UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <wa5qjh> genii-around I've been using Ubuntu untill pretty recently. but decided to give Kubuntu a tray again. I like the KDE window manager.
[00:02] <wa5qjh> but the ubuntu network manager would occasionally drop the connection too and the smart entry would drop off the networks list.
[00:02] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I think if you use kppp instead of network manager, you can set it to redial if the connection drops. You'd have to know the serial port and dialling sequence though, etc
[00:03] <wa5qjh> I dont know how it would be done but I think somehow a longer wait for it might help.
[00:04] <wa5qjh> Yeah, That's a problem. I've been trying to find what NM uses to call the modem but have no idea where to find it.
[00:04] <wa5qjh> All that ATDT-OK-blah blah..... I dont know what to put in there and apparently NM does that stuff iinternally.
[00:05] <wa5qjh> Also there are some things that need to be sent like allow 2g or prefer 2g etc.
[00:05] <wa5qjh> I really wish I knew!!!
[00:05] <genii-around> Hm, yes.
[00:06] <wa5qjh> looking at that providers list, smart is one of the simpler providers to contact.
[00:06] <genii-around> wa5qjh: A lot of these USB 2g-3g-4g modems use custom AT codes for this stuff, it differs from model to model unfortunately
[00:08] <wa5qjh> Yeah, it does seem to. I think the 2 most often used modems are #1 ZTE and #2 Huaweii both from China
[00:09] <wa5qjh> also turns out that Smart has been using the ZTE units but the most recent avaiable is the Huaweii. the sim card is useable in either I'm told. I havent bought one of the new ones yet.
[00:11] <wa5qjh> so I havent tested it in NM. I have tested one for a different provider but their tower is further away and notorious fof not being a good cell provider in this area.
[00:12] <wa5qjh> supposedly, however, they are interchangeable except they are locked to a provider and it aint easy unlocking them.
[00:12] <wa5qjh> about like "jail-breaking" an apple with about as much chance of success without winding up with a "brick".
[00:15] <wa5qjh> there are 3 providers in my area Smart, globe, & Sun and all three have 2G connectivity and tho smart is the best of them, it is pretty dang poor. right now my best is 12KBps. And I've been down to less than 600Baud. reminiscent of the early 80's
[00:16] <wa5qjh> -- if that doesnt date me,nothing will!! :)
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[00:18] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I wish there was more help I could offer
[00:19] <wa5qjh> ack, I was afraid you'd say that!! :)
[00:19] <wa5qjh> But thanks a lot fortrying. appreciate it.
[00:21] <wa5qjh> before you go. have you played with kppp any ?
[00:21] <wa5qjh> some 14 years ago I had to use ppp but I've forgotten dern near everything.
[00:24] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I did use it before, mostly with expect scripts to get the dialling right, etc
[00:24] <genii-around> ( but not since kde 3 now )
[00:26] <wa5qjh> Been a while for you too then..
[00:26] <genii-around> Yep
[00:27] <genii-around> wa5qjh: Does your /etc/network/interfaces file have like a ppp0 or wwan0 entry?
[00:28] <wa5qjh> I had downloaded some AT-Commandsets stuff back several months ago but I was using ubuntu 11.04 in wubi and that got scrogged so I've lost it.--- ok, let me check...
[00:29] <genii-around> ( Sometimes external modems have a line in those entries of the interfaces file which does something like call pon/poff or wvdial or so on )
[00:29] <genii-around> Away for a couple minutes
[00:29] <wa5qjh> auto loiface lo inet loopback
[00:30] <wa5qjh> auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback
[00:30] <wa5qjh> is all it has.
[00:31] <wa5qjh> I've been trying to get it to work in PCBSD too. are you familiar with that ?
[00:32] <wa5qjh> I also wonder if anybody here knows anything about recovering a wubi installation. I still have the 20GB virtual disk from it.
[00:34] <wa5qjh> I actually had better luck with Ubuntu11.04 in a wubi set-up than I did in a "normal" partition set-up.
[00:35] <genii-around> wa5qjh: Yeah that's all automatic stuff then that just leaves it to nm
[00:36] <wa5qjh> That's pretty much what I gathered.
[00:37] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I sort of wonder what's in /etc/ppp/peers/provider and if it could be used to dial with something else instead like pon/poff or wvdial
[00:37] <wa5qjh> so NM handles the modem very internally and doesnt give away any secrets..
[00:37] <wa5qjh> I'll look.
[00:39] <genii-around> wa5qjh: If anyplace has the codes to make it select 2g-3g and so on, that would probably
[00:40] <wa5qjh> well, it has some interesting stuff in it. Do you know for sure that NM uses that script ?
[00:41] <wa5qjh> Being a relative newcomer to ??buntu I'm not familiar with any of those.
[00:41] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I don't know for absolute certain, no
[00:42] <wa5qjh> it looks like that script is a general-purpose template, and not specific to mine tho.
[00:42] <wa5qjh> so probably what you have is the same as mine.
[00:44] <genii-around> Hm
[00:44] <wa5qjh> Yeah, that's definitly a skeleton or template. interesting but not specific to me.
[00:50] <wa5qjh> @#$@## I hate this "Motheer May I" stuff!! That's why I stay away from micro$loth!!
[00:52] <genii-around> wa5qjh: Does /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ have a file with the right name of the ISP?
[00:54] <wa5qjh> Yes, it does!!
[00:56] <wa5qjh> and apparently a lot of pertinent info too. but a lack of a couple other things like a timeout, persist or whatever.
[00:57] <wa5qjh> Says "network type = 3" does that mean 3G or some NM definied 3rd type ?
[00:58] <wa5qjh> interesting thing is, it provides groups of parameters much like my.cnf if you're familiar with mysql.
[00:59] <genii-around> A little but not enough to be useful
[01:00] <wa5qjh> yeah, no chat script. and no indication of how to include a couple parameters in a chat script.
[01:02] <wa5qjh> see NetworkManager.conf
[01:02] <wa5qjh> just starting in that one right now.
[01:03] <L3top> what are you trying to do wa5qjh
[01:03] <genii-around> L3top: Prevent network manager from disabling his usb 2g-3g modem when the signal drops
[01:04] <wa5qjh> at this moment trying to find a chat script for kppp to do the same as what NetworkManager appears to do internally.
[01:04] <wa5qjh> That too!! :)
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[01:07] <wa5qjh> there are parameters like "apn" and "prefer 2G" and others that need to be sent. Also need to know what interface is beinig used. baud rate to it. ( tho since a USBtty I dont know why that would be needed.)
[01:08] <genii-around> It's an interesting problem, but I currently have no more ideas on it
[01:10] <L3top> I will poke around.
[01:10] <wa5qjh> looking in NetworkManager.conf I find a reference just now, to this url:
[01:10] <L3top> it is a serial bus. baud matters.
[01:10] <wa5qjh> http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/SystemSettings
[01:10] * genii-around bookmarks https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/
[01:10] <wa5qjh> figgers :)
[01:11] <wa5qjh> searching....
[01:13] <bigsky> i have mount kbuntu12.04.iso to a iso dir, how to add it to sources.list?
[01:14] <wa5qjh> good page. kinda reflects what's in the "Providers" list.
[01:15] <wa5qjh> L3Top
[01:15] <genii-around> bigsky: deb file:/iso-place dist repo
[01:15] <wa5qjh> but doesnt seem to have the ZTE modem in it.
[01:16] <wa5qjh> Thanks genii-around appreciate the help.
[01:16] <wa5qjh> good luck.
[01:16] <bigsky> genii-around: deb file:///home/bigsky/iso dist repo?
[01:17] <genii-around> wa5qjh: I do have to leave now... but I am in here often. You should keep asking around at other times, someone is eventually bound to know
[01:17] <genii-around> bigsky: eg: deb file:/mnt precise universe
[01:17] <genii-around> And so on
[01:18] <L3top> bigsky: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-35807.html
[01:22] <wa5qjh> genii-around thanks. I will. in fact that's kinda what I'm doing now.
