UbuntuIRC / 2012 /07 /11 /#ubuntu-arb.txt
Initial commit
[01:37] <george_e> Does anyone know if either of these issues will be a problem?
[06:02] <PaoloRotolo> Salve
[06:04] <PaoloRotolo> Good morning
[06:34] <PaoloRotolo> Hi popey
[06:34] <popey> hello PaoloRotolo
[06:49] <dholbach> good morning
[06:51] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, Good morning!
[06:52] <dholbach> ciao PaoloRotolo
[06:52] <dholbach> hey dpm
[06:52] <dpm> morgen dholbach
[06:53] <PaoloRotolo> hi dpm :)
[06:53] <dpm> ciao PaoloRotolo
[06:53] <PaoloRotolo> :D
[06:57] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, please, can you tell me what is the difference between "needs review" and "Waiting on Developer" on Trello?
[07:09] <dpm> PaoloRotolo, I assume 'needs review' is waiting for an ARB contributor to look at the app, whereas 'waiting on developer' means the ARB is waiting for the app developer to answer or act on something they've asked him/her to do
[07:11] <PaoloRotolo> dpm, ok, thanks!
[07:12] <PaoloRotolo> dpm, btw, some apps aren't in the app-contributor branch
[07:13] <PaoloRotolo> like "Day journal" https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/999/
[07:13] <dpm> PaoloRotolo: dholbach might be better able to help you on this one ^
[07:14] <dholbach> lp:~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/ubuntu-app-reviews/dayjournal
[07:15] <dholbach> use https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews/+branches instead of https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-reviews - it's a LP bug that it only shows 100 branches
[07:27] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, excellent, thanks!
[07:31] <dholbach> brb
[07:34] <vibhav> What is the section "Waiting on Developer" for?
[07:36] <PaoloRotolo> vibhav, hi, I've asked the same question 10 minutes ago :D
[07:36] <PaoloRotolo> "<dpm> PaoloRotolo, I assume 'needs review' is waiting for an ARB contributor to look at the app, whereas 'waiting on developer' means the ARB is waiting for the app developer to answer or act on something they've asked him/her to do"
[07:38] <vibhav> ah, thanks PaoloRotolo
[07:39] <PaoloRotolo> vibhav, you're welcome
[07:42] <vibhav> Also, Ive seen some applications on trello with the tag "Has PPA" , from where do I get the application's PPA?
[07:42] <vibhav> taking scopy as an example
[07:42] <vibhav> https://trello.com/card/scopy/4fee2215cee295013c0862ba/45
[07:43] <dholbach> a lot of the app submissions on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/ have a link to the PPA
[07:43] <dholbach> particularly the ones which were submitted in the last 3 weeks :)
[07:44] <PaoloRotolo> vibhav, the Scopy's ppa is in the feedback: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/944/feedback/
[07:45] <vibhav> dholbach: Could you include this link in http://pad.ubuntu.com/PHDShTbnFi ?
[07:45] <dholbach> of course
[07:46] <vibhav> thanks
[07:46] <dholbach> it's a bit brain-dead that we keep all the info in 3 different places
[07:46] <dholbach> but that's largely because the submission process is brain-dead as well
[07:46] <vibhav> yup
[07:46] <vibhav> :D
[07:47] <dholbach> I hope that once we got through the majority of the queue, we can have a nice discussion about how we all agree that there should just be one autoritative branch per app and we don't care about submitted tarballs or PPAs, etc :-P
[07:48] <vibhav> heh
[07:50] <vibhav> ooo. we have a xkcd-veiwer too!
[07:54] <vibhav> does dh_python2 require debhelper (>=8) ?
[07:54] <dholbach> most apps have debian/compat set to '8'
[07:55] <dholbach> so in that case you might want to bump the debhelper build-dep to >= 8 anyway
[08:13] <vibhav> hrm, scopy after a tried dh_python2 transitions FTBFS's with http://paste.ubuntu.com/1085827/ ? Any idea why?
