UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /23 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <baffone85> hello
[00:07] <avpx> Hey!
[00:08] <baffone85> can I use filemaker 12 on ubuntu?
[00:15] <frogonwheels> baffone85: is that a windoze app?
[00:16] <frogonwheels> baffone85: look on winehq appdb
[00:16] <baffone85> yes
[00:16] <baffone85> where do I look? Can you give me web link please?
[00:17] <frogonwheels> baffone85: well if you'd googled those winehq appdb you'd a' found it.
[00:17] <frogonwheels> baffone85: however: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=25827
[00:19] <baffone85> so on ubuntu 12.04 I can use filemaker. Is it right?
[00:19] <frogonwheels> baffone85: did you read the page?
[00:20] <frogonwheels> baffone85: http://www.osalt.com/filemaker
[00:24] <frogonwheels> baffone85: http://bit.ly/Mdvdeb
[00:26] <baffone85> thank's
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[00:49] <zacarias> Anyone running Kubuntu 12.04 on a Power PC?
[01:14] <zacarias> Anyone running Kubuntu 12.04 on a Power PC?
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[02:10] <L3top> !anyone | zacarias
[02:10] <ubottu> zacarias: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.
=== king is now known as Guest37039
[03:39] <akis> hi
[03:40] <akis> is there any way to encrypt files/dirs in kubuntu 10.04?
[03:40] <LauraR> Hello, I am having an issue after install where the screen settings don't stick on reboot. I usually work with amd/ati machines so I would do it through CCC, but this is an intel hd graphics laptop.
[03:40] <LauraR> Where would I edit the defaults so the settings are permanent
[03:42] <ronnoc> LauraR: Hello. Were they changed in the Display and Monitor section of KDE's System Settings?
[03:42] <LauraR> ronnoc: Yes they were.
[03:43] <ronnoc> akis: I'm not sure, as 10.04 is not supported anymore I don't think
[03:43] <LauraR> ronnoc: Applying also works, but the settings are lost on reboot.
[03:44] <LauraR> ronnoc: Never mind, I MIGHT have just found my issue. I didn't hit "save as default" only apply!
[03:44] <LauraR> let me try rebooting :)
[03:44] <ronnoc> :)
[03:44] <ronnoc> Ok let me know
[03:44] <LauraR> Thanks, wish me luck.
[03:44] <ronnoc> GL!
[03:44] <akis> it is still supported
[03:46] <ronnoc> akis: See if this helps at all: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/10/create-encrypted-files-folders-ubuntu-10-0410-10-maverick-meerkat-seahorse/
[03:46] <ronnoc> hi Daskreech!
[03:48] <L3top> ronnoc: Lucid is supported through 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS
[03:48] <LauraR> ronnoc: Yup that was it.
[03:48] <LauraR> Thanks again! :)
[03:48] <ronnoc> LauraR: Anytime - though I didn't do anything ;)
[03:49] <ronnoc> L3top: Thx for that...I had forgot
[03:49] <LauraR> Well describing it made me look closer =P
[03:49] <L3top> ;)
[03:49] <ronnoc> lol
[03:50] <ronnoc> L3top: I looks like the 2015 date is only for server? Or am I mis-reading the chart?
[03:50] <ronnoc> April 2013 looks like the end for 10.04 desktop support
[03:51] <akis> i found this one http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/encrypt-home-folder-ubuntu-installation-linux/
[03:52] <ronnoc> akis: Actually if I right-click a file or folder right in Dolpin I get an option to encrypt....
[03:52] <ronnoc> do you not have that?
[03:54] <akis> no i dont
[03:55] <ronnoc> you may have to go into your Dolphin configuration and under "services", make sure encryption and decryption are checked
[03:55] <ronnoc> I'm running 12.04, and I have those options available
[03:58] <ronnoc> thought there may be easier / better ways to do what you want to do
[04:01] <L3top> sorry, yes ronnoc... we run server... so... you are correct. 1004 desktop ed is through the first quarter of 2013.
