UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /28 /#ubuntu-arb.txt
Initial commit
[06:49] <dholbach> good morning
[07:45] <dholbach> hey ajmitch
[08:21] <ajmitch> hi dholbach
[08:21] <dholbach> how are you doing?
[08:22] <ajmitch> good, how are you?
[08:22] <dholbach> great, thanks :)
[08:22] <dholbach> how did https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/AppsSprint look to you?
[08:23] <dholbach> I'm currently writing the skeleton of an arb-lint tool, so we should be able to feed our knowledge into it, and it might be a good start for new contributors to check out branches/get packages from ppa and run the tool in there - I hope it will help us to put together a a bit more streamlined process
[08:25] <ajmitch> it looked ok, though I remembered that I've got something on both tuesday & wednesday nights next week :(
[08:25] <ajmitch> a lint tool would be really useful
[08:25] <dholbach> I'll put up the branch as soon as it starts doing something
[08:26] <dholbach> I thought we could add stuff like "your app ships translations outside /opt, here are links to a few diffs where we fixed it in other places"
[08:26] <dholbach> etc
[08:27] <dholbach> ajmitch, do you know if there's a way in python to get all functions defined in an object?
[08:28] <ajmitch> dir() gets all object members, I'm not sure if there's a trivial way to get all that are callable
[08:28] <dholbach> aha
[08:29] <dholbach> ok, I think I could easily rename all the functions to test_<something>
[08:29] <dholbach> and then call those
[08:29] <dholbach> cool
[08:29] <dholbach> learned something new again :-D
[08:30] <ajmitch> that's what unittest generally does, afaik
[08:37] <dholbach> sweet
[08:54] <ersi> yeah, most testrunners does exactly that ^
[09:14] <PaoloRotolo> Hi all!
[09:24] <dholbach> ajmitch, lp:~dholbach/+junk/arb-lint - what do you think?
[09:24] <dholbach> it's still very primitive, considering it's an 1h job, but it might serve as a foundation
[09:31] <dholbach> ajmitch, you need to run it in the source tree of an app
[09:31] <dholbach> and you can pass to it a path where the built .deb files are, default is ".." (if you just run 'bzr bd')
[09:35] <ajmitch> dholbach: looks like a good start
[09:35] <dholbach> ajmitch, shall I create a LP project for it?
[09:36] <ajmitch> sure
[09:36] <ajmitch> then we can file bugs against it :)
[09:37] <dholbach> and please help improve it - I'm sure there's loads of bugs in it and I know it's mostly just a hack right now :)
[09:38] <ajmitch> yup
[09:38] <ajmitch> as I said, a good start for 1h :)
[09:38] <ajmitch> but I know there are plenty of checks we can add
[09:38] * ajmitch is probably going to be busy with work all this weekend, big cleanup & rollout of new stuff for work
[09:38] <dholbach> as I said earlier, the best thing would be to point to diffs of things we fixed before
[09:39] <dholbach> oh wow
[09:39] <dholbach> then good luck with that
[09:39] <ajmitch> the deployment shouldn't be a problem, but cleaning up the cruft will be :)
[09:41] <dholbach> :)
[09:41] <dholbach> https://launchpad.net/arb-lint
[09:42] <dholbach> I'll send an email to the ARB list about it
[09:42] * ajmitch pull --remembers that
[09:48] <dholbach> alright, mail sent
[09:53] <dholbach> ajmitch, if we manage to add a few more tests to arb-lint until beginning of next week, I'll add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/AppsSprint as part of the instructions
[09:53] <dholbach> the most general tests should be pretty easy to massage into it, I guess
[09:54] <ajmitch> things like filenames in /usr not being prefixed with extras
[09:54] <ajmitch> with the exception of /usr/share/doc/packagename
[09:56] <dholbach> yes, exactly
[09:56] <dholbach> expections we have for lenses
[09:56] <dholbach> maybe you should start filing some bugs :-P
[09:56] <ajmitch> maybe I should :)
[11:42] <dholbach> ajmitch, I implemented a test for lenses and if their .service/.lens file names are correct
[13:12] <dholbach> can somebody from the ARB please accept this invitation https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors/+members#invited?
[13:13] <dholbach> it'd make the administration of the team a bit easier
[13:13] <dholbach> wendar, highvoltage, ajmitch, stgraber: ^
[13:14] <highvoltage> I can't see an accept button of any kind
[13:15] <dholbach> hum
[13:15] <dholbach> then I'll have to wait until dpm is back from holidays
[13:15] <dholbach> I'll set up a daily build of arb-lint and push it to my PPA
[13:16] <dholbach> highvoltage, is there anything on https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board maybe?
[13:16] <highvoltage> dholbach: ah I think it's because I'm not a team admin
[13:16] <highvoltage> I checked there too
[13:16] <dholbach> that'd be weird because nobody of you is: https://launchpad.net/~app-review-board/+members#active
[13:16] <dholbach> stgraber, maybe a TB member can help? ^ :)
[13:17] <highvoltage> yeah stgraber is root on LP :)
[13:17] <dholbach> :-D
[13:17] <dholbach> it'll be much easier to install arb-lint as a package and go wild in random submitted apps :)
[13:18] <stgraber> done
[13:20] <dholbach> yeehaw
[13:20] <dholbach> can somebody also request a ppa for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-app-review-contributors?
[13:57] <highvoltage> I'm not sure if anyone else has brought this up yet (I just assumed someone would)
[13:58] <highvoltage> but should we prioritize apps that are submitted for the competition / app showdown?
[13:58] <highvoltage> and do we have a list or easy way to get a list of those apps?
