UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /13 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== kubuntu is now known as thomashc
[02:06] <lorddelta> ...so I think kubuntu is screwing up in a big way...can I get any help diagnosing the problem? The...bug reporter...crashed...and then the reporter which was trying to report the crashed reporter crashed.
[02:06] <lorddelta> Oh, and btw, I think KWallet is completely zonked.
[02:06] <lorddelta> I didn't touch it.
[02:06] <lorddelta> KDE appears to be shooting itself in the foot?
[02:07] <lorddelta> Help?
[02:07] <lorddelta> I couldn't even save the report from the crash reporter.
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
[02:19] <VirtualBlackness> Can you give more details as to what is happening?
[02:21] <VirtualBlackness> Can you look at /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg for errors to get a sense of where the crash begins lorddelta?
[02:23] <lorddelta> VirtualBlackness: yeah on sec
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[03:09] <lorddelta> VirtualBlackness: sorry for the delay
[03:09] <lorddelta> I'm not seeing much, just a bunch of ext4_inode cleanups, and failures to connect to the network.
[03:15] <VirtualBlackness> lorddelta: sudo touch /forcefsck; sudo reboot this will run a file system check on reinstall. I expect it will find and correct errors.
[03:15] <VirtualBlackness> s/reinstall/reboot/
[03:18] <VirtualBlackness> If the integrity of the drive medium itself is compromised it will need to be replaced.
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=== VirtualBlackness is now known as L3top
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=== Tabstar is now known as Guest88007
[08:29] <kroonrs> I just upgraded from 10.04 (kubuntu netbook edition) to 12.04. The upgrade said "too many errors" were reported, but the upgrade was completed. However, now my machine no longer shows eth0, wlan0 or my network manager... How can I try to fix it?
[08:36] <bigbrovar> Hi guys, There is this annoying bug I am experiencing with dolphin (Kubuntu 12.04) where it doesnt auto refresh and if say I add or remove a directory.. such changes are not reflected until I hit F5, anyone else experience this?
[08:55] <kroonrs> Anyone with a suggestion as to how I can try get my eth0/wlan0 back? (Disappeared after upgrade)
[08:56] <AikiLinux> any one remember how to fix the error in amarok : No suitable demux plugin ?
[09:12] <jesse2_> Does anyone know how to the aurorae theme engine for KDE? ie is there a kubuntu package for 12.04? I cant find it anywhere
[09:26] <jesse2_> I've concluded that Aurorae is some kind of taboo and no one is allowed to speak of it anymore :)
[09:38] <achille> hi guys !!!
[09:40] <Wizard> Hi achille.
[09:40] <jesse2_> Hi Wizard
[09:40] <Wizard> Hi jesse2_
[09:40] <jesse2_> Hi Achille
[10:53] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[11:01] <Wizard> Hi BluesKaj
[11:02] <BluesKaj> hey Wizard
[11:13] <WindBuntu> good morning kubuntu community
[11:14] <mydogsnameisrudy> hey there WindBuntu
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=== kubuntu is now known as SamMH
[12:17] <BCMM> is there a list somewhere of all packages available on the kubuntu live cd?
[12:35] <BluesKaj> BCMM,http://www.linuceum.com/Distros/osDesktopKubuntuKDE.php
[12:35] <BCMM> BluesKaj: thanks
[12:36] <BluesKaj> BCMM, not sure if it shows all packages ..depends on what repositories you decide to include
[12:36] <BCMM> BluesKaj: i'm not sure if i'm missing something - isn't that just a list of the basic default applications?
[12:36] <BCMM> no, i don't mean all kubuntu packages
[12:36] <BCMM> i mean packages that are actually installed on the live cd
[12:37] <BCMM> as in, when you are running hte live cd, you can run rekonq (i think), but not gimp
[12:40] <Wizard> BCMM: You can easily generate such list by yourself.
[12:40] <BCMM> Wizard: yeah, i just haven't got a running liveCD to hand right now
[12:40] <Wizard> Ah.
[12:41] <Wizard> Hmm, check FTP mirrors than, maybe some of them include something like packages.list.
[12:42] <BluesKaj> BCMM, odd. seems a list doesn't exist :/ google sucks since they dropped the linux libraries
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[12:56] <paulsscott_> /msg NickServ identify H0riz123
[12:56] <BluesKaj> paulsscott_, type that in the server textbox
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[12:57] <BluesKaj> BCMM, the only way I know to find the packages on the live cd is to burn it and then when running it open a terminal and do , sudo dpkg -l
[12:58] <BCMM> dpkg -l will run fine as a normal user
[12:58] <BCMM> but thanks
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[12:58] <BCMM> thing is, i don't have a copy of hte latest disk around; i'm trying to talk somebody through using it
[12:58] <Wizard> I don't have it here at work.
[12:59] <Wizard> I had 10.04 somewhere :P
[13:03] <BluesKaj> BCMM, well , whatever is missing can always be installed later , unless there's no internet connection , and unneeded apps can be removed
[13:03] * Wizard nods.
[13:04] <Wizard> It is alsa quite easy to customize the install disc.
[13:04] <BluesKaj> Wizard, yes what's the name of that app that one use to mirror an install ?
