UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /27 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== Venom is now known as JohnMcsalad
=== JohnMcsalad is now known as SallyMcsalad
=== SallyMcsalad is now known as jezrajmcsalad
=== jezrajmcsalad is now known as Spiderman
[00:59] <frogonwheels> Kmail + imap resources sucks big time time at the moment (like for the last couple of months). Gets stuck retrieving new mails. I'm using webmail. I guess I should probably just remove the config and start again. *sigh*.
=== Venom is now known as TomBrady
[01:05] <mydogsnameisrudy> thunderbird?
[01:07] <linuxdude> hello
[01:07] <mydogsnameisrudy> hello
[01:09] <phoenix_firebrd> In this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/Alpha3/Kubuntu
[01:09] <phoenix_firebrd> change "12.04 Beta 1" to "12.10 alpha 3"
[01:22] <Deet> so....i decided to install 12.04 to a macbook. nothing is working right. i don't have ethernet (port is physically broken) so i'm trying to get a usb wifi card working. however it's in a persistant down state no matter what i do.
[01:23] <Deet> ubuntu wiki on wifi isnt helping me any. following directions and nothing is changing
[01:23] <Deet> any ideas?
=== Venom is now known as SallyMcsalad
[02:03] <Deet> hrm....guess i'll try again sometime tomorrow.
[02:17] <Walzmyn> hi
[02:18] <Walzmyn> Just install Kubuntu on my new computer and in Quasel I cannot see any chat text - see all the people in the channel but the main window is blank
=== ismael is now known as Guest53730
[02:43] <Daskreech> Walzmyn: Hi what's up?
[02:44] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: which version of Kmail?
[03:39] <frogonwheels> Daskreech: 4.8.3
[03:41] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: what kind of stuck?
[03:42] <frogonwheels> Daskreech: old message are in the top list, but the bottom just has 'Retrieving Folder Contents' Please wait...
[03:42] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: ah. Um
[03:42] <Daskreech> I normally just flip the server check on and off to fix that
[03:42] <Daskreech> But I have a messed up network
[03:43] <frogonwheels> hmm.. cannot check <blah> in offline mode notifications. yeah might be it.. but possibly only partially. will try anyawy
[03:52] <Daskreech> ok
[03:52] <frogonwheels> Daskreech: which option do you toggle?
[03:52] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: alt+F2 -> akonadi configuration -> resource -> modify -> enable interval cheking
[03:53] <frogonwheels> Daskreech: modify button doesn't work. I'm guessing that's bad.
[03:54] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: O_O
[03:54] <Daskreech> frogonwheels: restart akonadi on the next tab over
[03:56] <frogonwheels> hmm.. could be a mysql issue
[04:01] <Daskreech> got a mysql error?
=== emanuel is now known as Guest71425
=== Guest71425 is now known as EmanuelT
[04:20] <EmanuelT> ola
[04:21] <Daskreech> HOla
[04:22] <EmanuelT> Tudo bom? Alguem do Brasil?
=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
=== asdfasf is now known as Peace-
[06:30] <BadDesign> Firefox doens't work on Kubuntu
[06:30] <BadDesign> sucks
[06:30] <jdrs> I'm using firefox
[06:30] <jdrs> It works.
[06:30] <Peace-> BadDesign: here works :D
[06:30] <BadDesign> I have Kubuntu at home and at work at Firefox stopped working in both after the latest updates
[06:30] <BadDesign> *at = and
[06:31] <BadDesign> I open it and I can't freaking do anything with it its freezes
[06:31] <BadDesign> and btw linux graphics sucks
[06:31] <Peace-> BadDesign: well you know the first rule of a administrator says : if it works don't touch ti
[06:31] <Peace-> BadDesign: no it's the driver
[06:31] <Peace-> BadDesign: maybe you have a proprietary video card
[06:31] <jdrs> Peace->: right.
[06:31] <Peace-> here i have an intel ...
[06:32] <BadDesign> I have NVIDIA at home with nvidia drivers and it sucks
[06:32] <Peace-> and it works like a charm
[06:32] <BadDesign> KDE is slughish as heck
[06:32] <BadDesign> Nouveau the same
[06:32] <Peace-> BadDesign: so call NVIDIA and says your diver sucks
[06:32] <Peace-> BadDesign: i have an ati and intel
[06:32] <Peace-> no problem with that
[06:32] <Peace-> it's a proprietary issue that
[06:32] <BadDesign> good for you bad for me
[06:32] <BadDesign> :)
[06:32] <Peace-> BadDesign: next time for work just use intel
[06:33] <Peace-> in 5 years i have never had a problem with intel
[06:33] <BadDesign> I want to buy a Mac just because its UNIX and the GUI WORKS! But don't have enough money *yet*
[06:33] <Peace-> BadDesign: so...
