UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /27 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:10] <ScottK> Riddell: I accepted csync-owncloud, but the embedded copy of iniparser should really go. Bad practice.
[06:17] <ScottK> Riddell: In owncloud client you've got owncloud-client.desktop being installed twice. Once by debian/rules and once by the .install file. Please pick one. That's not a blocker though, so accepting. The rest look good.
[06:29] <Peace-> hi
[06:30] <Peace-> well... quantal bug too with samba
[06:30] <Peace-> rbelem: are you there i guess no but anyway..
[06:37] <ScottK> Did the binaries for csync-owncloud too.
[06:39] <Peace-> ScottK: can you boost the fix of this samba bug?
[06:39] <Peace-> ScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/975028
[06:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 975028 in dolphin (Ubuntu) "Dolphin: "Timeout on server workgroup" can't see samba folders without windbind and it needs to modify /etc/nsswitch.conf to work properly" [Undecided,New]
[06:39] <ScottK> No.
[06:39] <ScottK> I don't know a thing about it.
[06:39] <ScottK> Since I don't run Windows at all, I'm pretty unlikely to learn.
[06:40] <Peace-> :P
[06:40] <Peace-> but how do you share stuff with othe computer ?
[06:40] <Peace-> nfs ?
[07:59] <Riddell> afiestas_: is bug 975028 the problem you were talking about the other day?
[07:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 975028 in dolphin (Ubuntu) "Dolphin: "Timeout on server workgroup" can't see samba folders without windbind and it needs to modify /etc/nsswitch.conf to work properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/975028
[08:58] <Mamarok> afiestas_: ping
[09:10] <Riddell> whee http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/4.9.0.html
[09:15] <Riddell> gaurav: a new tazz?
[09:15] <tazz> o.O
[09:15] <tazz> gaurav, is just my irssi+screen client.
[09:16] <Riddell> you get around :)
[09:19] <santa_> Riddell: hi
[09:19] <Riddell> hello santa_
[09:20] <santa_> Riddell: when debian freezes, how do you deal with the freeze?
[09:21] <Riddell> santa_: same as when it doesn't, we sync packages from debian if there's new ones and if we need something newer we update to that something newer ourselves
[09:21] <Riddell> got something in mind?
[09:21] <santa_> yes, I'm thinking about a debian enhancement proposal
[09:22] <santa_> Riddell: so don't you reuse packages from debian experimental if possible?
[09:24] <Riddell> santa_: yes we can do, the person looking into updating the package shouldious kinds of enhancements in the Debian project, reflect their current status and, in particular, archive their outcomes.
[09:24] <Riddell> DEP workflow: state diagram
[09:24] <Riddell> tsk bad paste
[09:24] <Riddell> santa_: yes we can do, the person looking into updating the package should check if it's in debian at all and can request a sync from experimental
[09:29] <santa_> Riddell: so let's say I provide a repository on my own, in this repository would provide packages which are right now in debian experimental, however these packages aren't actually experimental, they are just there because of debian's freeze. also the packages in that repo wouldn't require a transition bug in debian. a couple of examples of these kind of packages are digikam and rekonq. providing that repo would help ubuntu's
[09:29] <santa_> development?
[09:29] <santa_> the idea is doing part of the experimental cherry-pickin for you
[09:31] <santa_> the idea also is having a debian unstable not-so-freezed
[09:41] <Riddell> santa_: yes that would be handy as long as it was somewhere we'd naturally look at
[09:43] <santa_> Riddell: I think I have no more questions for now, thank you for your time. I'll keep you posted about my proposal (if any)
[09:43] <Riddell> good luck :)
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[10:48] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[10:50] <afiestas_> Riddell: nope
[10:50] <afiestas_> Mamarok: pong
[11:16] <shadeslayer> scripting question, I do a 'pull-lp-source foo' to download a source, is there a way to cd into the extracted source dir? ( I'm currently using ls -l | grep '^d' | awk '{ print $9 }' to cd into the extracted source)
[11:19] <Riddell> cd source-*/ ?
[11:19] <Riddell> cd foo-*/ ?
