UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /21 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <dscassel> And Ralph is nt here to talk about ubuntu-ca.org
[00:02] <dscassel> I think he's still planning on doing a Drupal 7 upgrade before he tries to figure out the various problem.
[00:02] <BobJonkman> That's it, then?
[00:02] <dscassel> s
[00:02] <dscassel> And that's the end of our agenda. Anyone have any questions?
[00:02] <genii-around> Do we have to do so many reports a year, or similar?
[00:03] <BobJonkman> I think one per month
[00:03] <dscassel> one a month
[00:03] <genii-around> Aaah, OK. From what I can tell from previous reports, many other LoCos are not doing this
[00:04] <dscassel> Yeah. But it'll definitely count against us when we're up for renewal in November.
[00:04] <genii-around> I'm also sort of wondering why April is the last month listed
[00:05] <dscassel> That is a good question.
[00:05] <BobJonkman> I'm behind on doing minutes for the IRC meetings. Let me work on those first, then they can provide fodder for the Team Reports
[00:06] <genii-around> Bleh. Just got the call for my board meeting. I'll be back to check scroll later.
[00:06] <BobJonkman> Bye, genii-around
[00:06] <DarwinSurvivor> just checked wikipedia, and California has a larger population than all of Canada put together :(
[00:06] * genii-around makes a pot of coffee, hands out some mugs, and heads off
[00:07] <DarwinSurvivor> I wonder if the loco council will want to split up california into districts :P
[00:07] <LinuxMonkey> DarwinSurvivor: welcome to the State of Canada :) lol just kidding.
[00:07] <BobJonkman> Don't forget, there's an IRC log at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/20/%23ubuntu-ca.html
[00:13] <dscassel> DarwinSurvivor: I'm still waiting for the LoCo council to talk to me if they're serious about this.
[00:24] <azend> ah fack
[00:24] <azend> not again
[00:25] <azend> Missed another one :(
[00:25] <LinuxMonkey> lol azend just scroll up :)
[00:25] <wylde_> :P
[00:26] <wylde_> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~james-plate/+junk/ubu-irc-log/view/head:/ubu-irc-logs<----- plug that puppy in and feed it a date or two :) lol
[00:29] <dscassel> Hi, azend :)
[00:29] <wylde_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1051847/
[00:29] <wylde_>
[00:29] <azend> Hi dscassel :)
[00:29] <wylde_> ^^ the meeting
[00:30] <azend> I've always had the logs
[00:30] <azend> I've just never participated in the meeting :P
[00:30] <azend> wait.. it's still going isn't it
[00:31] <azend> nope
[00:32] <LinuxMonkey> You missed it azend better luck next time. Were like a flash of light...blink and you miss us
[00:33] <azend> It's because you guys are enjoying the pub too much :)
[00:33] <azend> And I missed it because I was laser cutting something
[00:34] <LinuxMonkey> azend: i'm a 12 hour drive away at the least from the rest of them
[00:34] <azend> ah
[00:34] <azend> I'm 25 mins :P
[00:34] <wylde_> I'm about 2 hours away heh
[00:34] <wylde_> well maybe 1.5 hrs
[00:36] <LinuxMonkey> I'm representing the east coast!
[01:09] * genii-around wanders in and makes a fresh pot of coffee
[02:46] <BobJonkman> Hi azend: We're just packing up Ubuntu Hour Waterloo, where we were doing IRC IRL
[02:47] <BobJonkman> The Ubuntu-ca IRC meeting was an hour earlier today than it usually is
[02:47] <BobJonkman> OK, time to pay for dinner and beverage, then off...
[20:50] <SrRobot> Hey!