[08:15] <dholbach> what kind of transition?
[08:16] <dholbach> vibhav, just for your information - this app was not part of the competition (it was sent in a month ago)
[08:17] <dholbach> so if you want to review it, go ahead - but I think it'd be best if we try to review the contest apps first, as they've been so many
[08:18] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, sorry, I've a empty changelog line in "Dayjournal"... What I should do?
[08:19] <dholbach> just put "Initial release" in there if it generally looks in a good state and you might get it up to vote
[08:19] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, ok, thanks
[08:37] <dpm> ok, final count for the contest - 139 valid submissions
[08:37] <vibhav> :O
[08:37] <vibhav> cool
[08:38] <dpm> that's awesome :)
[08:44] <PaoloRotolo> dpm, so... 139 t-shirt :D?
[08:45] <dpm> and 2 laptops and 3 smartphones :)
[09:45] <PaoloRotolo> dpm, 6 smartphones, whit the community prize ;)
[09:45] <dpm> PaoloRotolo, exactly, well spotted :)
[09:54] <dholbach> I'll have a look at "Dark Secret Software"
[10:04] <dholbach> can somebody please add http://pad.ubuntu.com/PHDShTbnFi to the topic and remove the appssprint?
[10:06] * dholbach has a look at Houston
[10:17] * dholbach has a look at OrthCal
[10:35] <dholbach> salut didrocks
[10:35] <dholbach> hi OwaisL
[10:35] <didrocks> hey dholbach ;)
[10:35] <OwaisL> dholbach, hey!
[10:36] <OwaisL> dholbach, So I've question about pushing updates to the ppa before showdown is over.
[10:37] <OwaisL> Can I mention a specific version on the submission page to be reviewed and push fixes for users?
[10:37] <dholbach> dpm, ^?
[10:37] <dholbach> OwaisL, I merely help with getting a version included in the Ubuntu extras repository
[10:37] <dholbach> OwaisL, and there we can accept whatever version you're happy with
[10:38] <dholbach> the competition is a bit separate
[10:39] <dpm> OwaisL, for the jury vote we'll be looking at the version that was submitted on the deadline, otherwise you'd have an unfair advantage. Feel free to push to the PPA, though. We've recorded the package version on the deadline and judges will be judging on that one, not on the latest. Does that make sense?
[10:40] <OwaisL> dpm, yep! thanks for the clarification.
[10:40] <dpm> OwaisL, no worries and good luck in the contest! :)
[10:41] <OwaisL> thanks man
[10:42] * dholbach has a look at Picsaw
[10:43] <dholbach> hum
[10:43] <dholbach> I'm suddenly not sure it's part of the contest
[10:43] <dholbach> dpm, ^?
[10:44] <dpm> dholbach, I thought it was, what makes you think it's not?
[10:44] <dholbach> have a look at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1102/
[10:45] <dpm> dholbach, can't see anything unusual, other than Robert submitted it
[10:45] <dholbach> any indication of "I participate, etc."?
[10:45] <dholbach> :)
[10:46] <dholbach> because I didn't see it
[10:46] <dpm> dholbach, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/arb/packages/2012/06/entry.txt
[10:46] <dholbach> ouch
[10:46] <dholbach> ok
[10:46] <dholbach> nevermind
[10:46] * dpm hugs dholbach
[11:22] <dholbach> and another app ready for review
[11:25] * dholbach has a look at Klout
[11:34] * dholbach has a look at blubphone
[11:48] * dholbach has a look at journey
[11:51] <dholbach> yes, another app ready for vote! :)
[11:52] <dholbach> dpm, 'human task' is missing on your list
[11:53] <dholbach> seems the submitter made a mistake and 1) ended up in the commercial list, 2) added the "my ppa is XXXXXXXX" file to the submitted tarball
[11:53] <dpm> dholbach, bummer :(
[11:53] <dpm> I thought I had added it though
[11:53] <dholbach> https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1124/
[11:53] * dpm rechecks
[11:54] <dpm> dholbach, it's on the spreadsheet already
[11:54] <dpm> phew
[11:54] <dholbach> oh, then I must have missed it somehow
[11:55] <dpm> dholbach, it's underneath 'Houston'
[11:55] <dpm> on row 36
[11:55] <dholbach> ok, I'll review it
[11:55] <dpm> cool
[12:08] * dholbach has a look at ppasc
[12:16] <dholbach> time for a break
[12:18] * coolbhavi gives dholbach a cup of coffee
[12:23] <dholbach> thanks coolbhavi
[12:23] <coolbhavi> :)
[12:36] * dholbach has a look at Easy Stopwatch
[12:37] * coolbhavi looking at ppasc
[12:47] <dholbach> can anyone please help this guy: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1055/feedback/?
