UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /23 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <DeltaLink> Puedo usar un traductor, pero voy a ser un poco lento sin embargo.
[00:26] <rsaldanar> hello DeltaLink
[00:26] <DeltaLink> Hi
[00:26] <rsaldanar> soy nuevo con Kubuntu y quiero correr el VLC playe me puedes decir como?
[00:26] <DeltaLink> Un momento, voy a tener que revisar algo en primer lugar.
[00:26] <rsaldanar> ok.
[00:28] <DeltaLink> Si no es en el software por defecto de terceros, es posible que necesite añadir un PPA para ello. Un ejemplo: "ppa: n-muench/vlc" debería funcionar, pero yo no lo he probado sin embargo.
[00:30] <DeltaLink> Usted debe ser capaz de descargar desde el sitio web de VLC Player también como un paquete.
[00:31] <rsaldanar> que sotfware utiliza para la reproduccion de videos por que el que traja el OS no me corre los videos que tengo en mi HHDD
[00:31] <rsaldanar> ?
[00:33] <DeltaLink> No puedo entender lo que estás diciendo ("traja el")
[00:35] <rsaldanar> necesito un programa para reproducir videos en Windows utilizo el VLC platers. Cual tu utilizas?
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[00:42] <DeltaLink> Normalmente yo sólo uso "KMPlayer" con el conjunto de back-end de "mplayer" en las opciones. "Phonon" puede ser un poco buggy y "IceApe" no parece funcionar con Kubuntu 12.04. Hay varias opciones con KDE distrobutions Linux.
[00:44] <DeltaLink> Acabo de hacer una traducción inversa de lo que acabo de decir, y me di cuenta de mi traducción no es completamente exacto.
[00:46] <rsaldanar> ok te escribire en Ingles
[00:48] <DeltaLink> "KMPlayer", "mplayer", "VLC" son buenas opciones para los jugadores de los medios de comunicación. Cada uno tiene sus pros y sus contras, pero "KMplayer" y Mplayer no tiene que ser instalado usando "PPA" (fuentes de software).
[00:49] <rsaldanar> I've wanted to do is install the VLC playe in kubuntu but I could not actually what happens is that the default sotfware Kubuntu has not let me open...
[00:50] <rsaldanar> as I think a PPA?
[00:54] <DeltaLink> Lo sentimos, no puedo entender lo que se dice. No puedo determinar si su hacer una pregunta o haciendo otra cosa. Usted podría intentar usar Tranlator Google o en busca de una versión en español de este canal. Soy nuevo en Linux, sólo he estado usando durante un año.
[00:59] <pasjrwoctx> Help, I cant get past this and want to know why.
[00:59] <pasjrwoctx> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-firmware_1.79_i386.deb (--unpack):
[00:59] <pasjrwoctx> trying to overwrite '/lib/firmware/lbtf_usb.bin', which is also in package libertas-firmware 9.70.7.p0.0-1
[00:59] <DeltaLink> Puede que tenga que instalar "xine" o "gstreamer" con el jugador para jugar algunos códecs no incluidos de forma predeterminada
[01:01] <DeltaLink> Has anyone here tried the new 3.5 kernel yet? I plan to compile it tonight, but was wondering if there are any siginificant problems with it surface yet.
[01:03] <DeltaLink> (rsaldanar) Antes de que te fuiste, que acabo de decir: Es posible que necesite instalar "xine" o "gstreamer" con el jugador para jugar algunos códecs no incluidos de forma predeterminada
[01:06] <DeltaLink> Hello pasjrwoctx. I'm just new to Linux, but I'll see if I can help, just give me a few minutes.
[01:07] <pasjrwoctx> DeltaKink: ok
[01:07] <pasjrwoctx> DeltaLink: Ok
[01:07] <DeltaLink> What were you doing when the error occured?
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[01:08] <pasjrwoctx> get it after apt-get update, apt-get dis-upgrade or apt-get upgrade in terminal
[01:10] <DeltaLink> Did you try using: "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoremove". There could be a broken package on your system or remains of an older package.
[01:10] <DeltaLink> Then try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"
[01:11] <pasjrwoctx> yea been through all that, none of the normal things work to fix this
[01:11] <DeltaLink> Even: "sudo dpkg --configure -a"?
[01:11] <pasjrwoctx> yep, nothing works.
[01:12] <DeltaLink> Did you recently add any ppa (software sources).
[01:13] <DeltaLink> I know the new one for Gimp 2.8 had a bug in it that caused multiple conflicts. It prevented zRam from being used for a few weeks for some people.
[01:13] <pasjrwoctx> nope, this is something very odd. I have bene using linux for a very long time. and ubuntu has always been the core. This issue is very odd, can not even find it in goolge.
[01:14] <pasjrwoctx> Gimp has no effect even when I removed it and its ppa, problem stays
[01:15] <DeltaLink> Did you look into the cache folder with a file manager?
[01:16] <DeltaLink> Ok, I think I might of figured it out...
[01:16] <DeltaLink> Correct me if I'm wrong but...
[01:16] <pasjrwoctx> yep can delet the cache, but no dice
[01:17] <DeltaLink> Your trying to install ibertas-firmware 9.70.7.p0.0-1 which conflicts with linux-firmware_1.79_i386, so they both share the same dependency, just different versions...
[01:18] <DeltaLink> So did you uninstall the libertas-firmware packages before trying to install?
[01:18] <pasjrwoctx> yea, I already know that. however I can not remove either one or it breaks my system
[01:19] <pasjrwoctx> I need a way around this.
[01:19] <DeltaLink> Ok, I'm going to look into it's dependencies, I'll be back in a minute.
[01:19] <pasjrwoctx> ok
[01:21] <DeltaLink> On my system, it says that "libertas-firmware" has no dependencies. It is just the wireless chip firmware drivers. What about using "-f" parameter to uninstall/reinstall.
[01:22] <pasjrwoctx> no dice -f has no effect same result happens. removeing breaks my system
[01:23] <DeltaLink> What package manager are you using?
[01:23] <pasjrwoctx> apt
[01:25] <DeltaLink> I now it has Gnome dependencies, but using "synaptic" might be able to fix it; I've had more luck with this package manager in the past compared to Muon or apt for repairs.
[01:25] <DeltaLink> *know
[01:25] <DeltaLink> Can you install anything or is the package system completely broken?