[01:23] <wa5qjh> I can believe the list of questions I have :).
[01:24] <genii-temp> For whoever was aking about adding mounted cdroms to the sources.list ... consider putting an /etc/fstab entry for the mountpoint of the iso file and then using apt-cdrom with the -d=/mountpoint option
[01:24] <genii-temp> That is all! :-)
[01:25] <wa5qjh> aka out!
[01:25] <wa5qjh> take care. catch ya later.
[01:26] <wa5qjh> Anybody know how to circumvent this "mother-May-I" syndrome?? I want to open Dolphin as root but no go.
[01:51] <L3top> kdesudo Dolphin from terminal... but... it has some seriously annoying repercussions.
[01:51] <L3top> er
[01:51] <L3top> kdesu
[01:57] <wa5qjh> kdesu not found..
[01:57] <khmerog> hi whats the difference between Muon Software and Muon Package? other than the way it looks
[01:57] <L3top> one second wa5qjh
[01:58] <L3top> was kdesudo wa5qjh
[01:58] <wa5qjh> ok. ...kdesu dolphin sure produced a page of complaints !!
[01:59] <wa5qjh> go ahead. kindainterested in an answer to that myself.
[02:12] <mr0wl> how do i check a proprietary graphics' driver version?
[02:26] <pablo_> Buenas !
[02:27] <pablo_> Necesio ayuda con algo
[02:42] <wa5qjh> L3top you know anything about PCBSD ( #PCBSD here on freenode )
[02:43] <wa5qjh> And does L3 have anything to do with L3 Comunications ?
[02:47] <L3top> Yes and no... We have like 80 mph winds right now... all of my power is out... lonely ups keeping me up atm... but net will go next... so not much for support atm.
[02:51] <phoenix_firebrd> ha ha ha, http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/snapshot103.png problem?
[02:58] <twtxwy> How to do run rpm in the Kubuntu
[03:04] <L3top> the only way I know to do that is with alien
[03:04] <L3top> !alien
[03:04] <ubottu> RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)
[03:06] <twtxwy> MySQL isn't install Kubuntu ,Why?
[03:07] <wa5qjh> L3top Where the heck are you? I thought I was the only one plagued with blackouts.!! And I dont even need a hi wind to get them here in the Philippines.
[03:07] <L3top> mysql-client is installed... are you asking why you cant install server? or why it isn't installed by default?
[03:07] <L3top> Farm in VA wa5qjh.
[03:08] <wa5qjh> txtxy I kinda wonder that too. I did a ps -C mysqld and found a PID so assumed it was here. but no. so yesterday I downloaded them both.
[03:08] <wa5qjh> L3top. close to the coast ?
[03:09] <L3top> dpkg-query -l mysql | grep ^ii
[03:09] <L3top> bout the middle
[03:11] <wa5qjh> But it's 5.1.63 is latest one available directly from muon But there's Deb packages from mysql for version 5.5.?? they are 170MB packages and include workbench a test platform and so forth.
[03:11] <wa5qjh> -- wow!! and still 80MPH winds. !!!
[03:12] <L3top> This thing is evil... bout the size of west virginia... just rocketing over.
[03:12] <twtxwy> "MySQL-server-5.5.24-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm" isn't install
[03:12] <L3top> well no...
[03:12] <L3top> lol
[03:13] <L3top> you would apt-get install mysql-server
[03:13] <wa5qjh> no need. mysql site has the debian packages!!
[03:13] <L3top> (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)
[03:13] <wa5qjh> and it is everything client,server, workbench and so forth.
[03:14] <L3top> !info mysql-server
[03:14] <ubottu> mysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 112 kB
[03:14] <L3top> why wouldn't you use the repo version?
[03:14] <wa5qjh> I wish I had installed that yesterday instead of off the muon page.
[03:14] <L3top> client and core are already installed...
[03:15] <twtxwy> I too ,but isn't run
[03:15] <L3top> You are making this too hard.
[03:15] <L3top> !details | twtxwy
[03:15] <ubottu> twtxwy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."
[03:15] <wa5qjh> There is a server installed but I cant see that it (was, now :) )is operable.
[03:16] <L3top> I install it just about every day.
[03:16] <wa5qjh> Huh?? why ?
[03:18] <L3top> because I build installers for a project, and have to generate/test them
[03:18] <wa5qjh> Ahh!! So des ka .
[03:18] <wa5qjh> Been wonderin about that too.
[03:19] <wa5qjh> I tried to install wsjt the other day. got most of it but wsjt was only about 900K. then it had to go get dependencies.
[03:20] <wa5qjh> with a connection like mine, that can really get BAD!!!
[03:20] <L3top> I dunno what wsjt is
[03:21] <wa5qjh> wsjt still dont work because of some problem with a Fortran something or other.
[03:21] <techdion> hello
[03:22] <wa5qjh> ham radio digital mode package. Does weak signal and Earth-Moon-Earth bounce made easier.
[03:22] <L3top> radio
[03:22] <L3top> got it. Very cool
[03:22] <L3top> hi techdion
[03:22] <wa5qjh> Anyway, dont understand why all those dependencies would not be part of the package.
[03:22] <techdion> thank you
[03:22] <techdion> i'am brazil
[03:23] <techdion> kkk
[03:23] <L3top> !br
[03:23] <ubottu> Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.
[03:23] <techdion> congratulations
[03:23] <wa5qjh> I dont do EME but have a buddy here in PI that does.
[03:23] <techdion> #ubuntu-br
[03:23] <L3top> /join #ubuntu-br
[03:26] <wa5qjh> techdion KKK ??? Do I read that right ?
[03:26] <L3top> no
[03:26] <L3top> read ok ok ok
[03:27] <L3top> enthusiasm, not racism
[03:27] <L3top> well ups is beeping like mad
[03:27] <L3top> so that means I am out.
[03:27] <L3top> catch you another time
[03:27] <wa5qjh> Well actually kkk is roughly equivalent to "over"
[03:28] <L3top> I take it that is your ham call sign? wa5qjh?
[03:28] <wa5qjh> Here in philippines it something else entirely something something Katapunan
[03:28] <wa5qjh> that is correct. Roger that. over ...
[03:28] <L3top> I weep for your food choices.
[03:28] <wa5qjh> Rough as corn and just as corny :)
[03:30] <wa5qjh> I otter write that Pinoy version of KKK down. I got joked at a week or so ago about using KKK. somebody else made the same conclusion.
[03:31] <wa5qjh> But what I wish is folks would quit abusing "thee Stars and Bars" especially them skin heads.
[03:37] <wa5qjh> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katipunan
[03:39] <wa5qjh> Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng̃ mg̃á Anak ng̃ Bayan
[03:52] <wa5qjh> Well, looks like I done alienated ju
[03:53] <wa5qjh> just about everybody!!
[03:55] <skreech__> :)
[03:55] <bartman2589> Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having with programs running under WINE, I already tried asking in the WineHQ IRC channel but apparently out of the 175 people that show as online none of them are actually online at all
[03:57] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: hi
[03:58] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: problem?
[03:58] <bartman2589> I can't seem to right click in most programs under WINE in order to access any context menus
[03:59] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: what is the wine version?
[03:59] <bartman2589> I'm running WINE 1.5 from the WINE Launchpad PPA
[04:00] <bartman2589> 1.5.7 actually
[04:00] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: did you install any thing using winetricks?
[04:02] <bartman2589> several things actually
[04:03] <bartman2589> and I'd really rather not have to reinstall all of my programs, I had a hell of a time getting the ASPI drivers installed so I can use Imgburn (because some of the media I use I need to burn with OPC disabled and K3b doesn't have an option to do that)
[04:04] <bartman2589> plus K3b for some reason won't let me burn ANYTHING to DVD, I have tried all kinds of different permissions settings all with no luck
[04:08] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: do you like nero dvd burner?
