UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /23 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[01:51] <[vbm]> hi there. can anyone help me with vsftpd? I am struggling to get it working with anonymous and authenticated users at the same time.
[01:51] <escott> [vbm], ugggh. any reason you can't use sftp?
[01:53] <[vbm]> not really. Just had vsftpd working well for a while but now would like to allow read only access to anonymous users.
[01:54] <[vbm]> I can always create a RO user as a work around, but was keen on getting it to work "properly".
[01:59] <[vbm]> escott, I think I did not understand your question about sftp? I thought you were talking about another program :)
[02:00] <escott> [vbm], i mean openssh-ftp?
[02:00] <escott> just the deep hatred for all things ftp
[02:00] <escott> ftp must die
[02:00] <philballew> Question: scp or rsync for 85 gigs of media?
[02:01] <escott> philballew, rsync is resumable. thats the main reason to use it for large data transfers
[02:05] <[vbm]> escott, :) why? currently I only use it as a means to share drives across different machines. I have FTP shares on two boxes one xp and one running lucid. lucid's is running my htpc and now I need to make sure the default access is RO and would prefer unauthenticated access.
[02:06] <escott> [vbm], ftp is just not a good netizen in many ways. using multiple ports, dynamically choosing ports for clients, ridiculously insecure... list goes on
[02:06] <philballew> escott, alright, Ill set it up
[02:07] <escott> [vbm], you can do some cool stuff with ssh'es ftp modules with authorized keys and accomplish almost anything you would have wanted to do with ftp but securely and more robustly
[02:08] <[vbm]> escott, when you mention openssh-ftp, are you talking about ftp over a ssh tunnel, like in a remote access? This is strictly lan only.
[02:10] <escott> [vbm], no i mean the sftp binary. its basically a wrapper around scp/ssh that "talks" ftp. its not a tunnel. openssh handles the entire communication
[02:10] <[vbm]> escott, ok thanks. googling it... :)
[02:11] <escott> [vbm], the benefit of sftp is that you only have to know ssh and how to configure it
[02:12] <escott> [vbm], also why not just use samba on your home network?
[02:13] <[vbm]> escott, samba is the plan. I've been postponing it because I have dreams of single log ons and shared resources across all my machines and haven't found the time to plan it properly. maybe I should start with acouple of samba shares and worry about the pdc later. :)
[02:14] <escott> [vbm], well the dream single logon is ssh auth_keys. it just works(TM)
[02:14] <escott> [vbm], only difficulties are going to be with windows
[02:16] <[vbm]> escott, :) that's the thing. Loving ubuntu but can't realistically get rid of my last windows box and also have a macbook to join in some day.
[02:18] <escott> [vbm], there are certainly ssh clients for windows, and im sure putty can do ftp. so ssh would be just as good as ftp, and easier to setup in almost all cases. there is overhead for encryption so if you have some weak hardware that can be a pain (i get annoyed at my NAS because it just can't crunch the ssh encryption fast enough sometimes)
[02:19] <escott> [vbm], there are ways to tell ssh to not encrypt the channel or to use a weaker form of encryption, just don't ever use that outside your LAN
[02:20] <[vbm]> escott, won't sftp require me to have users with shell access?
[02:21] <escott> [vbm], no
[02:21] <[vbm]> escott, need to keep googling. this site suggested you'd get to your home directory...
[02:23] <escott> [vbm], im looking for a link to the restricted sftp instructions. its really easy but its changed a bit over the last 5 years
[02:24] <escott> [vbm], http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/
[02:25] <escott> [vbm], basically all you have to do is:
[02:25] <escott> (a) set the users shell to /bin/false in /etc/passwd
[02:25] <escott> (b) create an auth-key and add it to authorized_keys with a command directive
[02:26] <escott> (c) the command directive (which is optional) can reference the sftp module
[02:27] <escott> (d) enable the built in support for chroot and sftp only within sshd_config usually trigged by group membership in a group "sftponly" but could be structured however you want
[02:29] <[vbm]> escott, would this setup allow me to have anonymous users?
[02:29] <escott> [vbm], in a manner of speaking yes.