[01:25] <pasjrwoctx> yea tried it to.
[01:26] <pasjrwoctx> O I can install any thing I want, just cant get this upgrade
[01:26] <pasjrwoctx> nor can I block it from trying to upgrade
[01:26] <DeltaLink> Using synaptic, there is a tab for broken packages and I used this in the past to remove them
[01:27] <DeltaLink> I think the interface has changed a bit since I used it though, but the filter should still be there somewhere
[01:27] <pasjrwoctx> it does not show any broken packages or depndices
[01:28] <DeltaLink> Did you modify your fstab and make the var location tmpfs
[01:29] <pasjrwoctx> nope this is really stupid and im getting a bit wipped over it.
[01:30] <pasjrwoctx> My system is built around , ArtistX Linux, Ubunut 12.04, Kubunut, KDE 4.8, and LM 13
[01:32] <DeltaLink> Well, it's definitely not anything common, sorry I couldn't help. Maybe later someone else with more experience will be able to give better or maybe in the forms. All that I can suggest is to backup your files and redo the system.
[01:33] <pasjrwoctx> Thanks for trying and welcome to Linux and hope you enjoy it and find it a fun free experince
[01:33] <DeltaLink> So far, it's a lot better than Windows
[02:40] <c2tarun> can anyone please help me in importing google rss feeds to thunderbird?
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[03:47] <c2tarun> hi friends, anyone using kmail here?
[04:10] <faglnar> nope is unstable as hell and looks shitty on dark skins
[04:10] <faglnar> use thunderbird
[04:10] <faglnar> if you pop3 your mail kmail or the backend can even kill your mailfolder
[04:11] <c2tarun> faglnar: hmm.... thunderbird is good, I worked around with mailfolder issue. The only problem now is I am not able to send mails using kmail.
[04:11] <c2tarun> rest all is fine, I imported mails from thunderbird.
[04:11] <c2tarun> feature I really miss in TB is try icon support, which is in kmail
[04:12] <wally13377> I chose to install the 3rd party software when I was running through the kubuntu installation and I can't play dvd's. What else do I need, I tried a sudo apt-get install libdvdcss and it spurts out an error at me in the form of "E: Package 'libdvdcss' has no installation candidate"
[04:21] <em> when i try to do: sudo aptitude install ia32-libs it goes absolutely crazy trying to remove tons of stuff and leave dependencies unresolved
[04:22] <em> but i need the 32 bit libs for some software.
[04:23] <faglnar> 2tarun: icon support? what exactly do you talk of?
[04:24] <faglnar> wally13377: you have to activate multiverse in the packet sources in the softwarecenter
[04:25] <faglnar> em: 64bit install but you need 32 libs?
[04:25] <faglnar> em: are they dependent?
[04:26] <TheMiner> why do you need the 32bit libs?
[04:26] <em> faglnar: im trying to install a secondlife viewer that is 32 bit. (my friend wants me to try second life *shrugs*)
[04:26] <em> and it needs 32 bit libs.
[04:26] <em> TheMiner
[04:27] <faglnar> is that viewer a repository package or externally obtained?
[04:27] <TheMiner> ok
[04:27] <TheMiner> Do you have MultiArch installed?
[04:27] <em> the viewer is externally obtained. It's just unpacked and executed though. It's not like an external .deb
[04:27] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install package-name: i386
[04:28] <em> its not a package
[04:28] <TheMiner> that will get you running 32 bit apps
[04:28] <em> but its not a package
[04:28] <faglnar> you have to insert the package name
[04:28] <TheMiner> yup
[04:28] <em> its a tar.gz that has an executable in it
[04:28] <em> what package name?
[04:28] <TheMiner> Multiarch will take care of the 32bit dependencies
[04:29] <faglnar> i think he is talking about the required libs
[04:29] <em> what package name?
[04:29] <TheMiner> the package name of the 32bit software you wish to run
[04:30] <TheMiner> or try sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch
[04:31] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install package-name: i386 by doing this with any package that you wish to run you force apt to install the i386 dependencies
[04:33] <alexbobp> I came for the keg
[04:33] <wally13377> faglnar: ta
[04:33] <em> heya
[04:33] <em> TheMiner: okay but im trying to tell you that the software im trying to install is not a package.
[04:34] <Gawwutk> hello
[04:34] <faglnar> wally13377: ta?
[04:34] <alexbobp> em: oh, did you try multiarch-support
[04:34] <faglnar> em: does the package run?
[04:34] <wally13377> faglnar: Thanks :)
[04:34] <em> lol what package?
[04:34] <alexbobp> multiarch-support
[04:35] <em> the package called multiarch-support?
[04:35] <faglnar> em: the externally downloaded package, did you just run it
[04:35] <TheMiner> ok
[04:35] <TheMiner> follow me here
[04:35] <em> faglnar: im probably the one who is confused, i thought a package means it is a .deb
[04:35] <alexbobp> em: try installing multiarch-support and see if it works
[04:35] <em> this is not a ldeb
[04:35] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch
[04:35] <em> its just a tared up bunch of files. one of this is executable.
[04:35] <em> TheMiner: okay i'll get that one.
[04:36] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install i386 lib32gcc1
[04:36] <TheMiner> then
[04:36] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install libc6-i386
[04:36] <TheMiner> that should be all of the 32bit libs that multiarch needs to run your 32bit viewer
[04:37] <TheMiner> and in the meantime last.fm is really not picking good songs right now
[04:37] <em> TheMiner: it is not possible to install the ia32-libs-multiarch because aptitude goes craZy trying to install a thousand things, and remove a thousand more asking if its solution is acceptable
[04:37] <TheMiner> ....and my bathwater is becomming cold
[04:37] <TheMiner> yes
[04:37] <TheMiner> let it run
[04:37] <em> no im sorry i just can't do that.
[04:37] <TheMiner> before you even run that though
[04:37] <em> ive never seen aptitude choke like that.
[04:38] <em> its not normal.
[04:38] <TheMiner> you should just run apt-get upgrade
[04:38] <em> but this is a fresh install of 12.04 ?
[04:38] <TheMiner> well your alternative is a VM install of a 32bit os
[04:38] <em> maybe i do need to update though.
[04:38] <TheMiner> Hell I have update scheduled twice a day
[04:38] <TheMiner> lol
[04:38] <Gawwutk> yeah updates fix issues
[04:39] <Gawwutk> this may be out of co text but is anyone good in tennis?
