UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /12 /#launchpad-yellow.txt
Initial commit
[11:19] <frankban> gmb: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1011847/+merge/109789 ?
[11:35] <gmb> frankban, Sure, looking now.
[11:35] <gmb> frankban, Approved
[11:36] <frankban> thanks gmb
=== garyposter is now known as gary_poster
[12:08] <gary_poster> bac benji frankban gmb call in 2
[12:08] <bac> ok
[12:08] <gmb> yep
[12:09] <gary_poster> bac benji frankban gmb https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/7ff442c41b26e0ccdc78c65bf04175334587463d
[12:19] <gary_poster> https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/LaunchpadJujuCharmForDevs
[12:19] <gary_poster> https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ParallelEC2Command
[12:43] <gmb> bac, I'm going to grab some lunch, may ask you some questions about your uniquification work when I get back.
[12:43] <bac> gmb: ok.
[12:44] <gary_poster> I'm starting up another juju buildbot cluster for testing, and am happy to share should anyone need/want it for testing (benji or bac, for instance)
[12:44] <bac> ok
[12:44] <benji> gary_poster: k
[13:23] <benji> gary_poster: objectives submitted
[13:24] <gary_poster> benji, great thanks will go handshake and then ping you back for your last step of the handshake. any ETA on when your branch will land? If it is very soon I might wait for you for the next build
[13:24] <benji> gary_poster: I was feeling conservative so I ec2-landed it
[13:24] <gary_poster> oh boo benji :-P L-) ok
[13:24] <benji> if I had thought that you might want to use it I would have not
[13:25] <gary_poster> mm, second was supposed to be :-)
[13:25] <gary_poster> s'ok
[13:51] <gary_poster> benji, ugh. http://ec2-75-101-219-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/1/steps/shell_9/logs/summary what did we do again? env -u LANG within the SSH call, right
[13:51] <gary_poster> ?
[13:52] * benji looks.
[13:53] <benji> gary_poster: it was the LANG=en_US.UTF-8 environment variable
[13:53] <benji> I /think/ removing it made the tests pass, but I am not certain.
[14:31] <gary_poster> gmb, hiya, I see you are around--did you see my privmsgs?
[14:41] <gmb> gary_poster, I did; I'm tied up with reviews at the moment (forgot to mention I'm OCR today). I'll ping you when I'm free.
[14:42] <gmb> Although I didn't get the whole transcript...
[14:42] <gary_poster> gmb, ack. I'll be out in 18 minutes for doctor, so we may need to postpone till tomorrow. no worries.
[14:42] <gary_poster> gmb, I sent you an email with the whole ranscript
[14:42] <gary_poster> t
[14:42] <gmb> Ah okay.
[14:42] <gmb> Looks like my IRC client disconnected from bip and then bip did something... odd.
[14:43] <gmb> gary_poster, Thanks, I'll have a read shortly.
[14:43] <gary_poster> cool
[14:50] <gary_poster> frankban, easy one for you if you agree on solution: 1012166
[14:50] <gary_poster> bug 1012166
[14:50] <_mup_> Bug #1012166: bzr related tests fail in LXC with unexpected LANG environment <paralleltest> <lpsetup:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012166 >
[14:51] <gary_poster> adding card...
[14:51] <gary_poster> benji, I think we should add a card to still send stdout and stderr as faux subunit tests
[14:51] <frankban> gary_poster: looking
[14:52] <gary_poster> that would have made diagnosing bug 1012166 easier within your branch
[14:52] <_mup_> Bug #1012166: bzr related tests fail in LXC with unexpected LANG environment <paralleltest> <lpsetup:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012166 >
[14:52] <gmb> benji, Did you ever get a chance to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/uncommercial-projects/+merge/109404 for Curtis? If not I'll take it, but I don't want to dupe effort.
[14:52] <benji> gary_poster: yep, we lost that thread in all the trouble we were having
[14:52] <gary_poster> benji, cool, will add card
[14:53] <benji> gmb: I did. The code is fine but I was trying to decide if deleting the commercial subscription at the instance they switched to an open source license is the right thing to do.
[14:54] <benji> maybe you can pick it up at that point, just assume the code is OK (and blame me if it isn't) and if you are fine with the behavior then approve it, if not, start asking those questions
[14:54] <gmb> benji, Okay, sure, wfm. Mark it as Approved [code] for your review and I'll add another review request of my own for clarity.
[14:55] <frankban> gary_poster: so, we just need to add env -u LANG to the generated script... on it in a minute, and then rebuilding packages
[14:56] <gary_poster> great thanks frankban (and I'm glad you like that solution)
[14:56] <benji> gmb: good idea; done
[14:57] <gmb> cool
[15:03] <gary_poster> benji bug 1012171 fwiw
[15:03] <_mup_> Bug #1012171: Make captured stdout and stderr available within the subunit stream <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012171 >
[15:03] <gary_poster> card is there
[15:03] <benji> k
[15:04] * gary_poster goes to dr
[15:28] <frankban> gmb: could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/lpsetup/bug-1012166-unsupported-lang/+merge/109872 ? it's just an easy fix.
[15:30] <gmb> frankban, Sure thing
[15:31] <gmb> frankban, Approved
[15:31] <frankban> thanks gmb
[16:29] * gary_poster got to dr and they told me they had rescheduled appt.