[13:04] <amgarching> Hi, how do I fix scrollbars in GTK apps?
[13:05] <Wizard> BluesKaj: I don't know any.
[13:05] <Wizard> amgarching: ?
[13:05] <Wizard> You want to disable scrollbar overlays? These are not installed by default.
[13:05] <BluesKaj> !install
[13:05] <ubottu> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[13:05] <amgarching> scrollbars are not shown unless you find a tiny bar and click on it
[13:06] <BluesKaj> !automate
[13:06] <ubottu> Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning
[13:06] <BluesKaj> bah
[13:06] <Wizard> amgarching: Uninstall liboverlay-scrollbar and restart your GTK apps.
[13:06] <amgarching> This is kubuntu with gnome-desktop installed in addition.
[13:07] <Wizard> amgarching: It doesn't matter.
[13:08] <Wizard> amgarching: Ah, sorry, package name is overlay-scrollbar.
[13:08] <Wizard> Remove it.
[13:09] <amgarching> Wizard: thanks, did that and purged two liboverlay-* pkg. Scrollbars are back.
[13:10] <Wizard> You're welcome.
[13:11] <paulsscott> BluesKaj, thanks. Easy mistake. Pw changed...!
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_
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[13:21] <wolf_raven> im having some problems with pulseaudio and kubuntu 12.04 x64, pulseaudio doesnt show up in phonon as an option? so i cant choose to use pulseaudio?
[13:22] <wolf_raven> im using KDE 4.8.3
[13:25] <betterfan> holly
[13:25] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, and you're sure pulse is installed
[13:26] <betterfan> I got a question
[13:26] <wolf_raven> BluesKaj, yes
[13:26] <wolf_raven> it is installed
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=== man is now known as yeahman
[13:27] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, did you check the audio hardware setup tab in phonon
[13:27] <lordievader> !ask | yeahman
[13:27] <ubottu> yeahman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[13:28] <yeahman> 可是ANDY ,活着是不需道理,谁都可能暂时的失去勇气
[13:29] <Wizard> !cn | yeahman
[13:29] <ubottu> yeahman: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw
[13:30] <wolf_raven> on soundcard i have: Built-in Audio and Barts HDMI Audio (Radeon HD 6800 Series) but no pulseaudio?
[13:30] <Wizard> yeahman: I can only understand this two characters: 中文 :P
[13:32] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, it doesn't mention pulseaudio on the hardware tab , only what pulseaudio is controlling
[13:33] <wolf_raven> well there is 2 tabs in phonon in the configure of soundhardware
[13:34] <wolf_raven> soundcard and profile and there is no pulseaudio option in any of them
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[13:41] <wolf_raven> if i go soundcard or profile options under Hardware in phonon there is no pulseaudio option at all
[13:41] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, i have pulse installed , and my soundcard uses it but doesn't show pulseaudio output either , test the options thay you have there ..also pavucontrol is a good accessory for pulseaudio to help direct the audio input and output audio signals
[13:42] <wolf_raven> ok i will try to install pavucontrol
[13:44] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, in phonon , have you "tested" the options in the "Device Preference" list ?
[13:47] <wolf_raven> there i have Built-in Audio Analog stereo) on Soundunit option
[13:48] <wolf_raven> so no pulseaudio...
[13:49] <BluesKaj> yeah , but do you get sound when you choose it and click the test button?
[13:49] <wolf_raven> yes i get sound
[13:51] <BluesKaj> ok , pulseaudio doesn't need to do the final output ,but it's still directing the output from the soundcard
[13:51] <wolf_raven> so pulseaudio works then?
[13:51] <BluesKaj> wok do yo have sound on youtube etc ?
[13:51] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, ^
[13:53] <wolf_raven> i havent check sound on youtube yet? btw, why check sound on youtube?
[13:54] <BluesKaj> because pulseaudio is required by some soundcards for webaudio
[13:55] <wolf_raven> sound works on youtube
[13:55] <BluesKaj> pulseaudio is not a reqirement if you have sound on all players and networks ...it's installed by default since 10.10 or so
[13:56] <wolf_raven> i just did a sound check on youtube the sound works on youtube too
[13:57] <BluesKaj> one way to find out , look in your package manager or run pulseaudio in the terminal
[13:57] <wolf_raven> [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running and [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.
[13:58] <wolf_raven> what was it that has failed?
[13:58] <BluesKaj> it's installed
[13:58] <BluesKaj> nothing , you didn't give an argument
[13:59] <wolf_raven> ok
[14:03] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, I ran fine for yrs without pulseaudio , it's only been the last yr or so since installing a pci soundcard that I need pulse and that's only for webaudio , otherwise I wouidn't use it at all.
[14:04] <wolf_raven> but i saw in whats it called? pavucontrol? Settings for: Network Acess, Network Server, Multicast/RTP and Simultaneous Output is it something there to config?
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[14:05] <Smurphy> re ...
[14:06] <wolf_raven> i want the pulseaudio equalizer to run and in order to have pulseaudio equalizer to run i must run pulseaudio. if i dont the sound doesnt sound good :) sounds better with and equalizer
[14:07] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, only if you plan on streaming audio over the internet from a server or some such
[14:09] <BluesKaj> there is an alsa eq app that you can install , wolf_raven
[14:10] <lordievader> BluesKaj: There is also a pulseaudio eq, just that it is made for 10.04... and not very stable...
