UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /30 /#ubuntu+1.txt
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=== len is now known as Guest96950
[08:41] <alex_alex> hello2all!
[08:42] <alex_alex> can smb help me with xubuntu 12.04*
[08:42] <alex_alex> ?
[08:43] * maxb suggests alex_alex read the channel topic
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[11:46] <Guest6993> im having problems getting void 11 to work
[12:32] <penguin42> hmph - so I've reinstalled the xserver-xorg-radeon, and I'm still not getting radeon
[12:51] <penguin42> ah - if you're hitting that you need to reinstall -ati as well as -radeon
[13:02] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[13:03] <penguin42> Hey BK
[13:04] <BluesKaj> hi p42
[13:10] <penguin42> BK: How's QQ for you?
[13:14] <BluesKaj> seems stable enough , so far
[13:15] <BluesKaj> how about you penguin42 ?
[13:21] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Well, now I've got accelerated video cak it's not too bad - I've got a weird thing where at boot I don't get a splash, i just get the monitor going into power save for about 5secs
[13:21] <penguin42> accelerated video *back*
[13:38] <BluesKaj> penguin42, interesting i just discovered the driver in additional drivers that I'm using the Nvidia Rivs/TNT/Gefprce driver which translates to the 295.53 which is not listed nvidia-current , which is the 302.17 driver in the repos ..wonder why the default recommended driver isn't the 302.17
[13:38] <penguin42> maybe because it hasn't been updated - or because it's got a bug?
[13:38] <BluesKaj> err Nvidia Riva/TNT/Geforce
[13:40] <BluesKaj> I was running the the 302 previously , before I installed to this HDD ...maybe i'll give the 302 a try
[13:40] * penguin42 filed mine as bug 1019579
[13:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1019579 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "No splash; monitor powers off before login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019579
[13:46] <nperry> Humm, latest update broke gnome classic, no window borders
[13:50] <ghostchick2013> nperry, tried metacity --replace?
[13:53] <nperry> ghostchick2013, Yeah brings it back.. No sure if it is compiz playing up
[13:55] <ghostchick2013> well in gnome -fallback it should be mutter
[13:55] <ghostchick2013> in unity it is compiz
[14:03] <Daekdroom> !schedule
[14:03] <ubottu> A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalReleaseSchedule
[14:04] <Daekdroom> I can't remember how far into the development schedule I install +1 :(
[14:04] <nperry> Just gone into A2
[14:04] <Daekdroom> and that link is broken
[14:04] <Daekdroom> It's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule
[14:05] <nperry> Indeed/...
[14:06] <nperry> !schedule is A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule
[14:08] <nperry> !schedule is <reply> A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule
[14:10] <nperry> !forget schedule
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
=== EyesIsMine is now known as Hat
[14:52] <penguin42> nperry: Why did you do that?
[15:11] <ggg4444> can someone help me with my void 11 problem?
[15:12] <astraljava> ggg4444: Please don't cross-post. If it's on quantal, state the problem here, or otherwise no one won't know until you present it. If it's on precise, then #ubuntu for support.
[15:18] <bazhang> that was asking for suse support
[15:32] <penguin42> sure, just insert the Ubuntu QQ boot thumb and start from there....
[16:49] <penguin42> well, I don't know what changed but Synergy just started being sane
[17:28] <penguin42> hmm, and synergy hasn't been upgraded
[17:52] <MrChrisDruif> penguin42; maybe the packages synergy uses are upgraded?
[17:53] <penguin42> MrChrisDruif: I didn't think it did use any others; but it probably uses random bits of X
[17:54] * MrChrisDruif doesn't know, was only guessing
[17:58] <penguin42> MrChrisDruif: I can't argue, it's been annoying me for months!
[18:05] <bjsnider> penguin42, what is synergy?
[18:08] <penguin42> bjsnider: It lets you share your keyboard and mouse among a set of machines
[18:09] <penguin42> bjsnider: So, you are in a window on my laptop and I'm typing this on my main machines keyboard, but synergy is sending the keystrokes over the network to it
[18:09] <penguin42> bjsnider: It tracks the mouse pointer so that when I go off the left of my main computers screen it appears on the right of my laptop and funnels key strokes that away
[18:09] <penguin42> <food>
[18:10] <bjsnider> you could buy more keyboards and mice
[18:10] <bjsnider> or use virtual machines
[18:35] <penguin42> bjsnider: Well the laptop has it's own keyboard and pad, but it means I don't need to physically turn or sit in an odd position to reply to you and then flip to this one
[21:20] <hggdh> out of sheer morbid insterest, anyone seeing a kernel panic when updating cgroup-bin?
[22:03] <penguin42> I only have cgroup-lite installed
[22:03] <penguin42> and I don't seem to have had a panic while it was updated
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase