UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /28 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Hamdon> Yes
[00:01] <JanC> (there is a file chooser button in there by default
[00:04] <penguin> does anyone know the function to "go forward" and "go backward" in webkit
[00:05] <penguin> via python
[00:05] <penguin> im trying to expand on the tutorial
[00:14] <JanC> penguin: did you check the C docs?
[00:18] <penguin> sorry... im a newbie
[00:19] <penguin> dont know what that is
[00:23] <JanC> http://www.webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/index.html I think
[00:23] <penguin> where do i look
[00:23] <penguin> nvm
[00:23] <penguin> ty
[00:24] <JanC> the way to use webkit/gtk from python should be equivalent
[00:24] <JanC> http://www.webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/WebKitWebBackForwardList.html look relevant to your question ☺
[00:49] <stlsaint> Hello all, Can tell me the file used to set default apps on unity bar?
[03:03] <mhall119> stlsaint: it's in dconf
[03:03] <mhall119> IIRC
[03:16] <stlsaint> mhall119: right, i open it up but cant tell how to edit it. right click, double click, cant seem to edit the favorites
[03:33] <tr3nton> Using quickly, I chuck some images in data/media/ folder ; and when referring to these in glade, use: ../media/image.png . In code, I found to use data/media/image.png. Is there a better practice for referring to images stored there? Thinking that reference wouldn't work once installed ... looking at the media player example, I see they just use the helpers module, e.g. helpers.get_media_file("image.png")
[06:49] <dholbach> good morning
[07:23] <jvrbanac> good morning to you too
[10:29] <vignesh> hi, what is the best way to store the data associated with an app in ubuntu?
[10:30] <vignesh> I am trying quickly...
[10:30] <vignesh> Is sqlite a good option
[10:55] <twobottux> auappdev: python3 can partecipate to Ubuntu app showdown? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157101/python3-can-partecipate-to-ubuntu-app-showdown>
[11:30] <twobottux> auappdev: Ubuntu App Showdown: Commercial applications <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157117/ubuntu-app-showdown-commercial-applications> || Adding a deamon to quickly app? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157108/adding-a-deamon-to-quickly-app>
[11:57] <cedeon> hi all
[12:10] <twobottux> auappdev: Ambiance theme text stays black - Jono Bacon - Creating First Ubuntu Application <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157123/ambiance-theme-text-stays-black-jono-bacon-creating-first-ubuntu-application>
[12:17] <x_or> Are there alteratives to using quickly and putting apps inside the app store? I love the simplicity of quickly, but I don't know python. I would prefer something for ruby if it exists...
[12:22] <twobottux> auappdev: Ambiance theme text stays black - <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157123/ambiance-theme-text-stays-black>
[12:27] <twobottux> auappdev: Opening a Window within an already open window (Quickly/Glade) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157131/opening-a-window-within-an-already-open-window-quickly-glade>
[12:48] <zoopster> x_or: you don't need to use quickly, but I think the intent is to bring the app into extras so it doesn't have to go into "the store"
[13:01] <x_or> zoopster: OK, I'm not sure what you mean by "bring the app into extras"...
[13:03] <zoopster> x_or: extras.ubuntu.com is where applications submitted through myapps for review by the Application Review Board are placed once approved. Extras is a repository that allows for post-release applications to be released
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[13:48] <twobottux> auappdev: python3 can participate to Ubuntu app showdown? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157101/python3-can-participate-to-ubuntu-app-showdown>
[15:00] <twobottux> auappdev: Dynamic quicklist: how to reference to .desktop file? (installed in /opt) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157178/dynamic-quicklist-how-to-reference-to-desktop-file-installed-in-opt>
[15:10] <Compt> Hey everyone, I have a question regarding Glade and Quickly. Is it possible to map a button to a notebook within the same program. Like say for instance I have a toolbar with a button on it. Can I link it to, say page 3, on the notebook widget?
[15:24] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly/Glade linking a button to notebook page <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157186/quickly-glade-linking-a-button-to-notebook-page>
[15:34] <Compt> lol that's my post ^_^
[15:52] <lemaire> if I create a package using 'quickly package --extras', does that package generate a .desktop file after installation, because I can't seem to find it..