[14:10] <lordievader> But it does work!
[14:10] <BluesKaj> the fewer pulseaudio apps and options , the better , IMO
[14:11] <BluesKaj> lordievader, ^
[14:11] <wolf_raven> i already have the pulseaudio equalizer installed :)
[14:12] <wolf_raven> btw, i saw in phonon what is RTP Multicast?
[14:12] <BluesKaj> wolf_raven, it's your sound system , do what you want :) ...the fewer layers of processing the happier I am
[14:13] <BluesKaj> http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/rtp.htm , wolf_raven
[14:18] <yossarianlives> #redis
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[14:28] <uuser> hi all. since it seems that the kubuntu-desktop meta-package retrieves almost the same packages as kde-minimal does (am i wrong?) what is its purpose exactly? thanks all!
[14:30] <BluesKaj> uuser, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages
[14:32] <BluesKaj> !minimal | uuser
[14:32] <ubottu> uuser: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD
[14:32] <uuser> BluesKaj: already read it... but it is not so verbose and, above all, out of date
[14:34] <uuser> ...and i was not referring to minimal cds :)
[14:34] * BluesKaj shrugs ..
[14:35] <uuser> i tried to simulate an install on my gnome ubuntu... and "sudo apt-get -s install kde-minimal" will download 47 new packages, while "sudo apt-get -s install kubuntu-desktop" 51.
[14:35] <uuser> i'm wondering the purpose of an ubuntu meta-package...
[14:36] <uuser> when it seems it does quite the same thing as the kde-minimal one
[14:38] <lordievader> uuser: From what I believe is that the kubuntu package is the kde-minimal package with a few adjustements to it. Or in other words, if you install a base system you can choose to install the kde base, or the kubuntu branded kde base.
[14:39] <uuser> lordievader: yes, i think so too... but, since i'm new to kde, i don't know which one fits better for me...
[14:40] <uuser> for example... do i need kappfinder or kmix, kwrite or ksystemlog...
[14:41] <BluesKaj> uuser, why are you running a 4G HDD or something :)
[14:41] <lordievader> uuser: Those kind of packages you will probably find in both.
[14:42] <uuser> well... apt-get says that kde-minimal would not install kappfinder and kwrite... and kubuntu-desktop would not install kmix and ksystemlog
[14:44] <uuser> so it seems i would not have a mixer with kubuntu-desktop... :(
[14:45] <uuser> 8actually it is the opposite :P but the question remain)
[14:48] <uuser> you can see yourself: http://pastebin.com/vhHyFYHZ
[14:49] <BluesKaj> uuser, what kind of mixer ?
[14:53] <BluesKaj> if you need a mixer , just install one
[14:53] <uuser> BluesKaj: sorry but... what answer is that?
[14:54] <BluesKaj> NM .. uuser , it's not important
[14:55] <uuser> i know how to install a mixer, i'm just wondering the conceptual difference between two slightly different meta packages...
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[14:58] <rethus> need libkgapi 0.4.1 for google-calendar + akonadi connection
[14:58] <rethus> how can i get it for 12.04
[14:58] <BluesKaj> uuser, go ask the kubuntu developers ... we'rte here to help with problems , not to conceptualize
[15:01] <uuser> BluesKaj: understand before is better than fix later ;)
[15:03] <BluesKaj> uuser, what's to fix
[15:03] <BluesKaj> if you need some thing , you install ..very simple
[15:04] <uuser> well... i'don't understand which one is better to install...
[15:04] <uuser> but probably i have to test it myself...
[15:04] <BluesKaj> there's no better or woese , just different , that's all
[15:04] <BluesKaj> worse
[15:05] <cuit> Volume control doesn't work for me, I see the bar change but the output stays the same. Kubuntu12.04, built-in Realtek audio in my ASUS M5A99Xevo Mobo; common? help?
[15:06] <BluesKaj> cuit, did you turn up the volume in alsamixer and your speaker system ?
[15:06] <uuser> BluesKaj: ok, differences... so, which one would you suggest me and why?
[15:07] <BluesKaj> uuser, dunno
[15:07] <uuser> BluesKaj: :D
[15:07] <djbello> Hi all. I just switched from Debian with Gnome/Compiz to Kubuntu 12.04. Love it so far minus a few issues. But how do I zoom in the desktop?
[15:07] <cuit> BluesKaj: I can change the volume in the program that has Playback Streams but the keyboard shortcut causes the onscreen feedback but doesn't do anything to the sound
[15:08] <BluesKaj> cuit, like I said , turn up the volume on your speakers
[15:09] <djbello> Does anybody know how to zoom in? On Compiz I just used the Windows key + the scroll wheel on the mouse. But how about KDE?
[15:10] <BluesKaj> djbello, ctrl + f11
[15:10] <cuit> BlueKaj: your solution is "loldunno use manual solution"? I woulda never thought of that :P
[15:11] <djbello> BluesKaj: Hm. That activates the desktop switcher as a cube here. Not what I meant. I mean zooming (like magnifying) the desktop.