[12:47] <dholbach> I have no idea about any of this
[12:48] <dholbach> dpm, what to do about https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1062/feedback/?
[12:49] <coolbhavi> dholbach, do we use dep-5 spec for apps or the latest spec for d/copyright?
[12:49] <dholbach> it seems that it was largely requested
[12:50] <dpm> dholbach, hm a though one. But the app must comply with the app review guidelines to qualify, so we should probably disqualify it :/
[12:50] <coolbhavi> dholbach, hm thanks :)
[12:52] <dholbach> dpm, I'll leave that to somebody else
[12:52] <dpm> dholbach, I can take care of disqualifying it from the ARB feedback
[12:54] * coolbhavi wonders what does dholbach eat for lunch.... Superman stuff :)
[12:55] <dholbach> coolbhavi, I didn't have lunch yet and it's raining right now, so I guess I'll hold off for a bit :)
[12:56] <dholbach> coolbhavi, AFAIK the ppasc debian/copyright is how it should be
[12:57] * dholbach has a look at python-trainer
[12:57] <coolbhavi> dholbach, yes but I got confused looking at some reviews yesterday
[12:57] <coolbhavi> sorry for that
[12:58] <dholbach> no no, it's fine :)
[13:15] <coolbhavi> dholbach, it seems you dint commit tar.gz for picsaw
[13:16] <coolbhavi> s/seems/seems like*
[14:08] <dholbach> coolbhavi, err
[14:10] <dholbach> damn it - I imported it from the ppa
[14:10] <dholbach> let me see what I can do
[14:16] <coolbhavi> dholbach, np I just downloaded it and voted on it
[14:16] <dholbach> coolbhavi, I'll let you know
[14:17] <coolbhavi> sure dholbach
[14:17] <coolbhavi> dpm, I marked you again on one of app submission queries I got...
[14:21] <dpm> thanks coolbhavi, I'm afraid we'll have to disqualify that one. We are trying to be flexible, but 3 days past the deadline is a bit too much...
[14:22] <dholbach> coolbhavi, fixed
[14:23] <dholbach> if you do a bzr bd -- -S it should generate a suitable source package for you
[14:27] <dholbach> didrocks, maybe mterry and you can do a review of an app or two too so you can see what needs fixing in quickly :-D
[14:28] <dpm> coolbhavi, replied
[14:30] <didrocks> dpm: I'm really more than busy right now :/
[14:30] <didrocks> dholbach: ^
[14:30] * didrocks fed up with PS
[14:30] * dholbach hugs didrocks
[14:31] * didrocks hugs dholbach back
[14:33] <dholbach> hey mterry
[14:33] <mterry> hi
[14:33] <dholbach> http://pad.ubuntu.com/PHDShTbnFi is roughly what we're doing right now :)
[14:34] <dholbach> somebody from the ARB, mhall119, paolorotolo or asomething should be able to help if I'm not there
[14:34] <dpm> wendar, I'm going to disqualify 'BooruView' as per the feedback on https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1062/feedback/ - do we have explicit documentation on why the content is not suitable? The ARB guidelines point to the CoC, but I don't recall seeing any section on appropriate content in there
[14:42] <mhall119> dholbach: I added to the etherpad what to do about the crashdb.conf
[14:43] <dholbach> mhall119, cool
[14:43] <dholbach> do we need to update something in the arb-lint description?