[02:29] <escott> [vbm], its not a good idea to have a publicly known password for the user
[02:30] <escott> but you could publish the id_rsa for the auth_key
[02:30] <[vbm]> escott, thanks
[02:30] <escott> which is nice because its a single point of entry to the system -- 1 line in one file (authorized_keys)
=== crisscross is now known as krytarik
[02:33] <escott> [vbm], if you are looking at the minstrel instructions keep in mind that openssh already has everything compiled so you skip directly to the configuration (i sent that to someone one time and started getting questions about ./configure :)
[02:35] <[vbm]> escott, got that :) I use ubuntu because I need the training wheels. Every time I see a make install that I can't skip I run for the hills. :)
[04:01] <hmf> hello
[04:02] <hmf> :)
[07:15] <chris_wrx> How do I know if I have correctly installed a python program (pywallet) on my ubuntu box? I type "pywallet" at the $ prompt, but it doesn't execute the program
[07:17] <chris_wrx> k
[07:19] <geirha> Oh don't wait more than 3 minutes...
[08:02] <philballew> must be looking for help elsewhere and found it there first.
[08:47] <prateekp> hello everybody
[08:48] <prateekp> There is permission issue . I mean that a certain file i am not able to save ... It states that u cannot save this file
[08:48] <prateekp> how to set permissions for a file through terminal or otherwise
[08:48] <holstein> !chown
[08:48] <ubot2> An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions
[08:48] <holstein> prateekp: or just sudo mv it
[08:49] <holstein> typically, when you are not supposed to, you might not want to.. or you might want to get more specific about what it is before you really bork something
[08:49] <geirha> If it's a system configuration file, you should not change ownership/permissions on the file
[08:50] <holstein> gksudo gedit
[08:50] <holstein> ^^ that will open a config file in an editable fashion
[08:50] <prateekp> actually when i go to its properties by right clicking and change the permissions to read and write it doesnt change
[08:50] <prateekp> why so
[08:51] <prateekp> actually i want to open the file in my programs editor
[08:51] <prateekp> that would be helpful to me
[08:52] <geirha> prateekp: Possibly it's on a filesystem that doesn't support unix permissisons, such as vfat/ntfs
[08:52] <holstein> prateekp: you can break functionality
[08:52] <prateekp> the file is located in home
[08:52] <holstein> prateekp: what programs editor?
[08:52] <prateekp> scilab editor
[08:53] <ReubenNZ> Hi. I am trying to install ubuntu with the windows installer but when it downloads it gets to about a quarter complete and then the download slows down to less than 1kb/s. Does anybody know a better way of doing it? I dont want to dualboot or replace windows
[08:53] <prateekp> i can open using gksudo gedit but thats not i want
[08:54] <holstein> prateekp: you can use sudo or gksudo to elevate privs if you need...
[08:54] <geirha> ReubenNZ: Download the Ubuntu Desktop CD. It had wubi on it too, and it won't have to download anything during install
[08:54] <prateekp> ok my problem got solved
[08:54] <geirha> ReubenNZ: Though, it'll still be a dualboot
[08:55] <holstein> ReubenNZ: do you alreayd have an iso downloaded? you can put the iso file in the same place as the wubi.exe and it'll use it
[08:55] <holstein> yeah.. a wubi is a dual boot
[08:55] <geirha> ReubenNZ: Perhaps you want to run ubuntu in a virtual machine instead? If so, download virtualbox and the ubuntu iso
[08:56] <ReubenNZ> ohk. i thought dual booting was more difficult. I will just download the iso and do it that way
[08:56] <ReubenNZ> thank you
[08:56] <geirha> prateekp: Odd that you have a file not owned by yourself in your homedir though
[08:57] <prateekp> hhmmm .... the problem automatically got solved
[08:57] <prateekp> may be some other things have had happened before
[10:09] <Stevemav> Hello, I'm a newbie, here to say hi and learn a little about ubuntu :)
[10:09] <coolbhavi> hello Stevemav welcome to ubuntu :)
[10:10] <Stevemav> hows things for you mate?
[10:10] <coolbhavi> Stevemav, fine... how are things with you?
[10:11] <Stevemav> all good :). Having a few teething issues but by and large all good :)
[10:12] <coolbhavi> :)
[10:15] <Stevemav> are you new yourself? or are there just no distictions between new and older members, other than the chanserv?
