UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /23 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:22] <doctormon> Does anyone know what license the developer-app-showdown videos are under? mhall119?
[00:23] <mhall119> doctormon: the hangout recordings?
[00:24] <mhall119> you know, we never even talked about it
[00:24] <mhall119> what's the best license to use for these, CC-BY 3?
[00:25] <mhall119> or CC-BY-SA?
[00:27] <doctormon> SA is typical, make sure content stays in the public
[00:27] <doctormon> commons
[00:29] <mhall119> jono: ^^ thoughts?
[00:29] <mhall119> I'm happy either with or without -SA
[00:29] <mhall119> doctormon: is there a specific use you have in mind for them?
[00:30] <mhall119> or is this a "just in case someone asks" kind of question?
[00:30] <doctormon> mhall119: yes
[00:31] <mhall119> gonna tell me what it is :)
[00:32] <cjohnston> no
[00:32] <cjohnston> its secret
[00:32] <mhall119> lol
[00:32] <cjohnston> :-P
[00:42] <doctormon> mhall119: I could, but all my plans seem to die the minute I tell anyone.
[00:47] <paultag> doctormon: nice new nick :)
[00:48] <doctormon> paultag: I've only had it for 5 months :-P
[00:48] <paultag> doctormon? :)
[00:48] <rrnwexec> it has been way too long since i've been here. greetings everybody.
[00:48] <doctormon> yep, on freenodde
[00:48] <paultag> doctormon: sweet.
[00:51] <mhall119> hey rrnwexec, where have you been hiding?
[00:51] <rrnwexec> the day job has consumed me
[00:51] <rrnwexec> today i've come up for air. must fix that :)
[00:51] <rrnwexec> nice to see you Michael
[00:52] <mhall119> and you too
[00:53] <rrnwexec> i feel bad that i missed all the fun in Oakland... i hope you had a good time there
[00:53] <mhall119> we did miss you there
[00:54] <rrnwexec> next one for sure ;)
[00:54] * mhall119 will hold you to it
[00:54] <mhall119> :)
[00:56] <mhall119> hope the day job will give you a bit of time to get back into things around here
[00:56] <rrnwexec> summer slows down, so i think so!
[01:06] <paultag> anyone want to see what'll be the new debian bootsplash?
[01:19] <mhall119> paultag: sure
[01:19] <mhall119> paultag: they're letting you design the bootsplash now too?
[01:19] <paultag> mhall119: http://i.imgur.com/uU8yB.png
[01:19] <paultag> mhall119: I'm in charge of re-branding Debian at the moment
[01:20] <paultag> since no one else did it.
[01:20] <mhall119> nice progress dots, they look familiar....
[01:20] <paultag> mhall119: highvoltage did it, and we both have a bit of an Ubuntu bent
[01:21] <paultag> mhall119: the mockup can be found @ http://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/Joy
[01:23] <mhall119> paultag: I like em
[01:23] <paultag> thanks
[11:17] <hobgoblin> jcastro: if you are about ... what's the askubuntu position on blog spam?
[13:40] <mhall119> paultag: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/comments/vgn81/app_ideasubmission_legislation_tracker/
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
[17:50] <jcastro> mhall119: 11 new questions today already in app dev
[17:50] <jcastro> the power of weekend hacking!
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[19:27] <s-fox> Hey everyone :-)
[21:03] <s-fox> bye community
[21:14] <pleia2> so, at 23:00 UTC (in a little over 2 hours: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20120623T23 ) we're going to do a sort of random Community Roundtable session in #ubuntu-classroom for people to ask questions and have people talk about some of what they do
[21:14] <pleia2> invite open to anyone here who wants to join :)
[21:15] <pleia2> it's part of User Days (secretly because we couldn't fill that last slot, so we're trying an experiment)
[21:21] <jcastro> pleia2: I'll probably be around
[21:21] <pleia2> cool, I'll ping again when we're ready to roll
[22:55] <pleia2> ok, we're starting the community roundtable in 5 minutes over in #ubuntu-classroom
[23:01] <pleia2> and starting now :)
[23:25] <paultag> mhall119: dude, awesome
[23:25] <paultag> mhall119: thank you
[23:30] <paultag> mhall119: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/comments/vgn81/app_ideasubmission_legislation_tracker/c54ogkp
[23:30] <paultag> mhall119: if you feel the urge to upgoat