UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /29 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
[00:12] <tenach> davkbod-ld, in the file manager go to View and near the bottom, select 'List'
[00:13] <davkbod-ld> Thanks, tenach!
[00:13] <tenach> you're welcome :D
[00:16] <davkbod-ld> One other quest..hopefully simple... Firefox wants me to subscribe to podcasts using their Live Bookmarks, or I can choose another application. Where are the "other applications" located? When I choose "other locations", it opens my home directory, not the directory where the applications are. (like Podder). Where are they hiding?
[00:17] <Unit193> You can just copy the URL and paste it in podder, but you can find where it is by typing which podder in a terminal.
[00:17] <davkbod-ld> cool, thanks!
[00:23] <tenach> :)
[01:41] <chrrrrr> hello, anybody help?
[01:43] <stlsaint> chrrrrr: yes
[01:44] <chrrrrr> thanks
[01:44] <chrrrrr> I wonna conpile chrome but I don`t next step
[01:44] <chrrrrr> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Build
[01:45] <chrrrrr> I`m doing about this page
[01:49] <chrrrrr> hello
[01:50] <JoseeAntonioR> Hello, chrrrrr
[01:50] <chrrrrr> Hello, Josee
[01:50] <chrrrrr> Do you know how to compile chrome?
[01:53] <chrrrrr> I`m 3rd day using ubuntu
[01:57] <JoseeAntonioR> chrrrrr: You mean, you want to install Google Chrome?
[01:58] <JoseeAntonioR> chrrrrr: You can go to https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/ to download and install it.
[01:59] <chrrrrr> Thanks but not to install, I wonna build and compile
[01:59] <chrrrrr> so using fakeroot and more
[02:00] <chrrrrr> Like this Instructions bzr builddeb --merge --dont-purge --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b'
[02:00] <JoseeAntonioR> chrrrrr: are there any specific reasons you want to compile and not just install chrome?
[02:01] <chrrrrr> Yes not just using my computer,
[02:01] <chrrrrr> It`s my work
[02:39] <chrrrrr> nobody to talk?
[02:55] <stlsaint> chrrrrr: still, why not use one from official google?
[02:57] <stlsaint> chrrrrr: also you wont be getting chrome source as chromium is the open source version of it so you get chromium
[02:57] <stlsaint> chrrrrr: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[15:56] <kav> hey !
[15:56] <hobgoblin> hi - so what's the problem kav?
[15:57] <kav> i create a live usb
[15:57] <kav> intially i make it persistable
[15:57] <kav> of 2 gb
[15:58] <kav> now i make extend it to 8 gb by creating a csper-rw (of 3.7 gb )
[15:58] <kav> *casper-rw
[15:58] <kav> using gparted
[15:58] <kav> now , i don't know how to use this casper-rw
[15:58] <kav> : (
[15:59] <kav> i can even mount casper-rw
[16:00] <kav> but when i install a another .deb package , it always install on my 1st 2GB part
[16:00] <kav> it don't use my casper-rw that i created
[16:00] <kav> can you help me
[16:01] <hobgoblin> I can try - give me a moment
[16:02] <kav> ok
[16:02] <kav> thanks in advance
[16:08] <kav> : |
[16:09] <hobgoblin> kav: when you resized it did you do it like this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent/#Method_0:_Automatically_create_Live_USB_system - read from where it says "To make the presistence larger ...
[16:09] <hobgoblin> and all that :| does is make people leave you alone or even leave the channel
[16:10] <hobgoblin> !patience | kav
[16:10] <ubot2> kav: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/
[16:10] <kav> i already make it large
[16:10] <kav> but i don't know is it working or not
[19:47] <designbybeck> A good resource for Ubuntu things Rull Circle Magazine: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-62/
[20:59] <nhandler> designbybeck: I think someone just uploaded that issue for the App Review Board to review
[21:06] <designbybeck> oh yeah? is it not in there? nhandler?
[21:22] <nhandler> designbybeck: I'm not sure (I don't run Ubuntu). But if it was just submitted for review, it will probably take a few days before it gets added
[21:25] <designbybeck> what do you run nhandler ?
[21:25] <nhandler> designbybeck: Debian sid/unstable
[21:25] <designbybeck> ah
[21:25] <designbybeck> what WM does it run
[21:26] <nhandler> designbybeck: Whatever you want. None by default
[21:27] <designbybeck> ah just cli?
[21:43] <nhandler> designbybeck: By default, yes. You can download a gnome or kde livecd if you want a desktop interface by default