[06:33] <BadDesign> All DEs in Linux are crap
[06:33] <BadDesign> used them all don't like them
[06:33] <Peace-> what's the point to came here saying that linux is crap
[06:34] <Peace-> because nvidia makes bad drvier?
[06:34] <Peace-> it's an NVIDIA problem not a linux problem
[06:34] <Peace-> btw this is not the correct channel to do what you are doing
[06:34] <Peace-> that is trolling linux
[06:34] <jdrs> Btw, how do you enable threaded mails in Alpine? Like in mutt? Anyone?
[06:35] <Peace-> BadDesign: kde is the most powerfull DE
[06:35] <Peace-> even more powerfull of mac in my eyes
[06:35] <Peace-> but ... this is my opinion of course
[06:35] * Peace- knows how kde works
[06:35] <BadDesign> Peace-: I agree that KDE is the *most* usable Linux DE but it doens't work well on LInux for me... in FreeBSD I had the best experience with Nvidia drivers and the performance with KDE was staggering
[06:35] * Peace- at user level of course
[06:36] <Peace-> BadDesign: it's your video card
[06:36] <Peace-> it's well known that kd with some NVIDIA crappy video card doens't work well
[06:36] <BadDesign> I still wish I had a Mac, though... UNIX that works!!
[06:36] <BadDesign> (on the desktop)
[06:36] <Peace-> BadDesign: ok get the money go out of there and buy one
[06:37] <BadDesign> will do, as soon as possible :)
[06:37] <Peace-> if you have not money , get a work, stop crying and go out of there and buy one
[06:37] <Peace-> what's the problem ?
[06:38] <BadDesign> The problem is that Linux still sucks in so many ways after all these years...
[06:38] <Peace-> BadDesign: so don't use it
[06:38] * Peace- feels great with linux
[06:38] <BadDesign> I'm using it for development... I'm a programmer...
[06:39] <BadDesign> and C & C++ feels at home in it
[06:39] <Peace-> but if it sucks don't use it
[06:40] <BadDesign> I can't.. I'm addicted to it :) but I still think it sucks
[06:40] <BadDesign> need to do something about it
[06:40] <Peace-> !offtopic | BadDesign
[06:40] <ubottu> BadDesign: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[06:40] <jdrs> If you're a programmer and you there's something you don't like in something the DEs you use, fix it. Linux and the DEs are configurable.
[06:41] <Peace-> BadDesign: ok now go in the offtopic channel
[06:41] <BadDesign> ok, peace
[06:41] <BadDesign> ;)
[06:41] <jdrs> have fun in there.
[06:42] <jdrs> Got the thread working in Alpine! yuss
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest39079
=== ocs is now known as bauLUCE
[09:41] <gnomefreak> how do i unlock dpkg? i thought the factoid was lock but its not
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[10:46] <redjack1964> does someone can tell me where can i find the rekonq's plugins folder?
[10:47] <redjack1964> i've installed Flash plugin but when i want to watch any videos on youtube (for example) that doesn't work!
[10:48] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[11:10] <Hganavak> Can someone please link me to a guide on installing Mono or w/e the minimal Software possible is to compile and run C# programs
[11:17] <jdrs> Hganavak apt-get mono-complete.
[11:17] <Hganavak> That's the one ;)
[11:18] <jdrs> or ubuntu-mono
[11:24] <Snowhog> redjack1964: Look in ~/.mozilla/plugins
=== frega_ is now known as frega
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest59824
[13:11] <phoenix_firebrd> hello everyone
[13:13] <mydogsnameisrudy> hello phoenix_firebrd
[13:13] <phoenix_firebrd> mydogsnameisrudy: hi
[13:55] <rottingdead> Hello, I think I'm missing a plugin, or something.. I'm using amd64 Kubuntu, 12.04, and Wine sounds work, but the game sounds I play, any ideas?
[13:55] <rottingdead> but not the**
[13:56] <rottingdead> It doesn't make sense
[14:04] <daniel___> rottingdead: openal1 fixes most things
[14:04] <rottingdead> daniel___: Thanks, already installed.
[14:05] <rottingdead> daniel___: It's strange, I can click Audio Tab, and that works, but not my Guild Wars game sounds, the sounds aren't muted.
[14:05] <daniel___> rottingdead: Also check your phonon settings and try alsamixer in the konsole. Otherwise its a wine config thing and you should try a wine irc or forum as wine is a tricky beast.
[14:06] <rottingdead> daniel___: Yeah, checked everything I knew about.. But can't see to pinpoint the issue.