[11:24] <shadeslayer> hmm
[11:24] <shadeslayer> sounds about right, will try
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[11:42] <Riddell> vHanda: you removed some symbols in nepomuk-core right?
[11:50] <Riddell> I'm out for a couple of hours, back for meeting, feel free to getinto 4.9.0 if you want, latest is all in ninjas
[11:50] <vHanda> yes
[11:50] <vHanda> loads
[11:51] <vHanda> but nepomuk-core has never been releases
[11:51] <vHanda> *released
[11:51] <vHanda> Also, kde-runtime is the only kde component that depends on it
[14:48] <ScottK> Riddell: No release meeting today.
[14:48] <ScottK> Riddell: Did you get my overnight pings re: New processing?
[15:10] <Riddell> ScottK: oh aye, good point
[15:10] <Riddell> ScottK: yes I did, on my todo list
[15:11] <ScottK> Excellent.
[15:13] <ScottK> I see someone else did the owncloud-client binaries while I was asleep.
[15:14] <ScottK> Riddell: Is there are way to run owncloud without PHP? I lot of it seems very exciting, but there's no way I'm running PHP on a public facing server.
[15:14] <Riddell> ScottK: I'm afraid not, it's kindae written in PHP
[15:15] <ScottK> Very unfortunate.
[15:18] <Riddell> ScottK: depending on your use case it wouldn't have to be public
[15:19] <ScottK> The first thing I'd like to try to do is replace my dependence on Google for syncing Contacts/Calendar between my Android phone and my computer.
[15:20] <ScottK> Having to set up a VPN for phone -> home network for that seems complex.
[15:20] <Riddell> Android is probably the wrong OS is you don't like depending on google
[15:20] <ScottK> Yes, but the alternatives are worse.
[15:22] <ScottK> It's actually less not trusting Google than trying to reduce the footprint of data I consider private that's on machines I don't control.
[15:38] <ScottK> Riddell: Looks like the apport thing got sorted. pykde4 and friends are in component mismatches now.
[15:38] * ScottK tries to figure out if he can do demotions now.
[15:40] <ScottK> Seems I can.
[15:50] <Riddell> ScottK: ooh interesting
[15:53] <Riddell> bug 1026198 says go
[15:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1026198 in pykde4 (Ubuntu) "Demote pykde4 and friends to universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026198
[15:53] <Riddell> go for it
[15:55] <ScottK> All done.
[15:56] <Riddell> whee
[15:56] <ScottK> After the next publisher run you ought to be able to upload the updated kde-pim runtime.
[15:56] <ScottK> (if you do it before, not sure what'll happen)
[15:57] <Riddell> this James guy who posted to the mailing list has a curious way of introducing himself
[15:58] <ScottK> Agreed.
[16:02] <ScottK> I sent a reply.
[16:17] <ronnoc> Riddell: ScottK: That was me on the list re: the sceencasting app issue. I figured everyone knew. Scott thanks for the reply, and I know you're right. I'll work on packaging it and ask for help if needed.
[16:18] <ronnoc> It's an issue I really think needs addressed. SO I'll see what I can do
[16:18] <ScottK> ronnoc: Excellent. Motivation is the key. I wasn't kidding about that.
[16:19] <Riddell> ah hah
[16:19] <Riddell> ronnoc: is it a KDE application you're suggesting?
[16:19] <ronnoc> ScottK: No doubt. I think faccilitating ways for people to contribute is obviously important. I was banging my head because I really can't see an easy way where if someone wanted to make a screencast, they could do so :/
[16:19] <ronnoc> Riddell: yes
[16:20] <Riddell> cool
[16:20] <ronnoc> apparently the develpoer has a bias against *ubuntu so he hasn't make nor will he support any packages...so might not be idea. But there are few options, sadly
[16:22] <ronnoc> I think my keyboard is messing up.. time to get a new one
[16:24] <Riddell> ronnoc: do you know anything about packaging?
[16:26] <ronnoc> Riddell: No but I've found a few good online guides to it so I'll have a go tonight and not bother anyone until I hit a wall. I'm reasonably computer-literate.
[16:27] <Riddell> ronnoc: have you got it compiled and working?