[04:09] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: If you have no problem ,we can try to solve the issue with k3b
[04:10] <bartman2589> not really, Imgburn works much better for me, I've had problems with Nero even on Windows, there's known problems with Nero not reporting what actually are problems with the burns, and as a result the media doesn't work sometimes with some systems
[04:11] <bartman2589> Imgburn works, and I can burn CD's with K3b, mainly I wanted to get context menus working in WINE apps
[04:11] <skreech__> what about wodim?
[04:12] <bartman2589> skreech, there's a reason I chose to use an OS with a GUI interface
[04:12] <bartman2589> I hate working from the shell, I hated it even back when I started with MS-DOS 2.2 in the 80's
[04:12] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: start the application in terminal , like "wine someapp" and right clcik and see if you get any error messages
[04:13] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: *click
[04:13] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: use paste.kde.org for pasting any text more than a line or two
[04:15] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: i will be back in 5 mins
[04:15] <bartman2589> Ok, trying it with Photoshop 7.0
[04:18] <bartman2589> I think I might have figured it out, one of the error lines says something about not being able to find Microsoft Common Controls
[04:19] <bartman2589> and unless I'm mistaken that's the .dll that handles right click context menus in Windows
[04:19] <Nicekiwi> how can I make Filezilla or Firefox use liuux programs for external commands?
[04:22] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: i am back
[04:22] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: so its now clear that the problem is due to the components you installed using winetricks
[04:23] <bartman2589> Nicekiwi, you can choose what programs Firefox uses (for most file types) by going to the Edit Menu, then to Preferences, then to 'Applications', but if you mean you want it to use something like Dolphin or Konqueror for when you right click on your downloads in the download manager window and choose 'Open Containing Folder' it's a little more complicated, Kubuntu has discontinued integration of Firefox in 12.04 (the
[04:23] <bartman2589> kdemozillahelper package is no longer included in 12.04)
[04:23] <bartman2589> very likely, haven't tried reinstalling the common controls dll yet
[04:23] <bartman2589> or even adding an override for it
[04:24] <Nicekiwi> bartman2589: oh.. :( why did they stop supporting it?
[04:24] <phoenix_firebrd> skreech__: does a wine application have the permission to have a low level access of the cd/dvd writer?
[04:24] <Nicekiwi> bartman2589: even those options dont work. it give me the option to select a file from the systemm :/ not a command
[04:25] <bartman2589> Nicekiwi, not sure, but there's a 3rd party PPA that I found that someone created that contains the latest version of Firefox and an updated kdemozillahelper package for use with 12.04
[04:25] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: try installing the missing component
[04:26] <Nicekiwi> hmm...
[04:26] <bartman2589> Nicekiwi, I'll see if I can find the webpage that had info about that PPA for you
[04:26] <bartman2589> will do phoenix_firebrd
[04:27] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: are you aware of the nick tab auto completion?
[04:31] <bartman2589> no I wasn't, let me guess, I just type a few letter then press tab and it will finish the name for me?
[04:32] <mr-rich> What day is the point release due?
[04:37] <bartman2589> Nicekiwi: Here's the link to the website with teh information on restorign KDE integration to Firefox in 12.04 http://awesomelinux.blogspot.com/2012/06/firefox-kde-support.html
[04:38] <bartman2589> the* restoring* (I hate typos)
[04:39] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: has someone burned cd or dvd using an app in wine?
[04:40] <bartman2589> I've used Imgburn without any real problems myself, the write speed doesn't seem to be as fast as in Windows but other than that it works great for me
[04:41] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: thats a new info i learned today
[04:41] <Nicekiwi> bartman2589: chur
[04:41] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: and I've used InfraRecorder too (just need to set it to think it's in WinME), I posted that information at WineHQ some time ago
[04:43] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: as far as i know even k3b needs some permissions to burn, but hearing a wine app burning an image is very intresting
[04:43] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: with InfraRecorder you also need to have the Adaptec ASPI layer installed I think ( I already had it installed when I tried InfraRecorder), and if you don't use Winecfg to set it to think it's in WinME it won't detect the cd/dvd burners
[04:44] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: ok, seriously, you should consider resolving the k3b issue
[04:46] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: yeah I know
[04:55] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: it looks like installing the Visual Basic 6 Common Controls packagage from Microsoft's website fixed my context menu problem
[04:55] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: nice
[04:55] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I couldn't get Winetricks to let me reinstall it through their dialogs though
[04:56] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: oh
[04:56] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: is there maybe a log file or something like that I could delete to make winetricks revert back to not thinking that anything (or individual packages) is installed?
[04:57] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: dont know about that
[04:58] <bartman2589> Ok, guess I'll have to poke around a bit and try searching google maybe (would have googled it already but I just thought of it a few minutes ago)
[04:59] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: I avoid using wine and closed source softwares
[05:00] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I generally avoid most closed source software too, but some Windows Open Source software far exceeds some of the capabilities of their linux counterparts, hence my desire to use some of it under wine
[05:06] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Photoshop is one closed source program I do use, though the new 2.8 series of GIMP is coming closer to closing the gap in features now that they've added a single window mode and on canvas text editing and support for multipack brushes and large format brushes without having to convert them to the gimp gbr format
[05:11] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: its true that its hard to avoid using some windows closed source software , but its not impossible. For you to know even our kde graphics designer Nuno Pinheiro uses adobe suite
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[05:16] <bartman2589> well as long as I'm here does anyone have any idea about why K3b will let me burn CD's in my CD burner (either from an image file or by building the structure manually) , but won't let me burn anything to DVD? I can't remember the error message I keep getting but I've tried googling it in the past and haven't really found any useful information, I've had this problem actually since 9.04 (I do clean installs for every
[05:16] <bartman2589> distro upgrade so I know it's not a permissions problem carried over from a previous version (unless it's a permissions problem from the .deb package installations)
[05:18] <bartman2589> My DVD burner is an IDE/ATAPI drive (not SATA, yet), model Samsung SH-S222A flashed with most recent firmware, and my CD burner is a Memorex 52x/24x/52x burner, (can't remember the model number), IDE chipset is intel ICH5 series on Intel D865GLC motherboard
[05:20] <bartman2589> Do I maybe need to launch K3b as root (using Kdesudo) in order to properly set permissions? And if so what should they be?
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[05:22] <bartman2589> It just seems weird that I can burn CD's fine but not DVD media (of any kind, +/-/+ DL/- DL)
[05:26] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: do you have a dvd rw?
[05:28] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: drive is supposed to support RW media, and yes I do have a few RW discs, haven't tried them though to be honest
[05:28] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I have the RW's from back when I owned a DVR and used it to record tv shows instead of a VCR
[05:29] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: try to burn something in the dvd rw using k3b and get me the error log
[05:31] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Ok, I have both +RW and -RW's want me to try both?
[05:32] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: whichever you feel will create the burning problem :)
[05:38] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: going to probably take a while, the media only supports 4x write speed and I'm burning the Kubuntu 12.04 DVD image (wanted to make sure there was plenty of data incase it maybe is a buffering problem of some kind)
[05:39] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: so burning rocess in progress?
[05:39] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: yes, just started it
[05:40] <bartman2589> looks like it's actually working so far with the +RW media
[05:40] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: In that case i think there might be a problem with your burner or a file system error in your hard disk
[05:40] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: is it a fixation error?
[05:42] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I don't remember the error it gave, it gave some number as the error though if I remember right, it's been a while since I tried burning anything other than CD's with K3b
[05:42] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: brb
[05:52] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: back, it just finished, no errors reported, I forgot to check the box to have it verify the burn though, but normally it wouldn't even get to the actual writing stage before failing with an error, I'll try with the -RW now (unfortunately that only supports 2x writes, not sure if this drive will handle such a low speed though, guess I'll find out though
[05:55] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: ok
[05:56] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: ok, started burning -RW media, it's at 3% so far
[05:56] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: ok
[05:58] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I have a stack of about 90 -R's I can try next if there's no problems with the -RW, I switched to -R's after I found out that my particular model of drive is known to have problems with +R media
[05:59] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: carry on
[06:00] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: this is a fairly new install of 12.04, every version before this one has given me problems burning DVD media with K3b though, maybe they finally fixed it in 12.04, guess we'll see
[06:01] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: ya
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[06:11] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: well it's at 70% with no errors so far on the -RW media
[06:11] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: thats good
[06:12] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: yeah, especially if it behaves that well on the -R media too
[06:12] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: which incidentally is Verbatim, so I know it's good quality meda
[06:12] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: media*
[06:14] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: that and they burn just fine on my Windows machine with the exact same make and model & firmware DVD burner in it as the one in my Kubuntu machine
[06:15] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: we will see, if we can solve this issue
[06:16] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: thanks for all the help so far! I've been pulling my hair out just about every other day with one thing or another since moving to 12.04
[06:19] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: Its my pleasure.