[15:11] <BluesKaj> cuit, I have to mention it no matter how trivial it is to you
[15:14] <BluesKaj> djbello, look in systemsettings>dekstop effects>all effects
[15:15] <djbello> BluesKaj: Ahhhhh I see said the blind man! This, of course, makes a lot of sense now that I see it. Thanks a lot.
[15:16] <BluesKaj> cuit, you'd be surprised how many ppl forget about their speaker volume ctrl , or alsamixer muted ctrls etc
[15:20] <djbello> BluesKaj: So, ok, aside from the zooming effect being "ugly", is there a way to make this work using the scroll wheel?
[15:21] <BluesKaj> djbello, dunno , sorry
=== graft is now known as Guest25164
[15:47] <kish> the kde terminal is nasty
[15:51] <djbello> kish: how so?
[15:52] <cuit> Wat? Why can't I see git in Muon?
[15:53] <kish> djbello, its nothing like the gnome-terminal
[15:53] <kish> but the gnome terminal is crap in kde
[15:53] <kish> it doesnt work right
[15:53] <L3top> kish... it is a terminal... what is the issue?
[15:53] <kish> when you resize the text size the terminal screws up
[15:54] <djbello> kish: You have to tweak the KDE terminal and it will be like gnome-terminal. Been there, done that. Hated it too... But I'm fine now.
[15:55] <L3top> cuit: right click on kmix speaker icon and choose "select master channel". open a terminal and type alsamixer and figure out which one affects your volume and use it. If this is a digital output (like hdmi) there is no volume control... it is digital. It is either on or off.
[15:55] <djbello> kish: Under Settings->Configure Current Profile on General tab, uncheck "Save window size and position on exit. Before you do that make sure you have your window set to the size you want. I usually go with 80x24 'cuz we run legacy telnet apps on an AIX box
[15:56] <cuit> L3top: Thaaaaank you, thanks twice for responding to such an old message; that was right, it had selected my GPU's HDMI output not my 3.5mm audio that I'm using
[15:56] <L3top> :)
[15:56] <djbello> kish: under Appearance tab, switch to Monospace font and set it to size 10 or 12. I believe 10 is default under gnome-terminal
[15:57] <kish> ah, djbello thanks
[15:57] <kish> that helped a lot
[15:57] <kish> ;)
[15:57] <djbello> kish: I know. It really irritated me too.
[15:59] <kish> i dont like how there is only one wallpaper either ;)
[16:00] <kish> but im fixing that right now
[16:01] <djbello> kish: Yep. Another thing you'd think "what?"! You can get click on Get more and grab some from online.
[16:02] <BluesKaj> cuit, muon doesn't seem to have some important packages , that's why I still use synaptic , and I also have mention to make sure you have all our repos enabled
[16:02] <djbello> kish: There's also a package called kde-wallpapers-default. Not sure but it might now be installed
[16:03] <BluesKaj> ok , stuff to do .. BBL
[16:08] <djbello> Is it just me or does rekonq crash a lot? It crashes for me very frequently, usually when I close the window.
[16:10] * L3top is not fond of rekonq... yes it crashes a lot
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=== skreech__ is now known as skreech_
[16:59] <skreech_> kroonrs: hi
[16:59] <aj__> hi
[17:09] <skreech_> uuser: The minimal packages will install just what is needed for a KDE workspace environment and very basic tools
[17:10] <skreech_> Kubuntu desktop will pull in more packages and have some customization. It also includes what has been decided on by the Kubuntu Desktop team as "best of class" applications
[17:11] <skreech_> The reason that you see such a small difference in the number of packages is that KDE shares a lot of code further down in the stack so there are a lot of libraries but each application can then be smaller with a lot of functionality built in and shared amongst them
[17:13] <skreech_> !info kdewallpapers
[17:13] <ubottu> kdewallpapers (source: kdeartwork): wallpapers released with KDE Plasma Workspaces. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 112163 kB, installed size 113190 kB
[17:14] <skreech_> djbello: Yeah Rekonq is progressing pretty rapidly considerign but it' still an immature application
[17:16] <djbello> skreech_: I just like how it is integrated into KDE. I have a Bookmarks widget on the desktop which works really nice. But, I'd rather use Google Chrome with the same level of Bookmark integration.
[17:16] <skreech_> djbello: Chrome is really strange so .... maybe?
[17:17] <skreech_> It supports some parts of KDE infrastructure and doesn't support others
[17:17] <skreech_> I'd guess you can throw in the code if you like Google isn't very picky about efficiency for the code base
[17:17] <djbello> skreech_: Or Firefox. That would be fine, too. Do you know if Firefox has a KDE plugin for the Bookmarks?
[17:17] <skreech_> It did
[17:17] <skreech_> Then they went pyscho
[17:19] <djbello> My boxx hates Firefox. Says it has too big of a memory footprint. I agree. Several Macs here at work ran up their memory because users had like 10-15 Firefox windows open. Chrome doesn't exibit that behavior.
[17:19] <djbello> (boss, not boxx)
[17:20] <skreech_> Really? Chrome uses more memory than Firefox
[17:20] <skreech_> if you discount Extensions
[17:20] <djbello> maybe it's the Macs... I'm on Linux (yeah!)