[16:17] <twobottux> auappdev: How to reference to .desktop file? (installed in /opt) in a dynamic quicklist? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157178/how-to-reference-to-desktop-file-installed-in-opt-in-a-dynamic-quicklist>
[16:59] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly app Unity support <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157228/quickly-app-unity-support>
[17:47] <twobottux> auappdev: GTK+ Custom Accelarator Groups <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157247/gtk-custom-accelarator-groups> || Webview load specific URL (Quickly/Glade) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157246/webview-load-specific-url-quickly-glade>
[18:07] <cedeon> so i just spent the last hour in winpdb tearing my hair out about a piece of code only to realise that winpdb was loading all the old *.pyc files so none of my changes made a difference until i nuked all the *.pyc.
[18:08] <cedeon> seriously, what kind of insanity is that for a debugger
[18:10] <cedeon> *calms down from rage-fit* sorry guys this window was my closest vent point, im good now :)
[18:12] <Compt> Hey guys, it's me again. I was wondering if there was a way to tell Webkit to load a specific URL upon a click of a notebook label. So for instance, if I were to click "page 2" on my notebook, the tab would open and webkit would launch the URL of my choice.
[18:15] <cedeon> sure, just embed it as normal and set up a callback on the "switch-page" signal
[18:16] <cedeon> in quickly it would be def on_notebook1_switch-page(self,widget): i believe
[18:18] <Compt> Ok (thanks for the response), I have it embed already, but where is the field to launch the specific URL?
[18:21] <cedeon> unsure gotta be in the docs somewhere
[18:21] <cedeon> theres no ui element packed with it, you'll have to make your own like a GtkEntry or something
[18:23] <Compt> Ok, thanks
[18:36] <x_or> Anyone know of a way to authenticate a quickly app via Google OpenID or Facebook?
[18:39] <twobottux> auappdev: "No Launchpad project set" - Quickly <http://askubuntu.com/questions/156707/no-launchpad-project-set-quickly>
[18:42] <commandoline> x_or: openid isn't meant for logging in desktop apps since it requires a callback on a webserver.
[18:42] <commandoline> there are apis for desktop apps available though
[18:43] <x_or> commandoline: OK, yeah, I think I meant to say oauth using google. I'
[18:43] <x_or> will look up desktop apps authenticating into google services, good idea.
[18:51] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly & Ubuntu App Developer: Returns "State: Failed to build" <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157277/quickly-ubuntu-app-developer-returns-state-failed-to-build>
[19:09] <twobottux> auappdev: How to change GtkWidget background in GTK3? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157283/how-to-change-gtkwidget-background-in-gtk3>
[19:16] <twobottux> auappdev: How to apply gradient background to GtkWidget in GTK3? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157286/how-to-apply-gradient-background-to-gtkwidget-in-gtk3>
[19:22] <twobottux> auappdev: How to draw on mouse click in Gtk.DrawingArea using pygi <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157290/how-to-draw-on-mouse-click-in-gtk-drawingarea-using-pygi>
[19:46] <twobottux> auappdev: How do I use the Unity methods in Quickly's python code? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157228/how-do-i-use-the-unity-methods-in-quicklys-python-code>
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[21:39] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly/Glade autoadjust text position <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157334/quickly-glade-autoadjust-text-position>
[21:47] <chimney> Heyo
[21:49] <chimney> I want to write a script (bash,perl) which runs continuous an checks if eth0 is up. which file or which function I've to call for gretiing this information?
[21:49] <chimney> s/gretiing/getting/
[21:50] <chimney> I also want to signal traffic like the leds on a switch
[21:54] <chimney> ok I must leave due to rl will be back in an hour hopefully.
[22:21] <twobottux> auappdev: Quickly. adding button to grid <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157351/quickly-adding-button-to-grid>
[22:49] <twobottux> auappdev: Wikipedia lens example broken <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157364/wikipedia-lens-example-broken>
[22:53] <chimney> hi. I'm back :)
[22:53] <chimney> someone awake?
[23:06] <zoopster> not sure if someone's awake at the moment
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