[04:39] <Gawwutk> context*
[04:39] <TheMiner> Serena Williams is
[04:39] <Gawwutk> eh
[04:39] <TheMiner> oh oh and Rafael Nadal
[04:39] <em> TheMiner: since installing i never did sudo aptitude update.
[04:39] <Gawwutk> i need someone to see my freinds stats
[04:39] <em> maybe that's why its doing strange things and staying it wnts to remove half of my system just to install a package
[04:39] <TheMiner> em! WHY NOT!@!@#?
[04:39] <TheMiner> lol
[04:39] <em> saying*
[04:40] <TheMiner> yeah buddy,..update your system bro
[04:40] <em> im technically a girl :)
[04:40] <TheMiner> oh ok
[04:40] <em> no worries
[04:40] <TheMiner> and I am technically the father of 4 girls
[04:40] <TheMiner> lol
[04:40] <Gawwutk> oh xD
[04:40] <em> I appreciate your help
[04:40] <TheMiner> np
[04:41] <TheMiner> coulda pulled the old RTFM car
[04:41] <TheMiner> d
[04:42] <alexbobp> em: girls can be buddies too!
[04:42] <em> TheMiner: nope that didn't wor.
[04:42] * alexbobp wrestles em
[04:43] <TheMiner> hmmm
[04:43] <TheMiner> so you updated apt
[04:43] * em wriggles to the top
[04:43] <TheMiner> then tried installing the dependencies I mentioned?
[04:43] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch
[04:43] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install i386 lib32gcc1
[04:44] <TheMiner> sudo apt-get install libc6-i386
[04:44] <em> TheMiner: what happens is that it gives me a frightening aptitude solution that involves removing lots of stuff that just isn't normal and leaving unmet dependencies.
[04:44] <faglnar> my question from before: Did you just try to run that viewer executable without installing anything inbefore?
[04:44] <TheMiner> am sorry,...am out of ideas
[04:44] <em> faglnar: yeah
[04:45] <em> it crashes and recommends i try installing: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-kde ia32-libs-sdl
[04:46] <em> but doing that results in a frighteningly complex aptitude solution that can't possibly be right.
[04:46] <em> i'll patebin that .. one sec.
[04:47] <em> TheMiner, faglnar see what aptitude tries to do when i install those packages -- http://pastebin.com/4cTWgGJ6
[04:48] <Gawwutk> lpastw a pic maybe em?
[04:48] <Gawwutk> paste^
[04:48] <TheMiner> WHOA!
[04:48] <em> it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop so im thinking i won't accept that solution.
[04:49] <faglnar> holy f*** that looks like the dependency hell i got into on opensuse
[04:50] <em> yeah crazy right? that was from trying to install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-sdl
[04:50] <em> but when i try to install the other ones you suggested I get a similar response
[04:50] <TheMiner> hmmm
[04:50] <faglnar> wait i am trying too
[04:51] <em> faglnar: even when i just try installing ia32-libs it gives me that kind of result
[04:51] <Gawwutk> how odd..
[04:51] <em> and this is a nearly fresh install of kubuntu 12.04
[04:52] <faglnar> wait i am trying too thats mine it doesnt upgrade anything, just new stuff http://paste.ubuntu.com/1105864/
[04:52] <em> the only big thing ive installed is kubuntu-restricted-extras and some video codecs
[04:52] <Phiscribe> do a full update upgrade and try again
[04:52] <TheMiner> works fine for me
[04:52] <faglnar> also with only ia32libs
[04:52] <TheMiner> 26 upgraded, 236 new, 0 removed
[04:53] <em> okay sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ?
[04:53] <faglnar> that would be also considerable there were a few kernel updates
[04:53] <em> well i suppose i should do that anyway huh?
[04:53] <TheMiner> really need to update your system
[04:54] <TheMiner> as I keep mine updated and installing those libs is no issue
[04:54] <Phiscribe> no jsut the normal sudo apt-gete update then sudo apt-get upgrade, maybe some of the crap will flush out
[04:54] <em> i installed this kubuntu 12.04 last night. and i never did that. perhaps that's the reason for some of this.
[04:54] <TheMiner> yeah start with that
[04:54] <em> okay
[04:54] <TheMiner> then try again
[04:55] <faglnar> OT: wtf is iamerican? oh its a dictionary... i thought its something more crazy
[04:56] <Gawwutk> hm
[04:57] <em> I began a sudo aptitude full-upgrade
[04:57] <em> i really should have done that already. I forgot about doing that.
[04:58] <em> alexbobp: im not going to play second life tonight but i'll get it tomorrow :)
[04:58] <faglnar> also OT: why is 1920x1080 considered the apex of screen resolutions now? back on crts i had stuff like 4000something
[04:58] <alexbobp> em: aight, sounds reasonable.
[04:59] <em> faglnar, TheMiner (alphabetical order): you guys are great. Thanks so much for your suggestions.
[05:02] <TheMiner> faginar,..because of the dots!
[05:03] <Gawwutk> the pixels
[05:03] <Gawwutk> i think
[05:03] <Gawwutk> pixel density
[05:03] <Gawwutk> methinks
[05:04] <faglnar> TheMiner: was that a pun on damage over time spells? Or just stating that lcds have a fixed number of pixels?
[05:04] <TheMiner> exactly
[05:04] <TheMiner> thats why when we were buying CRT's we were looking at things like .22 dot pitch
[05:05] <faglnar> What I mean is: even HUGE lcds like 52" have 1920x1080 pixels, the same amount as my 23" lcd
[05:06] <Gawwutk> hm
[05:06] <TheMiner> because that is the size of 1080
[05:07] <TheMiner> anything higher would be a complete different format,..like wuxga
[05:07] <faglnar> but the density there is less than half of mine then, wouldnt one see the pixels so easily it would suck?
[05:08] <Gawwutk> hm
[05:08] <faglnar> but if you had it 2x or 2,5x it would fit the format
[05:09] <TheMiner> confusing me
[05:09] <Gawwutk> hm
[05:09] <Gawwutk> hm
[05:09] <Gawwutk> arghh
[05:09] <faglnar> i mean for tvs thats totally ok as most stations stream in something up to 1092x1080
[05:09] <faglnar> but as computer display?
[05:10] <Gawwutk> virtualbox crashed
[05:10] <faglnar> this is lost sapce
[05:10] <faglnar> waht ran in it?