[14:07] <rottingdead> daniel___: Anything to do with amd64 at all?
[14:07] <rottingdead> daniel___: I'm thinking I'm missing a lib32 package.
[14:07] <daniel___> rottingdead: In alsamixer even if the volume is up check there isn't a "MM" at the bottom. Is your wine prefix 64bit?
=== ismael is now known as Guest41975
[14:07] <rottingdead> daniel___: Yeah, shoul I WINEARCH=win32 winecfg it?
[14:08] <daniel___> Yeah 64bit prefixes work on very little and are super buggy. Its improving but is going to take a while. A lib32 package is probably not going to save you. Try Play On Linux. Its pretty decent.
[14:09] <rottingdead> daniel___: Aaaaaah, I see what you mean, for Wine Sound Output, it "NOW" has my envy24 Family Card in it.
[14:10] <daniel___> rottingdead: Cool, check it out and see if you get it going. Try play on linux and stick 32bit wine prefixes. You'll have a lot less hassles.
[14:11] <rottingdead> daniel___: Hua, dummy mme! I shoulda thought about this in the first place, sounds are NOW working, =). Thanks!!
[14:11] <daniel___> rottingdead: Have fun and no problems
[14:12] <rottingdead> daniel___: Was driving me crazy not having the Guild Wars sounds, heheh.. Guild Wars has cinematics, if you're familiar with it.
[14:13] <daniel___> rottingdead: I've never played but seen people play it. Its not my forte. I prefer FPS and racing and some RTS.
[14:13] <addict> hello
[14:13] <daniel___> addict: Yeah?
[14:13] <addict> I think I need some help
[14:13] <rottingdead> daniel___: Aaah yeah, I see, I see.
[14:13] <rottingdead> daniel___: You op?
[14:14] <addict> Am I in the right place?
[14:14] <daniel___> rottingdead: Nope, just trying to help that's all.
[14:14] <rottingdead> daniel___: Aaah, who's the 2 ops, any ideas?
[14:15] <daniel___> addict: Depends on what you want. Help yes, chatter no, dev no.
[14:15] <addict> I have this problem with dual monitor and ATI driver
[14:15] <addict> cant set up a dual screen,
[14:15] <rottingdead> addict: Did you get xrandr installed? Or randr too I think?
[14:15] <addict> It reverts to 1280 and clones both
[14:16] <rottingdead> addict: Oooh, you mean it's working, just cloning?
[14:16] <daniel___> rottingdead: They bots, they sort of manage the irc and can respond to some questions etc. I only started irc three days ago.
[14:16] <addict> hmmm not that I know of, Iḿ a newby to Linux, just got off Windows 7
[14:16] <addict> Yeah, cant get it to display it like i want to
[14:16] <daniel___> addict: Proprietry or Open SOurce driver?
[14:16] <rottingdead> addict: They both are working, yes?
[14:16] <addict> Yeah they do
[14:17] <addict> but just clone, and wont accept any other setting
[14:17] <rottingdead> addict: Doesn't ATi's Catalyst come with something to confiure?
[14:17] <addict> yeah, doesnt workt either
[14:17] <rottingdead> addict: You don't really need it these days, but got a xorg.conf file?
[14:18] <addict> a what ?:D, again this is my second day on linux
[14:18] <rottingdead> addict: Sorry, xorg.conf that'll be in /etc/X11/ directory.
[14:18] <addict> 1 mom
[14:19] <daniel___> addict: Check the KDE settings. That could be your solution. I'm fairly sure thats the hassle.
[14:19] <addict> Section "Screen"
[14:19] <addict> Identifier "Default Screen"
[14:19] <addict> DefaultDepth 24
[14:19] <addict> EndSection
[14:19] <addict> Section "Module"
[14:19] <FloodBotK1> addict: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[14:19] <addict> Load "glx"
[14:20] <addict> was just pasting the file
[14:20] <rottingdead> daniel___: nVidia's X Server Settings, IMO, is so much easier, although, I haven't owned an ATi in a long time, I've always used nVidia's.
[14:20] <addict> well.. ive been in the settings, but no help :(
[14:21] <addict> I used > Settings > system settings > Display and monitor
[14:21] <addict> but i just wont accept
[14:21] <rottingdead> addict: There "Might" be a package in Kubuntu, I checked wgetpaste, but not available in Kubuntu, just Gentoo appparently, that you can run as root, and that gives a link.
[14:21] <rottingdead> addict: In Gentoo, it's sudo wgetpaste /some/dir/some/file..
[14:22] <rottingdead> addict: After running that as root for root directories, it gives a link for us to see, rather than flooding.