[16:29] * Riddell renames libnepomukcore4 to libnepomukcore4a
[16:31] <shadeslayer> oh shoot
[16:32] <shadeslayer> Is it possible to stop packages from getting into the archive?
[16:32] <yofel> Riddell: why not use the abi manager?
[16:32] * shadeslayer accidentally uploaded some ktp stuff to the archive
[16:33] <yofel> ScottK: ^
[16:34] <Riddell> shadeslayer: no I don't think so
[16:34] <shadeslayer> bah :(
[16:34] <Riddell> yofel: mm, good question
[16:34] <shadeslayer> it'll probably go into depwait I think, just need to check if common-internals was uploaded as well
[16:35] <shadeslayer> ah yes, common internals was uploaded
[16:35] <shadeslayer> fooey
[16:35] <shadeslayer> yay
[16:35] <shadeslayer> Rejected
[16:35] <yofel> shadeslayer: protip, set the default upload location to something other than ubuntu in your ~/.dput.cf
[16:35] <shadeslayer> "The signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question."
[16:35] <shadeslayer> whee
[16:37] <Quintasan> shadeslayer can't into archive
[16:37] <Quintasan> :P
[16:37] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:37] * Quintasan can't into Debian
[16:37] <Quintasan> for life of me, I have never seen such a uncooperative device
[16:37] <Quintasan> even Transformer is better at linux than imx
[16:37] <shadeslayer> haha
[16:37] <Quintasan> dud
[16:38] <Quintasan> I'm bootstraping a Debian armhf install from Debian netinstall
[16:38] <Quintasan> Just to make sure nothing fancy is going wrong
[16:39] <Quintasan> ronnoc: I'm up if you need some help, might as well as get me in shap
[16:39] <Quintasan> +e
[16:39] * Quintasan has been absent for way too long
[16:42] <ScottK> shadeslayer: yofel's advice on dput.cf is very good.
[16:42] <shadeslayer> yeah, that's what I'm doing right now
[16:43] <ScottK> Just after I became a core-dev one of my first Main uploads was an accidental upload of kde-guidance to the archive that was supposed to go into a PPA. It was during an Alpha soft freeze.
[16:43] <ScottK> Right after that is when I changed mine.
[16:44] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:44] <Quintasan> :D
[16:44] <jtechidna> my dput.cf defaults to bob
[16:44] * Quintasan giggles
[16:44] <shadeslayer> saved by the fact that I don't have upload rights for ktp \o/
[16:44] <ScottK> jtechidna: Awesome. Mine does too.
[16:45] <Quintasan> Why bob?
[16:45] <shadeslayer> more importantly, what's bob?
[16:45] <ScottK> Because it's a non-existent target.
[16:45] <jtechidna> "cannot upload to target 'bob'"
[16:45] <shadeslayer> hah
[16:45] <Quintasan> lol
[16:45] <ScottK> If you just unset the target it'll default to Debian.
[16:46] <jtechidna> holy metabug batman: bug 1030022
[16:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1030022 in xmonad (Ubuntu) "Port from legacy Xlib to to modern XCB" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1030022
[16:49] <ScottK> jtechidna: Wow. I took us out of it and pointed him to b.k.o.
[16:49] <Quintasan> So.... meta
[16:49] <jtechidna> ScottK: thanks
[16:49] <ScottK> I am SOOOOOOO glad you can remove 'affects' now.
[16:49] * jtechidna too
[16:51] <jtechidna> I predict that any packages that will stay affected will be the neglected ones anyways ;P
[16:53] <ScottK> Yep.
[16:57] * debfx wants a delete bug button ...
[16:57] <debfx> or possibly delete user ;)
[16:58] <yofel> you can now hide your comments, that's plenty of progress
[16:59] <yofel> deleting ppa's would be a nice feature
[16:59] <yofel> i.e. - not just the button
[17:03] <ronnoc> Quintasan: I can't get to it until after work...4 hours from now. I'm in EST
[17:03] <ronnoc> Quintasan: Thanks though I'm sure I'll need some
[17:10] <shadeslayer> and I think that's the last of it ...