[06:19] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Ok, no errors reported with -RW media, on to trying the -R media now, going to try at full 16x speed first
[06:19] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: wait
[06:20] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: ok
[06:20] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I saved the logs from both the RW burns too
[06:20] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: if your disc's max speed is 16x then try to burn in 12x
[06:20] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: thats nice
[06:21] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: why? they burn fine at 16x in Windows, is this a limitation of K3b?
[06:21] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: no, try once and we will see the result. burn in 12x
[06:22] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: ok, will do
[06:23] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: incidentally I've been leaving 'Writing Mode' set to 'Auto'
[06:23] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: that will create a problem , k3b will try to burn in 18x and end up in fixation error
[06:24] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Write Mode, not Write Speed
[06:24] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I've been manually selecting the Write Speed
[06:24] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: oh, then its ok
[06:28] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: oddly this time even though I chose 12x it said: "
[06:28] <bartman2589> Medium or burner does not support writign at 12x speed
[06:28] <bartman2589> Switchign burn speed up to 13x"
[06:28] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Switching*
[06:29] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: ya thats common
[06:29] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: might be because of the patched firmware I'm using too even
[06:30] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: I am also having samsung burner and k3b always uses 13x for burning, may be thats the burning speed supported instead of 12x by samsung
[06:30] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: but so far it's at 50% with no errors reported yet
[06:31] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: sorry make that 'Closing Session', forgot that with 'Verify' checked 50% is actually 100% burned, just not verified yet
[06:33] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: almost seems to be hanging at 'Closing Session' though is this common?
[06:33] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: just popped an 'Unable to fixate disk' error
[06:35] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: and then 'cdrecord has no permission to open the disk'
[06:35] <bartman2589> sorry meant 'device' not 'disk'
[06:35] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: is your dvd writer a old one?
[06:36] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: about a year and a half old now
[06:36] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: heavily used?
[06:37] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: so do you have the error log?
[06:37] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: not really, like I said I can burn with Imgburn fine with it and Imgburn is pretty good about reporting errors
[06:37] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: yeah I'll get the log
[06:38] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: use paste.kde.org
[06:40] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: i will be back in 5 min
[06:44] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: ok, link to log: http://paste.kde.org/510164/
[06:53] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: for the heck of it I'm having Imgburn do a verify of the 'failed' burned disc against the ISO image file.
[06:58] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: i am analysing your error log
[07:02] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Ok, for what it's worth Imgburn didn't find any differences between the 'failed' burn and the ISO image file
[07:03] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: thats what i thought
[07:04] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: the problem is in flushing the cache
[07:04] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Imgburn also reports the status of the last session as 'Complete' which if the disc hadn't been successfully closed by K3b it should show as 'Incomplete'
[07:05] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Ok, any thoughts on how to fix that?
[07:05] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: can you veify the md5 checksum of both the disc and image and see if it matches
[07:06] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I'm not sure how to do that
[07:07] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I know I can get the image file md5 checksum from the 'Burn image' dialog in K3b, but how do I generate one for the burned DVD?
[07:08] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: wait
[07:09] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I see the right click context menu on the 'Burn Image' dialog has a 'Compare checksum' option so if I can generate one for the DVD I can just paste it in there to compare them
[07:11] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2009/11/17/data-verification-of-folders-discs-with-md5-checksums-in-ubuntu/
[07:18] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: should I mount the image file and generate a checksum for it? I'm just thinking that with the method on that page it won't catch the boot information on the DVD and include it in the checksum
[07:18] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: it will
[07:18] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: Ok
[07:18] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: the md5checksum software sees the image file as afile
[07:20] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: I mean the checksum I generate from the DVD might not be the same as the one generated based on the ISO image because the DVD is not being seen as a single file like the image file is
[07:21] <phoenix_firebrd> bartman2589: in that case create an image of the dvd and check
[07:22] <bartman2589> phoenix_firebrd: but Imgburn is good about doing a sector by sector comparison, and the comparison I ran comparing the DVD against the image file reported no differences at all
[07:22] <johndoesss> how to reset the default browser in the bash?
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[07:23] <johndoesss> from rekonq to firefox or chrome for example
[07:24] <Avihay> you need to edit some file, any reason why you can't do it from the gui?
[07:24] <johndoesss> if you mean the xterminal-gui, there is no option for.
[07:25] <bartman2589> johndoesss: not sure how to do it from bash but if you can access the 'System Settings' GUI you can do it by going to 'Default Applications' then 'Web Browser'
[07:25] <johndoesss> ohh ok then.
[07:26] <bartman2589> if you need to launch the System Settings GUI manually for some reason you can launch it by running 'systemsettings' from a shell prompt
[07:26] <johndoesss> ok done, was faster than i thought :)
[07:26] <johndoesss> http://youtube.com
[07:27] <johndoesss> works, thank you.
[07:27] <bartman2589> ahhh, the wonders of using a GUI over a shell interface!
[07:27] <johndoesss> iam usally a openbox guy ;)
[07:27] <johndoesss> just testing out kde a bit.
[07:28] <johndoesss> in comparence regarding ram kde--1,28gb, openbox--240mb
[07:28] <johndoesss> :D
[07:28] <bartman2589> I wouldn't give up using a GUI if my life depended on it now even though my roots go all the way back to MS-DOS 2.2 on an IBM PCjr
[07:29] <johndoesss> a lot of improvements have been done since kde 3
[07:29] <bartman2589> only possible exception might be if I were setting up a freeNAS server I guess
[07:29] <johndoesss> still some little bugs, but already quite stable
[07:30] <johndoesss> regarding stability openbox is the way to go...
[07:30] <johndoesss> even lightdm got quite a lot of bugs
[07:31] <bartman2589> well duh, shell environments almost ALWAYS have fewer problems, partly because they have far fewer things running at once, so there's less for the OS to manage
[07:31] <johndoesss> but working quite fluid, although ati-graphics
[07:31] <bartman2589> lxde is pretty nice in terms of a lightweight GUI too
[07:32] <johndoesss> better than i'd expected
[07:32] <johndoesss> too many bugs...
[07:32] <StarryNight> which u guys prefer ati or nvidia or intel?