[04:04] <ronnoc> it's awesome that Canonical has extended these LTS dates out for Enterprise users to help make it really viable in both the server and desktop segments
[04:05] <akis> there is no encrypt option under services of my Dolphin
[04:15] <ronnoc> LauraR: WB
[04:16] <LauraR> ronnoc: Thanks :)
[04:16] <ronnoc> :)
[04:18] <ronnoc> man I wish Kontact would be 100 pct crash-free. I want to love it, I really do. But it keeps crashing about one out of every 100 emails I try to read/move/delete :/
[04:37] <c_smith> Hello, I'm trying to reset Kontact (And the whole suite it represents) to as it would be in a fresh install. what folders would I delete? google isn't helping me.
[04:40] <c_smith> never mind, figured it out (deleted everything in the folders that I knew I didn't need) man I need to clean out my configuration folders once in a while.
[06:14] <prativasic> How to make Kpatience Game Theme?
[06:15] <prativasic> Can anybody provide me any reference?
[06:51] <kubuntu> hi
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[06:52] <Guest35620> hi 2 all
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[08:15] <rmac> Hi, I was trying to install firefox on kubuntu but I am getting this (http://paste.kde.org/506210/) error.. can anyone help me out!?
[08:20] <Mamarok> rmac: could you please give some more information on your current system (Kubuntu version, KDE version) and which repositories you use?
[08:21] <Mamarok> looks like y try getting firefox from a PPA, is that right?
[08:22] <Mamarok> you*
[08:22] <rmac> Mamarok: kde 4.8.1 and kubuntu is 11.10 ..
[08:22] <rmac> Mamarok: I just did sudo apt-get install firefox
[08:22] <Mamarok> because you have 400+ packages waiting for an upgrade there
[08:23] <qbit> I just upgraded to Firefox 13 via Muon Package Manager on 75 bit and all was fine for me, however, I do not have GoogleTalk plugin installed - mine is KDE 4.8.4on 12.04 with all current updates
[08:23] <qbit> s/75/64
[08:23] <rmac> Mamarok: i do not want to upgrade to 12.04 because I have some development environment set up which might get wrecked if i upgrade it :-\
[08:24] <Mamarok> rmac: could you please paste your sources list?
[08:24] <rmac> Mamarok: how can i do that? any command?
[08:24] <Mamarok> Moment, I tell you where it is
[08:25] <Mamarok> it is here: /etc/apt/sources.list
[08:26] <Mamarok> rmac: you probably have a sources mismatch there, else it doesn't explain why you have so many updates in wait
[08:26] <rmac> Mamarok: ok. let me check..
[08:26] <Mamarok> are you sure it is not just a regular update you didn't do?
[08:27] <rmac> Mamarok: here it is.. http://paste.kde.org/506216/
[08:28] <Mamarok> yep, you have a mis-match with oneiric and natty and lucid package sources
[08:28] <Mamarok> you should remove all the lucid and natty lines in there
[08:28] <Mamarok> since you use 11.10 which is oneiric
[08:29] <Mamarok> and the do a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade
[08:29] <rmac> Mamarok: hmmm.. how is it causing a problem for firefox?
[08:29] <Mamarok> you apparently didn't follow the correct dist-upgrade when you went prom natty to oneiric
[08:29] <qbit> might also remove the google-talkplugin too, add back after
[08:30] <Mamarok> and your installation is not complete, else you wouldn't have 400+ packages waiting to be updated
[08:30] <rmac> Mamarok: oh.. maybe :-\
[08:30] <Mamarok> qbit: I doubt that is the problem
[08:30] <rmac> Mamarok: what is the actual procedure..
[08:31] <Mamarok> rmac: well, edit the source.list with kdesudo kate /etc/apt/source.list
[08:31] <Mamarok> remove all non-oneiric sources lines
[08:31] <Mamarok> save it, then do what I told you above: sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade
[08:31] <rmac> Mamarok: its already all commented out right? should i explicitly remove them?