[14:22] <daniel___> rottingdead: Yeah I got a laptop but at the last second the system got updated to a Optimus GPU. I actually think that Bumblebee 3.0 is incredible even with the performance hit.
[14:22] <rottingdead> daniel___: Bumblebee?
[14:22] <addict> i can paste some lines :D 1 mom
[14:23] <rottingdead> addict: pastebin.org is best one to use.
[14:23] <daniel___> rottingdead: Yeah its an Optimus workaround for linux. Its pretty great. Check it out: http://bumblebee-project.org/
[14:24] <addict> http://pastebin.com/BPy2j6Gc
[14:24] <addict> here ya go
[14:24] <rottingdead> addict: Looks like mine, but mine only has one section, like I said, xorg.conf files really aren't needed these days.
[14:25] <addict> quite annoying :( in Windows I would be able to fix this, but itś all so new for me
[14:25] <rottingdead> addict: There should be 2 sections in the xorg.conf file, one for monitor "0" and another for Monitor "1"
[14:25] <rottingdead> addict: Linux looks at numbers differently, it starts at 0, rather than 1.
[14:25] <rottingdead> addict: Windows might say Monitor 1 monitor 2, no?
[14:26] <addict> correct :), but not only that, i mean I know windows much much better
[14:26] <rottingdead> addict: Heh, it's designed that way.
[14:26] <addict> I'm like a 5 year old using a computer :)
[14:26] <rottingdead> addict: Here's one for you, notice any performance difference?
[14:26] <addict> not yet :D
[14:27] <rottingdead> addict: Not even start up?
[14:27] <daniel___> addict: Don't feel bad. Once you get the hang of it, you will never want to go back.
[14:27] <addict> but I think it will be better once i configured it all
[14:27] <addict> yeah, I heard that alot
[14:27] <addict> so I want to push trough
[14:27] <addict> but its hard when you know nothing about how it works (yet)
[14:27] <rottingdead> addict: I had a 16 day uptime begining of this month, didn't lose one ounce out of performance, =).
[14:28] <addict> Well,, windows 7 doesnt either these days,
[14:28] <rottingdead> addict: (K)Ubuntu is designed to be easy, so there shouldn't have to be any messing around with confing files in this system.
[14:28] <addict> but nvm, I want to use this.. but I need my 2 displays
[14:28] <daniel___> rottingdead: 16 days? Thats ok. I went three months before I realized that I hadn't updated.
[14:30] <rottingdead> daniel___: Eh, I had Gentoo installed, but I decided to wipe and dual boot, well, it ended up not taking, heheheh.. daniel___ And I don't feel like waiting on Gentoo, that's source based, and not binary basd.
[14:30] <daniel___> addict: 95% of linux installation just work with no hassles even for multi-monitor set-ups. ATI are the only problem you'll ever face nowadays. Even wireless cards are almost fully resolved.
[14:30] <addict> I noticed
[14:30] <addict> but this is really annoying :(
[14:30] <rottingdead> daniel___: Yeah, I don't really know _anything_ about ATi's, but when I was dual monitoring, nVidia X Server Settings worked like a charm.
[14:31] <rottingdead> I also heard that ATi's Linux Suppot isn't that great neither, not customer support, but system support, or that sort.
[14:31] <addict> :'( its getting frustrating
[14:32] <daniel___> rottingdead: Gentoo? Ouch. I used to Arch and it was the greatest distribution I have used but I just wanted something more mainstream for software reasons. Yeah nvidia (even if its a blod) is fantastic but not as good as Intel
[14:32] <addict> maybe someone can Look at it via teamviewer ?:D
[14:32] <rottingdead> addict: It's strange, Catalyst _should_ have an option to make it _Not_ copy, and make it expand.
[14:32] <addict> yeah, but that option is geyed out
[14:33] <addict> greyed*
[14:33] <addict> lol
[14:33] <rottingdead> addict: Define greyed out?
[14:33] <rottingdead> addict: Sounds like you're missing a package then...
[14:33] <addict> hm.. well there is no possibility to do it, no sure how to explain exactly
[14:33] <addict> rly?
[14:33] <rottingdead> addict: Most definitely, but I can't say for sure.
[14:34] <addict> do you use teamviewer, and want to help me? :)
[14:34] <daniel___> addict: If I were you I might wait till later and hope a person experienced with it comes along. There might be a setting that conflicts, play around a bit.
[14:34] <rottingdead> addict: Isn't there a command like ati-xconfig ?? For nvidia, it's nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals
[14:35] <addict> i have no clue, again I know nothing about linux, I can hardly install something
[14:35] <rottingdead> nVidia writes the xorg.conf file for you, makes life much easier, it seems like ati should have something similar as well.