[17:21] <skreech_> Extensions are like applications within a virtual machine so they can eat a lot
[17:21] <skreech_> Oh maybe. Macs are horrible for memory management
[17:21] <djbello> Agreed.
[17:21] <skreech_> well not RAM management they have a BSD core so that's really good but they have awful use of swap
[17:23] <djbello> So back to rekonq. Is that a fork of Konqueror? Is Konqueror still being developed?
[17:26] <skreech_> It's not a fork It's a browser
[17:27] <skreech_> Konqueror isn't a browser But as mentioned KDE has a lot of functionality pushed way down the stack
[17:27] <skreech_> Konqueror is still being developed and it does what konqueror does
[17:30] <skreech_> The major thing is that it's a fairly functional webkit browser which is why people like rekonq
[17:31] <djbello> I just remember Konqueror as a browser. But I never used KDE, only always briefy tried KDE (older versions of course) and went back to Gnome-based distros, Ubuntu and more recently the more conservative Debian.
[17:31] <djbello> Anyway, looks like Rekonq is going to stay on my desktop. Hopefully they will fix some of those issues, the crashes in particular
[17:31] <skreech_> Well you can double up and have chromium and rekonq
[17:32] <skreech_> That's normally how I get things done
[17:32] <skreech_> Konqueror isn't really a web browser it's more of a viewer.
[17:32] <skreech_> Anything you thrown at Konqueror as long as some part of KDE can show it Konqueror will allow you to view it
[17:33] <skreech_> Just that it can do HTML and so they built a special mode in it to split between dangerous files and non dangerous
[17:33] <djbello> Possibly. Although I'd like to stick with one. unless, again, they can share each others bookmarks. I have to do some more digging
[17:34] <skreech_> Well locations really. So things coming from the net can be sandboxed and not mess with your Stuph (tm)
[17:34] <skreech_> again you probably can but it would require submitting code to chromium
[17:35] <skreech_> which as far as I can see as long as it doesn't screw the chromium build (mid range difficulty) and doesn't screw up the rendering (pretty impossible) it will get accepted
[17:36] <djbello> skreech_: do you know where rekonq keeps it's bookmarks? Are they stored in flat files/directories or are they using a database os sorts?
[17:37] <skreech_> Ahmm I can check I would suspect it's a flat file
[17:38] <X0153R> Any here to help me with a compiled Wine Version?
[17:39] <skreech_> X0153R: try #winehq
[17:39] <skreech_> djbello: try ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml
[17:40] <X0153R> already checked, my packet is created and installed but i cant work with wine
[17:41] <skreech_> djbello: you can also alt+F2 -> bookmarks:/
[17:41] <djbello> Yep. there it is.
[17:41] <djbello> Well, thanks for your help.
[17:42] <skreech_> sure
[17:42] <djbello> I wanna take a look at how Chrome/Chromium stores bookmarks. Heck, if they use the same format I might just create a symbolic link to the konqueror bookmark file
[17:43] <skreech_> X0153R: Right but #wniehq is going to be far more knowledgeable
[17:43] <skreech_> djbello: hmm interesting idea
[17:43] <X0153R> Okay thank you, i try my luck :) good evening all
[17:43] <skreech_> or a script to watch one file and translate it to the other
[17:47] <djbello> Yeah, Chromium (just installed it) keeps a file calle $HOME/.config/chromium/Default/Bookmarks (no file extension). It is not in XML format like Konqueror's version.
[17:48] <djbello> I gue one could parse through either the Chromium or the Konqueror file and use XSLT to translate the format
[17:51] <djbello> skreech_: huh. I guess I should always Google foo se Internet before opening my mouth in a chat room. Check this out: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=137685
[17:51] <djbello> I'm going to check that out.
[17:52] <skreech_> \o/
[17:53] <weter> (_|_)
[17:55] <weter> С украины люд есь?
[17:57] <skreech_> !ru
[17:57] <ubottu> Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.
[17:57] <skreech_> weter: ^^
[17:58] <weter> :)
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[18:52] <nicola> Hi!
[18:55] <Wizard> Hi!
[18:55] <mydogsnameisrudy> HIGH
[18:56] <Wizard> mydogsnameisrudy: :P
[19:05] <Wizard> Problem: I use my favourite non standard Icon theme, it uses svg and png icons. Icons are blured in some places, whcih makes me a bit angry. Is it possible to delete png dirs from icon theme?
[19:05] <Wizard> (Delete without breaking the theme)
[19:08] <nick____> ciao
[19:08] <nick____> hi!
[19:09] <Wizard> Hi nick____
[19:09] <Wizard> Something has sticked to your as^H^Hback.
[19:10] <Wizard> :P
[19:10] <nick____> yeah yeah XD
[19:11] <nick____> Do you know why compiz doesn't run well in kde 3.5?
[19:11] <Wizard> Whoa :D
[19:12] <nick____> Wizard, do you have kde 3.5?
[19:12] <Wizard> I don't know, I used beryl with KDE3.
[19:12] <Wizard> No, I finally managed to get used to 4.
[19:13] <nick____> so Compiz run well with KDE3?
[19:13] <Wizard> Hmm, I used last KDE3.5 based Kubuntu, and yes, everything was fine.
[19:14] <Wizard> But it was few years ago and I'm not really sure if it was before or after merging beryl back.