[05:10] <TheMiner> but on a massive lcd monitor and supported vid chipset you can run higher resolutions
[05:11] <Phiscribe> i use one 1080 tv and one 720 as monitors and tv both
[05:11] <Phiscribe> works farily well
[05:11] <Phiscribe> butthere not huge 53 inchers just 37
[05:12] <Phiscribe> 52
[05:12] <faglnar> i have also a 37 as tv but its so far away from the viewpoint it doesnt matter
[05:12] <faglnar> but rather pointless as pc screen from that distance
[05:13] <faglnar> if i sit in a distance that the monitor completely fills my vision i can see pixels
[05:14] <Phiscribe> eh im about 3 feet from mine
[05:14] <Phiscribe> kde looks great on it :)
[05:14] <Phiscribe> the other hangs on the wall
[05:14] <Phiscribe> kde still looks great
[05:15] <faglnar> the funny thing with my tv is, it has LOTS of video optimization options but the colors look really shitty when using as pc screen
[05:15] <faglnar> i tried all the settings but nothing reaches my small monitor
[05:16] <Phiscribe> i got a smaller tv that i sometimes use as monitor it has a "pix shape" button on remote, i have to fiddle with it to get anything from the pc to be legible
[05:17] <TheMiner> refresh rate
[05:17] <faglnar> btw: what are the super cow powers?
[05:17] <faglnar> which apt-get has and aptitude not
[05:18] <Phiscribe> moo
[05:19] <faglnar> Really?
[05:19] <faglnar> lol
[05:19] <Phiscribe> some kind joke/easter egg thing i think
[05:20] <Phiscribe> try apt-get moo
[05:20] <Phiscribe> dont even need sudo
[05:20] <faglnar> yes thats what i lold about
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[05:48] <faglnar> aaah updates again
[05:48] <faglnar> 229 mb that takes hours
[05:48] <Phiscribe> moo
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[06:07] <Gawwutk> hi
[06:07] <jds_> Hey, I can't find a 64 bit version of my amd hd graphics card on amd website. Will the 32 bit work on my machine?
[06:08] <Gawwutk> anyone experienced in tennys
[06:08] <Gawwutk> tennus
[06:08] <Gawwutk> tennis^
[06:08] <Phiscribe> have you looked to see if the restriced extra's list a driver for you card, better to go that route
[06:09] <Phiscribe> for your amd card that is
[06:14] <jds_> I have installed the one from "Additional Drivers". But my fonts look worse after installing. So I was hoping it would get fixed if I download the drivers from amd website it install it myself.
[06:17] <jds_> Amd website says the revision number of the driver(32 bit) is 12.6. When I run apt-show-version fglrx its showing the driver version, which is 8.960. So I don't know if it's the same or not.
[06:17] <Gawwutk> iyyts finr
[06:17] <Gawwutk> its fine
[06:17] <Gawwutk> the os seems to say its fine
[06:17] <Gawwutk> otherwise there would be a new update
[06:31] <Gawwutk> eh
[06:33] <Phiscribe> font rendering i have found to always been lacking in unices
[06:33] <Phiscribe> maybe fiddle with the font settings, check the aliasing and dpi and what not
[06:33] <Phiscribe> the hinting
[06:52] <jds_> I figured that if I make the fonts smaller by 1 point they're back to how to used to look like before I installed the drivers. This is weird.
[06:54] <Phiscribe> happy wierd or sad weird?
[06:55] <jds_> Happy :). And also changed the hinting to full. But I don't know it that makes any difference.
[06:56] <jds_> I'll try other fonts and sizes.
[06:59] <em> is there any shame, psychologically or street-rep-wise, in installing gtk libs on your kubuntu machine? Is there any harm to the system or decrease in performance?
[07:02] <Phiscribe> em well maybe
[07:03] <em> Phiscribe: how so?
[07:04] <em> Phiscribe: its hard to know install any gtk libs. I think many apps depend on them. I think even firefox does.
[07:04] <em> s/know/not/
[07:05] <em> hi markus
[07:06] <Phiscribe> kde has some ability do sort of a widget translation, that supposed to let them run in the kde environment, (under apperance someplace) but it misses some, gives you huge fonts potientialy, gtk libraries can eat up more ram though im not sure if it is when the system loads or just when you load a gtk app, also you might get weird behaviour say you plug in a external drive and system gets
[07:06] <Phiscribe> confused on who is to mount it "gnome-mount" plus i think your gonna see secruity updates left and right, but some run both
[07:07] <Phiscribe> kinda a religious thing
[07:12] <Phiscribe> oxygen-gtk i think is supposed to plug the gap supposed to take over when a gtk app is ran, giving it the kde look, so im not sure but i think it can stand in place of gtk, (say for firefox)
[07:13] <Phiscribe> should be installed i think
[07:13] <Phiscribe> look under gtk appearnce in the system settings
[07:16] <jds_> Doing apt-get remove wine doesn't uninstall wine. Is there another to way to do this?
[07:19] <Phiscribe> food for thought http://www.hitxp.com/ask-guru/2011/09/22/how-to-uninstall-wine-completely-in-ubuntu/
[07:22] <lordievader> Good morning
[07:23] <Phiscribe> oh it is morning already, im so upside down
[07:24] <lordievader> Phiscribe: Well it is morning here...
[07:25] <Phiscribe> its like 3:24 am here, i agreed to scan photos, (for my mom) there are hundreds, i musta been out of my mind
[07:25] <jds_> Phiscribe: Thanks. That removed the entry in my main menu
[07:26] <Phiscribe> been at it days, driven to finish
[07:41] <eXpander> ░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░
[07:41] <eXpander> ░░░░░█░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▄░░░░
[07:41] <eXpander> ░░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░█░░░
[07:41] <eXpander> ░░░█░░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░░█░░
[07:41] <eXpander> ░▄▀▒▄▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░░█░
[07:41] <FloodBotK1> eXpander: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[07:42] <jds_> Is that a half troll face?
[07:46] <Phiscribe> i dont see a bridge
[07:49] <em> jds_: the world will never know.