[16:29] * gary_poster was not pleased
[16:30] * gary_poster proceeded to purchase father's day presents for dad instead
[16:30] * gary_poster has returned
[16:32] <frankban> gary_poster: you may be interested in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~frankban/+junk/UbuntuPaste/view/head:/README.rst
[16:33] <gary_poster> frankban, nice! make a project, don't put it in junk :-) . also frankban, I don't think you should shy away from git if you want to use it for stuff like this--all the other Sublime plugins use it.
[16:34] <gary_poster> frankban, either way, once you have created a project somewher, lemme know so I can check it out :-)
[16:36] <gary_poster> oh yay, this build will get zope.testing p9! wonderful, since right before buildbot had collapsed because of that bug
[16:46] <frankban> gary_poster: I could include it inside the package manager if it's hosted on github or bitbucket... in that case, it's nothing new that I root for hg.
[16:53] <gary_poster> frankban, :-P go with git if you don't go with bzr, I say, but I won't stop you :-)
[17:05] <gary_poster> benji :-( :-( :-( :-( http://ec2-75-101-219-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/3/steps/shell_9/logs/summary
[17:05] <gary_poster> I'm going to verify with stub that he is sure we have that version of postgres
[17:05] * benji looks
[17:06] <benji> gary_poster: that really shouldn't happen
[17:21] <gary_poster> benji, stub said fix was in 9.1.4, and we have 9.1.3 installed on Lucid. I think we are OK. We just need stub (or someone) to actually package what we need for Lucid.
[17:22] <benji> ah, that's encouraging
[17:29] <benji> gary_poster: any suggestions on a next task for me? nothing looks especially pressing so I'm having trouble deciding. I guess bug 1012171 is the leading candidate.
[17:29] <_mup_> Bug #1012171: Make captured stdout and stderr available within the subunit stream <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1012171 >
[17:44] <gary_poster> benji sorry didn't see this. yeah I'm afraid so, unless...
[17:45] <gary_poster> just got a new failure; analyzing...
[17:45] <gary_poster> benji, no, it's the one you just fixed with profiling
[17:45] <gary_poster> :-)
[17:45] <benji> cool
[17:46] <benji> 1012171 it is then
[17:46] <gary_poster> benji, the next thing to do in my book is to help me investigate the launchpad juju charm LEP
[17:46] <gary_poster> after that bug
[17:46] <gary_poster> you could take a break
[17:47] <gary_poster> and investigate that if you wanted
[17:47] <gary_poster> since you're maybe burned out by that part of the world ATM
[17:47] <gary_poster> :-)
[17:47] <benji> heh
[17:47] <benji> ok (just so I understand: 1012171 and then charm LEP)
[17:48] <gary_poster> benji, I'm saying you could do the charm LEP first as a break if you want
[17:48] <gary_poster> if so, let's have a call
[17:48] <benji> gary_poster: that's fine with me, hit me with a hangout
[17:48] <gary_poster> cool
[17:52] <gary_poster> Google is not happy with me for some reason
[17:52] <gary_poster> It sees my Apple hardware and sends me packing?
[17:53] <gary_poster> benji https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/8b6ff5d983d05de45af19b766212cfbcbb614a23?authuser=1&hl=en-US
[17:53] <gary_poster> https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/LaunchpadJujuCharmForDevs
[18:09] <gary_poster> http://ec2-75-101-219-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/7/steps/shell_9/logs/summary
[18:10] <gary_poster> http://ec2-75-101-219-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/changes/8
[18:25] <gary_poster> https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/subordinate-services.html
[18:42] <benji> gary_poster: interesting question: is /var/lib/lxc the sole repository of information about an lxc container?
[18:46] <gary_poster> benji, I'm pretty sure yes. One way to verify: look at lxc-clone.
[18:47] <gary_poster> benji, another: look at lxc-destroy
[18:54] <benji> gary_poster: yep, it's all in /var/lib/lxc
[18:54] <gary_poster> benji, great
[18:54] <gary_poster> I had done some of that investigation but not thoroughly
[18:55] <gary_poster> just enough to make myself think I was right, but have doubts :-)
[18:56] <benji> gary_poster: email away
[18:57] <gary_poster> cool thanks
[19:26] <gary_poster> benji, replied. Absolutely right. I added two small additional ideas if you want
[19:26] <gary_poster> and replied
[19:26] <benji> cool
[19:27] <benji> I fixed a couple of irritating tb bugs while waiting and started reading about gtk and keybindings and clipboard access to fix the copy/paste problem.
[19:27] <gary_poster> :-) cool ty
[19:58] <benji> gary_poster: I just realized I should have a card for this. I put it in misc., but feel free to move it if you want it somewhere else
[19:59] <gary_poster> benji, thanks yeah I thought about that but then forgot it. I promoted it to slack and will check with flacoste to see if we can promote it to the "multi-branch work" area when on my call
[20:00] <benji> gary_poster: k
[20:13] <gary_poster> benji, concerning: since your branch the test numbers fluctuate, all for the same revision: 16931, 16943, 16419 (!), and so on. will investigate later. no worries for now but something for tomorrow. Hopefully trivial
[20:13] <benji> hmm, that is a bit disconcerting
[21:05] <gary_poster> benji, btw flacoste agreed that what you are doing is a "mainline" task so I moved into the main area
[21:05] <benji> gary_poster: cool