[08:32] <Mamarok> no, you still have the lucid packages showing at the bottom
[08:32] <Mamarok> those are not commented out
[08:32] <Mamarok> also since those are all outdated you can as well remove them
[08:33] <rmac> Mamarok: ok.. but while upgarading to 11.10 i did this >>> ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
[08:33] <rmac> Mamarok: what actually does that mean>
[08:33] <Mamarok> and when you upgraded from Natty to Oneiric you probably didn't do it correctly
[08:34] <Mamarok> rmac: well, let's start with repairing what is wrong
[08:34] <rmac> Mamarok: ok.. i'll edit that file right away..
[08:34] <Mamarok> if you want to add the kubuntu-ppa/ppa and kubuntu-ppa/backports you need to do this we will do it after that edit
[08:36] <rmac> Mamarok: ok. i commented them!
[08:36] <Mamarok> rmac: so to add the backports and kubuntu-ppa, do the following:
[08:37] <Mamarok> apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa
[08:37] <Mamarok> and the same for ppa:/kubuntu-ppa/backports
[08:37] <Mamarok> then: sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo-apt-get upgrade
[08:37] <Mamarok> that will install all the missing packages
[08:38] <rmac> Mamarok: ok.. on it..
[08:39] <Mamarok> hm, there is a typo in the second one:
[08:39] <Mamarok> apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
[08:42] <rmac> Mamarok: when i did sudo apt-add-repository ppa:/kubuntu-ppa/backports i got this.. >>> http://paste.kde.org/506228/
[08:42] <Mamarok> rmac: read what I just wrote :)
[08:42] <Mamarok> remove the / after the :
[08:43] * Mamarok goes fetching more coffee
[08:53] <lordievader> Hello everyone, good morning
[08:55] <Lord_Havoc_> Hey! Wanna learn how to hack from people who actually "know" how to manipulate computers/networks?! Well you can right now by just joining our chat and asking questions. We're all patient and help people who dont understand. Join chat.us.freenode.net (6665) chan #hl2 See ya online!
[08:56] <Mamarok> not relevant to this channel
[09:04] <lordievader> Is there an option in dolphin to auto refresh when the contents of the folder has changed? (For example after a file has moved?)
[09:16] <skramer_> lordievader: Not sure if this is interesting for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1852055
[09:17] <lordievader> skramer_: Thank you, but it seems gamin doesn't have much effect, maybe I need to reboot for it. Oh well I guess F5 it is...
[09:17] <lordievader> It doesn't matter too much.
[09:18] <skramer_> ;-)
[09:18] <Mamarok> lordievader: F5 indeed
[09:18] <Mamarok> which is used to refresh in many more apps than just Dolphin IIRC
[09:19] <lordievader> Mamarok: I know, but for a file browser it is just silly IMO.
[09:21] <Mamarok> why? The same is used in Konqueror, and I wouldn't be astonished if it were used in Nautilus
[09:22] <Mamarok> there are plenty of reasons a file manager can't update itself, like showing remote shares
[09:23] <Mamarok> and all browsers use it as well
[09:24] <Mamarok> and no need for Gamin since there is KDirWatch and FAM
[09:25] <lordievader> Oh well, as I said, it matters not.
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[10:30] <prativasic> How to make Kpatience Game Theme?
[10:30] <prativasic> any thought?
[12:45] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[13:04] <openos> Hello How to repair SD card under Linux
[13:04] <openos> How To repair SD card's In Kubuntu
[13:05] <lordievader> openos: What do you mean with repai?
[13:05] <lordievader> repar*
[13:05] <lordievader> repair**
[13:05] <openos> a repair utility
[13:05] * lordievader lost the ability to type
[13:06] <openos> a repair utility for scrapped SD Card
[13:06] <lordievader> openos: What is wrong with it? You cannot read it or something?
[13:06] <openos> Yes write Protected
[13:06] <openos> SD Duo Card
[13:07] <lordievader> openos: Write protection usually is a harware switch, have you checked for such a switch on the SD card?