[14:35] <sonic6174_> you can play around with ati options in command line
[14:35] <sonic6174_> with aticonfig
[14:35] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Aaah, there we go, =).
[14:35] <addict> and what command do i use for that
[14:35] <sonic6174_> aticonfig
[14:35] <rottingdead> addict: Don't forget your sudo first!!
[14:36] <addict> sudo apt-get install aticonfig ??
[14:36] <daniel___> addict: Did you sudo catalyst?
[14:36] <rottingdead> addict: No no, that should have already came with the ati driver.
[14:36] <sonic6174_> did you install the catalyst driver from amd?
[14:37] <rottingdead> addict: This is a dumb question, are you on Ubuntu, or Kubuntu?
[14:37] <addict> Kubuntu suggested a driver update at Aditional drivers (KUBUNTU :) )
[14:37] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: I usually use in KDE -> System -> Additional Drivers.
[14:38] <rottingdead> addict: Yes!! Did you do it?
[14:38] <addict> yeah i did
[14:39] <addict> now i have faster video, but no dual monitor
[14:39] <tickhack> hi all
[14:39] <rottingdead> addict: Try running aticonfig, there _Might_ be options you can add as well, such as argb-glx-visuals, but don't quote me.
[14:40] <tickhack> IM HACKER xD
[14:40] <addict> well this is hard, I really want to, but Im such a GUI guy
[14:40] <addict> only in windows i know commands :D
[14:40] <tickhack> :)
[14:40] <daniel___> tickhack: Have a question?
[14:40] <rottingdead> addict: Heh, better than me!! I don't even know Windows command to show uptime, haha.
[14:40] <tickhack> no
[14:41] <rottingdead> addict: In Linux, just type -> uptime, and you'll get it, =).
[14:41] <daniel___> tickhack: #kubuntu-offtopic is for chatter
[14:41] <rottingdead> addict: 10:41:19 up 1:28, 3 users, load average: 0.31, 0.54, 0.71
[14:41] <tickhack> daniel shut up
[14:42] <addict> 4. Install the driver.
[14:42] <addict> sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle
[14:42] <addict> 5. Generate a fresh xorg.conf BEFORE REBOOTING!
[14:42] <addict> sudo aticonfig --initial
[14:42] <FloodBotK1> addict: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[14:42] <rottingdead> addict: Stop doing that!! Pastebin!!
[14:42] <addict> iḿ sorry
[14:42] <addict> sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial
[14:42] <addict> is that something?
[14:42] <rottingdead> How many lines for flood ?
[14:42] <addict> again, sorry.
[14:42] <rottingdead> addict: Perhaps, not sure.
[14:42] <genii-around> rottingdead: 4th line is a flood
[14:43] <rottingdead> addict: Do this -> man aticonfig
[14:43] <rottingdead> addict: In another terminal or terminal tab.
[14:43] <addict> sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial
[14:43] <addict> oops i mean
[14:43] <addict> : no manual entry
[14:43] <rottingdead> addict: What?! No manual entry for aticonfig? =(.
[14:44] <addict> indeed
[14:44] <rottingdead> addict: Try aticonfig --help
[14:44] <tickhack> <daniel___> fuck you
[14:45] <addict> omg, so many options
[14:45] <tickhack> asdasd
[14:45] <tickhack> asdasd
[14:45] <tickhack> zxczxc
[14:45] <tickhack> zxc
[14:45] <FloodBotK1> tickhack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[14:45] <tickhack> zx
[14:45] <rottingdead> addict: Heh, just see if you find a line for something like argb-glx-visuals
[14:45] <tickhack> how to install opera ?
[14:46] <rottingdead> I read somewhere, argb-glx-visuals is for unity, I don't kow.
[14:46] <addict> http://pastebin.com/YDtQfu8C
[14:46] <rottingdead> tickhack: apt-get install opera, no?
[14:46] <addict> alot of text
[14:46] <tickhack> no (
[14:47] <rottingdead> addict: eak, that might be longer options han in nvidia-xconfig, hahah.
[14:47] <addict> :D i suspected
[14:47] <tickhack> ????? how to install opera ?????
[14:47] <daniel___> tickhack: http://www.opera.com/ It should have a download tab pop up or n the bottom. Then just download and install. Its not in the official repositories
[14:47] <rottingdead> addict: http://pastebin.com/e2TSyFU1
[14:48] <rottingdead> addict: That's my help menu for nvidia-xconfig.
[14:48] <addict> that looks more manageable
[14:48] <rottingdead> addict: Yah, but the man page is even larger.
[14:48] <daniel___> tickhack: http://www.opera.com/download/
[14:49] <genii-around> !opera
[14:49] <ubottu> Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[14:49] <rottingdead> addict: I'm sad about no man page for aticonfig, =(.