[07:50] <jds_> http://www.google.com/search?q=half+troll+face&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=ubuntu&channel=fs <-- half troll face
[07:52] <Phiscribe> hmm
[07:53] <jds_> expander's is looking the other way
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[09:40] <Pawel_128> I've got problems running 3.4 and 3.5 kernels in Kubuntu 12.04
[09:40] <Pawel_128> it seems radeon and networking card modules aren't loaded
[09:41] <Pawel_128> vesa is used instead radeon and network connection doesn't work at all
[09:41] <L3top> Those kernels arent supported... it is not a huge surprise such things crop up.
[09:42] <Pawel_128> newer kernels always worked without problems and I installed them from ppa
[09:42] <Pawel_128> but maybe those kernels need newer user space?
[09:42] <L3top> Not supported in this channel to be sure... and PPA does not lend significance to the unsupported kernel.
[09:42] <L3top> !ppa
[09:42] <ubottu> A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge
[09:43] <Pawel_128> I know, but I wonder if I upgrade to 12.10 3.5 kernel will work without problems on my box
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[09:57] <mah454> Can install plasma active on Gallaxy Tab P1000 ?
[09:59] <faichele_> A question regarding memory allocation: On my Kubuntu 12.04 installation (8 GB RAM in total), I'm seeing serious memory consumption issues when launching a gdb debugging session (the program I debug has quite huge memory requirements itself).
[10:00] <faichele_> The system starts swapping like crazy, until the OOM killer kicks in and indiscrimenately kills processes to free up memory.
[10:00] <faichele_> I've checked for possible "memory hogs", and voilà, console-kit-daemon shows up with 4GB of virtual memory.
[10:01] <faichele_> Usually that wouldn't be a problem by itself, but in combination with the debugged program mentioned first, it leaves my system in an unusable state.
[10:02] <faichele_> Removing the consolekit package also isn't a viable option, since that impairs KDE's session management.
[10:02] <faichele_> Does anyone have advice for me how the memory requirements of console-kit-daemon could be reduced a bit?
[10:03] <susundberg> no idea, but googling showed: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=473547
[10:03] <ubottu> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 473547 in ConsoleKit "console-kit-daemon huge memory allocation" [Medium,New]
[10:04] <susundberg> Oh and maybe: http://serverfault.com/questions/160612/console-kit-daemon-can-it-be-stopped
[10:06] <faichele_> ubottu, susundberg: I came across these, but without a real solution (apart from switching to a desktop environment that doesn't require consolekit).
[10:06] <ubottu> faichele_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
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[11:13] <logolas> hello all my super key does not working on kubuntu ,, the month ago one person get me a link for hack that can you get me the link?
[11:16] <logolas> can anybody help?
[11:16] <logolas> ! help
[11:16] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[11:16] <logolas> hello all my super key does not working on kubuntu ,, the month ago one person get me a link for hack that can you get me the link?
[11:16] <Peace-> mmm
[11:16] <Peace-> !superkey
[11:16] <Peace-> !specialkey
[11:16] <Peace-> -.-
[11:17] <Peace-> !xev
[11:19] <logolas> !superkey
[11:19] <logolas> how to change alt+F1 to superkey?
[11:20] <Peace-> logolas: like everything on kde
[11:20] <Peace-> logolas: systemsettings => top box on your right
[11:20] <Peace-> type shortcuts
[11:20] <logolas> tnx man :D
[11:21] <logolas> Peace, then
[11:21] <dcorbin_work> A recent over-install of kubuntu has "broken" tab completion in one way for me. I "ls $FOO_H<tab>" and get "ls $FOO_HOME ". I backup a space and type "/<tab>" and it puts a fraking backslash in front of my $. The backlash is new behavior. Can I turn it off? It make the tab-completion way less useful.
[11:22] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: bash_completion
[11:22] <logolas> Peace-, then ??
[11:23] <logolas> Peacce- , I saw that before this time but i can not see that nolw
[11:25] <logolas> <Peace->, plese thelp
[11:25] <Peace-> logolas: what does it when you press atl f1?
[11:25] <logolas> Peace-, it open the kde menu (main menu like windows ) I want to change this to super key
[11:26] <Peace-> logolas: btw super key is not a normal key
[11:26] <Peace-> logolas: ah...
[11:26] <logolas> how to change alt-F1 to superkey??
[11:27] <Peace-> logolas: read this but it could give you some problem if you reboot
[11:27] <Peace-> logolas: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/kde-laucher-set-superkey-lke-shortcut/
[11:27] <Peace-> logolas: that is my blog and that solution works for your current session
[11:27] <Peace-> unlucly if you reboot it could be losted
[11:27] <logolas> Peace- , when you press superkey what are you see?? is this problem for anybody?
[11:28] <Peace-> logolas: the solution works for everyone
[11:28] <Peace-> but on reboot doesn't work here on my computer
[11:28] <Peace-> i dunno on yours
[11:28] <logolas> thanks :)
[11:32] <dcorbin_work> Peace-: it's not exactly a small file. Any pointers?
[11:33] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: ALT +F completion
[11:33] <logolas> Peace-, Is there another of this ?? I can not access to wordpress on iran it is filter :(
[11:33] <Peace-> logolas: wtf iran
[11:33] <logolas> ?
[11:34] <Peace-> stupid rules on your country omg
[11:34] <logolas> :D
[11:34] <dcorbin_work> Peace-: I do not understand
[11:35] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash-completion
[11:36] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: ah now i understood better your problem
[11:37] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: ok for your problem i have no solution i guess
[11:37] <Peace-> if you type $HOME + tab => /$HOME is what you get right ?
[11:38] <dcorbin_work> Peace-: not quite. Not until I try to append more pathing after $HOME.
[11:38] <logolas> Peace-, can you say to me step by step how i can to do ?
[11:38] <Peace-> logolas: before you have to fight your government
[11:39] <Peace-> hahaha
[11:39] <logolas> hey man can you help me or no :x
[11:39] <logolas> ?
[11:39] <Peace-> google set superkey like menu laucher on kde?
[11:40] <logolas> no thanks I do not wqant your help with this way :(
[11:40] <logolas> damn you
[11:40] <dcorbin_work> FYI: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41891/bash-auto-complete-for-environment-variables
[11:40] <Peace-> hahaha
[11:41] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: nice
[11:41] <Peace-> a bug
[11:42] <dcorbin_work> and a very annoying one. I don't know how something so obvious creeps in. Surely there is automated testing.