[07:32] <johndoesss> regarding linux only? nvidia is the way to go
[07:32] <bartman2589> not as configurable as Gnome or KDE of course, and not as pretty either
[07:32] <bartman2589> nvidia definitely, intel has very spotty 3d support even in a Winblows environment
[07:32] <johndoesss> if you dual-boot you it might makes more sense to take amd
[07:33] <johndoesss> amd has the lead in windows, and doesnt consume as much power as nvidia
[07:33] <johndoesss> also the idle-values
[07:34] <johndoesss> but the driver-support in linux isnt that great
[07:34] <bartman2589> only real annoyance I've had with nvidia is their xinerama support for multiple displays, it doesn't play well with a lot of programs
[07:34] <bartman2589> at least on the linux side
[07:34] <johndoesss> i mean basic 3d-support works, but a hell of a load of stuff regarding wine and games doesnt work at all although platinum-award
[07:35] <johndoesss> same as desktop-recording... didnt work without problems with ati for a looooot of time
[07:35] <bartman2589> but AMD (technically ATI if we're talking graphics, even though they're owned by AMD they kept the ATI name) has a notoriously bad history for poorly written drivers
[07:35] <johndoesss> did work with an nvidia which was 4 years older without problems
[07:36] <johndoesss> in linux, on the windows-side they are quite okay
[07:36] <johndoesss> on*
[07:36] <johndoesss> and the overall performance is since a lot of time better with ati-graphics
[07:36] <johndoesss> sadly not on linux :(
[07:36] <bartman2589> actually I was referring to personal experience upgrading and repairing windows computer for over 25 years when I mentioned poorly written drivers for ATI products
[07:37] <johndoesss> they had bad driver, but that was in the beginning of ati
[07:37] <johndoesss> s*
[07:37] <johndoesss> didnt have any problems with the never generations starting of 3870
[07:37] <johndoesss> all way up
[07:37] <bartman2589> I have owned several ATI and nVidia cards, and always the nvidia drivers proved themselves to be better written and maintained than ATI drivers
[07:38] <StarryNight> oh ok
[07:38] <johndoesss> thats possible, but the overall bang-for-the-bug is actually ati
[07:39] <bartman2589> plus I 'play' in an online virtual world called Second Life and ATI users are constantly having problems, far more than nvidia users
[07:39] <johndoesss> most actual nvidia cards have quite some problems with heat and power consumption
[07:39] <johndoesss> nevertheless, if it was for linux-only i'd take the nvidia anyday
[07:40] <johndoesss> to pissed to get a better performance with an way older nvidia (8800gt) compared to a hd5850
[07:40] <bartman2589> I'm not saying nvidia cards aren't power hungry, or don't have heat issues, but until I stop seeing constant problems from Windows users with ATI cards in Second Life I really can't recommend ATI
[07:40] <johndoesss> second life is a game?
[07:40] <johndoesss> wasnt that some ps3 stuff`
[07:41] <johndoesss> but if you compare amd to intel all way around
[07:41] <bartman2589> some people think it is, it's a 3D virtual world, think of it as kind of like a cross between the environment you play in in games like WoW and an IM program
[07:41] <johndoesss> amd is soooo crappy, its unbelievable...
[07:41] <johndoesss> the i5-2600k kicks the octacores ass :)
[07:42] <bartman2589> agreed, ATI's linux support is terrible
[07:42] <johndoesss> guess the only reason amd hasnt go down at all is ati
[07:43] <bartman2589> well at a cost of like 50% more than AMD's 8 core it should
[07:43] <johndoesss> but its more than 50%faster
[07:43] <johndoesss> and not as power consuming
[07:43] <bartman2589> and way too expensive
[07:43] <johndoesss> 130w compared to 65w i think
[07:44] <bartman2589> I'll stick with AMD for the most part when it comes to CPU's thanks, Intel is just too f*cking greedy
[07:44] <johndoesss> the i5-2600k isnt thaaaat expensive actually
[07:45] <johndoesss> atleast not for speed it offers
[07:45] <johndoesss> the speed it offers*
[07:46] <bartman2589> I recently spec'd out building an i5 system against building an 8 core AMD system and it was considerably more expensive overall actually
[07:46] <johndoesss> furthermore less power-consumption and therefore not as much heat-producing
[07:47] <bartman2589> partly because the motherboard costs so damn much more for an intel processor than for an AMD system
[07:47] <johndoesss> the processor itself isnt that much expensive
[07:47] <johndoesss> atleast not in germany
[07:47] <johndoesss> 130€ compared to 250€
[07:48] <johndoesss> which would be around 140$ more
[07:48] <johndoesss> but i guess you are right with the mainboard-thingie
[07:48] <johndoesss> definetelly one big "pro" on the amd-side is the compatibility regarding older processors
[07:49] <johndoesss> and newer ones
[07:50] <bartman2589> well right now at Micro Center the I5 2500 (they don't list the 2600 anymore) is admittedly like $30 US Dollars cheaper than the AMD 8150 8 core @ $199.99 US Dollars
[07:50] <johndoesss> what did you use on your rig? octacore u mentioned and what nvidia-card?
[07:50] <bartman2589> honestly I haven't built a new one yet, just been price shopping so far
[07:50] <johndoesss> just 30$ price-difference?
[07:51] <johndoesss> thats next to nothing :D
[07:51] <bartman2589> yeah but with the AMD I can get a free motherboard usually from Micro Center, they rarely offer free motherboards for intel
[07:52] <johndoesss> free motherboards?
[07:52] <johndoesss> what is that microcenter thingie :D
[07:52] <bartman2589> yeah, in store only though, but fortunately here in the Detroit area we have one of their walk in stores nearby
[07:52] <bartman2589> it's comparable in many ways to Newegg or Tigerdirect
[07:52] <johndoesss> buy a amd-processor and get an motherbord too?
[07:52] <bartman2589> yeah, walk in only though
[07:53] <johndoesss> lol, not bad, no such thing in germany :D
[07:54] <johndoesss> i mean if you get a processor and a motherbord for 199 thats almost donated
[07:54] <johndoesss> most-likely ram doesnt cost a lot, and the rest can be reusued
[07:54] <bartman2589> well that's $199 US Dollars, not sure how that compares to the Euro right now though
[07:54] <johndoesss> reused*
[07:55] <johndoesss> hmm 157€
[07:55] <bartman2589> I can get some good rated 8Gb DDR3-1600 RAM for around $50 US (two 4Gb sticks)
[07:56] <johndoesss> checked the price of the a8
[07:56] <johndoesss> its about 130dollars
[07:57] <johndoesss> the ram would be around ~90dollars
[07:57] <bartman2589> I thought about going that route but I read a couple of reviews of how they perform in everyday use and honestly the reviewers recommended going with a normal socket AM3(+) processor if it's mostly going to be used for non-gaming use
[07:58] <johndoesss> thats always the question
[07:58] <bartman2589> that and most of the FM1 boards only allow for sharing up to 512Mb RAM from what I read
[07:58] <johndoesss> i mean the i5 is also less power-consuming in idle-mode
[07:59] <johndoesss> but guess the a8 should do the job too
[08:00] <johndoesss> its just always the question if you need such a power-consuming monster, especially if you plan to run it 24/7+
[08:01] <bartman2589> you are aware that the A8 is not the same as the mainstream AMD 8 core processor, they're 2 separate animals, the 'A' series of processors use the FM1 socket, while the FX series uses the AM3+ socket and is the series that features AMD's 'Bulldozer' core, not the A series
[08:01] <johndoesss> at the end the bit you saved on the i5 will be added to your electricity bill :)
[08:01] <johndoesss> the one i got in mind is the "amd a8-3850"
[08:02] <johndoesss> not quite sure if its the correct one
[08:02] <johndoesss> fm1 board
[08:02] <bartman2589> that's one has integrated graphics and is not built on the 'Bulldozer' core, it's roughly comparable to some of the intel socket 1155/1156 chips
[08:03] <johndoesss> 100w tdp
[08:03] <johndoesss> not quite a difference compared to the i5-2600k
[08:03] <johndoesss> its 95w tdp
[08:03] <johndoesss> well then i guess the amd might be the way to go, although its the slower one
[08:03] <bartman2589> the FX series is built on the new 'Bulldozer' core and actually feature up to 8 cores, even the A8 (socket FM1) afik is only a 4 core processor
[08:04] <johndoesss> yep its a quadcore
[08:04] <bartman2589> the FX-8150 is true 8 core and is only $199.99
[08:05] <bartman2589> and that's for retail boxed version with fan/heatsink
[08:05] <johndoesss> 125w tdp
[08:05] <johndoesss> hrhr if you've known what you'd payed for that one in germany :)