[10:28] <Stevemav> so, anyone here have StarCraft 2 issues with Wine?
[10:29] <Droid> good morning everyone
[10:33] <Stevemav> hello
[10:38] <Stevemav> does anyone know the correct channel to go to for wine related issues in ubunut?
[10:38] <Stevemav> ubuntu*
[10:38] <bioterror> !wine
[10:38] <ubot2> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu
[10:38] <Droid> try #winehq ?
[10:38] <bioterror> says #winehq
[10:38] <Droid> mhm, sorry, hi bioterror (:
[10:39] <bioterror> hi
[10:39] <Stevemav> #winehq
[10:39] <Stevemav> cool
=== Droid is now known as Player
[11:06] <Player> Stevemav: what game are you playing through winehq?
[11:07] <Stevemav> StarCraft 2.
[11:08] <Stevemav> I can link to a recent post I made if you think you can help?
[11:08] <geirha> I gave up getting "Stars!" to run via wine. I ended up installing Windows 3.11 in dosbox to run it. :)
[11:09] <Stevemav> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2022328
[11:09] <Player> Stevemav: my window manager crashed, i'm in the middle of an upgrade, i can't really open websites atm
[11:09] <Stevemav> lol if I had an iso file for a windows distro I'd be running it, no money at the moment though :P
[11:09] <Stevemav> fair enough Player
[11:10] <Stevemav> basically, in my win regedit, I'm missing a whole bunch of folders
[11:10] <Stevemav> running wine 1.5.9 at the moment
[11:11] <Player> in around 20 minutes i could assist you, with the small amount of knowledge i have left
[11:12] <Stevemav> sounds great :). Will you be able to open browsers byt then?
[11:12] <Player> of course if there's no one else to help you out
[11:12] <Player> i hope the upgrade and a reboot will mend my issue ..
[11:13] <Stevemav> fair enough- what was your issue?
[11:13] <Player> so yes, i am confident i will be able, althought i will continue to another upgrade, i'm going from 9.04 to 12.04 ...
[11:14] <Player> i just wanted to get back on linux, i've been playing too many games on windows, so i got back to my old-rusty ubuntu, now trying to revive it. It didn't start at 1st, it froze after login, fixed that, now let's see what else hits me in the face
[11:20] <Stevemav> fair enough- AMD or Intel machine?
[11:20] <Player> AMD
[11:21] <Player> with a problematic NVidia card
[11:21] <Player> so i'm in for some fun, it's better than gaming tho..
[11:21] <Player> i might actually learn smth this way
[11:21] <Player> i'll go smoke a cigarette 'till thsi upgrade finishes
[11:23] <Stevemav> fair enough, I had a bit of an issue with mine but it was all AMD stuff-
[11:23] <Stevemav> hopefully it'll work out
[11:25] <Player> here we go, reboot time. BRB
[11:25] <Stevemav> kk
[11:29] <Player> 'kay, I'm alive
[11:33] <Stevemav> that's a good start :P
[11:34] <Player> one second, let me get the second upgrade going
[11:35] <Stevemav> all good man
[11:36] <Player> it's gonna be a long day ... 10.10 -> 11.04
[11:36] <Player> alright, so paste that link again please
[11:36] <Player> and describe what the issue is
[11:40] <Stevemav> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2022328&page=2
[11:41] <Stevemav> No sound, not even when I test in wineconfig
[11:41] <Stevemav> no driver listed
[11:42] <Player> have you searched for any other threads?
[11:42] <Player> i found smth like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1939902&page=2
[11:43] <Player> you can also find related stuff here: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20882
[11:44] <Stevemav> I'll check them, I've searched for about a week over the net and on this site
[11:45] <Player> everyone says they have sound issues but there's a workaround it seems
[11:45] <Stevemav> I can't get the sound problem form winehq link to work, tried it heaps before
[11:47] <Player> what do you mean?
[11:47] <Player> which link? The alsa-plugins git one?
[11:48] <Player> upgrade: About 2 hours 3 minutes remaining
[11:48] <Player> WHAT? *faceplams*
[11:50] <Stevemav> what??
[11:50] <Stevemav> just get the iso for 12.04, way faster!!
