UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /18 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
[05:02] <JoseeAntonioR> jcastro: announcement made: http://joseeantonior.wordpress.com/2012/07/17/3-2-1-live/
=== rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial
=== mcs_ is now known as matt_symes
[18:30] <czajkowski> http://blog.launchpad.net/general/beta-test-asynchronous-ppa-package-copies
[18:32] <JoseeAntonioR> czajkowski: would you like me to include it in the UWN?
[18:40] <czajkowski> JoseeAntonioR: most lp blog posts end up there
[18:40] <czajkowski> thanks
[19:11] <jono> mhall119, would you mind redditing my recent blog entry?
[19:19] <mhall119> JoseeAntonioR: sure
[19:19] <JoseeAntonioR> mhall119: jono has already quit
[19:19] <mhall119> meant for jono, tab-complete fial
[19:21] <IdleOne> fail fail
[19:21] <mhall119> upvotes appreciated: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/wrwv4/ubuntus_jono_bacon_discusses_steam_on_ubuntu/
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
[22:23] <bkerensa> mhall119: jono is here with me do you need to get a message to him?
[22:25] <mhall119> bkerensa: um, no
[22:25] <mhall119> bkerensa: oh, yes, let him know I sent his blog to reddit like he asked
[22:26] <bkerensa> kk
[22:26] <bkerensa> mhall119: I won a helicopter
[22:26] <bkerensa> :D
[22:26] <mhall119> a real one?
[22:27] <mhall119> and does it run Ubuntu?
[22:28] <bkerensa> mhall119: uhh an electric one... and no but Im gonna paint it orange and put a ubuntu logo sticker on it and fly it at oscon
[22:28] <bkerensa> ;)
[22:29] <mhall119> You should write an app for Ubuntu that will let you control it with jkl; or awsd
[22:29] <mhall119> if jkl;, you can re-name it the vimcopter
[22:31] <balloons> bkerensa, you have to put wireless video on it!
[22:32] <pleia2> delayed out of SFO, perhaps I should start walking :)
[22:32] <bkerensa> pleia2: your stuck at SFO?
[22:32] <bkerensa> =/
[22:33] <pleia2> yeah, was supposed to leave at 4, now they're saying 5:30
[22:33] <pleia2> but I found power, and there is wifi here :)
[22:34] <bkerensa> pleia2: 5:30pm so you will be here at 7pm?
[22:34] <bkerensa> :D
[22:34] <pleia2> bkerensa: "here" as in the airport, then get back, check in my hotel (which is also at the airport)
[22:35] <pleia2> I need to get up at like 6 to switch hotels to something downtown, so I am turning in early
[22:35] <pleia2> s/get back/get bag
[22:36] <bkerensa> pleia2: ok well if u change your mind there are three parties tonight :)
[22:36] <pleia2> maybe tomorrow night :)
[22:36] <pleia2> (parties aren't my thing anyway)