[14:49] <genii-around> There's a few different methods outlined at the URL
[14:49] <tickhack> <daniel___> tickhack: http://www.opera.com/download/
[14:49] <tickhack> <-- chipbennett (~quassel@24-107-6-151.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:49] <tickhack> <daniel___> tickhack: http://www.opera.com/download/
[14:49] <tickhack> <-- chipbennett (~quassel@24-107-6-151.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:49] <FloodBotK1> tickhack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[14:49] <rottingdead> What's the zq modes?
[14:50] <addict> Rightclick the K menu and select Menu Editor.
[14:50] <addict> Search for AMD Catalyst Control Center Administrative and change the command "amdxdg-su -c amdcccle" to "kdesudo amdcccle"
[14:50] <addict> they say here
[14:50] <tickhack> <daniel___> opera says "sory an error occured"
[14:50] <tickhack> ???
[14:51] <genii-around> rottingdead: "relaxed mute"
[14:51] <rottingdead> addict: Sorry, I can't be of much more help..
[14:51] <genii-around> !opera | tickhack
[14:51] <ubottu> tickhack: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[14:51] <tickhack> <daniel___> ?????
[14:51] <daniel___> tickhack: I can't find it. Packaged doesn't always mean in repos. Elaborate on the error
[14:52] <addict> i think I fixed it!! :)
[14:52] <genii-around> In a pastebin, preferably!
[14:52] <addict> I had the same problem getting into the Catalyst Control Center in admin mode, changing the menu shortcut didn't help but doing 'sudo amdcccle' from terminal went in OK.
[14:52] <rottingdead> Aaah, as an off-topic, #gentoo #gentoo-chat is more stricter, flooding = 4 lines, but flooding gets you kicked from room, heheh.
[14:52] <addict> now i can change it (the gui wouldnt accept my password)
[14:52] <addict> seems to be a common problem
[14:53] <addict> Ill reboot and let you guys know in a minute
[14:53] <rottingdead> Excellent.
[14:54] <BluesKaj> rottingdead: yeah weel , gentoo users are known to wear hair shirts , hence their prickly nature :)
[14:55] <rottingdead> BluesKaj: Yeah, that system is NOT meant for new comers, heheh... I just don't have the patience right now to wait a few hours for compiling.
[14:56] <addict> hm.. nothing happend
[14:57] <rottingdead> addict: We got one issue gone, they both are working, now it's onto the next, figure out why the one section is greyed out.
[14:57] <addict> what was the command again i just sent?
[14:57] <daniel___> rottingdead: You should really try Arch. Its a good compromise between Gentoo and Ubuntu but totally different.
[14:57] <rottingdead> daniel___: Been there done that.. I went from this system to Arch Linux, then to Gentoo.
[14:57] <rottingdead> daniel___: I learned more about CLI in Gentoo then I ever would have in Arch Linux.
[14:58] <rottingdead> addict: aticonfig?
[14:58] <addict> somthing wit cc in it
[14:58] <sonic6174_> amdcccle?
[14:58] <addict> sudo aticc something
[14:58] <rottingdead> yes!!
[14:58] <addict> tnx
[14:58] <sonic6174_> np
[14:58] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Do you know much about ati? We're strugglingh ere.
[14:58] <sonic6174_> lol i just got started too
[14:59] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Aaaw. Heheh.
[14:59] <daniel___> rottingdead: Ah ok. Yeah thats true. Gentoo has its pros. But lets shut up before a LFS user rocks up.
[14:59] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Dual monitoring, or Linux in general?
[14:59] <sonic6174_> had kubuntu for about a month
[14:59] <rottingdead> daniel___: Linux From Scrath user rocks up? What?
[14:59] <sonic6174_> i dont have dual mon, i just started playing around with ati driver since a couple days ago
[14:59] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Oh oh oh.
[15:00] <sonic6174_> rottingdead: i'm trying to get heroes of newerth to work
[15:00] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Okie, whatever that is, heh.
[15:00] <sonic6174_> rottingdead: it's a moba style game
[15:00] <addict> ok got it fixed!! :), sudo amdcccle ... then I can just modufy it (Via GUI it wont accept my password)
[15:01] <addict> thanks for your help rottingdead
[15:01] <daniel___> rottingdead: It means before one of them says something up and makes us feel amatureish.
[15:01] <rottingdead> sonic6174_: Aaah, a game.
[15:01] * rottingdead Not much of a gamer.
[15:02] <rottingdead> daniel___: Aaah, I see what you mean now.. Honestly, I was looking into that, it looks pretty straight forward..
