UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /14 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[01:53] <hazmat> bcsaller, any progress on bug 1006553
[01:53] <_mup_> Bug #1006553: local provider machine agent uses 100% CPU after host reboot <juju:In Progress by bcsaller> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1006553 >
[01:56] <bcsaller> hazmat: I linked the branch to the bug, minus some additional testing it does deploy on local w/o upstart. I've been seeing if there was anything I could do to improve the overall experience though
[02:18] <hazmat> wow.. going through the commits, its like everything but the bug
[02:25] <bcsaller> hazmat: huh? the service class handles the no restart
[02:25] <hazmat> bcsaller, just looking at the tmp dir and mount checks and the desktop notification stuff in there as well
[02:26] <bcsaller> there were other areas we wanted to improve before that bug was entered
[03:21] <imbrandon> marcoceppi: sorry for the late reply, was afk alot longer than i thought I would be, anyhow there is no API for the data as of yet but I had planed on reserving the /api/* routes for such an API if nothing else just so jujube could make ajax calls back to its self
[03:40] <imbrandon> marcoceppi: i had also thought about using Twigs conditional layouts feature to just provied any of the views in json too
[03:40] <imbrandon> marcoceppi: like ...
[03:40] <imbrandon> {% extends request.ajax ? "base_ajax.html" : "base.html" %}
[03:40] <imbrandon> or similar
[08:52] <imbrandon> so if your too school for cool, and your treated like a fool, you can choose to let it go, we can always party on our own ... so raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways ...
[14:40] <dorefiend> hello, I've had no luck running the "mysql/wordpress" example on 12.04 using lxc. After updating my firewall, and libvirt group stuff, I'm currently stuck at "pending" on mysql. I found the following in the logs: unit.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --nodaemon --session-file /var/run/juju/unit-mysql-0-agent.zksession
[14:51] <SpamapS> dorefiend: ah
[14:52] <SpamapS> dorefiend: are you, by any chance, using oneiric instead of precise, as your default-series
[14:52] <SpamapS> ?
[16:15] <dorefiend> SpamapS: Yes
[16:15] <dorefiend> Sorry for the long delay in responding, was afk
[16:17] <dorefiend> I've updated my configuration and I'm cleaning up/restarting
[16:23] <hazmat> dorefiend, that needs a destroy-environment && bootstrap post changing default series
[16:23] * hazmat updates default series in the docs
[16:24] <dorefiend> yeah, I figured
[16:25] <dorefiend> looks like the template is almost built
[16:26] <dorefiend> it got past the unit failing
[16:28] <dorefiend> woot! mysql is running
[16:32] <dorefiend> thanks for the help! I'm officially dangerous
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[20:35] <SpamapS> hazmat: perhaps we should actually refuse to bootstrap with default-series == oneiric and juju-origin == distro, since we know for sure it will not work.
[23:11] <imbrandon> SpamapS: maybe generalize it a bit and use the --version somehow so it could possibly be aplied to other know incompatable environment configs ( as even a deploy later of cs:oneiric/blah with juju-origin==distro i asume would fail as well ? )
[23:11] <imbrandon> dunno just thinking out loud a bit