[11:42] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: let me check on 12.10
[11:44] <Peace-> dcorbin_work: ok on 12,.10 cd $HOME/D + tab doesn't work
[11:44] <Peace-> i mean it doesn't expand the folder
[11:44] <Peace-> :S
[11:44] <dcorbin_work> What is the state of 12.10?
[11:45] <Peace-> alpha i guess
[11:45] <Peace-> i use always alphas
[11:45] <Peace-> btw fyi if you do cd ~/d +tabs
[11:45] <Peace-> expand the folder
[11:45] <Peace-> expandsù
[11:46] <dcorbin_work> sure, if it's about HOME, but not if it's JBOSS_HOME or JAVA_HOME, etc.
[11:46] <Peace-> yea
[11:46] <dcorbin_work> (which is what I'm generally doing).
[11:47] <dcorbin_work> Any idea which kubuntu version last had bash 4.1?
[11:51] <dcorbin_work> I'm not too sure I really like what 4.1 does either, but it might be better.
[11:53] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[11:53] <mydogsnameisrudy> morning BluesKaj
[11:54] <BluesKaj> 'morning mydogsnameisrudy
[12:03] <mime> hello ppl! i am using kde, but my gtk app remain grey after cheking ''turn gtk app to qt app colors...'', any idea? i just whant to take that cuadriculate grey
[12:03] <mime> thanx
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[12:07] <mime> hello ppl! i am using kde, but my gtk app remain grey after cheking ''turn gtk app to qt app colors...'', any idea? i just whant to take that cuadriculate grey
[12:08] <BluesKaj> !repeat | mime
[12:08] <ubottu> mime: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.
[12:08] <mime> okkkk
[12:08] <mime> having doubts about non-occuped nick
[12:08] <BluesKaj> mime, how are you setting the colours exactly ?
[12:10] <mime> well, i had go to systemsettings, appearance, and qt work well, but not gtk
[12:10] <mime> i am using crystal
[12:10] <mime> but i only want get rid off that grey, its not cute
[12:11] <mime> its a possible solution to put the theme in the home directory as i read in some places? i tried that other times, and had no result
[12:16] <BluesKaj> mime, I suggest you try other themes , you might find something else that you like.
[12:17] <mime> if i select a gtk engine, remains grey! it is very strange... so u recommend keep trying the /home/myname/.gtk???theme solution?
[12:19] <BluesKaj> why are you trying gtk . it's optimized for gnome , try the kde
[12:19] <mime> i try kde, but amule, firefox wicd... u know what i mean?
[12:20] <mime> remain greeeey
[12:20] <mime> :OO
[12:21] <mime> once i installed the gnome theme manager, but mixed up all my conf
[12:22] <mime> i have that problem since jaunty
[12:23] <grmpf> hmm.. I just ran a 'apt-get upgrade' which installed a lot new kde packages. Now after logging in I'm staring at a black screen with a white mouse cursor and can't do anything. Is somebody else seeing this?
[12:24] <mime> hey grmpf, in os selection, try some option in there, someone like repair packs, or updta... maybe help
[12:26] <BluesKaj> like "marble " is blue , choose themes that have colours you like , same goes for all the other themes that you choose in aplication appearance themes
[12:26] <mime> well Blueskaj, i supose that finished here; for now, i am going to devorate some seitan, cya all and THANK U!! LUV
[12:26] <BluesKaj> mime,^
[12:26] <mime> WHHAAAT!?!?
[12:26] <mime> whaaat=?
[12:26] <grmpf> mime, os selection? I just did apt-get upgrade on a Kubuntu 12.04..
[12:26] <BluesKaj> read above
[12:27] <mime> in grub
[12:27] <mime> ok 1 sec
[12:28] <BluesKaj> grmpf, try alt +ctl+f1 or f2 , to get to a tty , you'll need to login then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , that will upgrade the packages in kde
[12:29] <mime> ok, some themes are totally compatible, but others only cover an engine?
[12:29] <grmpf> BluesKaj, dist-upgrade? I thought a normal upgrade should do and not kill my setup
[12:30] <BluesKaj> grmpf, maybe you haven't installed the default drivers completely , it happened to me
[12:30] <mime> and to meee :P
[12:30] <grmpf> dunno, apt did not report any errors. This is not a fresh install, running for quite some time
[12:30] <BluesKaj> it's not your fault , it happens with some hardware
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[12:31] <mime> well, i supose my solution is solved, thank u for ur time Blue! cya in a timeç
[12:32] <BluesKaj> mime, good :)
[12:32] <mime> cya and luk, grmpf
[12:32] <mime> :)
[12:32] <grmpf> thanks :/
[12:32] <mime> =
[12:33] <grmpf> BluesKaj, dist-upgrade: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, ...
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[12:43] <jussi> does anyone know if I can add an archive button to Kmail? (like gmail and thunderbird have)
[12:46] <BluesKaj> grmpf, the only thing I can think of is the recovery kernel , then the repair broken packages dialog ..I had some partial installs that were held back that didn't show with apt but finished installing at the dpkg level
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[12:49] <grmpf> unlikely it is a problem with the kernel. KDE starts, but only partially. I see kdeinit running, knotify, klauncher, .... what is missing is plasma
[12:50] <jussi> grmpf: tried with a new user/new plasmarc ?
[12:51] <grmpf> note to myself, never do an upgrade if you have a flight in a few hours..
[12:51] <grmpf> will try jussi
[12:51] <jussi> grmpf: I suspect its just a config item that isnt compatible with the new version
[12:51] <grmpf> most likely, yes. Just did not figure out yet which one
[12:54] <grmpf> jussi, same behaviour with a fresh user account. Looks like something broke somewhere deeper
[12:54] <RagnaRok__> can anyone help me set up ddclient for dyndns
[12:55] <jussi> grmpf: hrm, which source is it? ie. a ppa or one of the main servers?
[12:55] <grmpf> main servers
[12:56] <Peace-> jussi: my headphones are hot! :D
[12:56] <jussi> Peace-: ice is in the freezer ;)
[12:56] <Peace-> jussi: mmm unluckly i have to use on kubuntu :P
[12:56] <jussi> Peace-: and stop listening to that devils music :P
[12:57] <Peace-> jussi: btw no kidding :D if i plug in them on my new usb audio card they became hot
[12:57] <Peace-> the temperature is too much high
[12:57] <Peace-> it's quite funny problem btw
[12:58] <BluesKaj> Peace-, is the only guy in Italy it seems that doesn't enter and do a !list command :)
[12:58] <Peace-> :(
[12:58] <Peace-> BluesKaj: :P
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[13:22] <naujokellis> sveiki, yra lietuviu ?
