UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /15 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <bkerensa> =/
[03:13] <nigelb> mhall119: pong
[03:39] <mhall119> nigelb: pleia2 and nhandler took care of me, thanks
[03:40] <nhandler> Someone should probably still look over it
[03:46] <nigelb> mhall119: ah cool
[03:46] <nigelb> what was wup? something classroom?
[03:52] <nhandler> nigelb: Yeah, Ubuntu App Developer Showdown workshops
[04:21] <nigelb> aha
[05:15] <nigelb> wow, pycon au has juju's engineering manager keynoting? that's cool!
[07:02] <dpm> hi all
[07:04] <hobgoblin> morning
[07:07] <jono> dpm, see your email :-)
[07:07] <jono> and bed for me now
[07:07] <dpm> jono, I started writing a reply a few mins ago
[07:07] <dpm> shit
[07:07] <dholbach> good morning
[07:07] <dpm> oh well
[07:08] * dpm rushes to finish the reply
[07:08] <dpm> I'm sure he'll still read it
[07:08] * jussi smacks dpm's hand... think of the children... ;)
[07:09] <jussi> (and think of me, you making my hilights go off :P )
[07:09] <dholbach> dpm, he might just collapse on the bed and pass out
[07:09] <dholbach> but maybe he still read it :)
[07:09] <dpm> :)
[07:10] <jussi> dholbach: bah, Jono is made of METAL, he doesn't need sleep! :D
[07:15] <dholbach> jussi, just some oil, right?
[07:15] <jussi> dholbach: yeah, about that :D
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=== Gwaihir is now known as Guest34734
[08:00] <czajkowski> morning
[08:16] <hobgoblin> morning czajkowski
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
[10:21] <popey> mhall119: how do i join that trello board if I want to add things?
[10:21] <popey> mhall119: my trello ID is "alanpope"
[11:12] <jussi> jcastro: ping
[11:13] <jussi> jcastro: this page is really, really unreadable: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/about.html - hurts my head tbh
[11:14] <czajkowski> that is a wall of text alright
[11:14] <jussi> I dont know if its generated from elsewhere, but its pretty horrible, especially for an "about" page.
[11:14] <czajkowski> Last Generated on Jun 15, 2012. Created using Sphinx 0.6.4.
[11:15] <jussi> so anyone got a link to a nice, official page that I can pass to someone interested in Juju?
[11:16] <jussi> ahh, this page looks much better: https://juju.ubuntu.com/
=== IdleOne is now known as nickspam
[13:27] <mhall119> popey: I thought there was a link to join
[13:29] <popey> mhall119: not that i could find
[13:32] <cjohnston> I thought you had to be added
[13:35] <mhall119> popey: how about on here: https://trello.com/ubuntu
[13:36] <popey> what are you expecting me to see?
[13:36] <popey> (I use trello for something else, and have to add people)
[13:37] <popey> ok, i see lots of boards at that link
[13:37] <popey> and two of them have no green dot and no numbers next to them
[13:37] <popey> community team and upstream app developers
[13:38] <mhall119> popey: that's the "ubuntu" organization on trello, if you are a member of that you should be able to edit the upstream apps board, I was hoping there was a way to join that
[13:41] <jcastro> just add him to the organization
[13:42] <jcastro> ok, added
[13:43] <mhall119> jcastro: yeah, but I was hoping there was a way for people to join, or at least request to join, without having to email me
[13:43] <jcastro> hmm, not sure
[13:46] <popey> dont think so
[13:46] <popey> yeah, that worked, thanks chaps!
[13:46] <popey> you know I'm just going to add a giant list of apps ☺
[13:47] <mhall119> popey: great, you read about the email template and how to follow through with the contact too right :)
[13:48] <popey> heh
[13:48] <popey> uhm
[13:48] <mhall119> dpm: so it seems we'll need people to email us to get on the trello board
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[13:59] <dpm> mhall119, iirc there is a setting on each board to allow members to join in themselves once they're part of an organization
[13:59] <dpm> let me check
[14:00] <mhall119> dpm: there is, but no way for them to join the organization themselves, IIRC
[14:01] <dpm> right, yeah
[14:02] <mhall119> dpm: I've added an extra step for people to email me
[14:02] <mhall119> and I'll just add them
[14:02] <dpm> mhall119, ok, cool, sounds sensible, yes
[14:16] <jcastro> grrr
[14:16] <jcastro> I lost this branch already
[14:16] <jcastro> dholbach: what's the url to the code that generates the sponsorship queue?