[14:13] <dholbach> I was wondering the same :)
[14:17] <dholbach> mhall119, so about dir() in arb-lint - I read the python docs and it seems it returns members and methods alphabetically, so I can't depend on the order :-/
[14:18] <mhall119> dholbach: yeah, I was concerned about that
[14:18] <dholbach> so instead of having test_1..., test_2... and the like, I call one of the functions from another one to be sure if happens
[14:18] <dholbach> ie: find_out_if_this_is_a_lens calls _find_source_files
[14:18] <dholbach> not very elegant, but practical I guess ;-)
[14:19] <mhall119> or you can just exit immediately if you know the function has run
[14:19] <dholbach> it's been a fun little project to work on
[14:19] <dholbach> yeah, I just added that in r15
[14:19] <mhall119> for example, start def find_changes_file with "if self.changes: return"
[14:20] <dholbach> there's lots we can improve in there, but I hope it will serve as a basis for adding more tests and content into it
[14:21] <dholbach> now with packages available, I think I can add it to the AppsSprint wiki page
[14:21] <mhall119> my next question is, do we want to make a separate -lint project, or just add extras.u.c specific checks to Lintian?
[14:23] <dholbach> I felt that it would be much harder to plug specific checks for stuff in extras into lintian, and also to get these tests upstream
[14:24] <mhall119> we wouldn't need to get them upstream, necessarily, it could be an independent package that just installs a new lintian profile and some extra checks
[14:26] <dholbach> yeah, theoretically it's possible, but I didn't want to block on learning lintian internals and extending lintian
[14:27] <dholbach> I won't insist on keeping this tool around
[14:27] <dholbach> I just thought it'd be good to have something up and running for next week
[14:29] <mhall119> ok
[14:30] <dholbach> also I was super-pleased with 'pkgme' providing the initial packaging for it :-)
[14:30] <dholbach> james_w, ^ :)
[14:31] <mhall119> +1
[15:06] <dholbach> mhall119, highvoltage mentioned this earlier:
[15:06] <dholbach> <highvoltage> I'm not sure if anyone else has brought this up yet (I just assumed someone would)
[15:06] <dholbach> but should we prioritize apps that are submitted for the competition / app showdown?
[15:06] <dholbach> and do we have a list or easy way to get a list of those apps?
[15:08] <highvoltage> I could probably spend around 6-8 hours over the weekend for the competition apps and try to get as many of them into a [vote] stage as I can and reject the obvious ones
[15:09] <highvoltage> (I think we currently have 3 open votes, would've actually been nice if we could track that better too, I'll get in my votes for them tonight)
[15:09] <dholbach> maybe we all should spend just a little bit of time every day triaging the queue - I hope that the apps-brancher + arb-lint is going to help speeding things up
[15:14] <highvoltage> hmm, I'm kind of weary about things like web browsers: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1070/
[15:15] <highvoltage> they tend to be security nightmares.
[15:15] <highvoltage> (and I'm not sure how much code review is necessary to make sure it's not a password stealer)
[15:18] <dholbach> we should probably just reject it
[15:18] <dholbach> because it's going to sit there forever with nobody touching it
[15:19] <dholbach> it's no trivial app for sure :)
[15:20] <dholbach> hey coolbhavi
[15:20] <coolbhavi> hey dholbach
[15:21] <coolbhavi> installing arb-lint now
[15:22] <dholbach> it needs some more tests to be really useful, but I suppose it's a start
[15:24] <coolbhavi> dholbach, its really cool :) thanks a lot and did you base this on lintian?
[15:24] <dholbach> no, it's self-cooked and pretty quickly cooked :)
[15:26] <coolbhavi> great! ll do a apt-get source then m really interested in looking into the code now :)
[15:27] <dholbach> coolbhavi, just bzr branch lp:arb-lint
[15:28] <coolbhavi> dholbach, got permission denied error
[15:28] <dholbach> that's very weird
[15:29] <coolbhavi> dholbach, m checking my bzr conf now maybe I should reconfigure
[15:29] <dholbach> are you in a directory where you can write? do you have your correct 'bzr launchpad-login' set?
[15:30] <dholbach> do you have your ssh key shared with LP?
[15:30] <coolbhavi> yes
[15:30] <coolbhavi> ll reconfigure btw
[17:27] <highvoltage> dholbach: something we talked about at UDS was also making blog posts when new ARB apps hit extras
[17:27] <dholbach> ah yes, that'd be sweet
[17:27] <highvoltage> dholbach: I took an item for that, what do you suggest? Is it better if I post those updates from my blog, or is it better if there's some kind of Ubuntu Applications blog for that?
[17:28] <dholbach> I think for now it should be fine to just post it from your blog - if we want to mirror it somewhere else we can still do it
[17:28] <dholbach> dpm is on holidays right now, but next week he might have a better answer for you
[17:28] <dholbach> or maybe mhall119 knows?
[17:29] <mhall119> highvoltage: we were going to post them on the developer.ubuntu.com blog
[17:29] <dholbach> ah there you go
[17:29] <mhall119> if you want to write them, we'll make sure you have access to it
[17:30] <dholbach> alrightie, that's the cue for me to go call it a day and clean up a bit before my friends are here and want to watch soccer :)
[17:30] <mhall119> dholbach: I've got an MP coming your way in just a minute
[17:31] <dholbach> cool, I'll take a look at it
[17:31] * dholbach hugs mhall119
[17:31] <dholbach> still, I'll better head out now :)
[17:31] <dholbach> have a great rest of your day :)
[17:33] <highvoltage> enjoy the game or whatever oli was talking about :)
[17:34] <dholbach> yeah, Germany - Italy - semi finals
[17:36] <dholbach> see you :)
=== james_w` is now known as james_w