i's not nvidia-current then -- it would be nvidia-legacy ?
[14:15] <genii-around> psypher246: What does just the: sudo apt-get -f install report back?
[14:16] <psypher246> same
[14:16] <psypher246> 1 not fully installed or removed.
[14:16] <psypher246> and then tries installing nvidia
[14:16] <genii-around> bretzel|Linux: No, it's nvidia-current, 302.17-0ubuntu2
[14:16] <BluesKaj> psypher246: I ran into that problem , a nvidia partial install , i fixed it by using the recovery kernel , "repair broken packages" dialog
[14:16] <psypher246> ok so reboot go to recovery and fix?
[14:17] <bretzel|Linux> genii-around, that is why my sentence ended as a question :-)
[14:17] <BluesKaj> psypher246: it's worth a try
[14:17] <psypher246> cool cool cool brb
[14:23] <Steevca> I have tried to update ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10,i have some changes but the ubuntu is still reporting it's 12.04 LTS.
[14:24] <Steevca> I can't play videos on youtube that run with Flash,but i can ones that play with HTML5 player.
[14:30] <psypher246> BluesKaj: runing that repiar did allow me to upgrade all my other pkgs but still not able install/remove/upgrade the nvidia-current
[14:31] <psypher246> don't understand why i can't just remove the pkg
[14:36] <psypher246> any ideas anyone, or should I just format reload?
[14:41] <centrelink> so, 12.10 keeps offering me a partial upgrade, but if I try to do it, it tells me I don't have a meta package installed (ubuntu-desktop), which is said to be the latest version if I try to install it in apt
[14:53] <timmillwood> anyone running 12.10 alpha? is it stable-ish?
[14:54] <BluesKaj> psyyou have to drop to a tty , login and sudo service lightdm stop (or gdm or kdm or whichever display manager you use ) , sudo apt-get purge nvidia current
[14:54] <BluesKaj> psy
[14:55] <BluesKaj> great :/
[14:56] <BluesKaj> timmillwood: mine is
[14:57] <timmillwood> BluesKaj: I upgraded to 12.04 about 2 months early, wondering about doing the same for 12.10.
[14:57] <BluesKaj> of course , I'm on kde
[14:59] <timmillwood> I was on xubuntu, recently converted it to real ubuntu to try unity, it's actually grown on me.
[14:59] <BluesKaj> timmillwood: I also ran ubuntu/unity/gnome shell for a couple of weeks just to test it and it was stable ,the desktops just aren't to my taste
[18:45] <burner> is it just me or is xorg all broken as of now?
[18:47] <genii-around> Hm
[18:53] <Daekdroom> It looks ok to me.
[18:54] <genii-around> burner: Probably just you ... although I'm using xorg-edgers here
[18:54] <Daekdroom> I'm not using xorg-edgers... I think.
[18:54] <burner> hrm... well I get broken packages like crazy on two different pcs
[18:54] * burner pokes around some more...
[18:54] <burner> thanks for the feedback!
[18:55] <Daekdroom> Could be related to a binary driver.
[18:55] <Daekdroom> I'm not using any.
[18:55] <burner> well i can't even install xserver-xorg due to broken dependencies... i dist-upgraded without looking at what it removed
[18:55] <burner> i think i'll just have to wait for new packages
[18:57] <micahg> burner: don't run -proposed in the devel release
[18:59] <burner> ah hah! Thanks micahg!
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[22:47] <Dr_Willis> echo? Echo Echo echo.....
[22:47] <blackarchan_> so hows Alpha3???lots of bugs???
[22:48] <IdleOne> runs great here
[22:49] <blackarchan_> thats good maybe im gonna test it today
[22:49] <ghostchick> They are uploading changes on the Xserver and drivers are they not ?
[22:53] <ActionParsnip> probably
[22:54] <ghostchick> :P, saw the packages marked as to be removed so waiting full uploading of the newer ones