[14:27] <jcastro> dholbach: nm, it's at the bottom of the page, hahah!
[14:28] <dholbach> :)
[15:01] <jono> dholbach, balloons, jcastro, mhall119, dpm all set?
[15:01] <jcastro> yup
[15:02] <mhall119> yes
[15:02] <dholbach> yep
[15:02] <balloons> yee-haw!
[15:02] <jono> dholbach, balloons, jcastro, mhall119, dpm https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e179fba5019fd0f2352f28767d9f3a4ebe6788ab?authuser=0&hl=en-US
[15:03] <dpm> jonining in...
=== Gwaihir is now known as Guest56170
[16:29] <twobottux> aucommunity: How should I suggest a developer switch to an application indicator? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/65430/how-should-i-suggest-a-developer-switch-to-an-application-indicator>
[16:43] <dholbach> alright my friends
[16:43] <dholbach> I call it a day
[16:43] <dholbach> have a great WE everyone
[16:45] <jono> vote up please: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/comments/v3ncm/although_recommended_quickly_is_no_longer/
[16:46] <marcoceppi> jono: if i'm writing an app for the showdown, should I open a topic for it on the subreddit?
[16:46] <jono> marcoceppi, totally - give it a prefix of 'App Submission'
[16:47] <jono> e.g. 'App Submission: AwesomeApp'
[16:47] <marcoceppi> cool
[16:54] <popey> jono: "It should only depend on libraries that are available in the Ubuntu 12.04 Ubuntu archives." ☹
[16:54] <popey> i wanted to make something that requires a python lib we don't have, so I was gonna bundle it in
[16:55] <jono> popey, sucks to be you :-)
[16:56] <popey> haha
[16:56] <popey> i dunno, with jcastro's team deliberately screwing up my juju charm to favour their own dudes winning.. and now this..
[16:56] <popey> time to boycott the community
[16:56] <popey> :p
[16:56] <jono> popey, seems about time to :-)
[16:57] <jono> usually happens about once a year
[16:57] <popey> twice
[16:57] <popey> i just dont tell you about the other one
[16:57] <jono> popey, note how it says "depends" you can include bundled libs :-)
[16:57] <jono> hah
[16:57] <popey> excellent
[16:57] * popey unboycotts
[16:57] <jcastro> popey: hey man, TESTING.
[16:57] <jcastro> :)
[16:58] <popey> yeah yeah
[16:58] <jcastro> jono: try not to ruin popey's entry, he might like get your mailing list deleted or something
[16:58] <snap-l> │ lotia
[16:58] <snap-l> http://inversephase.bandcamp.com/album/pretty-eight-machine
[16:59] <jono> jcastro, ahhh that old chestnut
[16:59] <jono> keep on rolling it out jcastro ;-)
[16:59] <jcastro> I am like meat and potatoes
[16:59] <jcastro> same thing, every day
[16:59] <jono> hah
[16:59] <jcastro> you know
[17:00] <popey> haha
[17:00] <jcastro> if it didn't suck so bad
[17:00] <jcastro> this would have been an awesome use of brainstorm
[17:00] <jcastro> for app ideas, etc.
[17:00] <snap-l> jcastro: That's what reddit is for
[17:00] <popey> "Make angry birds"
[17:00] <popey> +
[17:00] <popey> +
[17:00] <popey> +
[17:00] <popey> etc
[17:00] <snap-l> It's like Brainstorm done right
[17:00] <jcastro> can we put the ideas in the subreddit?
[17:00] <jcastro> or is that for app submissions?
[17:01] <jcastro> "Better joke generator for Jorge" would be a 5 star app, clearly.
[17:02] <popey> "Mailing list deletion tool for popey"
[17:57] <balloons> popey, unroll.me?
[18:40] <jono> if anyone is interested: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments/Specs/Mobile
[18:47] <bkerensa> jono: maybe tomorrow at our Bug Jam/ Debian BSP I can get some more people to test accomplishments
[18:47] <bkerensa> :D
[18:48] <bkerensa> jcastro: were using the build juju-charm again tomorrow to roll out package building instances :D
[18:48] <jcastro> nice!
[18:48] <jcastro> the sbuild one?