[19:14] <Wizard> Hey :(
[19:15] <Idestem> hi!
[19:15] <mydogsnameisrudy> HIGh LOw
[19:18] <Idestem> Does everyone in this channel use Kubuntu?
[19:19] <mydogsnameisrudy> i would have to guess and say no
[19:19] <mydogsnameisrudy> ;)
[19:19] <Idestem> thanks
[19:23] <Wizard> Well, I do. My wife does.
[19:26] <lordievader> Depends on how you see it, if you mean only kubuntu and only from the kubuntu-live-cd then no, if kubuntu in anysense of the word, then yes.
[19:26] <X0153R> Why sudo make install dont install?
[19:27] <X0153R> I cant saw any errors
[19:27] <lordievader> X0153R: You are trying to compile wine right?
[19:27] <X0153R> yes, and nobody write in winehq
[19:28] <lordievader> X0153R: Isn't the repo an option? Or are you trying to be bleeding edge?
[19:30] <X0153R> i dont understand the question
[19:31] <lordievader> X0153R: You can install wine quite simply with: sudo apt-get install wine. Unless you want the newest of the newest, this is the best option.
[19:33] <Wizard> Ubuntu has quite fresh wine version.
[19:33] <Wizard> Tested, at least.
[19:33] <Wizard> X0153R: try sudo apt-get update first.
[19:34] <BluesKaj> compiling bleeding edge apps usually ends up with a wounded and crippled app ...very few work properly IME ...it can be fun but beware of the consequences
[19:34] <X0153R> yeah that i do, i compiled a new version but this still dont work
[19:34] <lordievader> X0153R: Install it from the repo, that saves a lot of touble and usually works.
[19:36] * Wizard nods.
[19:36] <X0153R> Okay i try thank you
[19:37] <lordievader> Yayy Wizard is approving ;)
[19:37] * mydogsnameisrudy blinks ?
[19:38] <Wizard> Hey :<
[19:38] <mydogsnameisrudy> how much do you use wine anyway?
[19:39] <lordievader> Whom?
[19:39] <Wizard> Only for launching Europa Universalis yearly,
[19:39] <mydogsnameisrudy> anyone i guess ;)
[19:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> i have one old game i dont play anymore ;)
[19:40] <Wizard> :]
[19:40] <Wizard> Prince of Persia?
[19:40] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: Rarely, I tried it today with an application that would crash when it made a connection with the server.
[19:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> its called netstorm
[19:41] * mydogsnameisrudy wonders why there is windows xp loaded on this computer also
[19:41] <mydogsnameisrudy> never use that eather
[19:41] <BluesKaj> mydogsnameisrudy, are you on satellite internet?
[19:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> ya
[19:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> sucks
[19:42] <ShortStackSteven> Hey all
[19:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> i have no phone line , cable ect
[19:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> hey ShortStackSteven
[19:42] <BluesKaj> yeah mydogsnameisrudy , I figured from your IP
[19:42] <ShortStackSteven> I need some help configuring the resolution on my laptop
[19:42] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: How is the latency on such a connection?
[19:43] <mydogsnameisrudy> latency =?
[19:43] <BluesKaj> delay
[19:43] <ShortStackSteven> When I go to chose my resolution, I can only pick 1024x768. BUt i know it can go a lot higher than that (when I'm in Windows)
[19:43] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: Ping, delay, speed. That kind of stuff.
[19:43] <mydogsnameisrudy> ah lag it sucks lol
[19:43] <mydogsnameisrudy> but its all that i can get here in the woods
[19:44] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: You might want to take a look at this: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/guerrilla-tactics-force-screen-mode-ubuntu
[19:44] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: Something is better than nothing, eh?
[19:44] <ShortStackSteven> already tried dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg
[19:44] <BluesKaj> ShortStackSteven, have you configured your graphics driver yet or are you using the install default?
[19:44] <mydogsnameisrudy> ya
[19:45] <ShortStackSteven> BluesKaj: reading...
[19:47] <mydogsnameisrudy> BluesKaj: how are you using a secrue connection?
[19:49] <BluesKaj> in the freenode server options choose SSL , usually port 7000
[19:49] <BluesKaj> mydogsnameisrudy, ^
[19:50] <mydogsnameisrudy> are you still using konversation?
[19:50] <BluesKaj> yes
[19:51] <mydogsnameisrudy> so is that in the settings
[19:54] <BluesKaj> server list >freenode>edit>the irc server>edit
[19:54] <mydogsnameisrudy> yea just found it
[19:55] <BluesKaj> quassel's ok ,but not my cuppa tea
[19:56] <Wizard> Quassel doesn't work well with znc.
[19:57] <Wizard> I prefer Konversation, it's more like irssi :]
[19:58] <lordievader> Never really got into those gui irc clients.
[19:58] <BluesKaj> are there any free znc servers? eagles mentioned his friend was hosting some
[19:58] <Wizard> I use my friend's server.
[19:58] <Wizard> Actually, I have shell, ftp, www, even tomcat there :P
[19:59] <Wizard> But that's OT.
[20:00] <BluesKaj> yeah well that's what i meant Wizard ..was doing some research , but most znc shells cost money just keep an irc connection open in my case
[20:00] <BluesKaj> just to keep
[20:01] <Wizard> I'll ask him.