[13:08] <openos> There Is Now Switch In This kind Of SD Card Is PSP card
[13:09] <Joit> openos: take the card out, look at it, and there is usual a very little switch
[13:09] <lordievader> Ah it's not a sd card... What does info does sudo fdisk -l give you about it?
[13:09] <openos> Oki Wait
[13:10] <lordievader> openos: Oh hey these do have such a switch: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_b9kQtY-02vM/SddrVH8NvMI/AAAAAAAAAPU/zig-TYGK-qQ/s400/MemorySticks.JPG
[13:12] <Joit> wow, that are anyway luxury cards
[13:13] <lordievader> Sony's own cards, luckily for my father the nex-5 uses the standard SD cards.
[13:13] <openos> Disque /dev/sdb : 8189 Mo, 8189378560 octets
[13:13] <openos> 252 têtes, 62 secteurs/piste, 1023 cylindres, total 15994880 secteurs
[13:13] <openos> Unités = secteurs de 1 * 512 = 512 octets
[13:13] <openos> Taille de secteur (logique / physique) : 512 octets / 512 octets
[13:13] <openos> taille d'E/S (minimale / optimale) : 512 octets / 512 octets
[13:13] <FloodBotK1> openos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[13:13] <openos> Identifiant de disque : 0xffffffff
[13:14] <Joit> i got mostly something like this, where the swith is at the left side http://www.allmemorycards.com/sd.htm
[13:14] <openos> Okey
[13:14] <lordievader> !paste | openos
[13:14] <ubottu> openos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[13:14] <BluesKaj> lordievader, we had a sd that wasn't recognized a week ago , but we solved the problem by using the usb adapter
[13:15] <lordievader> Joit: Jup those are the standard SD cards.
[13:15] <BluesKaj> still doesn't solve the recognition problem tho
[13:15] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Faulty internal card reader?
[13:15] <Joit> openos he only mutes you afterwards for a moment, doesnt hurt
[13:15] <openos> http://pastebay.net/1065834
[13:16] <openos> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1055913/
[13:17] <lordievader> openos: Anyhow, have you checked for the switch?
[13:17] <Joit> usual you should can format the card all time, even when the files are only set to write protected with a file option, still can read and copy away
[13:18] <openos> This Is a PSP Memory Card There Is No Switch in it
[13:18] <lordievader> openos: Have you checked the image I gave you? It is a Memory Stick Pro Duo isn't it?
[13:18] <Joit> why do need french allways have such extraordinary things ? :p
[13:18] <openos> Yes Is A Pro Duo
[13:19] <lordievader> openos: Have you seen this image? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_b9kQtY-02vM/SddrVH8NvMI/AAAAAAAAAPU/zig-TYGK-qQ/s400/MemorySticks.JPG
[13:19] <openos> In The Middel from sony this is it
[13:19] <openos> My Memory stick is the One In the Middle
[13:20] <lordievader> openos: Yes, they are all the same, so your should also have a lock switch on the other side.
=== k0s is now known as qw[UA]
[13:20] <qw[UA]> hello all
[13:20] <ubuntumaury_> !saive
[13:20] <openos> there Is No switch i think my memory card is a chiness version
[13:21] <qw[UA]> i would like install Lazarus help me please
[13:22] <Joit> openos is that card from a playstation, or do you have a link to the manufactor ?
[13:23] <lordievader> openos: That is odd, why don't the chinese comform to the standard. What happens when you try to mount it? sudo mount /dev/sdb <some-mount-dir>
[13:23] <openos> I just buy it from a electronic shop
[13:25] <lordievader> qw[UA]: You mean this lazarus: http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/
[13:26] <Joit> i did search for psp memorycards, but got really strange results
[13:26] <Joit> but seems he gave up
[13:27] <lordievader> Joit: Its the Memory Stick Pro Duo.
[13:28] <lordievader> qw[UA]: Lazarus seems to be available in the repos, so a simple apt-get install lazarus will do.