[08:06] <johndoesss> 340dollars
[08:06] <bartman2589> ouch
[08:06] <johndoesss> its actually more expensive than the i5-2600k
[08:06] <johndoesss> didnt expect that to be honest^^
[08:06] <johndoesss> BUT it come with some liquid-cooling
[08:07] <bartman2589> yeah, that's the one I said was like $30 more than the i5-2500 at Micro Center (the i5 is $169.99 now)
[08:07] <johndoesss> without that its 250$
[08:07] <bartman2589> ah
[08:08] <johndoesss> still not quite easy to decide which one to take
[08:09] <johndoesss> if you`re on budget the amd should might be the better idea
[08:09] <bartman2589> I am kind of wondering how some of the newer i5 processors compare to the i5-2500 though, like the i5-3450 maybe, is it a crippled processor? is it slower than the i5-2500? the naming convention makes it hard to tell
[08:09] <johndoesss> nope, its faster and has iirc a 35w tdp
[08:09] <johndoesss> i think its a 25nm model
[08:10] <bartman2589> and yet it's $20 US cheaper than the i5-2500 at Micro Center right now
[08:10] <johndoesss> 77W TDP
[08:10] <johndoesss> AND it should be faster, everything seems actually higher tuned
[08:11] <johndoesss> ohh i might be wrong
[08:12] <johndoesss> the default clock is about 200mhz lower
[08:12] <bartman2589> yeah I just looked at the specs, it's slower
[08:12] <bartman2589> both quad core though
[08:12] <johndoesss> and the 2500k got a unlocked multiplicator
[08:13] <bartman2589> the 2500 also has better integrated graphics than the 3450
[08:13] <johndoesss> no idea how intel did it, but the 2500k & 2600k destroy all amd-cpus
[08:13] <johndoesss> although they are quite old already
[08:14] <johndoesss> but i think the apu of the amd is better
[08:14] <bartman2589> I heard much the same about the 2700K too
[08:14] <johndoesss> the integrated graphics are better on the amd's everything else is on intel
[08:14] <bartman2589> well intel is definitely not known for their graphics chipsets
[08:15] <johndoesss> amd is the way to go for low-power htpc
[08:16] <johndoesss> thought already to build a low-power htpc for streaming purposes
[08:16] <bartman2589> I'm looking to build something that I can use for some occasional online gaming and maybe some occasional work with Photoshop/GIMP/Blender/DAZ Studio (yes going to go with Windows on it when I do get it)
[08:16] <johndoesss> well blender should work on linux quite acceptable
[08:17] <johndoesss> but photoshop should have problems due to 3d accelaration which is unsupported by wine iirc
[08:17] <johndoesss> atleast in newer versions of ps
[08:17] <bartman2589> yeah, but DAZ Studio doesn't, and neither does Poser (if I wanted to buy it to do figure modeling)
[08:18] <bartman2589> well I don't have a new enough version of PS to have to worry about that
[08:18] <bartman2589> I have an old copy of PS7 that I use
[08:18] <johndoesss> which graphiccard would you than think of?
[08:19] <johndoesss> i guess the integrated wouldnt be that perfect
[08:20] <bartman2589> well to be honest I recently bought an nVidia GT520 with 2Gb pretty cheap ($59 after $20 rebate), but I probably should have bought something a little more powerful, but I can at least use it as a 'stepping stone' for now
[08:21] <bartman2589> several people told me I should have bought an nvidia GT430 instead because it has twice the number of cores as the GT520 even if they usually don't have as much memory
[08:23] <johndoesss> memory isnt that important.
[08:23] <johndoesss> 1gb ist quite enough
[08:23] <johndoesss> even the newer ones are still coming out with 1gb
[08:25] <bartman2589> yeah, just thought at the time that since Second Life is so heavy when it comes to textures that the extra memory would come in handy, only later did I find out that SL can only use up to 512Mb of video memory
[08:27] <bartman2589> either way for now it does what I need for a halfway decent price, eventually I'll replace it and use it in a new linux box along with the motherboard and processor that's currently in my Windows machine (AMD Athlon64-4200x2, dual core)
[08:28] <bartman2589> but it's still better than most onboard video, so even when I build my new system I can still put it to good use
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[09:40] <stripe> hi all, how would I delete thinks without having to "move to wastebin" first?
[09:40] <stripe> things
[09:41] <Smurphy> lleft-shift and right-mouse-button - you'll see the Delete option without Pastbin ...
[09:43] <stripe> Smurphy: thanks for that
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[10:40] <kubuntu> Anybody awake?
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[10:45] <Guest94360> Tell me I'm not the only one here, Kubuntu is pissing me off royal!
[10:46] <ghostchick2013> need help?
[10:46] <Guest94360> omg so yes lol
[10:46] <Guest94360> Thank you, I'm just trying to get a shell script to run...Multisystem's script. I've installed multisystem a ton of times, even in Kubuntu so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The funny thing is it will load without error in Ubuntu
[10:47] <Guest94360> "sh install-depot-multisystem.sh
[10:47] <Guest94360> install-depot-multisystem.sh: 2: install-depot-multisystem.sh: Syntax error: redirection unexpected
[10:47] <Guest94360> "
[10:48] <Guest94360> I've tried running it with Bash and ./ but I get errors
[10:48] <ghostchick2013> Interesting it is not a kde bug in my opinion; but paste bin the errors you get when launched from a terminal
[10:48] <Guest94360> I haven't been able to run it as an executable at all. On Ubuntu I had to run chmod 777 to get it to finally run but no love on Kubuntu
[10:49] <Guest94360> That was the error I pasted above for the "Sh" Command
[10:49] <Guest94360> For running "bash" "Enabled the universe component
[10:49] <Guest94360> install-depot-multisystem.sh: line 38: xterm: command not found
[10:49] <Guest94360> Error: zenity xterm "
[10:50] <ghostchick2013> simple as hell then
[10:50] <ghostchick2013> sudo apt-get install zenity xterm
[10:50] <ghostchick2013> as they are default package on ubuntu (gnome) thats why it worked
[10:50] <ghostchick2013> in kde most packages are qt
[10:51] <Guest94360> Wow, Idk how I installed it on Kubuntu before...maybe some other package I downloaded made me install it. i'm installing now... Thankyou ghostchick!!!!!
[10:52] <Guest94360> wait
[10:52] <Guest94360> crap
[10:52] <Guest94360> it worked
[10:53] <Guest94360> I feel stupid, but I swear with linux there is so much to learn...I'm just glad we have this support and users like you to help dummies like me :)
[10:53] <ghostchick2013> Lol, 2 years ago i was a baby chick
[10:53] <ghostchick2013> I love learning though
[10:54] <ghostchick2013> generally errors messages are very informative though
[10:55] <Guest94360> Now that you mention that I guess I should have looked up what Zesty was...I assumed it was an error in the script calling on a "zesty" command or something...any worth while books I should get?
[10:56] <Guest94360> or Zenity
[10:56] <Guest94360> :P
[10:57] <ghostchick2013> cute (sorry i love calling guys cute )
[10:58] <ghostchick2013> don't used books much , but as a tip use fizsh , fish or zsh as an user shell
[10:58] <ghostchick2013> you will love it
[11:00] <Guest94360> lol no worries, I like being called cute rather than a dummy :) You made my day, and I am looking up fizsh now! Thanks again
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[11:03] <ghostchick2013> xD and you made my very rare bug fixing day fun
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[12:06] <ShaneQful> Hey is anyone there ?
[12:07] <szal> wrong question
[12:07] <ghostchick2013> need help?
[12:07] <szal> !ask | ShaneQful
[12:07] <ubottu> ShaneQful: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[12:08] <ShaneQful> Ok, I made a ubuntu one service menu for kde http://www.softwareontheside.info/2012/05/kde-ubuntu-one-dolphin-plugin.html does anyone know which site to upload it too. So that its put in the download new services menu from within dolphin.
[12:09] <ghostchick2013> kde look imo
[12:09] <ghostchick2013> in the service menu tab
[12:10] <ShaneQful> Thks :)
[12:10] <ghostchick2013> no pb and thanks for the service menu
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[13:02] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
[13:06] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: hi
[13:09] <BluesKaj> hi phoenix_firebrd
[13:26] <e66> Hello
[13:27] <e66> Where can I plot this conditional function? x>6000 ? x*0.15+6000 : 6000
[13:55] <patriss> hello
[13:56] <ghostchick2013> yes?
