UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /27 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <xworld> Strategist, ok i will do it soon
[00:00] <xworld> Strategist, I have another question about css
[00:01] <xworld> Strategist, about the themes in ubuntu 11.10
[00:01] <xworld> gtk3
[00:03] <xworld> ??
[00:03] <stlsaint> css is web
[00:03] <stlsaint> gtk3 is used for themes
[00:04] <xworld> I do practice css and html I can create to create website so with that knowledge I can make new themes for ubuntu GTK3
[00:04] <xworld> ?
[00:04] <stlsaint> not sure it works that easily
[00:04] <stlsaint> xworld: google for how to make gtk3 themes
[00:05] <xworld> stlsaint, ok
[00:05] <xworld> stlsaint, do u have any good links or resources it will help me with my poor bandwidth
[00:08] <xworld> ?
[00:09] <stlsaint> xworld: wait a sec
[00:09] <stlsaint> http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/theming.html
[00:09] <xworld> stlsaint, thanks for u help
[00:10] <xworld> stlsaint, thanks for u r help
[00:10] <stlsaint> xworld: a little more in depth
[00:10] <stlsaint> http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.3/
[00:11] <xworld> stlsaint, thanks once again I will be back with more questions to this channel I found this is help full to me
[00:12] <stlsaint> xworld: great. welcome to the community
[00:16] <xworld> stlsaint, hey I don't know whether it is good to asking this question in this channel , but my question is I created a web site with the help of bluefish editor and now I need to host it on the web but I dont have any domain name or webspace for it , as a student I cant even think about buying new one so is there any services for hosting the site for fee , the purpose is for testing it live
[00:17] <Strategist> xworld: Check your pm
[00:26] <stlsaint> xworld: i dont really know of any free web hosting thats worth a darn
[00:28] <xworld> stlsaint, its ok, but some one else will know !! :)
[00:28] <stlsaint> yea
[00:28] <stlsaint> lot of knowledge here
[00:29] <xworld> yeah bingo !
[02:20] <xworld> hey guys I installed osdlyrics in ubuntu 11.10 but its settings is not showing previous time when i used osdlyrics I used to edit the font color and all but now i cant able to do that how to get the setting of osdlyrics
[03:51] <prateekp> what is PROPFIND
[03:51] <prateekp> has anybody got such an error
[03:51] <prateekp> i am getting an error svn: Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to PROPFIND request for '/distfun'
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[12:33] <raub> If I set my /etc/network/interfaces as http://pastie.org/private/rj8eeqk1uhyff6koit8a, shouldn't the nameserver being reported by /etc/resolv.conf be the instead of the one being provided by dhcp?
[13:06] <stlsaint> raub: one sec
[13:10] <stlsaint> raub: well what exactly are you trying to do?
[13:23] <raub> stlsaint: I want to specify which dns server I am using. And it is not the one being offered by the dhcp server
[18:50] <stlsaint> wun27
[20:17] <b00mbar> hi .. is anyone here available to help a noob?:D
[20:18] <krytarik> !ask
[20:18] <ubot2> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[20:18] <b00mbar> i am trying to install propriatary ati driver (catalyst 12.6) on ubuntu 12.10 x64 but with no luck so far.
[20:19] <b00mbar> screen goes blank after installation when i try to boot
[20:19] <b00mbar> from gurb
[20:20] <b00mbar> there's an option on software sources/drivers to change the driver from opnesource-oine to propriatary
[20:20] <b00mbar> but when i doo that .. i cant even boot to ubuntu
[20:21] <krytarik> b00mbar, maybe this helps: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/01/ubuntumaverick-blank-screen-problem.html
[20:22] <ToZ> b00mbar, 12.10 is still alpha. Have a look at this thread for info on building fglrx for 12.10: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1988444
[20:23] <krytarik> b00mbar, or the equivalent on the Ubuntu Forums, but with less options: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132
[20:24] <b00mbar> i dnot think that any of those like would be halpfull. i have sucessfuly installed the ubuntu 12.10 x64 and it works well with opensource driver, but , what i am asking is how to activate propriatary driver?
[20:24] <b00mbar> without errors.
[20:24] <b00mbar> if possible.
[20:26] <b00mbar> when i install them. i can't start the graphical interface, somebofy tolld me to tuype "startx" command , but that just lists bunch of erroer with xserver
[20:29] <ToZ> b00mbar, fglrx is the proprietary ati catalyst driver. instructions on how to build it on the alpha 12.10 ubuntu are located on link above
[20:30] <ToZ> b00mbar, its not for the faint of heart. Can I ask why you are running 12.10 and not the currently released 12.04?
[20:49] <b00mbar> ToZ , can you please copy=past the link you are talking about? i am not shure wich one is it.
[20:51] <krytarik> b00mbar, the one that he posted, i.e.: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1988444
[20:53] <ToZ> thanks krytarik
[20:53] <krytarik> Np, ToZ. :)
[20:55] <ToZ> b00mbar, if you're running the development release, it would be a good idea to visit the "Ubuntu +1" forum - lots of good information and knowledgeable people there.
[20:55] <krytarik> Was just in case you weren't around at the moment, ToZ. ;)
[20:57] <krytarik> ToZ means here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=416 :)
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