[20:01] <Wizard> I bet he won't have anything against one more account.
[20:04] <ShortStackSteven> Bluskaj: I got all the way down to the line "xrandr --output..." and then get error "Configure crtc 0 failed"
[20:05] <ShortStackSteven> Bluskaj: googling
[20:05] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: What is the exact command you are entering?
[20:06] <ShortStackSteven> blueskaj: exactly as it s in the writeup
[20:06] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: You know the variable after --output is dependend on your setup right?
[20:06] <ShortStackSteven> I can't copy and pste here because I'm not using IRC on that comp
[20:07] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: Yes. When I do xrandr it says "default attached..."
[20:07] <ShortStackSteven> sorry "connected"
[20:08] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: Ok, so you need xrandr --output default --<whatever>
[20:08] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: which is what I did. Typed it in exactly as the wrticle has it
[20:09] <ShortStackSteven> How do I make sure the intel driver is installed?
[20:09] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: As I said a lot of the article is system configuration dependend, so just copy-pasting will not work.
[20:11] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: how do I see if the intel driver is installed or not?
[20:11] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: Look in muon/synaptic/<what-have-you> for the intel drivers, it is probably installed.
[20:14] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: But again, what was the exact command you entered when it gave you an error?
[20:15] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: xrandr --output default --mode 1280x1024_60.00
[20:16] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: Btw, if you've succesfully completed the --newmode and the --addmode commands, it should also be available in the kde System Settings.
[20:19] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: Yes, you're right. It is there. But when I apply it the setting reverts back to 1024x768
[20:20] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: Is it even supported?
[20:21] <shan> L3top: hey, how are you doing? :)
[20:21] <shan> lordievader: hi :)
[20:22] <shan> once i was told about a command like 'lsgpu' but it's not working now?
[20:22] <lordievader> shan: Good evening.
[20:22] <BluesKaj> ShortStackSteven, lets see which driver in use , sudo lshw -C video| grep driver
[20:24] <L3top> lspci | grep VGA
[20:24] <shan> lordievader: tnx
[20:24] <lordievader> shan: ?
[20:24] <shan> L3top: so there is no command using these alpha's 'GPU'?
[20:25] <shan> L3top: ah, typo error.... :) how are you doing today :)
[20:25] <L3top> I am not sure I understand the question, but lspci/lshw will give you the hw output.
[20:28] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: it lists intel corporation 2nd generation core porcessor family integrated graphics controller (rev 09)
[20:30] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: I asked whether or not the display supports the resolution...
[20:30] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: checking
[20:34] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: looks like maybe not...
[20:34] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: that was an easy one :)
[20:34] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: There you go.
[20:35] <shan> L3top: what does this tell. this is responce to lspci | grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4200] (rev a3)
[20:35] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: THanks for the article though (blueskaj I think it was). That was the big piece. And you pointing out that I'm trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
[20:36] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: I did sent you the article :P
[20:36] <shan> L3top: nvidia current will work for those.
[20:36] <lordievader> ShortStackSteven: But no problem :)
[20:36] <L3top> shan: lspci -nn | grep vga
[20:37] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: indeed you did :)
[20:37] <L3top> shan=user name cancer I presume?
[20:37] <ShortStackSteven> lordievader: checking on the possible resolutions because the highest is too small for me I think. I'll let you knw if it works
[20:40] <L3top> ShortStackSteven: if you are referring to the size of the text/images, you can change those in system settings.
=== shan is now known as cancer
[20:40] <cancer> L3top: :)
[20:41] <BluesKaj> ShortStackSteven, the credit goes to lordievader for pointing you to the article :)
[20:41] <L3top> lspci -nn | grep vga
[20:43] <cancer> L3top: what this command do?
[20:44] <L3top> It will give the output of lspci with numerical assignments (including the pci id I need), and the grep finds the GPU quickly
[20:45] <cancer> L3top: empty
[20:45] <L3top> sorry
[20:45] <L3top> lspci -nn | grep VGA
[20:46] <cancer> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV30GL [Quadro FX 1000] [10de:0309] (rev a2)
[20:46] <L3top> nvidia-173
[20:47] <L3top> that is not the same card.
[20:47] <L3top> that is the old card
[20:48] <L3top> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV30GL [Quadro FX 1000] [10de:0309] (rev a2) != 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4200] (rev a3)
[20:48] <cancer> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4200] [10de:0253] (rev a3)
[20:49] <cancer> nvidia-96?
[20:49] <cancer> or other?
[20:49] <L3top> thats more like it.
[20:49] <L3top> thats even worse... yes the 96
[20:49] <cancer> you mean fx1000 was even better.
[20:50] <cancer> L3top: what if i install drivers with sudo apt-get nvidia-current. after this do i need to run other commands....?
[20:52] <L3top> it will not work
[20:52] <L3top> nvidia-current will not run either of those
[20:52] <L3top> you are shoving a square peg in a round hole
[20:53] <L3top> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130789&cm_sp=Cat_Video_Cards_%26%2338%3b_Video_Devices-_-Featured_Merchant-_-14-130-789
[20:53] <L3top> drop the hammer.