[17:10] <shadeslayer> KTP uploaded to : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly
[17:16] <debfx> looks like this guy has a history of filing absurd bugs with a gazillion tasks, bug #888662 and many more
[17:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 888662 in xxxterm (Ubuntu) "Web browsers should share the cache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/888662
[17:17] <Riddell> wow
[17:17] <ScottK> debfx: Can you talk to someone in #lauchpad about it?
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[19:25] <Riddell> bug 1027889 is the last comment there someone who just hasn't upgraded?
[19:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1027889 in Precise Backports "backport rekonq 1.0" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1027889
[19:26] <Riddell> cos I don't see any other issues
[19:26] <micahg> Riddell: someone who doesn't understand apt pinning
[19:26] <Riddell> micahg: surely you have to set that up?
[19:27] <micahg> in oneiric on it's NotAutomatic (pinned to 100)
[19:27] <micahg> so, you have to explicitly install the backport
[19:27] <micahg> err...in Natty on it's NotAutomatic, in Oneiric on it's enabled by default
[19:28] * ScottK was hoping jtechidna would have exposed this in a nice way to users by now.
[19:29] <Riddell> hum, I didn't know that
[19:31] <ScottK> Muon package manager will show multiple available versions.
[19:31] <jtechidna> mea culpa. I actually have the UI bits for showing multiple available versions in the Muon Software Center, but there's some backend work that would be too invasive this close to the 1.4 release.
[19:32] <jtechidna> so it only exists as a patch on my harddrive atm
[19:33] <jtechidna> but yes, the Muon Package Manager has a "Versions" tab that shows up when you are viewing a package with multiple available versions
[19:33] <jtechidna> a la: http://i.imgur.com/NZmeE.png
[19:34] <ScottK> Although you can't tell which version it thought was "most appropriate" until you install.
[19:35] <jtechidna> You can find that out in the "Technical Details" tab
[19:35] <jtechidna> it shows the current candidate version: http://i.imgur.com/tK9bP.png
[19:35] <ScottK> It would be nice to highlight the one that'll get installed in the versions tab.
[19:35] <jtechidna> hmm, true
[19:37] <ScottK> I think with that, the m-p-m would support this nicely.
[19:37] <ScottK> Riddell: So you can point people who are interested in the backports at muon package manager so the needn't care about pinning.
[19:38] <jtechidna> do you think bolding the selected version would be enough indication?
[19:39] <ScottK> I'd have to see it, but probably.
[19:39] <ScottK> It just needs to be sufficiently obvious.
[19:44] <jtechidna> ScottK: e.g. http://i.imgur.com/jrG6K.png
[19:44] <ScottK> I think that'd do it.
[19:45] <jtechidna> then if you force a different version, the forced version would be bold, etc
[19:46] <ScottK> Cool.
[19:47] <yofel> could you possibly also show the pin values if any are set intentionally?
[19:49] <ScottK> If you set pin values manually, I'm not sure you're in the target audience.
[19:49] <yofel> this is the packge manager - not the software center
[19:50] <yofel> but you have a point that you would need to add that by hand anyway
[19:52] * yofel noticed a bug in his pin setup while thinking about this...
[19:53] <ScottK> I'd figure people who use pinning probably use apt.
[19:53] <yofel> until some developers intend to preset it for them
[19:54] <yofel> I'll file a whishlist bug later, low priority anyway
[19:55] <jtechidna> yofel: it'll read pin files for specific packages located in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ and show a lock on the package emblem
[19:56] <jtechidna> with the option to pin/unpin the package in the context menu
[19:59] <jtechidna> but I don't think there's any support for displaying or controlling archive/component level pins.
[20:03] <yofel> ok, that would be enough I guess as that's what most people would look for if at all
[20:34] <kubotu> ::qt-bugs:: [1028283] package libqt4-help 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: package libqt4-help is a... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1028283 (by Isaac)
[20:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1028283 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "package libqt4-help 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: package libqt4-help is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New]
[20:55] <andersonunsonst> test
[20:56] <Riddell> andersonunsonst: working :)
[20:57] <andersonunsonst> thanks :)
[21:36] <Riddell> foo I can't get dh_install --list-missing to work with kde-workspace, the dual compile messing it up
[22:08] <Riddell> afiestas_: what is usr/bin/solid-network ?
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