UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /23 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[02:24] <edgy> Hi, when I do sudo unattended-upgrades it won't do any upgrade, is this a bug?
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[05:39] <X-tonic> Hi, I would like to request eclipse 4.2 to be included in 12.10. But it cannot make it to debian unstable yet as they are waiting for wheezy to take shape and release. (That is what they told me) . Is there anyway the debian can come directly to ubuntu then?
[05:45] <jbicha> X-tonic: that's already been requested in bug 1019273
[05:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1019273 in eclipse (Ubuntu) "Version Bump to 4.2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019273
[05:46] <jbicha> it could happen for 12.10 but I wouldn't expect it until 13.04 as eclipse is a complicated package
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[08:34] <X-tonic> About python3, I read in planet.ubuntu.com that there is an intention of having py3 as default py in 12.10. Is this something we can expect soon?
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[11:53] <BluesKaj> Hey all
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[13:42] <mcamaret> I just installed quantal alpha 2, and installed updates, but apparently that broke compiz, because I log in to my desktop background only, and when I log out with Ctrl+Alt+Delete the dialog has no border. Unity 2d is fine, and apt-get says a bunch of packages, including compiz, are held back.
[13:52] <jbicha> mcamaret: you'll probably need to do a dist-upgrade but pay attention to what is being proposed for removal
[14:11] <mcamaret> jbicha: thanks, worked.
[15:48] <arielsanflo> as placing the ubuntu repositories 12.10 from terminal
[15:48] <arielsanflo> help
[15:49] <Pici> I don't understand the question.
[15:49] <arielsanflo> origins of software does not work
[15:52] <arielsanflo> here are repositories that I do not want to work
[15:53] <arielsanflo> In short I want to make only the official repositories
[15:54] <arielsanflo> my english is so so
[15:54] <arielsanflo> i am from colombia
[15:54] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: Can you put /etc/apt/sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the URL please
[15:57] <arielsanflo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106634/
[15:58] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: ok. You want to go back to 12.04?
[15:58] <arielsanflo> I appreciate your help
[15:59] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: ok. You want to go back to 12.04?
[16:00] <arielsanflo> I want to continue with ubuntu 12.10 but with nothing more official repsitorios
[16:01] <arielsanflo> sorry my English is not very good
[16:01] <IdleOne> I am not sure I understand. tell me in Spanish exactly what you want to do please.
[16:01] <Daekdroom> I think he wants to use nothing but official repositories.
[16:01] <Daekdroom> Which apparently he's already doing.
[16:01] <Daekdroom> (given upgrading disables PPAs and all)
[16:02] <IdleOne> Daekdroom: that is what I am thinking also but I rather be sure :)
[16:02] <arielsanflo> quiero tener solo los repositorios oficiales
[16:03] <bazhang> yep
[16:03] <arielsanflo> no me funciona el icono de origenes del software por eso no puedo editarlos
[16:05] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: quita esa 2 lineas del fijero: deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu quantal main # disabled on upgrade to quantal y deb-src http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu quantal main # disabled on upgrade to quantal
[16:06] <IdleOne> after you delete those 2 lines, save the file and then close the Update manager/Software Centre. Then open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update
[16:07] <arielsanflo> yes
[16:08] <arielsanflo> muchas gracias
[16:08] <IdleOne> denada O es nalga!? :)
[16:09] <arielsanflo> no entiiedo porque origenes del software no me funcina
[16:09] <Daekdroom> Aren't they changing that along with jockey?
[16:10] <IdleOne> Daekdroom: I heard they are. I saw mockups, looks good.
[16:10] <Daekdroom> Also, someone needs to explain to him he should expect things to stop working every update in awhile.
[16:13] <arielsanflo> ahora miren el error que me sale
[16:13] <arielsanflo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106652/
[16:13] <Daekdroom> Oh, there are PPAs to disable as well.
[16:14] <IdleOne> eso repositorios estan en /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[16:14] <IdleOne> dijo PPA
[16:16] <arielsanflo> y como los elimino
[16:17] <IdleOne> sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* && sudo apt-get update
[16:19] <arielsanflo> yo en verdad agradezco mucho ayuda
[16:19] <IdleOne> you are welcome :)
[16:19] <arielsanflo> aqui en colombia muy poca gente colabora en resolver problemas de ubuntu
[16:21] <IdleOne> arielsanflo: I am happy that you were able to fix your problem. Please remember this channel is English only. I apologize to the channel for going off-language.
[16:22] <arielsanflo> yes
[16:22] <arielsanflo> im understand
[16:23] <arielsanflo> fine thanks
[16:24] <arielsanflo> how install eclipse juno 4.2 en ubuntu 12.10
[16:28] <micahg> might want to subscribe to bug 1019273
[16:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1019273 in eclipse (Ubuntu) "Version Bump to 4.2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019273
[17:03] <arielsanflo> help
[17:03] <arielsanflo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1106761/
[17:04] <arielsanflo> how to solve this error
[17:08] <trism> arielsanflo: bug 1026066
[17:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1026066 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/aptdaemon/client.py: No module named gobject" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1026066
[18:02] <trijntje> Hi all, i'm trying to upgrade to quantal with update-manager -d, but it crashes. Is there another way to upgrade?
[18:40] <AlexM2013> can someone tell me if this is working: mgh2server.tk
[18:40] <IdleOne> bsm117532: Welcome to the 12.10 discussion and support channel. let me remind you that we are all volunteers and also that swearing is not acceptable for any reason.
[18:41] <IdleOne> AlexM2013: yes it is working. Please use #test for testing.
[18:41] <bsm117532> I'm having problems with the Quantal kernel recognizing my (usb) keyboard. Doesn't work on the console and no numlock. Any clues why this would happen?
[18:42] <bsm117532> I've also tried the 3.4.6 kernel from the mainline PPA, same problem.
[18:42] <trism> bsm117532: do you have linux-image-extra installed as well? mine will not work without the extra modules
[18:42] <bsm117532> These are kernels installed on Precise. Has something important changed with Quantal?
[18:43] <bsm117532> trism: no...what's in "extra"?
[18:43] <trism> bsm117532: many of the modules were split out into a separate package in quantal
[18:43] <bsm117532> Aha, ok I'll try that, thanks!
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[20:43] <RyuGuns> Will "Web Apps" be default in Quetzel?
[20:46] <trism> RyuGuns: http://blog.canonical.com/2012/07/19/introducing-ubuntu-web-apps-setting-the-web-free-of-the-browser/ (answer at the bottom, short answer yes apparently)
[20:46] <RyuGuns> Thanks!
=== RyuGuns is now known as HipsterRyu
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
[22:07] <munzir> Hi, my system do an fsck with every reboot and syslog contains: EXT4-fs warning (device dm-2): ext4_clear_journal_err:4281: Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: IO failure
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