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[13:29] <Joit> this ?http://www.allmemorycards.com/memory-stick-pro-duo.htm
[13:30] <Joit> it has a switch :D
[13:30] <ubuntumaury> !saive
[13:30] <Joit> !?Save? there is nothing to save anymore
[13:31] <lordievader> Joit: I know, and so should his. Unless the chinese really do not know what a standard is. (He claimed his was chinese)
[13:31] <Joit> oops, now i triggered ubotto to send me a msg
[13:32] <Joit> well, hopefully he will figure it out
[13:49] <devilchaos> ho folks having problems with updating system and installing software poss conflicting repos in the sources.list can someon either give me a copy of theres or point me in the right direction of the ones for latest release please ?
[13:51] <devilchaos> had a bit skulk about through google but is a bit hap hazard
[13:53] <lordievader> devilchaos: What happens when you run sudo apt-get update?
[13:53] <devilchaos> hold on.....
[13:55] <devilchaos> http://pastebin.com/jYeptZBa
[13:58] <lordievader> devilchaos: He seems to fail to download the package list of the main repo. You could change that to a mirror. And the spotify repos is also not reachable, I suggest just removing that one, you can allways get the repos later again.
[13:58] <devilchaos> lorsievader: ?
[14:00] <devilchaos> em.... the spotify one to get rid of and other to change to what mirror ? im uk
[14:01] <lordievader> devilchaos: To something close by. Germany, holland, etc perhaps even the US.
[14:02] <devilchaos> hashed the spotify out
[14:02] <lordievader> devilchaos: Do you know how to edit your sources?
[14:02] <devilchaos> yes
[14:02] <devilchaos> ah ok ill give it a shot
[14:03] <devilchaos> france ?
[14:03] <lordievader> devilchaos: For example, after editing your sources run the apt-get update again to see if there are any other sources unreachable.
[14:04] <devilchaos> so it would be deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse?
[14:04] <devilchaos> yup yup
[14:04] <lordievader> devilchaos: No idea, I usually use a gui for the mirror change. If I have to.
[14:05] <devilchaos> i c
[14:05] <lordievader> devilchaos: Seems to be right though.
[14:06] <devilchaos> ok ill try it out
[14:06] <devilchaos> brb
[14:07] <devilchaos> or would i be getting the fail because i need the pgp keys?
[14:07] <lordievader> devilchaos: Try and you will see.
[14:12] <devilchaos> lordievader: changed all to fr and works perfectly thx v much for your help havent a clue whats goin on with the gb
[14:13] <lordievader> devilchaos: Sometimes mirrors/servers fail, can happen for quite a number of reasons...
[14:13] <devilchaos> cool beanos :)
[14:14] <devilchaos> lordievader: any suggestions on encrypt software for kubumtu?
[14:14] <devilchaos> lol buntu
[14:14] <devilchaos> :)
[14:15] <lordievader> devilchaos: Truecrypt works well under (k)ubuntu, also has support for Windows, and is know to be allmost uncrackable.
[14:16] <devilchaos> yeah had read tht through a google search but couldnt install bcos of the repo probs al try again now though
[14:16] <devilchaos> :)
[14:17] <lordievader> devilchaos: I saw that :)
[14:17] <BluesKaj> lordievader, oddly enough the card reader suddenly recognized the card and accesses to the photos appeared aswell.
[14:17] <lordievader> BluesKaj: That is quite strange...
[14:18] <BluesKaj> slow daemon ?
[14:18] <lordievader> Perhaps, or a dying card... I don't know.
[14:19] <BluesKaj> no , the card worked perfectly om wife's W7 pc
[14:20] <lordievader> Hmm, I see. That would point then to a fault somewhere on the pc, either the reader itself, communication from the reader to software, or the software... I'd say.
[14:23] <BluesKaj> the device notifier didn't pop up a message like it does with cd, dvd or USB media
[14:23] <BluesKaj> shows up in dolphin places though
[14:24] <BluesKaj> as a drive
[14:24] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Does fdisk see it?
