UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /30 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:45] <Queops> Hello :) I want to use AppIndicator on my mono gtk# 2.0 app, which reference do I need to set?
[02:52] <twobottux> auappdev: How do I launch the app from within `quickly test` for gui testing? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157856/how-do-i-launch-the-app-from-within-quickly-test-for-gui-testing>
[03:36] <JohanSJA> is there any table widget in Glade?
[04:46] <leandrw_> someone from Brazil?
[05:00] <leandrw> about ubuntu app contest, what about a Ubuntu mail Client? Im talking about something with the Ubuntu face, with unity integration, a contacts lens, not what we have un thunderbird
[08:54] <hakermania> I tried yesterday, too, but if anyone can help here, please do:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12060773#post12060773
[09:13] <twobottux> auappdev: How can I open/show the default content-help-dialog with quickly? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157926/how-can-i-open-show-the-default-content-help-dialog-with-quickly>
[10:44] <twobottux> auappdev: How can I choose where are my files installed? (dh_make) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157948/how-can-i-choose-where-are-my-files-installed-dh-make>
[12:04] <hakermania> Is there a specific section in askubuntu.com where I should ask ubuntu showdown specific questions?
[13:39] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly submitubuntu potential error <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157984/quickly-submitubuntu-potential-error>
[14:28] <duncjd> Hi, is anyone available to help with a packaging problem with quickly? My app builds in a ppa with `quickly share` but fails with `quickly submitubuntu`.
[14:39] <twobottux> auappdev: Creating Ubuntu Applications <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158004/creating-ubuntu-applications>
[15:19] <twobottux> auappdev: Where can i find the ubuntu-one brand (logo)? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158025/where-can-i-find-the-ubuntu-one-brand-logo>
[16:57] <twobottux> auappdev: GtkPositionType <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158053/gtkpositiontype>
[17:15] <Mrokii> Hello. Can somebody give me a hint on how to add a calendar (GtkCalendar) to an application indicator written in Python? I found examples on how to add regular menus, but nothing about adding more complex items.
[17:22] <twobottux> auappdev: Ubuntu App Submission won't allow the "free" bubble to be checked <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158060/ubuntu-app-submission-wont-allow-the-free-bubble-to-be-checked>
[17:30] <titeuf_87> Does anyone have some experience submitting an application with quickly submitubuntu that can help me out with some issues I have?
[18:50] <twobottux> auappdev: Running a terminal-type command in my application <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158095/running-a-terminal-type-command-in-my-application>
[18:52] <rafa_nunes> Hey guys
[18:53] <rafa_nunes> I am trying to creating something to apps showdown
[18:53] <rafa_nunes> How can add a python module in quickly? Just add to myprojetc/myproject_lib folder?
[18:57] <titeuf_87> rafa_nunes, that should work. And also using bzr add to add it to bazaar
[19:05] <rafa_nunes> Well, didn't work addint to myproj_lib
[19:05] <rafa_nunes> Just if I add to PYTHONPATH
[19:07] <titeuf_87> What error are you getting?
[19:07] <rafa_nunes> 'no module named...'
[19:08] <titeuf_87> Ah, have to change the __init__.py file too.
[19:09] <titeuf_87> Or alternatively you can just add your module in myproject/myproject, not in the lib directory.
[19:12] <rafa_nunes> If I add to myproj/myproj, I have to change something in __init__.py?
[19:13] <titeuf_87> Normally no.
[19:13] <rafa_nunes> Because It runs 'import mymodule' but not 'mymodule.othermodule'
[19:16] <titeuf_87> Those were just guesses, it's hard to say what's wrong without knowing the structure of your application and/or seeing the code.
[19:19] <rafa_nunes> Just runned quickly create ubuntu....etc
[19:19] <rafa_nunes> And trying to import some module into MyProjWindow.py
[19:19] <rafa_nunes> I am trying to import boto: https://github.com/boto/boto/
[19:20] <titeuf_87> Ah, that looks to be in the repository. Use that one instead of providing your own copy?
[19:24] <rafa_nunes> Any links how to do that?
[19:25] <titeuf_87> Can install python-boto from synaptic (or use sudo apt-get install python-boto)
[19:25] <titeuf_87> Quickly will detect that as a dependency when you use it in your application.
[19:26] <rafa_nunes> Oh, sure, I thought you mean in some quickly or app-showdown repo
[19:27] <rafa_nunes> Because If I add it in my python lib, how can I add it when I distribute my quickly app?
[19:28] <rafa_nunes> Users will have to install python-boto too, right?
[19:28] <titeuf_87> Yes, but Quickly will take care of that. It'll detect that your app uses python-boto and when users try to install it, it'll get automatically installed as a dependency.
[19:30] <rafa_nunes> Wow! This is really nice!
[19:32] <rafa_nunes> (Don't mind, coming from Java world, easy environment management is unimaginably...hah)
[19:32] <rafa_nunes> Thanks for your help!
[19:33] <titeuf_87> You're welcome, and good luck with your app!
[20:09] <joel135> i want to get better at reading existing code. where do you think i should start? suggestions of code that has good style would be appreciated :)
[20:36] <Guest36332> QUESTION: ubuntu app showdown related. I did the quick tutorial of mybrowser, and installed the deb. how do I uninstall this?
[20:55] <ominds> Hello all, trying to compile my app and getting fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory, installed python-dev and python3-dev but no change, I'm using cmake and ubuntu 12.04 if that makes a difference
[21:18] <ominds> ?
[21:18] <ominds> anyone?
[21:53] <rafa_nunes> Any links how to use PreferencesDialog?
[21:55] <rafa_nunes> In quickly, I mean
[22:03] <twobottux> auappdev: Problem with theming my application with CSS <http://askubuntu.com/questions/158137/problem-with-theming-my-application-with-css>
[22:18] <Phoenix87> the application i'm developing should deploy an external extension, say a nautilus extension. Can I use python (maybe distutil) in order to install this extension alongside with the main app?