UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /30 /#ubuntu-discuss.txt
Initial commit
[01:37] <Jagst3r15> so it goes: Linux > Debian =/> Ubuntu > GNOME =/> UNITY ?
[01:45] <TheLordOfTime> uh...
[01:45] <TheLordOfTime> what?
[01:46] <Jagst3r15> nvm lool
[02:46] <IdleOne> it goes, UBUNTU.!
[08:16] <ubot5> New news from planetubuntu: Eric Hammond: Which EC2 Availability Zone is Affected by an Outage? <http://feeds.alestic.com/~r/alestic-planetubuntu/~3/YHZ4-V46k10/ec2-outage-availability-zone>
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
[13:48] <ubot5> New news from planetubuntu: Didier Roche: Android ICS on wetab (exopc slate)! <http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Android-ICS-on-wetab-%28exopc-slate%29%21>
[14:11] <AlanBell> I am just installing cyanogenmod right now, but I would rather be installing Ubuntu
[15:48] <ubot5> New news from planetubuntu: Andrea Veri: Nagios IRC Notifications <http://blogs.gnome.org/woody/2012/06/30/nagios-irc-notifications/>
[19:49] <ubot5> New news from planetubuntu: Benjamin Kerensa: Reflecting on Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest Downtime <http://benjaminkerensa.com/2012/06/30/reflecting-on-netflix-instagram-pinterest-downtime>
[21:19] <ubot5> New news from planetubuntu: Matthew Helmke: The Official Ubuntu Book, seventh edition <http://matthewhelmke.net/2012/06/the-official-ubuntu-book-seventh-edition/> || Leandro Gómez: DebCamp -1 <http://leogg.wordpress.com/2012/06/30/debcamp-1/>