[15:02] <rottingdead> daniel___: Learn Gentoo, and you can do it yourself, just have to dedicate the time, and the ambition.
[15:04] <rottingdead> daniel___: Yeah, I didn't feel like doing something time consuming, or too difficult, so I just decided on Kubuntu, don't really want to sit around for Gentoo, and Arch's system is all whacked now, =(.
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[15:06] <rottingdead> Hmm, looks like nobody is really having any issues with this systen.
[15:06] <daniel___> rottingdead: I wish I had the time. My summer research just eats my time. I think i'll get back to arch dependning on when it gets stable again. I'm going to play OpenSuse 12.2 and 12.10.
[15:06] <rottingdead> daniel___: Bah, no offense intended, but just stick with Kubuntu, I personally think Kubunt is better anyway, heheh.
[15:08] <daniel___> rottingdead: Look I know people base OpenSuse for the Novell deal but the community is great and their kde implementation is flawless. Kubuntu forces me to make a few fixes.
[15:08] <BluesKaj> been fooling with ubuntu and differnt desktops , dunno what they were thinking when they made unity the defaulr , it's awful IMO.
[15:08] <rottingdead> BluesKaj: I know, I know!!
[15:08] <rottingdead> BluesKaj: I'm KDE or FluxBox, nothing more, nothing less.
[15:09] <rottingdead> I'm a command line addict, and FluxBox I pretty much fell in love with, LOL.. There's is NO icons, unless you install what's that package?
[15:10] <daniel___> BluesKaj: Ubuntu should have switched to KDE and invested time in creating a custom set-up etc with some tweaking. I've seen a beeter "unity" implementation with KDE than actual unity.
[15:10] <rottingdead> Keyboard shortcuts, and man pages, I'd be lost with them.
[15:10] <BluesKaj> rottingdead: I'm an old "on the job windows user" , so kde fits my comfort zone , and I find navidation more logical on kde.
[15:10] <rottingdead> LOVE to read, and want to spend like 1 or 2 hours reading? man mplayer have fun, =P.
[15:11] <BluesKaj> navigation that is
[15:11] <ed456754> hi, please help, yesterday I got notification in the lower right corner that desktop effects are off, there was an option to enable them, I cilcked it, nothing happened, so I shut down the laptop, today I boot up,boots up fine, login screen is fine, but then the screen suddenly flips over, tect also is backwards and upside down, what to do now? I tried changiong screen oreintation but that
[15:11] <ed456754> didnt help
[15:11] <rottingdead> BluesKaj: Yeah, don't get me wrong, I was a hardcore eye candy freak myself, severely addicted, but I broke it, whew, =P.
[15:11] <mydogsnameisrudy> BluesKaj: you told me one time how to put a delay on touch pad er keyboard after typing ,, trying to find that again? delays the touchpad from moving cursror
[15:12] <daniel___> BluesKaj: I just wish default KDE was better set up. Krunner isn't pumped enough, neither is amarok, gwenview and kontact. They are in a league of their own.
[15:12] <rottingdead> ed456754: Are you using an nVidia video card?
[15:12] <ed456754> no its a integrated intel hd3000
[15:12] <daniel___> mydogsnameisrudy: Synaptics/ touchpad configuration. Its at the bttom or something.
[15:13] <rottingdead> ed456754: Aaah, alright then.. Latest nvidia-drivers has a bug in it, it's causing screen blanks, it's being wrked on.
[15:13] <daniel___> ed456754: Which kubuntu are using?
[15:13] <BluesKaj> mydogsnameisrudy: uhm , I don't recall , all I know about touchpad is defeating it in synaptiks
[15:13] <ed456754> daniel___ but i didnt change/update anything, I think its 12.04
[15:14] <mydogsnameisrudy> ok found it thx
[15:14] <mydogsnameisrudy> must have looked 10 times and didnt see it
[15:15] <rottingdead> mydogsnameisrudy: Doesn't xset r rate** work as well for those?
[15:15] <daniel___> ed456754: By the way System Settings > Desktop Effects > Advanced. Try opengl for composting and if it crashed again try xrender. In 11.04 HD3000 was kind of buggy but in 12.04 its flawless. Everything works fully for me.
[15:15] <mydogsnameisrudy> no idea rottingdead
[15:15] <phoenix_firebrd> is it good to install kubuntu 12.10 alpha 1 and then update instead of installing 12.10 alpha 3 frehly?
[15:16] <ed456754> daniel___ ok I ll try that, everything was working fine until I clicked that notification, thanks
[15:16] <BluesKaj> mydogsnameisrudy: , daniel___ thought synaptiks is in system settings>input devices, or does it have a wdget too ?