[18:48] <jcastro> hey something I could use, is a step by step on how to use it in that instance
[18:55] <bkerensa> jcastro: yeah the sbuild... kees is going to deploy some instances for those of us doing packaging for stuff that needs work in 12.10 and also some Debian work ;) lots of commits coming tomorrow
[18:58] <jcastro> yeahw
[18:58] <jcastro> we're just the missing the "here's how you an ubuntu developer could use this"
[18:58] <jcastro> so people applying for hp cloud accounts know how to use it
[19:03] <bkerensa> jcastro: I don't know how useful it would be for a Ubuntu Developer.... It seems to work great for BSP/Jams but plenty of developers have chroot
[19:04] <bkerensa> this works good in scenarios when we are roping non-Ubuntu and Debian devs in who want a crack course on packaging or wanna do work but dont have chroot setup
[19:04] <jcastro> plenty of people have older computers though
[20:11] <jcastro> App idea: Application that replaces "Daniel Holbach" images and text with "deadmau5"
[20:33] <mhall119> jcastro: I'd upvote it
[20:33] <bkerensa> :D
[20:49] <jussi> jcastro: did you see my complaint earlier?
[20:49] <jcastro> no
[20:49] <jussi> [14:13:44] <jussi> jcastro: this page is really, really unreadable: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/about.html - hurts my head tbh
[20:49] <jussi> [14:14:18] <jussi> I dont know if its generated from elsewhere, but its pretty horrible, especially for an "about" page.
[20:50] <jcastro> holy lol
[20:50] <jcastro> ok I can fix that
[20:50] <jussi> :)
[21:12] <mhall119> jono: would you reddit http://mhall119.com/2012/06/why-you-should-download-for-ubuntu/ please
[21:24] <jono> mhall119, one sec
[21:24] <jono> http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/v426j/why_you_should_download_for_ubuntu_michael_halls/
[21:27] <jono> mhall119, did you see we hit /. ?
[21:27] <jono> :-)
[21:32] <balloons> do people even know you can use quickly to do non-gtk apps?
[21:37] <jcastro> hey bkerensa
[21:37] <jcastro> are the subway guys going to oscon?
[21:37] <bkerensa> jcastro: idk
[21:37] <bkerensa> let me check
[21:37] <jcastro> yeah I'd love to know
[21:42] <jono> mhall119, are we good to go for the Monday sessions?
[22:01] <mhall119> jono: yes, and Tuesday, but Monday of next week we need someone to do the multimedia session
[22:01] <mhall119> jono: which hit slashdot, the contest?
[22:02] <jono> mhall119, ok cool
[22:02] <jono> yep, the contest
[22:02] <jono> mhall119, so we have both python sessions covered?
[22:02] <mhall119> nice
[22:03] <mhall119> jono: if I don't hear from Stuart I'll run them both
[22:03] <jono> mhall119, ok
[22:03] <bkerensa> jono: I shot you a e-mail about OSCON was just wondering if it got to ya?
[22:03] <jono> bkerensa, it did, I haven't responded yet
[22:03] <bkerensa> jcastro: petersed says he hopes to drop by OSCON
[22:03] <mhall119> he's traveling until this weekend, from what I've been told, so I don't know if he'll do it or not
[22:03] <jono> been hectic
[22:04] <jono> bkerensa, will respond soon
[22:04] <bkerensa> jono: understandable just wanted to make sure it didnt hit spam... no worries at all :)
[22:04] <jono> thanks bkerensa
[22:04] <bkerensa> jcastro: I would really encourage you to hit up PuppetLabs party while at OSCON.... You could push Juju ;)
[22:04] <bkerensa> they also have good beer
[22:24] <balloons> is anyone running quantal right now that cares to verify an exotic bug for me?
[22:42] <cjohnston> balloons: whatcha got
[22:43] <balloons> cjohnston, hah.. this craziness: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libio-socket-ssl-perl/+bug/1013883
[22:43] <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1013883 in libio-socket-ssl-perl "www::mechanize doesn't connect to some XHTML 1.1 sites using ssl" [Undecided,New]
[22:43] <balloons> I want to see if I'm the only one, or if you could reproduce
[22:43] <balloons> are you on quantal?
[22:44] <balloons> if so, sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl libwww-mechanize-perl and then run the attached perl script
[22:44] <balloons> look at it first of course (can't trust this balloons guy)! it's real simple, tries to connect to a mobile site
[22:44] <balloons> that will fail to connect and after a wait, it will timeout
[22:45] <balloons> if it connects for you and works, then I'm crazy and my box hates me
[22:47] <MrChrisDruif> balloons; what script?