[14:45] <coolbhavi> thanks dpm
[14:46] <dpm> coolbhavi, the guy seems to be persistent, he's just sent me the same e-mail he originally sent you
[14:46] <mhall119> dholbach: only if it's something that may continue to be a problem
[14:46] <mhall119> if it's a quickly issue that's been or being fixed, then I'd say don't worry about it
[14:46] <dholbach> mhall119, I think I added something about it to the arb-lint already
[14:46] <dholbach> mhall119, and we have some bugs filed for it too
[14:47] <mhall119> I'm going to start adding new cards to the "Needs Review" queue
[14:47] <coolbhavi> dpm, your reply was clear but sorry I shouldnt have marked you in that case
[14:48] <dpm> coolbhavi, no, you did fine, it just seems the guy didn't bother reading my reply
[14:48] <dpm> and I talked to him on IRC a couple of days ago also
[14:48] <dholbach> hey bilal, how are you doing? :)
[14:48] <coolbhavi> hmm
[16:05] <PaoloRotolo> Hi all!
[16:08] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, hi. Thanks for the membership of the app review board contributors group on Launchpad :D
[16:15] <dholbach> PaoloRotolo, now you should be able to make changes in myapps on your own, I think
[16:17] <dholbach> for those of you who are wondering what all the apps in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/+archive/ppa/+packages are supposed to be: I put them in there because they wouldn't build (missing libglib2.0-bin build-dep), so the jury for the app contest can install the packages more easily
[16:18] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, no, I can't...
[16:18] <dholbach> really?
[16:18] <dholbach> that's weird
[16:18] <dholbach> maybe you need to log out and log back in again?
[16:18] <dholbach> in myapps
[16:19] * dholbach has a look at DeskWiki
[16:19] <PaoloRotolo> dholbach, oh, it works after log out :D
[16:19] <PaoloRotolo> Thanks again!
[16:19] <dholbach> prego
[16:19] <PaoloRotolo> :D
[16:29] * dholbach has a look at Tastebook
[16:36] <dholbach> stgraber, does usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/it.robol.tastebook.gschema.xml look like it's acceptable?
[16:39] <stgraber> dholbach: well, the guidelines explicitly allow use of gconf/dconf, so I suppose we have to allow the schemas too for it to make sense... I don't really like the fact that we can't namespace the schemas per package name
[16:39] <stgraber> dholbach: ideally I'd prefer com.ubuntu.extras.<package name>, but that'd require changes to the "upstream" code
[16:45] <dholbach> yes, I understand
[16:45] <dholbach> ok
[16:45] <dholbach> thanks
[17:36] * dholbach has a look at Dime Calc
[17:37] <dholbach> how are all the reviewers doing? :)
[17:56] * dholbach has a look at Indicator Stickynotes
[17:57] <dholbach> ah, hm, maybe that's not part of the competition?
[17:57] * dholbach has a look at Shopping Calculator then
[18:07] * dholbach has a look at Radiowave
[18:21] <dholbach> alright, time to call it a day - see you all tomorrow
[20:29] <asomething> hmmm... anyone know how often dholbach importer runs? just started reviewing an app and see that it is out of date compared to the ppa which built 22 hours ago
[23:57] <wendar> ajmitch,highvoltage: next time dpm is online, the answer to dpm's question about BooruView is in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Guidelines, though not clearly worded
[23:58] <ajmitch> wendar: ok, will try & pass it on :)
[23:58] <wendar> ajmitch,highvoltage: for american audiences we could spell it out as "all content is PG rated"
[23:58] <wendar> I don't have a good international way to say that, though
[23:58] <ajmitch> though for booruview, it's a bit of a grey area since the app is a viewer for content that may or may not be ok
[23:59] <wendar> and we can't say "non-offensive" since that's pretty relative
[23:59] <wendar> ajmitch: aye, we talked about it with the last booru viewer that was submitted