[14:26] <BluesKaj> yup , /dev/sde1 * 163 487423 243630+ 6 FAT16
[14:26] <devilchaos> lordievader truecrypt still isnt therre
[14:27] <BluesKaj> fat16 ? ..of course the camera is 8 yrs old
[14:28] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Is the system able to mount it?
[14:29] <lordievader> devilchaos: Download it from their site: http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads
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[14:32] <BluesKaj> lordievader, yes , otherwise I wouldn't be able to acces the photos and "sudo mount /dev/sde1 /mnt" didn't return any errors
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[14:32] <lordievader> BluesKaj: Right, so it works? Did it give any errors when the card didn't want to be read?
[14:33] <BluesKaj> it just said the card was empty
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[14:34] <devilchaos> cheers lad
[14:35] <devilchaos> :)
[14:36] <BluesKaj> lordievader, I think the device scan daemon was slow , almost like it woke up or something ...weird
[14:56] <francesco_> ciao
[14:56] <francesco_> esistono plugin di ricerca su konversation?
[14:58] <lordievader> francesco_: Are you spanish? If so, !spain | francesco_
[14:58] <lordievader> !spain | francesco_
[14:58] <ubottu> francesco_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.
=== monkeyjuice is now known as mydognameisrudy
[15:07] <BluesKaj> !it |francesco_,
[15:07] <ubottu> francesco_,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[15:38] <CM_Junk> is anyone using kubuntu inside virtualbox?
[15:41] <CM_Junk> or does anyone know if privoxy is known not to work inside a virtual machine?
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[16:00] * L3top uses kubuntu in vbox all the time, does not know what privoxy is, so not sure he can be of help
[16:03] <degenerated> so
[16:20] * JMichaelX wonders why the window for Qmpdclient cannot be properly resized
[16:33] <skomorokh> apt-get -f install, everything is in all the way. checked to make sure i didn't have a xtale xorg.conf (maybe something changed names) but I have none. touchpad is off in the bios, this is just the eraser thing
[16:33] <skomorokh> urp, trying to repost from yesterday, turned out i did as two messages... i'll try and get it in order this time, sorry ;)
[16:34] <skomorokh> hiya! xorg updates from sometime lastweek killed the trackpoint on my thinkpad (t520) anyone else have this happen? and find out why?
[16:34] <skomorokh> apt-get -f install, everything is in all the way. checked to make sure i didn't have a xtale xorg.conf (maybe something changed names) but I have none. touchpad is off in the bios, this is just the eraser thing
[17:40] <lorddelta> Bug: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ doens't work. It redirect to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions
[17:40] <lorddelta> At least, there doesn't seem to be a kde specific version?
[17:43] <lorddelta> Anyways does anyone know a good way to get Knotify4 working properly? For some reason the application can't find a vorbis library with which to play all the lovely ogg notifications on the system.
[17:46] <mah454> Hello
[17:47] <mah454> I can not join to GoogleTalk in Kopete !
[17:47] <mah454> How can fix this problem ?
[18:02] <lorddelta> Juk doesn't work either, any help with configuring the vorbis plugin (commands to reconfigure the correct packages, etc.) would be appreciated
=== FreeBullets is now known as Free_Bullets
=== Avihay_ is now known as Avihay
[19:55] <pietro10> Hi. I'm on a backup computer running Arch. I'm trying to install Kubuntu on an external dhard drive so I can use it to recover my main computer. I have already partitoined the disk, leaving a ~550GB NTFS partition at the start and free space elsewhere. I tred usb-creator but it won't let me install to the external drive. I cannot burn to CD and install from there right now. What are my options? Thanks.
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
[20:01] <lordievader> pietro10: Make a live-usb with the usb-creator, and boot the usb stick, and from there do the install.
[20:02] <pietro10> Ok. I won't be able to get a USB stick until later; is there anything I can do now?
[20:04] <lordievader> pietro10: Not that I know of. If you would be in Windows you could do a Wubi install, but that is not a "real" linux install.