[22:48] <balloons> MrChrisDruif, it's attached to the bug report.. here; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libio-socket-ssl-perl/+bug/1013883/+attachment/3191426/+files/wwwtest.pl
[22:48] <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1013883 in libio-socket-ssl-perl "www::mechanize doesn't connect to some XHTML 1.1 sites using ssl" [Undecided,New]
[22:50] <cjohnston> bug 1013883
[22:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1013883 in libio-socket-ssl-perl "www::mechanize doesn't connect to some XHTML 1.1 sites using ssl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013883
[22:50] <MrChrisDruif> So a wget should get it?
[22:50] <cjohnston> stupid bot
[22:50] <balloons> heh, the bot really spammed text in there
[22:51] <balloons> MrChrisDruif, cjohnston yes. That script uses www::mechanize module in perl (which depends on io::socket::ssl) to issue a connection to an xhtml 1.1 mobile site
[22:52] <balloons> under precise using the older version of the libio-socket-ssl-per the script works and exits properly (showing you a dump of the html source)
[22:52] <balloons> under quantal it never connects and simply times out
[22:52] <balloons> for me at least
[22:53] <cjohnston> bug 1013883
[22:53] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1013883 in libio-socket-ssl-perl "www::mechanize doesn't connect to some XHTML 1.1 sites using ssl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013883
[22:53] <cjohnston> it must have it cached
[22:53] <cjohnston> balloons: refresh
[22:53] <balloons> cjohnston, :-)
[22:53] <MrChrisDruif> I guess that "perl wwwtest.pl" should do it?
[22:53] <MrChrisDruif> "Error GETing https://online.americanexpress.com/myca/mobl/us/login.do: Can't connect to online.americanexpress.com:443 at wwwtest.pl line 9"
[22:54] <MrChrisDruif> So I guess that confirms it?
[22:54] <balloons> MrChrisDruif, yep, that's the issue
[22:55] <MrChrisDruif> Alright, marked as affected balloons
[22:55] <balloons> if you do the same thing on a precise install, it works and prints the americanexpress.com mobile html site
[22:55] <balloons> thanks for helping guys.. I was gunshy about reporting..
[22:55] <balloons> normally it's just me finding such craziness
[22:56] <MrChrisDruif> You've found an actual flaw, it's okay to report those ;-)
[22:57] <MrChrisDruif> Did anyone else bytheway have any issues with ubuntu taking forever to boot after an update of network-manager, also in quantal?
[22:58] <cjohnston> no
[22:58] <MrChrisDruif> It was with the update around 23-05-2012
[22:59] <MrChrisDruif> 23rd or 24th
[23:00] <cjohnston> balloons: seen my bug? bug #1013171
[23:00] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1013171 in shadow "Many package hooks not ported to python3" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013171
[23:01] <balloons> nice.. when did you upgrade?
[23:01] <balloons> last night/
[23:01] <balloons> tell me you didn't
[23:02] <cjohnston> on computer was a dist-upgrade that triggered it, the other I have been trying for a couple of days on a dummy partition.. till i figured all that out
[23:02] <cjohnston> there isnt anything saying dont upgrade
[23:02] <cjohnston> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_probs.html is a horrible representation right now
[23:04] <balloons> literally you did last night?
[23:04] <balloons> wow
[23:04] <balloons> worst timing all cycle
[23:04] <cjohnston> i did it yesterday afternoon
[23:04] <balloons> they landed all sorts of python 3 craziness yesterday
[23:04] <cjohnston> i know
[23:04] <balloons> lolololol
[23:04] * balloons falls out of chair
[23:04] <cjohnston> well.. apport landed 2 days ago and started the problem
[23:05] <cjohnston> this was a massive fail
[23:05] <cjohnston> this stuff should have all landed together
[23:06] <balloons> yes.. it's been all week
[23:06] <balloons> :-)
[23:06] <balloons> anyways.. glad your on quantal
[23:06] <balloons> and glad your filing this stuff
[23:06] <balloons> that's a really nice bug you got though..
[23:06] * balloons is jealous
[23:07] <cjohnston> lol
[23:07] <cjohnston> I only have one machine on quantal because of this :-(
[23:08] * cjohnston is going to find dinner
[23:09] <cjohnston> o/