UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /18 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
[10:13] <IndieMedia> News about Steam and Ubuntu -> http://gamejolt.com/profile/anti-atom/blog/news/linux-the-future/9615/
[10:40] <popey> something tells me that steam are using ubuntu as a stepping stone to steam on the TV
[10:40] <popey> and getting steam on ubuntu is a way to convince game devs that they should port to linux.. because we have a wide install base
[10:40] <popey> which they can then flip the switch and say "ok, now we're focussed on TV" and use steam on linux on tv
[10:41] <jussi> popey: hrm, and whats your job title again? :D
[10:41] <popey> "that bloke"
[10:41] <jussi> lol
[10:42] <jussi> "that bloke who quit minecraft"
[10:42] <popey> nah, not quit, resting
[10:44] <jussi> I, thankfully, have not been sucked into the silly timewaster :)
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
[20:33] <Jordan_U> What are the advantages of Ubuntu sticking with Upstart rather than moving to SystemD?
[20:52] <topyli> no idea, but at least it's preventing us from having a GDM later than 3.0 :(
[20:53] <topyli> anyway, we should probably coerce debian to adopt systemd first anyway, and coercing them is not a trivial task
[20:54] <topyli> well, changing init systems is not easy in a project like debian anyway
[20:54] <topyli> i seem to say 'anyway' a lot tonight
[21:06] <Jordan_U> topyli: SystemD is in Testing, though I don't know how well it actually works yet.
[21:07] <topyli> yeah i had sid on my desktop box not long ago, it had systemd packages. didn't have the guts to try it
[21:09] <Jordan_U> I should try it myself one of these days.
[21:12] <topyli> i could put sid on that box again as well
[21:13] <topyli> or testing, it's not as bad as it was 6-7 years ago
[21:15] <topyli> in any case, you're not likely going to get an installation option like "which init system would you like to use?" :)
[21:15] <topyli> and it might not be fun to change after the fact. i don't know though, just scares me somehow