[20:04] <pietro10> ok, thanks anyway
[20:10] <ubuntumaury> !list
[20:10] <ubottu> ubuntumaury: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
[20:19] <ubuntumaury> !list
[20:19] <ubottu> ubuntumaury: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».
[20:20] <genii-around> !it | ubuntumaury
[20:20] <ubottu> ubuntumaury: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[20:55] <alrea7> hi
[20:55] <alrea7> im stupid but thats me
[20:56] <alrea7> i play in my panel
[20:56] <alrea7> before its easy to swich language now ilose it so icant write any ting except english
[20:57] <alrea7> can irestore bac my panel
[20:57] <alrea7> imean default panel
=== ubuntumaury is now known as ubuntumaury__
[20:58] <alrea7> ok thanks bay
=== geek is now known as Guest30816
[21:42] <c_smith> Hello, I'm having issues burning a ISO, I tried in K3B, but it says "Unable to fixate disk" and in Brasero, it shoots me an "SCSI error" what could be the possible cause of this?
[21:42] <c_smith> btw, my optical drive is an SCSI drive.
[21:48] <c_smith> more info on my issue: I looked at the debugging output, Wodim seems to be failing to fixate the disk.
=== michael is now known as Guest45868
[22:35] <faglnar> What could cause vlc to hang when opening (any) media? I already apt-get --purge remove 'ed it and reinstalled
[22:36] <faglnar> seems not to be a usersetting
[22:50] <Avihay> faglnar: you can try a different output plugin
[22:51] <Avihay> if it, say, uses the opengl output plugin and your opengl driver implementation is lacking some special features it needs...
[22:52] <Avihay> I particularly like the color ascii one
[22:53] <faglnar> Avihay: but it hangs even even when playing just audio
[22:54] <Avihay> run it in a terminal, do you get some more info?
[22:54] <Avihay> GDB?
[22:56] <faglnar> nothing it just freezes completely, no log autput i need to sigkill it
[22:57] <christopher> I just wanted to pop in here to say Kubuntu rocks, Ubuntu 12.05 has a problem with coming out of suspend mode. I found some work arounds, including some scripts that just never worked. Kubuntu works straight out of the box and I've had the least problems with it. I haven't used MINT or many others but Kubuntu just freakin Rocks!
[23:00] <faglnar> christopher: yes kubuntu rocks because kde rocks because kde is awesome and the distro a tradeoff between new and stable but imo kde gets not enough love
[23:00] <Avihay> faglnar: you can try running it in gdb, though if it hangs, I don't know how to make gdb stop. maybe someon else can help. another option is to install a different option
[23:02] <faglnar> Avihay: how does gbd work? i never had to use it
[23:02] <genii-around> faglnar: gdb programname ... then: run <options> after it finishes, q to quit
[23:03] <christopher> Okay lol then KDE rocks, I just think its the bees knees. The only wierd thing is, I'm setting up a VM and It's hang up when installing language packs...but either way I def like the feel of this a lot better. Ubuntu looks smooth but this takes the cake as far as ease of use. I'm sure I'll figure out the VM installation issue, I'd rather work on that than trying to make Ubuntu come out of suspend properly :P So KDE won over a new FAN!!
[23:03] <genii-around> eg: gdb apt-get ... then: run dist-upgrade .... when everything settles out and it finishes, q
[23:04] <christopher> genii, was that for me? I'll give that a try
[23:04] <genii-around> faglnar: You need the -gdb package installed for whichever program you are trying to debug
[23:05] <genii-around> christopher: No, not for you, apologies
[23:05] <christopher> ha ha no worries, I was on a solution page and it looked close to your commands. Thnx tho
[23:07] * faglnar loading debug stuff why are debug packages so huge?
[23:10] <pietro10> symbol tables and source references are huge
[23:12] <Avihay> christopher: KDE (desktop environment) sucks, it's nowhere near what one might call a finished product and neither is kubuntu. what do you call a system with a network manager that has been broken for over two years, and is still broken for some?(hangup bug), what do you call a system where the default taskmanager has such obvious bugs that you don't want to use it as a showoff to people from other OSs
[23:12] <genii-around> Also often it needs to pull in all the debug packages for the packages the one you're looking at depends upon
[23:14] <Avihay> I would have never have taken years, YEARS ! of abuse like this from any other OS/DE. must be love.