[11:51] <Stevemav> I didn't understand how to get the git part to work
[11:51] <Stevemav> http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb425/NixKing/Screenshotfrom2012-07-23214722.png
[11:51] <Player> Stevemav: you need to download git and install it
[11:52] <Stevemav> ok I can do that
[11:52] <Stevemav> through synaptic or unbuntu store?
[11:52] <Stevemav> software centrwe*
[11:53] <Player> the center is better
[11:53] <Player> forget synaptic, that's old :P
[11:53] <Stevemav> centre says I have it already
[11:53] <Player> good, the open a terminal
[11:54] <Stevemav> kk
[11:54] <Player> before that, did you do this step: To get sound, start winecfg, go to DLL overrides, add "mmdevapi" and set it to "disabled".
[11:54] <Player> ?
[11:55] <Stevemav> yeah that's aready been done
[11:55] <Player> alright, the commands are for the terminal
[11:55] <Stevemav> kk
[11:56] <Stevemav> yeah they don't work- I copy in one line at a time right?
[11:57] <Player> yes
[11:57] <Player> do you get any errors?
[11:57] <Player> like after the 2nd line
[11:58] <Stevemav> i fatal: repository 'git.alsa-project.org/alsa-plugins.git' does not exist
[11:58] <Player> okay, that's the issue then
[11:58] <Stevemav> kk
[12:01] <Stevemav> how do i fix that?
[12:02] <Player> the git seems to be there
[12:02] <Stevemav> yeah
[12:03] <Player> I can't install git now 'cause of the upgrade ... mhm :\
[12:03] <Player> one sec, brb
[12:03] <Stevemav> kk
[12:08] <Player> frankly i don't know
[12:09] <Stevemav> damn
[12:13] <Stevemav> so it says to use a repository that doensn't exist
[12:13] <Stevemav> am I reading into that right?
[12:15] <Player> Stevemav: yes, that's what needs to be fixed
[12:15] <Stevemav> ok
[12:15] <Player> on the screenshot you gave me, can't you choose any kind of device? Pulseaudio or alsa?
[12:15] <Stevemav> I ran sudo apt-get update, should I try again?
[12:16] <Stevemav> there are no devices listed in any of the drop down box's
[12:20] <Player> of course, try, i don't think you can screw things up that much, i mean the sound doesn't work anyway
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[12:24] <Stevemav> Hmm #ubuntu is helping a little
[12:27] <Player> that's good (:
[12:27] <Player> I hope you found a way to get over this issue
[12:28] <Stevemav> When i do I'll make sure to post it on the forum so others can check it :)
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[12:56] <Player> well .. ubuntu crashed, kinda dead *sighs*
[12:56] <Player> so i'm on my router running irssi now ... *shrugs*
[13:00] <Stevemav> hmm, what happened when you turned it on?
[13:03] <Stevemav> Player: What happened when you started the comp up?
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[13:39] <Stevemav> Hey, I'm looking to dual boot windows vista/7 with ubuntu, are there any decent iso files for windows I could download and install?
[13:40] <geirha> Didn't you get cds when you bought them?
[13:41] <Stevemav> no it's always been preinstalled until now
[13:43] <holstein> AFAIK, you cannot download windows
[13:43] <geirha> Hm. Well, maybe #windows knows what you should do to aquire install CDs.
[13:43] <holstein> i would call and ask microsoft
[13:46] <Stevemav> yeah that's my best bet, cool
[13:46] <Stevemav> thanks guys
[13:46] <Stevemav> see ya
[13:47] <Player> < Stevemav> Player: What happened when you started the comp up?
[13:47] <Player> it hung at boot, recovery doesn't want to start at all
[13:48] <Player> you can get windows isos on their websites if you got an account
[13:48] <holstein> Player: Stevemav has parted
[14:14] <Player> holstein: on, you're right, sorry :\
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[15:56] <r4y> I noticed with Mahjongg that sometimes the last 2 matching tiles on the same spot so I thought in order to fix this they should have made it so when shuffle appears that the last 2 tiles are shuffled to 2 different spots, unless of coarse it is meant to be played in a certain sequence which I doubt.
[15:58] <r4y> Anyways that's all I had to say except that I worded that wrong. The last 2 matching times end up on the same spot.
[15:58] <r4y> bye :) /
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