[13:56] <patriss> I can not fix my ip with a static ip with this /etc/networks/interfaces : http://pastebin.com/jE7bg2KC
[13:56] <patriss> what can be the problem please?
[13:58] <ghostchick2013> you mean in kde network or in the text interface
[14:00] <patriss> ghostchick2013: in /etc/networks/interfaces
[14:02] <ghostchick2013> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Network#Network_Interfaces
[14:02] <ghostchick2013> check those pages , might be a line messing up
[14:04] <Mot> hey folks, just completed a command line install of kubuntu and got to the point where i needed to install grub
[14:05] <Mot> i am running hw raid (from my mobo) and have a raid 1 array with windows 7 installed
[14:05] <Mot> the system installed fine but i could not install grub to /dev/sda (it kept failing) and even the suggested /dev/mapper directory - ideas?
[14:05] <Mot> everything i see on google is written from the vantage point of setting up a raid array within the kubuntu installer, not installing onto an existing array....
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[14:36] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: hi
[14:36] <Mot> hi
[14:37] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: i have a doubt
[14:37] <Mot> a doubt?
[14:37] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: ya
[14:37] <Mot> doubt about?
[14:38] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: raid
[14:40] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: does a hw raid show as a single drive to the operating system or multiple?
[14:41] <Mot> single drive
[14:41] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: that means the software is not aware of only single drive right?
[14:41] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: i mean aware of
[14:42] <Mot> correct
[14:42] <Mot> it's hw raid that i setup in a bios option rom for my intel controller on my mobo
[14:43] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: is there any error like flexnet during grub install?
[14:43] <Mot> the error just says quite simply that grub failed to install on /dev/hda
[14:43] <Mot> and then suggests i install it on /dev/mapper (which i attempt, but that also fails as well)
[14:43] <Mot> however, when i reboot the machine, it boots into the grub rescue prompt
[14:44] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: you mean sda right?
[14:44] <Mot> yea sorry
[14:44] <Mot> it's a wee bit late here
[14:45] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: thinking
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[14:47] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: one of the known problems caused by windows is that adobe uses the boot sector to store some info using some program called flexnet that causes problem with grub
[14:47] <Mot> adobe what?
[14:47] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: probably flash
[14:48] <Mot> i don't have acrobat installed, just flash
[14:48] <Mot> hmm okay
[14:48] <Mot> well...
[14:48] <Mot> what if i install linux first, then reinstall windows and boot windows exclusively thru grub?
[14:49] <Mot> or will flexnet still be tickling my mbr and corrupting stuff?
[14:49] <ghostchick2013> any tip for a windows not showing up after running up update-grub?
[14:49] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: check if there is verbose switch for the grub install command , that may provide some info about the install fail
[14:49] <Mot> yea, will do, thanks...i'll tackle this tomorrow when i'm rested
[14:49] <Mot> have a good night - thanks for your help
[14:49] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: you might have over written the windows boot sector
[14:50] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: yw
[14:50] <phoenix_firebrd> Mot: gn
[14:50] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, it is not for me lol
[14:51] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, yeah goood idea, any way to fix it back simply or i just send you the person concerned
[14:51] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, i do warn you his english and ubuntu skills and lvl is hellish
[14:51] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: before installing grub we should select the partition other than the windows one and flag it as boot and then we can install grub there
[14:52] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: no problem, i will try to manage
[14:52] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, i know as i said it not for me
[14:53] <ghostchick2013> i used at that time easybcd or something like that as my pc was tatooed
[14:53] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: Did he backup his system?
[14:54] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: i tried easybcd once
[14:54] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: but the install cd is sufficient
[14:55] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, in my case my laptop was tatooed by the manufacturers so i had no choice
[14:56] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: you mean windows came preinstalled?
[15:12] <mokush> how does kubuntu set the default wallpaper?
[15:13] <BluesKaj> mokush, right click on the desktop , "default desktop settings"
[15:13] <ghostchick2013> you mean in new created desktops?
[15:14] <mokush> BluesKaj: I mean from a script or something. when it used to use a different wallpaper than vanilla kde
[15:14] <BluesKaj> ghostchick2013, what do you mean "my laptop was tatooed by the manufacturers so i had no choice" ?
[15:15] <iliya> Hi guys! Small question - I'm using KDE with dolphin as my file manager. What can I do so that it shows file transfer rates (like in Vista\Win7)?
[15:16] <BluesKaj> mokush,, opent eh dwsktop settings and choose wallpaper from a file then , click the "Open" button
[15:16] <Smurphy> iliya: It already shows it - only it shows it in the ntofication area
[15:16] <iliya> is there a way to show it near the progress bar?
[15:16] <mokush> BluesKaj: I need to do it from script, automaticly when creating a new activity.
[15:17] <Smurphy> iliya: checking ...
[15:17] <iliya> thanks!
[15:18] <iliya> btw, how do I cancel a transfer?
[15:18] <BluesKaj> mokush, ok , i don't activities ...they seem redundant to me
[15:18] <mokush> BluesKaj: basicly I need to set a wallpaper from a script/plasma-script/shell-script whatever
[15:19] <BluesKaj> mokush, you could run a script in startup&shutdown in system settings
[15:20] <BluesKaj> why you need a script for wall paper is beyond me , mokush
[15:22] <iliya> BluesKaj: perhaps he wants to randomize them, or invoke it remotely (or something like that)
[15:22] <Smurphy> iliya: Cancelling a transfer - by clicking on the Notification area, see the active job, and interrupt.
[15:22] <mokush> BluesKaj: problem is, I don't know how to do it from a script. only right now somebody has opened a review-request for a dbus interface for changeing wallpapers, but it's going to be avaialbe only in 4.10
[15:22] <Smurphy> Can't display the download speed like in windows though. didn't find anything ...
[15:23] <iliya> Ok, thanks again!
[15:23] <Smurphy> np
[15:23] <BluesKaj> ill maybe you could suggest something , i have no use for the sctivities thing , perhaps because i don';t understand it and never tried to use it for anything that I need
[15:23] <iliya> is there maybe an option to put a cancel button near the transfer bar?
[15:24] <BluesKaj> iliya,^
[15:24] <iliya> (the windows file transfer dialog is quite convenient)
[15:26] <iliya> how can I tell if the OS recognizes my external HDD as being connected via usb3?
[15:27] <ghostchick2013> Smurphy, in the notification icon when downloading click on it it will show the speed normally
[15:27] <Smurphy> ghostchick2013: It was iliya who asked ;)
[15:28] <iliya> :)
[15:29] <ghostchick2013> Smurphy, sorry , kinda tired
[15:30] <BluesKaj> ghostchick2013, ok thanks , but i can read french quite well, since i live in Canada , so you can't install ubuntu beside windows due the bios setup , can ghost the windows image to another drive install kubuntu , the repave the image on a partition beside it
[15:30] <BluesKaj> err replace
[15:31] <BluesKaj> unfortunately my english typing sucks
[15:33] <BluesKaj> ghostchick2013, ok , understood ...no need to PM ...prefer to discuss in here
[15:34] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: i guess you had good time with arjun?
[15:35] <ghostchick2013> why?
[15:35] <ghostchick2013> because i joked around?
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[15:35] <phoenix_firebrd> no
[15:35] <ghostchick2013> well i m harsh and a joker a bad combination
[15:35] <ghostchick2013> BluesKaj, sorry for the pms i should have asked
[15:35] <ghostchick2013> it is just that it was complicated and kinda boring to explain imo
[15:36] <k0s> hello all
[15:36] <k0s> we have help channel about lazarus?
[15:36] <BluesKaj> ghostchick2013, no problem
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[15:37] <phoenix_firebrd> qw[UA]: is that a lubuntu thing?
[15:37] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, still not understanding the allusion
[15:37] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: he is not responding
[15:37] <qw[UA]> no (k)ubuntu
[15:38] <phoenix_firebrd> qw[UA]: is it forked from azarus?