[23:15] <christopher> Well, from my personal experience and my laptop. Out of the box Kubuntu has given me the least amount of problems compared to Ubuntu. For me the power management, the issue with Ubuntu not knowing how to properly come out of Suspend. The solutions listed didn't solve my problem. I think every user's needs are going to be different, I've never had problems with the network manager and it's seemed to work very well for me. This is why I'm
[23:15] <christopher> of the opinion that it rocks, at least for me lol
[23:15] <faglnar> Avihay: imo still better than unity which deprives me of gui settings and WAY BETTER than gnome which goes single app centric, i cant stand taht
[23:15] <christopher> I should say KDE sorry
[23:16] * genii-around makes a fresh pot of coffee, hands a mug with blue gears and Avihay's name on it to them
[23:18] <christopher> lol, I need a cup!
[23:19] * genii-around slides christopher a mug as well
[23:19] <faglnar> having loaded the gbd stuff for vlc and ran gdb vlc and then run it said the the following:
[23:20] <Avihay> well, suspend never worked for me, (damn you Intel with your GFX card!), hibernate is... flakey, card reader stopped working after a kernel update, sensors go on the frits sometimes, and hardware rfkill somtimes reads as stuck in the off state. changeing the brightness sends keyboard events so everytime the screen shutdown happens, the keysend just gets the laptop out of screensaver mode, and that's just the stuff I remember right now
[23:20] <Avihay> thanks genii-around
[23:20] <faglnar> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056711/
[23:20] * Avihay sips
[23:21] <christopher> Nice, Gracias genii! I gotta go do the work thing but I'll be back later; have fun guys, nice meeting the room!
[23:22] <faglnar> where does vlc save its user specific settings?
[23:22] <Avihay> thread 17942 and maybe others are still running
[23:22] <faglnar> because on my other account it plays fine
[23:22] <Avihay> you should switch to all active threads and run bt to show the stack
[23:23] <Avihay> bt is one of GDB's commands
[23:23] <Avihay> you may need to press ctrl+c to get GDB's prompt
[23:23] <Avihay> from the state it is in now
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
[23:26] <faglnar> program got sigint waits at ../bla/bla/lowlevellock.S:132 <- this file doesnt exist
[23:27] <faglnar> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056719/
[23:38] <Avihay> faglnar: that's just a thread waiting on a lock(mutex), you need to have a look at the other threads and see if there's something else that can indicate the issue
[23:38] <Avihay> sec, I'll look for how to switch threads in gdb
[23:39] <faglnar> sry the help-all is a bit overwhelming to me
[23:43] <Avihay> ok, seems like you get a list of threads if you type "thread", and you can switch between them by "thread <id>" where <id> is a number assigned to the thread by GDB, it will usually be <10
[23:44] <Avihay> no need for the quotes. switch between all the active threads and make a bt for each one of them
[23:46] <faglnar> 6 threads http://paste.ubuntu.com/1056732/
[23:46] <faglnar> i switched through them and bt 'ed
[23:48] <Avihay> that's exactly the output I wanted
[23:49] <Avihay> just to make sure, you pressed ctrl+c after VLC hanged?
[23:50] <faglnar> the only thing that jumps to my eye is those 0x0000... in ?? () lines at the end of a thread output
[23:50] <faglnar> yes
[23:50] <faglnar> otherwise i could not type in gdb
[23:53] <faglnar> vlc is frozen but i have not killed it yet
[23:54] <Avihay> well, it seems like two threads are pooling for something while the other threads are waiting for mutex locks to open up. I can't even guess what the issue is. you may want to try your luck with the developers
[23:54] <faglnar> do they have a chan on freenode?
[23:54] <faglnar> yes they do
[23:56] <Avihay> yes