[15:16] <rottingdead> mydogsnameisrudy: Yeah, it's for keyboard repeat and delay.
[15:18] <daniel___> BluesKaj: SYnaptics and the kde touchpad are similaar but a little redundant. They are actually two seperate things!
[15:18] <BluesKaj> daniel___: yes , synaptiks is the repos , touchpad is default
[15:19] <daniel___> Synaptics is really my go to for touchpad config.
[15:20] <rottingdead> daniel___: I'm from NY US, right? We had a tornado here!!
[15:20] <rottingdead> daniel___: Are you in #kubuntu-offtopic?
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[16:07] <rsaldanar> anyone can tell me which program is used to connect to wireless networks with which I have no Passwords
[16:08] <rsaldanar> hello
[16:13] <daniel____> rsaldanar: That's illegal and against code of conduct. However, if you are doing penetration testing then look at backtrack. You will need patched drivers etc and only BT will make it easy for you.
[16:18] <rsaldanar> Daniel
[16:18] <rsaldanar> I have a network in my house and I have entered several veses and I have been paying the service provider and another enjoying my internet, I'm new to Kubuntu and I want to know the program!
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[18:10] <rsaldanar> how I can change this IRC for a community that speaks Spanish?
[18:16] <rsaldanar> hello
[18:19] <genii-around> !es | rsaldanar
[18:19] <ubottu> rsaldanar: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.
[18:21] <rsaldanar> ok, muchas gracias Ubottu
[18:50] <SebastianG> Where are my Plasma config files? Just added a plasmoid, now plasma-desktop crashes immediately everytime i try...
[18:52] <genii-around> SebastianG: in ~/.kde/share/config/
[18:52] <SebastianG> genii-around: do you know which file determines which plasmoids are loaded?
[18:53] <genii-around> SebastianG: Sorry, not offhand. Maybe you can grep for the plasmoid name
[18:53] <SebastianG> genii-around: right, i'll give it a try
[18:59] <SebastianG> genii-around: .kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc was the bad guy. thank you!
[18:59] <genii-around> SebastianG: You're welcome
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[19:59] <t2n2> hi
[20:09] <Galvatron> Hi
[20:34] <em> hey my kubuntu froze up. Only firefox was working but i could not close the firefox window, nor change any of the windows in the kde toolbar
[20:34] <em> i just did ctrl+alt+f2 to get here
[20:34] <em> is there anyway to force kdm to restart or anything like that?
[20:35] <mydogsnameisrudy> you need to save something?
[20:36] <mydogsnameisrudy> sudo reboot
[20:36] <em> mydogsnameisrudy: well obviously i could just restart the computer
[20:36] <em> i thought there might be a more elegant solution than that :/
[20:36] <mydogsnameisrudy> ya looking for restart X
[20:36] <Galvatron> Ctrl + Alt + Backspace (kill X), if you've enabled it.
[20:36] <mydogsnameisrudy> not sure
[20:37] <em> this is some kind of problem with kwin or with plasma or whatever it is that controls the bar at the bottom of the KDE screen
[20:37] <em> the k menu button won't work either.
[20:37] <em> nothing responding
[20:37] <em> is this a common bug?
[20:37] <em> Galvatron: no i didn't enable that.
[20:37] <em> i guess i just have to turn the computer off and back on. How horrible.
[20:40] <em> im back.
[20:40] <em> its not good if your operating system makes you turn off the computer and restart it.
[20:48] <mydogsnameisrudy> sorry had to run a bit there em
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[20:57] <Daskreech> em: sudo service kdm restart ?
[21:56] <Roey> hey all
[21:56] <ArchangelSe7en> hey
[21:56] <Roey> anyone here tell me about QML and why it is considered a bonus that parts of KWin have been re-written in it?
[21:56] <Roey> I am wondering about this Qt Quick thing
[21:56] <Roey> it feels like just more lock-in for a developer
[22:09] <Daskreech> Hi
[22:10] <Daskreech> How is it lockin?
[22:10] <Daskreech> anymore so than havign it written in C++ or Python?
[22:11] <Roey> er not lock-in like that
[22:11] <Roey> I meant, "another markup language specific to a product"
[22:12] <Roey> like Microsoft HTML
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[22:13] <Walzmyn> I've just installed Kubuntu on a new machine and Quassel is connecting to the server, but not showing me any thing in the chat window
[22:21] <Daskreech> Roey: Not sure if it works like that but you are welcome to bring that up in #qt
[22:33] <Daskreech> Roey: But think of it as Qt for JS
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[23:53] <genii-around> DFrostedWang: Convert to mjpeg , as described here: http://blog.prashanthellina.com/2008/03/29/creating-video-thumbnails-using-ffmpeg/