[13:23] <Riddell> !lt
[13:23] <ubottu> Šiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.
[13:28] <grmpf> jussi, fixed. Installed package kubuntu-desktop, not everything works fine again
[13:59] <east___> hey guys how i can add a group of files on my desktop ? I removed that default on desktop :D
[14:02] <lordievader> east___: What do you mean exactly? A folder on the desktop? Or something else?
[14:02] <east___> a group of folders
[14:03] <lordievader> east___: What kind of group? Could you describe your problem a bit more?
[14:05] <east___> like left-top of this pic http://linuxreview.ir/wp-content/uploads/snapshot161.jpeg
[14:06] <lordievader> east___: That looks like a widget, to add it do the following:
[14:07] <lordievader> east___: Right click the desktop -> Add widget -> Search for folder -> Drag to the desktop
[14:07] <east___> I want a thing that is default in kde and when you install kde it has that :D
[14:08] <lordievader> east___: That is the default widget.
[14:08] <east___> no I want a thing like this but i want a empty
[14:09] <lordievader> east___: A empty? What do you mean?
[14:13] <east___> I want to add my files to one thing like that folder widget hoof:X
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[14:28] <Guest93809> I am having trouble with my video on Kubuntu it's playing too fast..
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[14:31] <Guest93809> any ideas as to why videos play too fast?
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[15:18] <MySystem> hello have a question on VIA VT1708 onboard hd audio device iam serching for the settings such as bass managment speaker freq spec and so
[15:18] <MySystem> kubuntu12.04
[15:21] <MySystem> and a second my amorak vlc and so dont use all speaker(7.1) side and sub are complete deaed from these streams only phonon speaker test all boxes work
[15:22] <MySystem> drivers are all from default install only amd video not
[15:23] <BluesKaj> MySystem, is this an analog speaker setup connected directly to your VIA soundcard
[15:23] <MySystem> yes
[15:23] <MySystem> hi blueskaj
[15:24] <BluesKaj> MySystem, do you have pulseaudio and or pavucontrol installed as well? ..Hi MySystem
[15:24] <MySystem> pulse
[15:24] <MySystem> only
[15:25] <BluesKaj> MySystem, install pavucontrol , it gives more control and options , it acts as aGUI for pulseaudio as well
[15:26] <MySystem> ok i will do , can i ask which rol pulse does dont know the software realtions and rols
[15:27] <BluesKaj> MySystem, also , make sure you have all surround setup ctrls turned on (Unmuted) and up in alsamixer
[15:28] <BluesKaj> pulseaudio acts as a control process layer that rides on top of alsa-base
[15:28] <MySystem> with the mixer channels and controls i dont know what all these is
[15:30] <BluesKaj> MySystem, paste your alsamixer with a screenshot to , imagebin.org
[15:30] <dougl> Hey fellas = how are you doing?
[15:31] <MySystem> ok will do but bevor i choose pavucontrol or then
[15:32] <BluesKaj> yes install pavucontrol first
[15:32] <MySystem> it is installed now but dont now how to choose
[15:33] <MySystem> ok found a programm
[15:35] <BluesKaj> it's in mulltimedia in apps in the kmenu
[15:35] <MySystem> yes found it
[15:41] <BluesKaj> MySystem, in the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM, Line & CD etc, are all unmuted, by using the "M" key' then turn those controls up to 90% or so. Use the arrow keys to migrate and turn the ctrls up or down
[15:41] <nowardev2> BluesKaj: muy audio card is hot :D there is some hardware problem even in windows
[15:41] <nowardev2> -.-
=== nowardev2 is now known as Peace-
[15:41] <BluesKaj> Peace-, is it a pci card ?
[15:41] <Peace-> usb
[15:42] <Peace-> BluesKaj: http://www.amazon.com/Daffodil-US01-bus-powered-simulation-environment/dp/B002FI7GWK/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t
[15:43] <Peace-> BluesKaj: it works out of the box but :D my ears are cocking
[15:45] <MySystem> ok nice konsole mixer
[15:45] <BluesKaj> Peace-, sorry no idea, no experience with usb sound adapters, are you using gstreamer backend ?
[15:46] <MySystem> i turned for test master and pcm mute and now sound totaly gone then i wnet to kmix and there was mute too now sound back
[15:47] <Peace-> BluesKaj: it's an hardware problem i guess
[15:47] <MySystem> and this is also the thing with the controls master pcm seems to be not all , thought master is master and pcm is digital
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[15:48] <Peace-> BluesKaj: i guess there is a led that is alimented and it aliments even the jack of headphones
[15:48] <MySystem> http://imagebin.org/221858
[15:48] <MySystem> http://imagebin.org/221859
[15:48] <BluesKaj> yes pcm is digital but it's also used within your sound circuits , and you can feed it thru spdif output to an amplifier which has digital inputs
=== JMichaelX is now known as JMichael|Mad
[15:49] <MySystem> ok so the dac which is needed for my 7.1 analog is also adjusted through this
[15:49] <MySystem> ?
[15:51] <MySystem> but why is sound muted when i switch mastern and pcm mute and back
[15:52] <MySystem> and sadly in the new pulseaudio mixer which comes with pavucontrol dont have any more options
[15:52] <MySystem> but its realy nice
[15:55] <BluesKaj> MySystem, check kmix in the panel , make sure it's not muted (the little speaker icon)
[15:56] <MySystem> yes this is the only point i found to bring my sound beack after pcm andor master was muted in other software
[16:34] <luna> can anyone tell me
[16:34] <luna> if there's an easy way to fix apt
[16:34] <luna> as it keeps telling me I have held broken packages
[16:34] <luna> synaptic works, and so does aptitude
[16:35] <luna> but apt-get and muon don't work
[16:35] <luna> I've run apt-get check -f
[16:35] <luna> as root
[16:35] <luna> nothing
[16:35] <joker_> @luna: in case of broken packages you have to clean cache..I have never done it but I think you need to search it
[16:38] <robertzaccour> I recently clicked cancel when the KDE Wallet prompt displayed to save the internet settings and now every time I boot up I have to go into the network settings to connect to the internet even though the connect automatically box is checked. Any suggestions?