[15:38] <ghostchick2013> oh , i thought i left him with you , we stopped chatting after you met
[15:38] <BluesKaj> !lazarus
[15:38] <BluesKaj> !info lazarus
[15:38] <ubottu> lazarus (source: lazarus): IDE for Free Pascal - SDK metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 10 kB, installed size 60 kB
[15:39] <ghostchick2013> BluesKaj, btw brillant idea the ghost, but at that type i was cheap and had only one computer
[15:39] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: when ask him if he has a kubuntu live cd, he is silent, when i ask him , if he is there, he says ya. what am i suppose to do?
[15:39] <qw[UA]> please help me install lazarus
[15:40] <ghostchick2013> phoenix_firebrd, sorry i m laughing so hard now
[15:40] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: i can program the slowest system but not a system with bad ram
[15:40] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: @!@#! you
[15:40] <ghostchick2013> as i said we are not chatting any more , well your baby now ; )
[15:41] <ikonia> phoenix_firebrd: tone it down please.
[15:41] <BluesKaj> ghostchick2013, if you have an old HDD from another pc hanging around it can be done , spoke to guy yesterday who did that procedure successfully , updating grub in kubuntu afterwads will bring the windows mbr into the menu
[15:41] <phoenix_firebrd> ikonia: sorry
[15:41] <ikonia> no problem
[15:41] <ikonia> thanks
[15:42] <ghostchick2013> as for programmation i do want to program, but i am a student in totally different area , just dont know where i should start , i like reading and analysing
[15:42] <ghostchick2013> so very commented natural languages would sound nice
[15:42] <ikonia> commented natural language ?
[15:43] <ghostchick2013> some programming languages i have heard are closer to natural languages
[15:43] <iliya> why is that a good thing?
[15:43] <ghostchick2013> well in the worst case maybe i should taste ruby or vala
[15:43] <ikonia> ghostchick2013: I don't think so
[15:43] <iliya> you need a language which is easy to learn\use
[15:44] <ghostchick2013> as i said im totally 0 in programmation but i do want to pick up on it
[15:44] <ikonia> ghostchick2013: then pick one and start researching / learning
[15:44] <iliya> ghostchick2013: what are you studying?
[15:44] <ikonia> ghostchick2013: try ##programming
[15:45] <ghostchick2013> litterature
[15:45] <iliya> I see
[15:46] <ghostchick2013> done , and sorry for the spaming
[15:46] <iliya> well, as an engineer, I would advise you to learn MATLAB or python (they are quite similar)... there are many benefits to those
[15:46] <iliya> benefits in the area of "ease of use"
[15:47] <artao> howdy. any xrandr gurus here?
[15:47] <ghostchick2013> (matlab in school i hated to learn by heart the commands, and python tabulations are infernal imo)
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[15:47] <iliya> you don't need to memorize commands.... you just work with it for a while and you will naturally remember all you need
[15:47] <iliya> also, for matlab there's the file exchange
[15:48] <iliya> and the matlab help files are very good
[15:49] <ghostchick2013> (as i said school , got exams on matlab without documents and on paper , well i did hated it)
[15:49] <ghostchick2013> but yes thanks for the suggestion out of school it can be nice
[15:49] <ghostchick2013> with a cheatsheet
[15:50] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: offtopic chats in here ->#kubuntu-offtopic
[15:50] <iliya> real life isn't school :) and you will be surprised what you can learn when you do it out of your own free will and w\o being forced
[15:50] <iliya> k
[15:50] <iliya> sry
[15:50] <qw[UA]> were i have speak people from other topic
[15:51] <BluesKaj> qw[UA], #kubuntu-offtopic
[15:52] <qw[UA]> thank's
[16:03] <artao> o wow. fixed it myself. gotta love man xrandr
[16:03] <artao> hopefully the fix is now persistent
[16:03] <artao> chekcing now. l8r
[16:03] <phoenix_firebrd> ghostchick2013: here is the log of the conversation between me and arjun, i have given the steps to solve his issue, guide him http://paste.kde.org/510374/
[16:26] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, are you sure the windows mbr will be listed in grub after the procedure you posted above , remind him to run sudo update-grub after booting into kubuntu if windows didn't show up in the grub menu
[16:27] <BluesKaj> or ubuntu , whichever desktop
[16:28] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: eating, 15 min
[16:28] <BluesKaj> not to worry , just a reminder
[16:42] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: i am back
[16:43] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, my post above is all I have to say
[16:43] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: the windows recovery environment will overwrite the grub mbr, so it will be listed during the grub install
[16:44] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: since we are installing grub newly, it will update automatically so no need for grub update, as far as i know
[16:47] <BluesKaj> like i said , if windows doesn't list , sudo update-grub , that's what i had to do after a windows install and fixing grub with the live cd
[16:49] <als-it-net-pc> okay, see you...
[16:52] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: update-grub updates the grub configuration, so during installation of grub, it will scan for the OSs including windows and it will be listed if the windows boot records are intact
[16:53] <BluesKaj> yes phoenix_firebrd , I'm aware of that , that's why i did the grub update
[16:54] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: ok
[18:14] <mah454> I need repository for install libqt4-dev
[18:15] <mah454> I use this repository : deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted universe multiverse
[18:15] <mah454> but not work
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[18:26] <mah454> How can fix this : http://pastebin.com/vQV0uvi6
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[19:06] <`wookie> had ubuntu studio 12.04 installed on my laptop, and after trying to use freeBSD and ghostBSD live installs it started having drive mounting problems. so i tried reinstalling to see if it would fix itself. nope. from then on it wouldn't take a linux installation of anything, even after completely deleting all partitions and starting from scratch. i was thinking it was a MBR problem like i've read in some forums of freeBSD messing up booting problems, but today
[19:06] <`wookie> i went and upgraded the hard drive from a 120gig to a 500gig,on the 120gig i was able to successfully install XP, but no linux/unix installation. i've tried with ubuntu 12.04, ubuntu studio 12.04 32 and 64 bit versions. fedora 17. red hat 10. linux lint maya. freeBSD installation. ghostBSD won't even work in live install anymore. now after buying the new hard drive i'm having STILL having the SAME problem! help!
[19:06] <Miguelito> Hey does anyone here use XChat?
[19:07] <Hat> hat
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[19:41] <akshayratan> can anyone please help in this..a small error..code snippet mentioned ithe paste only..http://paste.kde.org/510434/
[19:41] <akshayratan> someone refred me to this channel to ask this doubt..probably some header file missing
[19:41] <akshayratan> i am working on ubuntu oneiric 11.10
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[21:35] <omega7> hi
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[23:32] <Joit> did something happen to the german server? i have set muon to dl the packages from there, and it gives me now an error
[23:34] <almoxarife> Joit: a 404 error?
[23:34] <Joit> kinda, a empty page almoxarife
[23:35] <Joit> well, semi empty http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/binary-i386/Packages
[23:35] <almoxarife> Joit: i usually wait a few days before i worry,
[23:35] <Joit> i only hat that, when muon looks at me with an angry red button
[23:36] <Joit> hat-hate*
[23:36] <Joit> muons hate button
[23:38] <almoxarife> http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/binary-i386/ <-- Joit, it does exist, perhaps it is the way the line is written in sources.list?
[23:39] <Joit> i have /packages at the line what trows me the error
[23:39] <Joit> yours end at i386/
[23:40] <almoxarife> Joit: no, i am not using kubuntu, i am only saying that the server seems to be intact, and listening, from the link i shared
[23:41] <Joit> i need to fix this line, but cant do it in muon since it does not give me a option to edit it
[23:41] <Joit> thanks anyway.
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[23:42] <almoxarife> Joit: look at /etc/apt/sources.list , look for any disparities in the lines
[23:46] <Joit> doesnt look bad, but all servers what are listed from germany only look like this deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates universe
[23:49] <Joit> but i cant find any with this line packages
[23:54] <Joit> any idea what the config file for this predefined server from the package manager is ?
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