[20:55] <cancer> L3top: that is a fine prod. already got 1gb inno 3d ddr 5. :)
[20:57] <soee> anyone using KDE 4.9beta ?
[21:02] <Wizard> soee: KDE developers? :P
[21:02] <soee> ;]
[21:06] <cancer> Wizard: is it safe to install Lamp on ubuntu?
[21:07] <Wizard> apache, mysql, php?
[21:07] <lordievader> cancer: Yes, but if you are going to run a server, add a firewall too.
[21:07] <Wizard> All packages are supported by cannonical, so if you use packages from repo - definitely yes.
[21:11] <cancer> Wizard: i don't have exact knowledge about apache, mysql, php, but once running a site and used myphpadmin.... blah blah sort :D. yes to run webpage/site.... and is that possible to use it as a server for hiding or makin my ip more anonymous. any way for that. and how to put firewall too.
[21:11] <cancer> lordievader: ^
[21:12] <Wizard> DON'T even think about phpmyadmin.
[21:12] <lordievader> cancer: A website is not anonymous, else no one could reach it (unless that is what you want).
[21:12] <lordievader> Wizard: What is wrong with phpmyadmin?
[21:12] <Wizard> It sucks.
[21:12] <Wizard> And does it badly.
[21:12] <lordievader> Wizard: Nah it's allright, for a MySQL noob (like myself) it is usefull.
[21:13] <Wizard> Better use tool like SquirrelSQL.
[21:13] <Wizard> And VPN.
[21:14] <lordievader> cancer: Check out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1046738
[21:14] <Solak> Hello.
[21:15] <lordievader> cancer: Some stuff is kind of outdated, but overall a good read.
[21:15] <cancer> lordievader: i mean i can get sasl or tor like security from that server.
[21:15] <Solak> lordievader: xubuntu 12.04 it is now, and runs fine :)
[21:16] <Solak> lordievader: except one thing: I used the upgrade option, but wonder how to reactivate a user...
[21:16] <lordievader> Solak: You where the one with 10.04 and the pae thing right?
[21:16] <Solak> lordievader: the map is there, but I can't login...
[21:16] <Galvatron> L3top: If you have a card thet old, you most likely also have the AGP slot, and this EVGA is a PCI-E one.
[21:16] <Solak> lordievader: yes.
[21:17] <Galvatron> L3top: In this case some GF7 (i.e. 7300/7600) is the best you can get.
[21:17] <lordievader> Solak: What do you mean with reactivating a user?
[21:18] <Solak> lordievader: the username as dir is still in /home , but loging in doesn't work.
[21:18] <Solak> +g
[21:18] <lordievader> Solak: Do you get an error?
[21:18] <Solak> lordievader: and adding the user might destroy what's inside (though I have backups of important files)
[21:19] <lordievader> Solak: Moving the files to another user isn't an option>
[21:19] <Solak> lordievader: login failed. and it isn't in the xfce userlist.
[21:19] <lordievader> >=?
[21:19] <Galvatron> soee: I tried the 4.9 b1 today, but currently it's neither faster, nor as stable as the 4.8.3. Trying it at this point only makes sense if you want to actively participate in the development.
[21:19] <Solak> yes, but then I need access to the files first :)
[21:20] <Solak> which requires a working login :)
[21:20] <lordievader> Solak: Is it encrypted?
[21:20] <Solak> no.
[21:20] <lordievader> Solak: Make a new user, and copy the files to that new user.
[21:21] <Solak> it would require root login, but that's not sudo.
[21:21] <lordievader> Solak: Can you login from a tty to the usr?
[21:21] <Solak> no. same problem.
[21:21] <Solak> I think the user formally doesn't exist anymore.
[21:22] <lordievader> Solak: Really? It complains that the user is not in the xfce dir?
[21:22] <Solak> the conversion-install only asked one user.
[21:22] <Solak> lordievader: no, it fails (login failed).
[21:22] <lordievader> Solak: Correct, that is normal.
[21:23] <lordievader> Solak: Since you have just installed it (a reinstall I presume) you could do it again, and this time making sure the username does not match what is already in /home.
[21:25] <Solak> lordievader: well, I just want to add the user, but what happens next? Will it keep the files?
[21:27] <lordievader> Solak: Kind of difficult to add a user without any access to the system. Anyhow, as long as /home is on a separate partition and you do not format the partition you should be safe. But it is allways a good idea to make a backup, you can do this from the live-cd.
[21:30] <lordievader> I'm going to bed, have a good evening/night everyone.
[21:31] <mydogsnameisrudy> nite
=== lepagee_ is now known as Elv1313
[21:48] <skreech_> Night
[21:49] <Galvatron> Night
[21:49] <skreech_> Wizard: If something sucks and it sucks badly does that mean that it's very bad or relatively good?
[21:51] <asfyxia> skreech: are you talking about a machine or something else ?
[22:07] <skreech_> asfyxia: No Wizard made the comment that phpmyadmin sucks and it does that badly.
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[23:51] <L3top> phpmyadmin is an indespensible tool that just should be much smarter.
[23:52] <L3top> It's not like it randomly blows up tables or anything... it just doesn't do things one would expect in the way one would expect it to. It is, however, very useful being only what it is. IMO.