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
[16:41] <luna> open KDE wallet and see if you can reconfigure it through that
[16:43] <fernema> hi. how can make my device manager to recognize mi iphone as it is and not as a camera?
[16:44] <luna> is there an option on the phone to use it as USB storage?
[16:44] <luna> that's what I have to do with my phone before my setup will see it
[16:44] <fernema> no...it just gives me the option as camera...
[16:45] <fernema> but if i plug an itouch it appears as a media player..
[16:46] <robertzaccour> luna, I don't know what I'm doing with KDE Wallet. Is there a way to reset it and have it prompt me for everything again?
[16:46] <robertzaccour> I think it may be faster to just do a reinstall of the OS
[16:50] <luna> it might be
[16:50] <luna> if you've just installed your OS
[16:50] <luna> but hang on
[16:50] <luna> kicker -> system
[16:51] <luna> -> kdewalletmanager
[16:51] <luna> you should be able to modify settings through that
[16:51] <luna> er, kickoff, not kicker
[16:51] <robertzaccour> luna, I know how to get to it, I just don't know how to use it or change anything
[16:52] <luna> settings -> configure wallet
[16:52] <luna> it should be fairly self explanatory from there on
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[16:53] <jds_> How do I make vim change tab spaces to 4 when I open a java file. My tabstop is currently set to 8 for everything else but I want 4 for java only.
[16:55] <robertzaccour> not figuring it out
[16:55] <robertzaccour> maybe I can uninstall and reinstall
[17:04] <hendrick> bonjour a tous !
[17:07] <east___> is there a thing like HUD for kde?
[17:11] <hendrick> quelqun parle francais ici?
[17:13] <genii-around> !fr | hendrick
[17:13] <ubottu> hendrick: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
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[17:54] <lordievader> Good evening
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[19:09] <vishal> is
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[19:14] <tomglory24> hello
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[19:14] <dhuv> Hello all I went to this page http://www.kubuntu.org/ktp-0.4 and want to try out Telepathy 0.4 but the Community page link requires a user/pass. I am just trying to get instructions on how to install it so I am not opening up bugs
[19:15] <dhuv> do I just apt-get install telepathy-core or do I have to remove kopete?
[19:28] <Daskreech> lordievader: Evening
[19:30] <lordievader> Hey Daskreech, how are you?
[19:31] <Daskreech> dhuv: Kopete and telepathy don't conflict
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[19:42] <apache__> bonsoir sa parle francais dans ce canal!
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[19:58] <Daskreech> !fr
[19:58] <ubottu> Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.
=== tygrysek is now known as darkv
=== apache is now known as Guest2095
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[20:50] <smooph> hey guys
[20:52] <smooph> i am having a little trouble ... i have a media pc connected to my 47" tv but with a resolution of 1080p everything simply is too small to enjoy it ... is there a way to tell kde to make everything bigger?
[20:58] <Daskreech> Dual monitor?
[20:58] <smooph> nope
[21:00] <smooph> it's a dedicated media center type pc ... i have xbmc installed for watching tv but I would like to use its also to browse the web but icons and text are simply too small
[21:01] <smooph> I dont want to change the resolution because its 1080p and i want that for my media ...
[21:12] <Daskreech> Hmm I think that you can do a kwin script for that
[21:12] <Daskreech> There is also a plasma-mediacenter
[21:13] <Daskreech> I'd suggest asking in #Plasma But that's probably not an immediate solution. #kwin would have some knowledge of display changes that they are doing in the mediacenter project which hopefully they are implementing as scripts
[21:14] <Daskreech> So try those channel
[21:53] <aetoxx> Can someone explain the conditions required for a Windows 7 32 bits guest to start from virt-manager?
[21:53] <aetoxx> I have an image, and I pressed the play button.
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[22:29] <starwatcher> hi all, just update kubuntu and lost my desktop, will not load after login and stays on login screendrop, anyone else have this problem?
[22:32] <starwatcher> Hello anyone out there? lol
[22:33] <skreech__> aetoxx: Hi what are you running?
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[22:34] <Daskreech> starwatcher: as in you login then it kicks you back to the login scren?
[22:34] <Daskreech> screen
[22:34] <starwatcher> 12.04 with the lasest kernel update
[22:34] <aetoxx> Daskreech, what do you mean?
[22:34] <Daskreech> aetoxx: you are running a windows 7 image?
[22:35] <aetoxx> Daskreech, yes
[22:35] <starwatcher> no it seems to hang between login screen and loading the configs for the desktop
[22:35] <Daskreech> starwatcher: so you get the splash screen?
[22:35] <aetoxx> Daskreech, I only get a black screen when started from virt-manager.
[22:35] <aetoxx> Daskreech, when started from command line, it works.
[22:35] <starwatcher> yes and also the splash sreen for the nvida driver too
[22:36] <Daskreech> aetoxx: ah What packages did you install?
[22:36] <aetoxx> Daskreech, don't remember, but virt-manager runs.
[22:37] <starwatcher> it did complain about a plasma app not being compatable and gave me an option to not load it, then no desktop after that
[22:49] <Daskreech> I'm back
[22:50] <starwatcher> wb
[22:58] <lu__> ciao a tutti
[22:58] <genii-around> !it | lu__
[22:58] <ubottu> lu__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[23:27] <Roey> hey.
[23:27] <Roey> How do I get 'ls' to show the full file path of the files it lists?
[23:27] <Embalmed> ls -al
[23:28] <Embalmed> er
[23:28] <Roey> not quite :)
[23:28] <Embalmed> i don't think you can actually
[23:29] <Roey> I'm afraid I think you're right...
[23:29] <Roey> that sucks..
[23:29] <Roey> ah well.
[23:32] <Embalmed> what are you actually trying to do
[23:32] <Embalmed> find will probably do it
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[23:35] <Embalmed> something like... find /my/directory/*
[23:35] <OerHeks> Roey, i think this works > ls -lrt -d -1 $PWD/*
[23:35] <Phiscribe> maybe locate
[23:35] <Roey> OerHeks: hmm...
[23:36] <Phiscribe> ah nm you want directory contents i was thinking search
[23:36] <Roey> sigh, I suppose find...
[23:36] <Embalmed> find $PWD/* works too
[23:39] <Roey> hmm
[23:39] <Roey> so it does
[23:39] <Roey> thanks!!
[23:39] <OerHeks> have fun